An Autumn Wind in Walnut Creek (Amish Romance, Inspired Novel) (Amish Orchards Book 1)
Little jewel books Crockett, KY: The secrets of Crittenden County; bk. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Peace Theology Books, Editorial Vara y Cayado, Urban Loft Publishers, Family records of John J. Family Health Foods, ], Pp. Mowday and June Herr Gunden. Hess, Melanie et al. Mennonite Mission Network, []. Mennonite Mission Network, [? The Amish of Seymour; bk. Hisao, Suzuki, Yorifumi Yaguchi et al. Always face a panther and other stories of earlier days in America.
The why of church confession.
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The Riverhaven years; 3 Eugene, OR: ISBN ; test booklet. Hostetler, Aaron and Fronie Hostetler, comps. Yoder and Franey Yoder and their descendants, Holmes Printing Solutions, Seasons of the heart New York: Neufeld Verlag, , c An introduction to Christian ethics: Baylor University Press, Iacovetta, Franca, Valerie J. Korinek, and Marlene Epp, eds. Edible histories, cultural politics: University of Toronto Press, To love and to cherish.
The Bliss Creek Amish; bk. As the wind blows. Does this church make me look fat? A Mennonite finds faith, meets Mr. Right, and solves her lady problems. Mennonite in a little black dress. Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, Lendrum Mennonite Brethren Church celebrates 50 years: Lendrum MB Church, Kampen, Hans and Nina Paulsen, eds.
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Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, Winds of the Spirit: Katz, Yossi and John Lehr. Canadian plains studies; 63 Regina, SK: Are the Old Order churches losing the way our forefathers believed in the Bible and their simple way of life? Swiss Heritage Library, Abby finds her calling. Home at Cedar Creek; bk. New American Library, The adventures of Lily Lapp; bk.
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In Gott leben wir, bestehen wir und sind wir! This is not my hat. Die heimlichen Stiche der Mbutu. Tsarist and Soviet Mennonite studies Toronto: Krabill, Matthew and David Stutzman, eds. Mennonite Mission Network, The education of average Joe: Mennonite Heritage Village, Kropf, Marlene and Daniel Schrock, eds. DreamSeeker poetry series; 10 Telford, PA: Winter days with the Treelo triplets.
Light of Hope Ministries, Making friends among the Taliban: A seasons of Lancaster novel New York: Ballantine Books Trade Paperbacks, Jus publicum civitatis Gedanensis: Der Stadt Danzig Verfassung und Rechte A lifetime of moments: David C Cook, Mennonite is the name. Loewen, Royden and Steven M. Seeking places of peace. Global Mennonite history series. North America Intercourse, PA: On the survival of Mennonite community in modern-day America: Conversion and the politics of religion in early modern Germany. Compiled and edited by David Janzen.
Carlisle Brethren in Christ Church, []. Knowing and living your faith [Japanese]: A study of the Confession of Faith. International Community of Mennonite Brethren: Word Alive Press, Youth serving the Lord with gladness. Sarah of Break Neck Ridge. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Stepping forward series; step 1-B Crockett, KY: Stepping forward series; step 2-A Crockett, KY: Stepping forward series; step 2-B Crockett, KY: Rod and Staff Publishers, [].
Blossoms on the roof. Go to church, change the world: Christian community as calling. Mennonite Brethren theological graduates with their life history and literary contributions Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Educators Conference Elkhart, IN Benham, Ave. Mennonite Education Agency, []. Miller, Donovan with Shawndra Miller.
The secret of Nexus: Elkhart, LaGrange, and Noble counties, Middlebury, IN C. Mobbs, Danielle and Vincent Nommay. Les dossiers de Christ seul; no. Studien zu Heinrich Bullingers Reformationsgeschichtsschreibung. Studies in the history of Christian traditions; v. ISBN ; vol. The life and ministry of Adam and Alta Esbenshade. My little bird book. My little flower book. My little number and color book. Myers, Ched and Matthew Colwell. Our God is undocumented: Bible word search puzzles. Nationwide Fellowship Churches directory, Printed by Grace Press, [].
Editorial El Lector, Flucht aus dem Paradies. Neufeld, Ronald, Kornelius Neufeld et al. Eastern Mennonite Publications, A thief in the church: Gottes Wunderbare Welt, Old Order Mennonite Church. Confession of faith of the Mennonites. Published by the Weaverland Conference, Olive Mennonite Church, []. Standing at the crossroads: Verwaltung der Kolonie Friesland, The Peter Graber collection: Hicksville, OH E. High, Hicksville, OH Mennonite Central Committee Canada, Reading the Bible after Christendom. Seeking to be faithful. Evangelical Mennonite Conference, ].
An Amish Christmas carol. Amish Christian classic series; 1 [Morristown, NJ: A Christmas gift for Rebecca: Helping Hands Press, []. A gift of faith: The face of heaven. Snapshots in history; bk. The wings of morning. Snapshots in history Eugene, OR: An angel by her side. A heaven on earth novel; 3 Nashville, TN: A heaven on earth novel; 2 Nashville, TN: Love is a wounded soldier. Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ: Mennonite Central Committee, Please pass the faith: The family of Jacob Risser.
