You came all this way to sample a very unique burger—the Nutburger. Salted, crushed sundae nuts are hand-mixed to order with Miracle Whip and spread atop a griddled patty. This simple concoction sounds perverse but somehow works, completely. What began as a burger joint operated out of a sunroom of a neighborhood home has become one of the most celebrated burger destinations in Nebraska. And through its changes and renovations the burger remains a simple, beautiful thing.
- Best Hamburgers in Jerusalem, Jerusalem District!
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It packs a punch—ultra-fresh Nebraska beef is the star here. Stella, who is long gone, believed that good food did not need to be fancy. After a few years as a food truck, the Japanese-inspired burger hot spot landed on the Strip. Skip the expensive celebrity chef burgers all over town and head here for the Fukuburger, bursting with crazy umami and wasabi mayo.
Get a double cheeseburger with bacon, and chase it with one of their legendary hot dogs. Get a pair and make sure to ask for onions, which are thin-sliced and cooked with the patties on the flattop. The low formica counter with short stools complete the scene, adding to your overall hamburger happiness. When the Bobcat Bite closed in , a shockwave rippled through the Burgervese.
The loss of the perfect thick-patty piled high with roasted New Mexican green chiles and cheese was too much to bear. Fortunately for all, John and Bonnie Eckre reopened a few months later as the Santa Fe Bite right in downtown Santa Fe, and a legendary burger was spared.
NYC is an ever-changing place with new burgers appearing about every three weeks. To be fair, I need to direct all to one of the most consistently great burgers in the city—JG Melon. The burger starts as a seven-ounce ball of fresh beef that is pressed gently on a flattop right in a kitchen at the center of the bar. Expect a thick, beefy burger with a nice griddle char that absolutely gushes with juices upon first bite.
It's a beauteous thick, griddled patty served on a soft white bun with a dollop of beef chili, coleslaw and mustard. The creamy coleslaw quickly disintegrates the bottom bun so eat swiftly. What started as tiny burger shop almost 70 years ago has expanded and now offers things like chicken fingers and salad. It seems that even after a major facelift and the addition of over 20 taps with a large selection of craft brews , the burger has remained the burger it always has a been—a bar classic.
Expect nothing more than a thin patty of fresh beef with a sheen of American cheese melted atop. Add lettuce, onion, and tomato and you have a well rounded meal so you can go back to drinking. This little burger shop lost in time has been open since and they grind their beef daily. The result is a slider that has been gently deep fried and deeply beefy in flavor. The Oklahoma onion-fried burger is alive and well in El Reno Oklahoma, and most have heard me blather on about this for years.
No Dudes, No Vegetarians, No Judgment: Welcome to Durham Burger Club
But for a true primary-source onion burger experience head about 30 minutes due south to Chickasha. The bare-bones counter makes the classic onion burger where thin-sliced sweet Vidalia onion is smashed into a ball of beef on a hot flattop. The resulting nest of caramelized onion commingled with seared beef is a flavor bomb.
This year-old tavern is way out in the countryside beyond Portland. The 93 year-old Coney Island Lunch is famous for their chili-smothered hot dogs, but you need to try their under-the-radar Texas Cheeseburger. The result is a tasty little grease bomb, served with hot dog chili, onions, and mustard. Stanley's been open since but underwent a major gut renovation a few years back.
It almost looks too slick and cutesy these days, but the throwback facade fades away immediately when you taste the burger. They are cooked in a style very similar to the onion fried burgers of central Oklahoma where thin-sliced onion is pressed into a wad of fresh beef on a flattop.
Don't mess around and get a Double Stanleyburger with cheese. This truly authentic burger joint expanded into the neighboring barber shop, turning the 90 year-old single counter into a horseshoe. All of the action happens right in the center where owner Dick Fergen can crank out over tiny sliders an hour at lunch, all of them cooked in a shallow griddle filled with rendered beef tallow and served on bakery-fresh soft rolls.
