Ye Are Gods
Todd Ettinger Robert Morse: Todd Ettinger discusses buying a new car over lunch with a friend when a woman strides into the diner.
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They discuss her beauty and a man, who is in fact Cupid, overhears their conversation. When Todd accidentally runs into her at the cash register, Cupid throws some "magical dust" over him and both Ettinger and the woman look at each other with love in their eyes.
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However, Ettinger ignores his feelings and goes back to work. Cupid is furious that Ettinger just ignored Cupid's arrow and follows him back to his office. He immediately questions Ettinger about why he ignored hooking up with the woman at lunch, and he gets upset and tries to throw Cupid out of his office. When Cupid shoots three arrows into Todd's heart, Todd asks why he did that and Cupid laughs and says: After work, Ettinger sees the woman again and gives chase but to no avail as he loses sight of her.
That night, he questions what's happening to him, and realizes he is punished by a curse of desperate love for the woman. The next day, Ettinger tries to track down Bacchus and does so, finding him at a party along with Cupid. A drunk Cupid reveals that he himself has fallen into despair over his own lost love.
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This lost love, according to Bacchus, is a Fury named Megaera and Ettinger begins to formulate a plan to get Cupid and Megaera back together, hoping then Cupid will help him. Psalm 81 Psalm Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. Try it for 30 days FREE.
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Are Ye Gods?
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This has nothing to do with divinity. Look at the entire context of this passage. God is judging the judges He has ordained because they became arrogant and unjust. In stead of using the power God had given them to defend the helpless and needy, they used it for greed and gain.
Ye gods! - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
They afflicted the needy and gave favor to the wicked. Jesus used this same passage against the Pharisees. They thought they were above the people.
There is one last reference to gods I would like to bring to light. Look at Isaiah I believe that the preacher misinterprets gods in this Psalm. I suggest that the preacher read Twilight of the gods by David Penchansky. It is an essay that is easily accessed online and it offers solid exegesis. The psalmist said you are gods, any minister of God in the five food ministry is a god.

The earlier you know the better for you. WhatsApp number prophet Jackson of the prophetic church of Jesus, Nigeria. Home Sermons Ye Are Gods. The first passage we will examine is Exodus 7: Gods will die like men?