The reformation of suffering: Oxford studies in historical theology Oxford; New York: Unionists and the Civil War experience in the Shenandoah Valley. Valley Research Associates, Biblische Bilder zum Anmalen. Bible pictures to color. Biblische Geschichten zum Vorlesen. Bible stories to read. Disney Hyperion Books, The tread of pioneers. A stranger in Olondria: Small Beer Press, Menno Simons i anabaptisty. Mountain Lake, Minnesota trilogy; bk. Hendrickson Publishers, , c Song of my heart. When a heart cries. Mennonite women missionaries in Central Africa in the second half of the twentieth century.
Coyotes, tortillas, and amigos: The Lilting Leaf, Schlabach, LaVern and Dorothy Schlabach, compilers. Tuscola, IL N. Schlabach, LaVern and Dorothy Schlabach. Illinois directory of the Arthur community: A groom for Greta. The women of Pinecraft; bk. The women of Pinecraft Uhrichsville, OH: Feeding the neighbouring enemy: Mennonite women in Niagara during the War of Let justice roll down: An Amish quilt novel New York: Bible truths with Aunt Martha.
Directory of the Groffdale Conference Mennonite churches, Kutztown, PA Quarry Rd. The early church on killing: In His own time. Kids can get it right. West Virginia District directory. Bethel College of Kansas, Westminster John Knox Press, Chicken chores and open doors: Paul learns to walk with God. The volunteer adventures of Ed and Sara Unger Stoesz, Searching for a homeland: Lamp and Light Publishers, []. Instrucciones para nuevos cristianos.
Kissed by a fox and other stories of friendship in nature. Tobias of the Amish: Stutzman, Naomi Mullett et al.
Amish Country – Dutchman News
History and descendants of Jonas J. Miller, to Friedrichstadt an der Eider: Friedrichstadt an der Eider. The Anabaptist idea and the way of practicing care: Senri ethnological studies; 79 Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, Biblical perspectives and moral priorities. Politics and culture in modern America Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, Laughter in is sacred space: Service beyond our borders: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim perspectives on the new paradigm of peace and war. Includes reflections by several Mennonite authors.
Johns Hopkins University Press, Troyer, Charity Marie Beachy.
Mennonite Bibliography, 2012
Design by Rosetta Mullet. The survival of a community: You are the boy. Glennon Heights Mennonite Church, ]. Hiding in plain sight.
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Place of refuge series; bk. Kids can live upside-down. Ward, Kevin and Emma Wild-Wood, eds. The East African Revival: Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT: Weaver, Esther Louise Yoder. Down memory lane to Kinna Tobes: PpP, Pinchpenny Press, Roses and thorns series; bk. Over 60 country blunders: Picture postcards from Waldeck: What every person needs to know!
What is the Bible? Who is Jesus Christ? What do we need to do to be saved? Revised by Grace Press. Edited by Alvin G. Mad bulls, skinny dipping, and God: Ingram Book Company, Williams, Sian Murray and Stuart Murray. The power of all: His love endures forever. Empirical hermeneutics, interculturality, and Holy Scripture.
Intercultural biblical hermeneutics series; spring , no. Fe por la cual vale morir. The torch of truth. The scent of cherry blossoms: Ohio soldier, and prisoner of war during WWII. The twig that would not bend: Sarasota, FL Wells Ave. Compiled by Dorothy Yoder Nyce. Vicit agnus noster unser Lamm hat gesiegt. The politics of Jesus. Edited by John C. Sins of the fathers: From coffee run to Cairo: Yoder, Noah et al. From the Old Dominion to the Bluegrass State: The story behind the versions: To have and to hold: Faith Builders Resource Group, York, Tripp and Justin Bronson Barringer, eds.
A faith not worth fighting for: Peaceable kingdom series; v. Paul on peace and politics. The cost of community: Francis and life in the kingdom. Women at the cross: Trails End Printing, Living history threads; 34 Guys Mills, PA: Living history threads; 43 Guys Mills, PA: What is an Anabaptist Christian? Forty-five years later, that seat restaurant is now a seat restaurant that has undergone six major renovations and expansions. Forty-five years later, high school freshmen boys might have their hair below their shirt collar and most girls are wearing jeans and shorts to school, but Der Dutchman Restaurant is still on the square in Walnut Creek.

Der Dutchman is still serving real mashed potatoes, delicious pan-fried chicken, dressing, noodles and more than twenty kinds of pie. But you will find a place where you can sit down, look across the table and actually have a conversation about the day or just quietly relax and enjoy. Dutchman Hospitality restaurants, shops, and inns are all about fellowship and food around the table, a sense of peace and comfort during an overnight getaway, and delightful shopping for your home, your friends, and your family.
