The Night I Loved You — An Erotic Awakening (Muse of Shadow)
I want to hate it.. I even like myself a little less for loving it. I think its the writing that made me adore it. I love this short story and it made me cry: Mar 05, Mammatess rated it liked it. Christy rated it liked it Mar 04, Sajida rated it liked it Apr 04, Leslie rated it it was ok Nov 27, Kel rated it it was amazing Jun 27, Rachel rated it liked it May 03, Dawn Johnson rated it liked it May 13, Robin rated it really liked it Apr 04, Anas Attic Book Blog marked it as to-read Jun 03, Jaime Reaves marked it as to-read Jun 19, Jenny Lynn marked it as to-read Nov 08, Lisa marked it as to-read Feb 23, Tanmay 'unsinkable' marked it as to-read Feb 24, Maisha marked it as to-read May 14, Katherine Jon'l Griffin added it Mar 07, Starlet marked it as to-read May 28, Toni marked it as to-read Nov 09, Beiza added it Jan 12, Zasha marked it as to-read Oct 06, Nicky Boden marked it as to-read Feb 07, Lori Renken marked it as to-read Feb 25, I turned my head to the right, and then left again, and I saw this figure clear as daylight.
It stood about 6 to 7 feet tall. It had no face, no arms or legs. It was just fully cloaked from head to toe, almost that of the image of the grim reaper but no skeleton. Just as soon as I began to realize that this thing was real, it began to bend over me. I tried to move but could not.
I tried to scream but could not. Frightened and terrified I closed my eyes and began to pray to Jesus. It then began to float, not walk, down toward the foot of my bed and then out of the door. When it got into the doorway I could clearly see this figure in the hall light. When it was gone I remember sitting up in my bed hyperventilating. The strangest thing about this, other than the fact the the entire experience was strange in and of itself, was the fact that when I fell asleep in my bed, the bedroom light was on. But while this figure was there the room was dark.
Then when it left the room was light again. Ever since that night, I have slept with a nightlight on the side of my bed. It is a total mystery to me. THIS was much disturbing I have never in my life ever heard of this as well as go thru this, But last night I was so scared, a black mass appeared in my room over to the left of my bed, it mas horrific sounds and i was frozen I could not move but I remember feeling a vibration in my chest, I keep pleading the blood Of Jesus and it went away, and I was able to move again, but I have never been so tired in my life.
For the past year ive been having nightmares of a black shadowy person. One thing I might want to add about my very vivid like nightmare is that when I was in my old history classroom, there were no desks in the classroom Which the school was getting ready to move at the time, and the lights were shut off and it was dark looking at the windows. It all seemed very detailed as if I thought I was out of my body. I had fallen asleep only to wake up around 3AM and not be able to go back to sleep.
I started to watch TV, then I felt really sick to my stomach very suddenly. I turned the TV off and thought maybe it was because it was so early in the morning. Either way, I had an unusually calm and content feeling as I lay there ready to fall asleep. I opened my eyes and above me was a dark shadow figure, darker than dark — I mean like the blackest black you can imagine.
I remember struggling to try and get away, but I was not able to move. I tried to scream to my daughter, but my voice was gone. The thing kept hitting at me and I finally was able to muster out leave me alone, whether I lipped it or I thought it, the attack stopped and I could move freely again. I felt really drained physically and emotionally, but I picked up my phone and sent a text to a friend saying I was just attacked by something. I did end up falling asleep because I was so drained.
I looked at my door, my cat walked in followed by my dog followed by a black and white cat I never seen before. When I woke up in the morning, my kids walked in the door and said guess what we found? I replied, a black and white cat? They asked me how I knew. I just said I had a feeling. Marv you really sound like you want to be protected, and it can be felt in your dream. It all seems as though your mind is creating this from your sequencing of your dreams. From seeing that thing. To you saying you are the light of the christ, to these telepathic kids telling you they scared the thing off..
