Deacon Wives: Fresh Ideas to Encourage Your Husband and the Church
Published June 1st by B Books first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Deacon Wives , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. It is filled with good and practical ideas for the ministry of being a deacons wife. I find it to be helpful for anyone involved in ministry in the local church.
Aug 20, Jennifer Gelert rated it really liked it. I have been a deacon's wife for awhile now. Even so this book shared some new thoughts and ideas. It was good to see some things I have been doing but she shared so many other ways I can be supporting my husband, my pastor, my church. This portion from the book really got my attention: A popular topic for women today is learning to say "no".
May I challenge you, instead, to say yes? Too many of us say yes to a myriad of trivial jobs that won't matter in eternity and say no to ministries where God I have been a deacon's wife for awhile now. Too many of us say yes to a myriad of trivial jobs that won't matter in eternity and say no to ministries where God has called us. These are Christian women who spend hours every week volunteering for worthy secular organizations or parachurch groups while their church is void of necessary workers.
Yes, you should be involved in your community, but the church must be your top priority. Christ died for the church. The church is God's bride. She deserves our best efforts. I have had several people say to me I should say no more often and back down my involvement.
I have slowly been saying no - but to thinks I know God does not want me involved in. I believe if more people would seek God and find their place in the church, I would not always be asked. The biggest thing for me is to be constantly praying for my husband as he serves as a deacon. It can be a hard job and the best thing I can do for him is pray, encourage and support him. If you are a deacon's wife, I suggest you read this book. Jul 13, Tara rated it really liked it. Overall, a good, practical read, even if you aren't a deacon's wife. Ok, well, not really, but it got your attention.
I just mean be a vehicle for change and support among the women in your congregation. Help other women grow in godliness. Teach and encourage them to be women of prayer with healthy, robust prayer lives. Model the ways of peacemaker and leader. Jump quickly to pray when you hear of problems or discord. Again, be the peacemaker. Be a tattle tell. So many situations can be diffused if wise leaders step in and squash it. Deacons wives are not usually part of the formal leadership structure, but have a role as a Kingdom woman — just as we all do.
If you purchase the book, may I encourage you to purchase it from a Christian sources? Have you heard of ChristianBook. Nothing sold on this site conflicts with your Christian beliefs. Couples entering into a mixed marriage are usually allowed to marry in a Catholic church provided their decision is of their own accord and they intend to remain together for life, to be faithful to each other, and to have children which are brought up in the Catholic faith.
In Roman Catholic teaching, marriage has two objectives: Hence "entering marriage with the intention of never having children is a grave wrong and more than likely grounds for an annulment. The Roman Catholic Church may refuse to marry anyone unwilling to have children, since procreation by "the marriage act" is a fundamental part of marriage. Essentially all Protestant denominations hold marriage to be ordained by God for the union between a man and a woman. They see the primary purposes of this union as intimate companionship, rearing children and mutual support for both husband and wife to fulfill their life callings.
While condoning divorce only under limited circumstances, most Protestant churches allow for divorce and remarriage. Conservative Protestants take a stricter view of the nature of marriage. They consider marriage a solemn covenant between wife, husband and God. Most view sexual relations as appropriate only within a marriage. Divorce is permissible, if at all, only in very specific circumstances for example, sexual immorality or abandonment by the non-believer.
The United Methodist Church , the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States, specifically holds that "the covenant of marriage was established by God who created us male and female for each other". The divergent opinions fall into two main groups: Complementarians who call for husband-headship and wife-submission and Christian Egalitarians who believe in full partnership equality in which couples can discover and negotiate roles and responsibilities in marriage.
There is no debate that Ephesians 5: It is important to note that verse 22 contains no verb in the original manuscripts: In the Eastern Orthodox Church , marriage is treated as a Sacred Mystery sacrament , and as an ordination. It serves to unite a woman and a man in eternal union before God. Like all Mysteries, Orthodox marriage is more than just a celebration of something which already exists: Marriage is an icon image of the relationship between Jesus and the Church.
This is somewhat akin to the Old Testament prophets ' use of marriage as an analogy to describe the relationship between God and Israel. Marriage is the simplest, most basic unity of the church: However, they do not "perform" the Sacraments in the house church ; they "live" the Sacrament of Marriage.

Because marriage is considered to be a pilgrimage wherein the couple walk side by side toward the Kingdom of Heaven , marriage to a non-Orthodox partner is discouraged, though it may be permitted. Unlike Western Christianity, Eastern Christians do not consider the sacramental aspect of the marriage to be conferred by the couple themselves.
Rather, the marriage is conferred by the action of the Holy Spirit acting through the priest. Furthermore, no one besides a bishop or priest—not even a deacon —may perform the Sacred Mystery.
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The external sign of the marriage is the placing of wedding crowns upon the heads of the couple, and their sharing in a "Common Cup" of wine. Once crowned, the couple walk a circle three times in a ceremonial "dance" in the middle of the church, while the choir intones a joyous three-part antiphonal hymn, "Dance, Isaiah ". The sharing of the Common Cup symbolizes the transformation of their union from a common marriage into a sacred union. The wedding is usually performed after the Divine Liturgy at which the couple receives Holy Communion. Traditionally, the wedding couple would wear their wedding crowns for eight days, and there is a special prayer said by the priest at the removal of the crowns.