Zarzour's is a century-old meat-n-threes lunch joint that just happens to serve a great burger. The restaurant is run by family, and even if they are just passing through, a family member will always bus a table or deliver food. The burgers are huge and cooked on a flattop. Ask for onion and an entire thick slice is griddled like the burger. Picky eaters who don't like rules should stay away. What started with an idea from a fading Los Angeles tradition in the s became a thriving subset of the burgerverse today—the Pastrami Burger. This glorious combination of a classic thin griddled cheeseburger with shredded lettuce, Thousand Island dressing, and a heap of steamed pastrami on top is alive and well in Salt Lake City.
Crown Burger makes a great one, and the experience is elevated with a fast food dining room filled with European antiques. The juxtaposition is priceless. Anyone traveling north through central Vermont has to make the obligatory stop at the overpriced Vermont Country Store. Grab the Vermont-proud soft ice cream treat Maple Creemee after.
We are the Cheese and Burger Society. We believe that cheese is the Grand Poobah of every cheeseburger grilled, flame broiled, or even fried. But not just any cheese: Join us as we celebrate the greatest cheeseburgers ever made. T he S eattle It was an overcast day in Seattle. T he S eattle Featuring Wisconsin Brie.
T he F lavor Soft, creamy, rich, and memorable with a hint of earthy mushroom flavors. T he P airings Loves to spend quality time with champagne, Beaujolais, and tasty fruit beers. W isconsin F ontina When it comes to culinary versatility, Fontina is a jack-of-all-trades. T he F lavor Danish and Swedish styles are slightly tart and nutty, with light, earthy flavors.
T he P airings Loves a romantic evening with Beaujolais, pinot noir, chardonnay, and even a pint of bock or stout. T he N ew Y ork Fit for a black tie affair, The New York can satisfy the palates of celebrities, foreign dignitaries, and anyone with a penchant for flavorful extravagance. W isconsin C amembert A true taste seductress, Camembert has a silky inside with a bloomy white rind that ripens the cheese from the outside in.
T he F lavor From mild to pungent, depending on age. T he P airings Which lucky beverages might you see Camembert rubbing shoulders with? T he F lavor Nutty, rich, sweet, and full-bodied. Flavors increase with age. T he M ilwaukee Featuring Wisconsin Brick. T he F lavor Changes from mild and sweet with a touch of nuttiness when young, to pungent and tangy when aged. T he P airings Gets along swimmingly with merlot and pinot noir.
W isconsin G ouda If you think wooden shoes are the only thing to come from Holland, think again. T he F lavor Light, buttery, and nutty. T he P airings Which beverages are the lucky recipients of its affection? T he D enver One part cheeseburger and one part omelet, The Denver can play nice with either a side of French fries or hash browns. W isconsin C heddar Leading the nation in producing this captivating cheese, Wisconsin is the Cheddar Capital of the U. W isconsin S wiss No, the moon is not made out of Swiss cheese. T he F lavor Rich, nutty, and smooth when young, it becomes increasingly sharp, complex, and crumbly with age.
T he P airings Goes hand in hand with wines such as cabernet sauvignon and pinot gris. T he F lavor Mellow, buttery, and nutty. T he P airings When it comes to beverages, Swiss is anything but neutral. T he P airings Can often be found walking hand in hand with Chianti, merlot, pinot gris, or a robust lager. T he C hicago Featuring Wisconsin Provolone.
T he F lavor Slightly tart when young, growing sharper with age. T he A tlanta The Atlanta knows a thing or two about Southern charm. W isconsin H avarti Raise your hand if you have a heart for Havarti. T he F lavor Buttery, creamy, and slightly acidic. T he P airings What do red zinfandel, sauvignon blanc, merlot, and pilsner beer all have in common? T he J ohnny A ppleseed She was an apple farmer with an orchard as far as the eye could see. T he H avana The Havana is the first cousin to the well-known Cubano sandwich.
T he H avana Featuring Wisconsin Swiss. T he W aldorf Once served at only the poshest restaurants in New York City, rumor has it that a well-known socialite once had The Waldorf flown in by private jet to where she was vacationing in Paris. W isconsin B lue When biting into a piece of Blue, prepare for a rush of flavor, aroma, and unprecedented feelings of cheese joy. T he W aldorf Featuring Wisconsin Blue. T he F lavor Pleasantly sharp with earthy flavors.