My question is, who do you think scared it off, you or the kids? From my point of view, it sounds like your mind created all of this since you seemed to scare it off with your words, then you needed all these protections, and THEN you had another dream that had these kids that were saying they scared it off and are your protectors. Sounds all too comforting huh?
The mind can create many things in order to sustain itself! But then we can always look at it from the opposite perspective and wonder if I am just trying to scoff it off as fake in order to feel less frightened.. Now we are back in square 1! But nevertheless take all the information for a grain of salt, but still keep it in the back of your head with the information that you might find relevant, and who knows, maybe we will solve this unnerving mystery once and for all.
Great posts to all! Once several years ago, I seemingly woke up, and noticed a dark figure standing by the door, as if it had just entered. It was a horrifying and threatening feeling. I actually, physically sat up in my bed with my eyes open. I know this because 1. I remember it, and 2.
I put my right arm over her as if I was trying to protect her. The dark figure began to move from the door, to the foot of the bed, and around to her side of the bed. My eyes were open the entire time, I had my mouth open screaming, with no audible noise coming out. Just as soon as this figure got within arms reach, I forcefully laid back down, almost slamming myself down, eyes closed, immediately back to sleep. She was asking questions and I had very clearly had the answers. By far, the strangest, most horrifying time of my life. Why is it that everytime i have a visitor when ever i cannot yell or move i always scream gods name to help me times in my head and suddenly it stops but i always hear a whisper, scream or some weird language saying something as it leaves?
Does this usually happen to all those with this sleeping issue? Is it in my head or is this a visitor? They are demons with power only to scare you. You have control over them by calling out to Jesus because He has power. They are terrified of Jesus because they know who he is! I have heard weird words twice when they left it made them mad. Demons are all around us, all the time in the unseen realm. It never fails when i scream for Gods name. What is going on is what has been going on for centuries.
He feels that he will be able to destroy what God has built. I have experienced the dreams. I had a visitor this afternoon. The dog kept trying to crawl underneath me as I lay on my back. I fealt the bed shaking as though the kids were really there. It tried to put a piece of fabric over my head again, which served to keep me under. Perhaps they are trying to weaken our faith. Maybe if they get into our consciosness deep enough, they can control us to some degree.
Maybe they want our energy to use for their purposes. When one of his precious children is under attack by his adversary, the Old Serpant, he rushes to oour defense. To be scared is to doubt the Absolute power of God. Stand up, fight back using the power of the Holy Spirit. Never lose your faith, because through faith, if you believe that the power of God can work through you, you can send Satan straight back to Hell. Many of you have experienced this firsthand.
I am begining to wonder if this is real, or if im going crazy. Immediately I awoke to reality, everything in my pitch dark bedroom was still the same but now the dark figures were gone. From this experience my faith in God has definitely grown, a huge awakening! Matt thanks for writing this, it has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I had a similar instance when I was 7, but with a few differences. The biggest difference is mine was recurring almost every night for about 2 weeks. Another difference was that there were always seven hooded figures instead of one.
The Night I Loved You by Caelyn Alba
For the approximate 2 weeks this occurred I would suddenly be pulled out of whatever dream I was having to find myself paralyzed, wide eyed, with my little twin bed surrounded by 7 hooded figures. They all stood equal distance apart surrounding my bed. Everytime I could hear them whispering, they never looked at each other they just stood there whispering. This would last for about 30 seconds, then the one to my right would bend over my head and get within a few inches of my face.
I never saw its face, when I looked in the hood it was like looking at pure darkness. I had the feeling you described of fearing its intentions, at first I didnt tell anyone not even my parents, but then everynight it kept happening and finally after the third night my parents could see I was a wreck. I explained to them what I experienced and at first they thought I was making it up. The next night it happened I woke up screaming and then i think it clicked I wasnt making this up.