Sometimes out of economia mercy a marriage may be dissolved if there is no hope whatever for a marriage to fulfill even a semblance of its intended sacramental character. Early church texts forbid marriage between an Orthodox Christian and a heretic or schismatic which would include all non-Orthodox Christians. Traditional Orthodox Christians forbid mixed marriages with other denominations.
Deacon Wives
More liberal ones perform them, provided that the couple formally commit themselves to rearing their children in the Orthodox faith. All people are called to celibacy—human beings are all born into virginity , and Orthodox Christians are expected by Sacred Tradition to remain in that state unless they are called into marriage and that call is sanctified. Mere celibacy, without the sanctification of monasticism, can fall into selfishness and tends to be regarded with disfavour by the Church. Orthodox priests who serve in parishes are usually married.
They must marry prior to their ordination. If they marry after they are ordained they are not permitted to continue performing sacraments. If their wife dies, they are forbidden to remarry; if they do, they may no longer serve as a priest. A married man may be ordained as a priest or deacon. However, a priest or deacon is not permitted to enter into matrimony after ordination. Bishops must always be monks and are thus celibate. However, if a married priest is widowed, he may receive monastic tonsure and thus become eligible for the episcopate. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes that marriage is an eternal union of spouses, but in Heaven there will not be a procreative bond of marriage.
The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria allows second marriages only in cases of adultery or death of spouse. In the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LDS Church , celestial or eternal marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman, and God performed by a priesthood authority in a temple of the church. Sealed couples who keep their covenants are also promised to have their posterity sealed to them in the afterlife.
A celestial marriage is considered a requirement for exaltation. In some countries, celestial marriages can be recognized as civil marriages; in other cases, couples are civilly married outside of the temple and are later sealed in a celestial marriage. The church encourages its members to be in good standing with it so that they may marry or be sealed in the temple. A celestial marriage is not annulled by a civil divorce: Civil divorce and marriage outside the temple carries somewhat of a stigma in the Mormon culture; the church teaches that the "gospel of Jesus Christ—including repentance, forgiveness, integrity, and love—provides the remedy for conflict in marriage.
Nor should he counsel a person to divorce his or her spouse.
Those decisions must originate and remain with the individual. When a marriage ends in divorce, or if a husband and wife separate, they should always receive counseling from Church leaders. In church temples, members of the LDS Church perform vicarious celestial marriages for deceased couples who were legally married. The New Church teaches that marriage love sometimes translated "conjugial love" is "the precious jewel of human life and the repository of the Christian religion" because the love shared between a husband and a wife is the source of all peace and joy.
Showing Love to Widows - Christian Marriage Help and Advice
Swedenborg claimed to have spoken to angel couples who had been married for thousands of years. The Jehovah's Witnesses view marriage to be a permanent arrangement with the only possible exception being adultery. Divorce is strongly discouraged even when adultery is committed [] since the wronged spouse is free to forgive the unfaithful one.
There are provisions for a domestic separation in the event of "failure to provide for one's household" and domestic violence, or spiritual resistance on the part of a partner.
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Even in such situations though divorce would be considered grounds for loss of privileges in the congregation. Remarrying after death or a proper divorce is permitted. Marriage is the only situation where any type of sexual interaction is acceptable, and even then certain restrictions apply to acts such as oral and anal sex. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America , many Lutheran, reformed and united churches in Evangelical Church in Germany , some reformed churches in Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches does not administer sacramental marriage to same-sex couples, but blesses same-sex unions through the use of a specific liturgy.
The Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Christian Church, and other more conservative Protestant denominations do not perform or recognize same-sex marriage because they do not consider it as marriage at all. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Biblical patriarchy and Pater familias. Marriage in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Blessing of same-sex unions in Christian churches and Same-sex marriage. Archived from the original on The Works of Philo. Therefore they do not go to interpreters of laws to learn what they ought to do; and even without asking, they are in no ignorance respecting the laws, so as to be likely, through following their own inclinations, to do wrong; but if you violate or alter any one of the laws, or if you ask any one of them about their national laws or customs, they can all tell you at once, without any difficulty; and the husband appears to be a master, endowed with sufficient authority to explain these laws to his wife, a father to teach them to his children The Origin and Intention of the Colossian Haustafel.
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A Survey of 2, Examples" Trinity Journal ns 6. The Gospel of Grace. Beaver Pond Press, Marriage at the Crossroads. Baker Book House, Mutual Submission or Chain of Command? Jesus and the Gospels. Continuum International Publishing Group, Man as Male and Female: HarperCollins Bible Dictionary revised ed. UMC Book of Discipline. Retrieved 28 February United Church of Christ. Retrieved on 17 July Archived from the original PDF on Archived copy as title link Accessed 14 Feb A Response to Evangelical Feminism , p.
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