Some varieties are salty with hints of pepper. T he P airings Looking to impress your taste buds? T he S heboygan Named after the Wisconsin city from which it came, The Sheboygan has the distinction of being the only cheeseburger that can make you full just by staring at it. T he F lavor A mild taste with a slightly rubbery texture.
Fresh Cheese Curds should squeak when eaten. T he F lavor Mild, delicate, and milky. T he B rooklyn Is it a Reuben sandwich cleverly disguised as a cheeseburger, or a cheeseburger cleverly disguised as a Reuben sandwich? T he B rooklyn Featuring Wisconsin Swiss. T he I sabella There once lived a man who fell so madly in love with The Isabella that he vowed never to eat another cheeseburger. W isconsin M onterey J ack How does a cheese get a great surname like Jack?
T he F lavor Varies greatly with variety, but is generally buttery, creamy, and slightly tart. T he C ouch P otato The remote control in one hand. W isconsin G orgonzola Almost older than time itself, Gorgonzola has been made since A. T he F lavor An earthy flavor that is slightly sharp. T he C rabby L ouie What do cheeseburgers and crustaceans have in common? T he C amelot Whoever said romance is dead never sank their teeth into The Camelot.
Alabama - Rusty's Bar-B-Q
T he C amelot Featuring Wisconsin Camembert. W isconsin A siago Say ciao to a classic taste that originated in the country shaped like a boot. T he B oss Featuring Wisconsin Asiago. T he F lavor Changes from mild when young to sharp, buttery, and nutty when aged. T he P airings Show your mouth you care. T he B ohemian Featuring Wisconsin Gouda. T he L umberjack As the story goes, a guy once dropped The Lumberjack on his left foot and ended up breaking a few bones. T he G ypsy Every day, The Gypsy roams the countryside in search of starving tummies and taste buds left awry. W isconsin F resh M ozzarella Mild, tasty, and always a crowd-pleaser, Fresh Mozzarella should be eaten when only a few days old.
T he F lavor Delicate, milky, and mild. T he P airings Lives happily ever after with wines such as Beaujolais, pinot gris, and chardonnay. T he F lavor Buttery, sweet, and nutty. T he P airings If you want to show your taste buds your pairing expertise, Parmesan goes best with Chianti, merlot, Madeira, and stout beers. T he A unt M illie Every so often a cheeseburger comes around that tests the resolve of the most zealous vegans and vegetarians. W isconsin F eta If you have a dish that needs some pizzazz, give Feta a call.
T he F lavor Almost always salty and tangy, Feta is mild and creamy when young, becoming peppery and complex with age. T he F armer J ohn If you spend your days baling hay, milking cows, or plowing fields, you know a thing or two about working up an appetite. W isconsin L imburger Famous for its pungent tendencies, this brave and bold Belgian cheese does nothing but intensify with age.
T he F lavor Earthy and pungent. Intensity increases with age. T he H onky T onk A smoky bar and an ice cold beer. T he R hinelander Despite obvious culinary connections to Germany, The Rhinelander has nothing to do with lederhosen, the Schuhplattler dance, or Jean-Claude Van Damme who might actually be from bordering Belgium. T he F lavor Mild, buttery, and delicate.
T he P airings Chardonnay, brandy, or a pilsner or lager. The burgers are legit, squashed cheesy affairs — the kind of cheeseburgers where the cheese is not just a topping, but an integral part of the cooking process, and as important an ingredient or at least close to it as the patty. Some might scoff at this. Find more details on White Hut here. But what burgers these are: Burgers are available in two preparations: There are burgers with tomatillo salsa and fried chiles and burgers with sriracha and grilled pineapple, but if you have to choose just one, go for the signature Kuma Burger: Love does fine dining, but Love Shack is where he exhibits playfulness.
Normally, when a menu includes "love" as an ingredient, the appropriate response is an eye roll.