After that it stopped and just like most bad things, this got repressed into my mind. Im 24 now, and I never again had that dream, until May 27, One of my friends was talking about nightmares he used to have and all this just came back rushing to me, I hadnt thought about it for so long. That night I didnt experience sleep paralysis but I did experience a lucid dream where I was back in that bed surrounded by the figures.
I woke up a wreck. I havent had it since but Im still worried that their back. What should I do? His site is http: See his most recent column here — available by clicking from the category links at the right side of this page — for an article about dealing with nightmares, excerpted from his latest book. I wish you luck. Just sharing my thoughts on how I have learned to cope with this.. I have not seen humanistic figures, but small distinct shadowy figures that whispered into my ear and said horrible things.
When I realize this is happening, I force myself to push away fear and replace it with my feelings of annoyance, anger, then just let it have it: If you run out of steam just do it again. Just believe you can do it. If this helps anyone I am glad. I have read about this stuff before, like years ago, and it always came of interest to me, i came across reading it because when i was a kid i always use to see dark shadowy figures of people or creatures standing at my door in the middle of the night.
As i grew up they went away, so i assumed it was more of a kid thing. But lastnight i was simply having a crazy dream that i rolled of my bed, forcing myself to wake up. He was kinda crouched, like he was sneaking towards me. This is real dnt buy into anyonne sayinng oh it was just u in na certain stage of sleep b. Then acouple days late im getting ready for work and walk outside right in front of me as im leaving there is the neighborswooden fence going right in front can you GUESS what is staring back at me from the fence as im trying to lock up my front door????
I freak out grab rocks throw them at the poor cat and scream at it like a crazy lady, thats how i knw whatever happened was telling me this is real and we r here it was very scary. The next day i THROW OUT MY BED on my lawn mind you like a crazy lady again beacuse i cant even sleep on the bed anymore thinking maby its haunted i really wanted to burn it but then i really would go to a mental institution then… i never sleep in that room again i slept on the couch in my living room with lights on and so forth and a bible the only thing that will protect you is just not buying into their fear thats what makes it stronger this happened at a really low time in my life as well i was recently single mother the boyfriend went to prison and i was alone and vernerable and scared for my future but everything is better now ive had acouple other wierd things happen but i have to get off here good luck to anyone.
Something was behind me sucking some type of life energy out of me. As living humans we have something that these demonic entities need. I guess that is why I only have these sleep paralysis episodes 1 to 3 times a year. Hey man well im in the army and I was on guard in a tower and me and my buddy where takin about the sleep encounters well our storys are very similer so looked on the web and it seems as if u had the same expirance. Heres mine well I was homeless at the time and I stayed at a friends well I slept in his livingroom and I was awaken to a loud overpowering noise as if a plane was taking off just a load roar.
No noise just gone it left and I was shaking and I went to sleep as fast and as hard as 8 could for fear that it would come bak lol if some of this s8unds familer can u tell me id love to know mpre about ur expriance and find oit what it is cuz ots nature to me was just evil l. Hi, I have just read your article on sleep paralysis. Thanks for your viewpoints.
I have had sleep paralysis on and off for six years. I also hear voices , astral travel and have visitations. I thought that these encounters were projections from my unconcious until a few months ago when my son 21 slept in a bed with me in a hotel. I awoke at around 3 with the usual tapping on my foot which indicates a visitation. I suddenly felt very cold and thought, hear we go, another encounter happening.
I get very scared but try not to emit fear in case the entity feeds off it. Anyway, my son saw this man hovering above me with long hair and a hat. I dont see I only feel so her verified something which for me I thought was mind generated. I often hear my daughter calling me in my ear even when she is in her room so I had this idea that maybe what we think are ghosts are really atral travellers? This could be so. I sometimes think these entities are me, or aspects of me trying to assimilate? Hey thanks for the posts guys.. This happened to me for the first time last night and I had never heard about it or read about it until now.
