The wither is highly anticipated to fight, as it drops the key to a beacon , the nether star. The fight can also help with blowing up areas for future building projects. Spawn the wither, and quickly run away as far as possible, putting a large distance between you and the wither.
Do not stand near the wither when it is growing into its normal size. It will create a massive explosion when it is finished, much larger than that of TNT or a charged creeper. When it is finished, walk back and shoot at the wither, and occasionally use your instant health II splash potions and at some point, eat your golden apples.
This is a very effective way to beat the wither, defeating it in less than five minutes with not too much struggle.
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An easy way of killing the wither on Hard difficulty without armor is to have an enchanted diamond sword Smite V , a potion of strength II, a potion of night vision optional , an enchanted golden apple, a shield, and a bucket of milk. Run at the wither and hack it to death; it should die in about 10 hits if you get some critical hits. Make sure you kill the wither within the 30 seconds of regeneration from the apple.
As soon as the wither is dead, drink the milk to cure the wither effect. The golems act as a target for the wither, as well as knocking it back. Accompany this with your best sword preferably with the Smite enchantment , armor, and potions, and you can beat it in under a minute taking little or no damage.
Keep in mind that this will limit where the fight can take place, since snow golems melt so easily. At the end of the tunnel, construct a small room. Spawn the wither in this room, then run back into the tunnel. Occasionally pop out and shoot an arrow or two at the Wither.
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As the Wither crunches its way towards you, just walk backwards through the tunnel. Once the wither has reached its "armor" stage, jump out and begin hitting it with a diamond sword. As long as you frequently throw down splash potions of instant healing, you should be able to survive even with iron armor. A somewhat more complicated yet very enjoyable variant of this tunnel strategy doubly so when you manage to kill the wither using it is to rig the tunnel you constructed with TNT. You could, for instance, build a tunnel as illustrated by the figure above; the idea behind this is that you can anticipate when the boss will crunch his way to a point sufficiently close to a pair of TNT blocks you've placed, and if you're accurate, you can have the TNT explode at that very instant, dealing a lot of damage.
Be sure not to place the first pair of TNT right next to the room in which you will spawn the Wither, as the initial explosion would just destroy these. The drawbacks of this strategy are that it can be difficult to tell when to ignite the TNT; if you're too fast, the TNT will not have the desired effect. If you're too slow, the wither will simply destroy the TNT prior to its detonation. In addition, you might need a lot of TNT to completely kill the Wither, and thus you'll have to dig out a long tunnel. Therefore it is strongly advised that you still use a bow and a sword when the "armor" stage has been reached in the sections of the tunnel where there's no TNT to do the hard work.
This strategy does not work in the Bedrock Edition. A very easy method is to spawn the wither, push its head in a bedrock ceiling in the Nether , then kill it. You will only need an axe, lever, and piston. Go 2 blocks down and place a block of obsidian. The best way to find this situation is getting to the top of the Nether , but is dangerous as the Nether has random lava source blocks scattered in the netherrack.
More information can be found in this video:.
Another alternative is to use the end exit portal to trap the wither:. A more advanced tactic that is very rewarding would be to construct a cobblestone generator-powered grid above the player, spawn the Wither about 15 blocks away, and stand under the grid. The wither will fly towards the player, but it would be kept at the edge of the grid, constantly being pushed back by the cobblestone which is generating faster than what the wither can break.
This allows the player to stand still and shoot the wither without retaliation, until the Wither is at half health, where it will fly towards the player through the grid, allowing the player to easily kill the Wither with a sword. In addition to that, the player can rig dispensers about 15 blocks away to periodically shoot splash potions of health, which heal the player and damage the wither. It is also possible to kill the wither by summoning it in a small obsidian chamber.

When it escapes, have several people fire bows at it from all directions. This negates its explosion and forces it to attack one target at a time. This method is easy to pull off in the Bedrock Edition , where Withers can't be immobilized by pushing them into bedrock. It works by getting the Wither up into an uneven bedrock ceiling, where it cannot hit you, but you can hit the Wither. This method is much easier than a regular Wither fight, and you can do it without potions or apples. To pull this off, go to the Nether and dig up into netherrack until you start seeing bedrock blocks.
You want to be 2 levels down from the first layer that has bedrock blocks Y level More Definitions for wither. See the full definition for wither in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Words that rhyme with wither. Translation of wither for Spanish Speakers. Translation of wither for Arabic Speakers. What made you want to look up wither? Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way.
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Wither Skeleton
Synonyms for wither Synonyms: Verb dry , wilt Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of wither in a Sentence Verb The plants withered and died. Recent Examples on the Web: Won't Find a Good Solution for Migrant Children," 28 June Over the course of a few months the leaf will gradually wither up and disappear on its own time. First Known Use of wither Verb 14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1 Noun , in the meaning defined above.
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