That said, given the chef's name, you have to allow for an exception here. The menu is full of jokes and puns: Consider the Amore Caliente hot love burger and the section called "Love on the Side. The way to go is the Dirty Love Burger: The patty is on a fresh bun with an excellent cheese-to-meat ratio. Needs more sauce, a touch more seasoning, and it could stand to be juicier. But these are the finer points of burger debate. You're still going to want to go back for bite after bite.
Fresh-ground sirloin is delivered daily from a local butcher, and the shakes, fries, and burgers, complete with a healthy dose of real Wisconsin butter, are prepared in full view of diners. About 15 toppings and burger varieties are available, but the trademark Original Solly Burger is the way to go. Expect a wait even though the restaurant seats , and when you finally snag a table, do what everyone else does: Order a burger — the Velveeta Cheeseburger, in particular.
A North Jersey legend, White Manna is one of the last remaining diner-style burger joints that arose in the tradition of White Castle. Find more details on White Manna here. Is it the birthplace of the hamburger? Supposedly, one day in , a gentleman hurriedly told proprietor Louis Lassen "he was in a rush and wanted something he could eat on the run," resulting in a blend of ground steak trimmings between two slices of toast, with which the gentleman was sent on his way. But was this a "burger," or was it a "sandwich" — because it wasn't a ground-beef patty on some form of yeast bun?
So what do you get at Louis'? A flame-broiled burger made in a vertical hinged-steel wire gridiron that cooks the burgers on both sides at the same time; a hamburger sandwich supposedly made from a blend of five cuts of ground steak. No mustard, ketchup, or mayo. But do you really need all that? You can practically taste the nostalgia.
And that never disappoints. Similar to its sister burger in Chicago, this one is made up of two four-ounce Prime beef patties, topped with American cheese, pickles, onions, mayo, and Dijon, and served on a soft white bun. Find more details on 4 Charles Prime Rib here. Serious chefs never used to serve burgers in their restaurants, and when they started doing so, you always sort of had the feeling that they would much rather you didn't order one so they could sell you that heritage pork belly and bone marrow tower with kale pesto and quinoa foam instead.
At his Cambridge restaurant , chef Tony Maws offers a really great burger — fat and dripping with flavor — and has figured out an easy way to keep the number of burger orders down: He prepares only 18 of them a day. It's worth getting to the place early for this 8-ounce grass-fed patty custom-blended daily from various cuts of meat on a house-baked dome-shaped sesame bun. Find more details on Craigie on Main here.
The star of this menu — if it's not the celebrated prime rib hash — is certainly the hamburger, which, in our opinion, is just as worthy of praise as its legendary mutton chop. Top yours with a slice of red onion; no cheese or ketchup required. Tom Perini's steakhouse , situated in a converted barn on his family's ranch just outside Abilene, Texas, is famed for its ounce "cowboy rib-eye" and other heroic slabs of good Texas beef, but burger lovers swear by the establishment's grilled half-pound burger, laden with Cheddar or provolone, green chiles, grilled mushrooms, and onions.
The house-made pickles and impeccable fries and onion rings don't hurt, either. Find more details on Mustards Grill here. There are now four P. Clarke's locations, including one in D. It is also the one that created the terrific pub-style burger known as The Cadillac — a juicy patty on a classic bun with smoked country bacon and American cheese as well as lettuce, onion, and tomato, with shoestring fries on the side. The name, by the way, was bestowed on the thing by Nat "King" Cole, who dubbed Clarke's "the Cadillac of burgers.
Dressed in traditional Texas fashion with mustard, lettuce, red onion, and dill pickle. Served on a toasted, grill-shined bun. This is a very simple burger, folks.
The Rose Room to provide a nightclub vibe at the Domain | Liquid
And in a very satisfying setting: There are no bells and whistles, but Peter Luger has been handling meat since , and its rich, half-pound Luger Burger, made from porterhouse and prime chuck roll trimmings, is worth figuring out how to sneak out of the office for a long lunch. Just make sure to arrive before 3: This standalone counter-only burger-and-pie place in West Los Angeles hasn't changed since it opened in well, except for the prices. The Apple Pan's signature Hickory Burger is a juicy round of hickory-smoked ground beef on a reasonably standard bun anointed with mayonnaise and a secret sauce that tastes like slightly spiced-up ketchup.