Throughout the annual seasons, Dutchman Hospitality employs approximately individuals who speak a variety of languages; arriving from many parts of the US and the world, Dutchman Hospitality employees work together each day to make sure everyone eating at their tables, staying at their inns, and shopping in their shops enjoys the traditional foods, simple comforts, and rural charm of the Midwestern Amish and Mennonite communities. Dutchman Hospitality remembers as the year it all began. No matter where you were that year, is good year to visit any of the Dutchman Hospitality restaurants, shops or inns.
Bring a friend, your family, or your neighbors. Yes, Amish will ride in cars. For the Amish, being a part of the community is extremely important. They live among their family and friends, depend on one another and keep social boundaries and traditions for the greater good of everyone. Their values are quite different from that of the modern world — progress and change are pondered and weighed seriously. Owning and operating a car is not particularly modern to most of us, but the Amish have decided that having speedy convenient transportation at their fingertips will lead to spending more time away from family, home and the community.
Conforming to a modest black buggy and slow moving horse is a sign of commitment to the church and community. The same theory goes for using horses for farm work as opposed to a tractor. Slow work and hard work are not necessarily bad. Labor-saving devices and engines may do the work more quickly, but the teamwork of putting up hay or corn is lost. That cooperation strengthens relationships and traditions. When is it appropriate for an Amish person to ride in a car? As the Amish communities have grown larger in scale and spread out across more territory, it becomes a long round trip to visit family or run errands.
High volume traffic on our roads can be just plain scary in an unprotected wooden buggy. Travel for medical emergencies and visiting hospital patients is always allowed. Drivers can be anyone — a neighbor, friend or a for-hire professional service. They use any kind of vehicle, from a four passenger car up to a passenger van. Since many Amish no longer work on farms, local businesses will buy a van or truck and employ a driver just to pick up or drop off Amish workers.
Construction or mason crews often travel hours away to work on homes and building projects scheduled through contractors. But generally, Amish are allowed to hire a driver to transport them for hunting or fishing trips out west or in Canada, weddings, shopping trips or sometimes out to eat.
Rides are also accepted for service trips, where many Amish volunteer to help people clean up after natural disasters, such as tornadoes, fires, floods and hurricanes. In , retired journalist and Amish taxi driver Jim Butterfield published a book about his experiences driving to places beyond easy reach of traditional horse-drawn buggies and wagons. This charming account of a unique personalities and old-timey events is still available at amazon. A very slow pace.
A trotting horse will be traveling at 8 miles per hour or less. A team pulling farm machinery may be painfully slow. Be very cautious at night — even though some Amish churches allow reflectors and lights, black buggies are still difficult to see on a dark road without streetlights.
The most conservative orders of Amish allow only one lantern hung on the side of the buggy and are almost impossible to see at night. Honking is rather disrespectful. Horses, by nature, are flight animals. Give them the benefit of the doubt and be ready for anything. If you feel the need to alert a buggy driver, a light tap on the horn will suffice.
Posing for photographs is seen as prideful or interpreted as making a graven image, forbidden in the Ten Commandments. Exceptions may be made for children or young people who have not yet joined the church. However, many Amish will not resent visitors taking photos of their buggy, working on the farm or in public places. If you feel uncomfortable taking the photo, just ask permission. The answer may be no, but your polite request may open the door to a conversation!
Again, animals are unpredictable — they have teeth that could bite or heels that could kick! The occasional bull in the field could also ruin your day. The same warning applies to buggy horses tied at a hitching rail. Stories have arisen of Amish returning after shopping, only to find tourists sitting in their buggy posing for pictures. Be genuinely interested in the response and never make anyone feel foolish a good reminder for all conversations!
One fellow blogger recommended trying to speak a little Pennsylvania Dutch. That is, unless you want to be the latest amusing story at their next Sunday church lunch. Really, the main thing to remember is the Golden Rule, paraphrased as: Guilt of her misbehavior during one night of Rumspringa, in which she conceived her daughter, Alice, makes her let the kid rule her house.
However, when one of the judges at the quilting group passes on, she wills Martha her apple orchard, but there is a catch: While Martha struggles to deliver the notes, she must make friends with the tenant farmer, Ray Miller, at the apple orchard, and he has a secret of his own Amish Friendship Bread - Sarah. Whoopie Pie Bakers Volume Five: An Illustrated Amish Christmas Carol. Out of Darkness - Book 5. A Lancaster Amish Vacation for Jacob. Out of Darkness - Book 8. Out of Darkness - Book Amish Romance Complete Collection. A Lancaster Amish Sketchbook - Book 2. A Lancaster Amish Summer to Remember.
An Amish Country Treasure. An Amish Country Treasure 4. False Worship - Book 1. Faith and Trust in Lancaster. Out of Darkness Book 3. A Lancaster Amish Sketchbook - Book 1. A Lancaster Amish Home for Jacob. The Liberation of Victor.