Its so relieving that others have experienced it too. My experience is a little different though and insanely terrifying to me so I wanted to see if others had insight on it or had similar experiences.. So I was lying in bed staring at the moonlight through my window and I started to get a very dark and very petrified feeling. I felt that a very evil presence was coming for me and I knew right away that it was Death. Moments later I felt my wife nudge me that it had entered the bedroom.
At that time I turned back away from him and stared at the moonlight and was overcome with such an insane amount of fear and shame, to a degree that I had never felt. I am large man, 29 years old, military academy grad, combat veteran, and life-long rugby player.. I have never felt fear like this Then I felt a very large hand on my back I was lying on my stomach, different to most other accounts that I have read tonight and it felt as if it was sucking my life and forcing me into hell. All I could muster was a grotesque gurgling sound.
Moments later it was over..
Once I regained feeling I forced myself up and leaned toward my wife. I paused to look around the room, I thought I had died, and I looked back and she held the same position with the same face.. Then I sat up in the bed and stared out in fear toward our open doorway for what seemed like hours unsure of what was happening to me. We both got up and went about our day as if nothing had happened. Lastly, my back is still sore from the intense feeling of pressure like being forced down onto the bed.
Please comment and let me know if your experience was uniquely similar or if you have insight. The age of 16 was the first and biggest episode in my history. I had been with a group of friends ghost hunting as small town people from the south tend to do.
It was a good exciting night nothing different except the approach I took. I get home around sh am and at the time my brother was sharing my room so he notices me walk in and get ready to sleep. It was around when I initially passed out not responded to my brother he said and the attack would begin no more then two minutes following. My brother was still awake and the way he described my body and my awareness was comparable to someone fighting for their life against invisible demons; funny thing is I was maybe not demon but the pressure started on my chest and went to my face were my mouth nor eyes nor anything could respond or defend myself.
Its best described as a staring battle one paralyzed almost dead so scared 16 year old and a shadow like floating oil but almost infinite if that makes sense. Ever sense then it happens one or twice a year sometimes I remember sometimes I cant and other times its screeching voices in other tones and language almost physically effecting me just by the words then ill snap out of it before I freak out dead pretty much.
Words cant tell the experience. It was trippy and after my brother woke up i heard some loud noises in my room. Two nights ago I had an out-of-body experience. I have never had one before and obviously, a little freaked out. I saw myself, just as i was, sleeping on my bed. Maybe I was floating, idk. My attention was drawn to the hallway outside of my bedroom.. Once I DID finally wake up.. Has anyone had this happen before? I have been googling for help but not finding much with all that i experienced that night. I appreciate any advice or tips. I too suffer from this.
Just two days ago I was awakened and immediately I knew I was in sleep paralysis. My eyes could not look around the room, but only stare at the ceiling. A dark figure, almost like a shadow, moved across the ceiling tiles. I knew yelling for help was out of the question, so I just kept trying to fight it off.
In the corner of my eye I kept seeing little sparks of light where my tv was. I tried to look in that direction but my eyes were stuck. After a few minutes of complete struggle and fear the shadow disappeared and an overwhelming breath came upon me. I could finally move and looked at my tv and it was off. Usually it is one dark figure that haunts me but I feel like there was more than one in my room that night. I am a firm believer in spirits because I am a Christian, and feel nothing but fear when this occurs. The first that I remember was as a child, I awoke from sleep with the image of an oak tree with a face, screaming in silent agony, but I could feel the scream vibrating my whole body, and of course I was paralyzed and frightened.
The most dramatic episode was somewhere between sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming. After a night of partying I finally crashed out, and awoke with the image of a devouring dragon rushing towards me. I projected my dream body out of my sleeping body although I was paralyzed I could still feel an adrenalin rush and discovered that the dream body took the form of Iggy Pop circa , platinum wig and all. I know how difficult it is to work with these experiences because you are put in the position of utter powerlessness, but did you ever feel, Matt, that your writing process changed after having these experiences?