Pickles and lettuce complete the package, with Tillamook Cheddar melted on top for an extra 50 cents. The accomplished Alsatian-born chef has more recently established a reputation for producing sensibly priced burgers of great quality at his Burger Bar with additional locations in San Francisco and Beijing. The basic burger here is certified Angus beef on a plump bun with tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and dill pickle, but the burger that Keller enjoys so much he put his name on it starts with a bison-meat patty and is topped with caramelized onion, wilted baby spinach, and blue cheese, and is served on a ciabatta bun alongside red wine shallot sauce.
Campanaro starts with a three-quarters-inch-thick patty of ground Pat LaFrieda brisket and short rib; seasons it liberally with a curry powder-kicked spice blend; grills it; tops it with American cheese, bacon, lettuce, onions, pickles, and tomato; and serves it on a homemade bun. According to legend, burgermeister George Motz wanted to include J. Melon 's definitive bar burger in the first edition of his book Hamburger America, but nobody at the place would return his calls — maybe because they were too busy actually turning out the darn things.
The burger is simple and classic: Lately, it seems like all chefs feel like they have to have a burger on the menu. But while some are just paying lip service to the trend, some of them really, really hit the mark. Salty, sweet, and savory with a bit of a bite? Find more details on db Bistro Moderne here. You can also "Eat Big" and opt for the spicy oatmeal stout ribs or the bistro steak.
It's a very, very juicy burger with funk, freshness, and great flavor. Down the Old Las Vegas Highway the original Route 66 , the green chile cheeseburger served at Bobcat Bite, founded by Mitzi Panzer in , was hailed as not only the zenith of green chile cheeseburgers, but perhaps one of the greatest burgers, period, in the country.
And for that we should be very thankful. This popular Miami restaurant with an outpost on the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman serves its first-rate burger only at lunchtime, but it's beefy enough to make a substantial dinner. Optional accompaniments include house-smoked bacon and blue or Vermont white Cheddar. But no less the stuff of legend is the Black Label Burger. Prime dry-aged beef, sourced and aged for six to seven weeks by Pat LaFrieda, is well seasoned and cooked on a plancha with clarified butter, developing a glorious exterior.
The fussed-over burger is nestled onto a sesame-studded brioche bun designed specifically for it, topped with caramelized onions, and served with pommes frites. Juicy, savory, salty, soul-satisfying… these words lose meaning in the presence of a burger this good. Find more details on Minetta Tavern here.
Bacon ground right into the patty. House-made buns are steamed, sliced, toasted, and smeared with butter and beef fat. Each double-patty burger of fresh-ground grass-fed chuck and brisket comes topped with American cheese, pickles, onions, and homemade ketchup, and is served on a toasted house-baked bun alongside fresh-cut fries. The beauty of the burger served at Au Cheval lies in its simplicity: The patties are wonderfully crusty, the fries are fried in lard, and just about everything about this burger is perfect. The burger at the Spotted Pig , a restaurant that is widely considered responsible for launching the high-end gastropub trend, is a wonder.
Chef and co-owner April Bloomfield created a half-pound behemoth of prime grilled beef, topped with a layer of creamy, stinky Roquefort, and sandwiched inside a brioche-style bun. Skip to main content. Toggle search Free Email Newsletters. The Best Burgers in America for Slideshow. Find more details on here. But if you're looking to go next-level, get creative and choose something like their pineapple salsa, triple cream Brie, pulled pork, foie gras, and, well, the list goes on… Find more details on Thunder Burger here.
Find more details on Hubcap Grill here. Find more details on The Varsity here. Find more details on Le Tub here. Find more details on MEAT here. Find more details on Cowbell here.
Find more details on The Vortex here. Find more details on Thurman Cafe here. Find more details on Grill Em All here. Find more details on Dumont Burger here.