I ask because perhaps this being, as frightening and invasive as it was, seems similar to powerful images that have arisen during times when my meditation practice was reaching a critical moment, and almost all of these images had to do with a total annihilation of the self, and my reactions were often in the form of extreme fear until I started talking to people who assured me its a normal part of the process. Yes, my experiences with SP have changed my writing process, as well as my experience of creativity in general.
This article was very helpful. Moments ago, dreaming heavily in my dark dorm, having Spotify playing a thunderstorm nature song.. I fell into a deep sleep. My dream seemed familiar, the same paralysis you spoke of. It was a dream within a dream. A version of me was experiencing the incident of this figure and overcame it. This was the first time that I have ever seen this figure hunched over, cloaked, shaking back and forth beside the edge of my bed.. I did not feel a sense of fear, but one of courage, with all my might, I yelled at the figure and it vanished.
And thus I awoke completely. If this be a demon on ny side, I felt no fear to face it. I felt that it could not touch or harm Mr and I had that faith, that it could not. I proceeded to light a candle and place my St. Anthony image prayer by it, to lighten my room. I wish to encourage all to be courageous in this vulnerablet state, let not the fear consume you but you consume the fear.
With three very old men floating above my bed in a fetal position all three with a Mona Lisa smile on their face. I decided to fight them so the last time it happened I got up and started to punch them and it really felt like I was hitting something. Has anyone experienced this or am I going mad in the head. So what does it mean when you have seven figures? I had similar experiences when I was around 8, much like you have describe, the only difference being there were seven hooded figures evenly spaced around my bed. Every time it was the same, one at the foot with three on each side.
I would lay there paralyzed for about 30 seconds which felt like forever while they whispered collectively. I would immediately snap up gasping for air and sweating. This stopped after a few weeks and never came about again until last week. Im about to be 25, I just recently joined the Army and will be shipping out in May. If you could explain this to the best of your knowledge it may bring me some peace of mind. What does it all mean? I look forward to your response.
I too have been having these experiences over the past few years and the fear that overwhelmes me is immense. Part of me during the process knows I am just asleep and will awake soon but the fear still remains. The last event took place in my bedroom where I felt a movement as if someone was passing my feet at the bottom of the bed.
I awoke straight away. I must admit that one did bother me. Not a nice experience but does fascinate me also. I have had many experiences at different places. One event I will never forget is the feeling of drifting asleep one night but then a big slap across my cheek. Felt as real as you could imagine a real slap to be. Also figures opening my door and coming into my room. Occasional flashing lights are sometimes present in them as if police cars are parked outside. I am a 41 year old male with no drug issues except the occasional drink.
I have also had a couple of disturbing and unexplainable experiences and mostly all of them had something to do with sleep paralysis. I will talk about the most disturbing one. During this, I was aware that I was in deep sleep and something was happening to me. So i decided subconsciously to just be patient and wait to awaken properly.
However, the strangling and not being able to breathe got worse. In my sleep I sort of kicked forward, like pushing something away, and then I woke up completely. Only to see a figure behind my door. It resembled a woman, covered in old kind of long clothes. So I looked at the figure, thinking it was my sister, and started calling her name — but no response. Until I switched on the light and everything was back to normal. Hi Matt, My name is Luis and first of all my sincere apologies for the poor english but… after reading this article, a almost lost memory that basically just drove slowly into my sub-conscience has become clear again.
A memory that I honestly, in many occasions when discussing scary tales with friends, have tried to explain but every time in vain. This happened back when I lived in Brazil at age of I was just sitting with a friend on the sidewalk enjoying a ice-cream when a man shaped like shadowy vague figure crossed over at clearly beyond human capability speed. Proof there is something else than just us, for I was not the only one who saw it.
After that we both just started desperately to run towards our neighborhood and I noticed that, for some reason the streets seemed to be abandoned, Everyone was just inside their houses, and, when we got to our neighborhood it was finally crowded and we felt safe. All this felt to me like it was meant to happen but at the same time it felt like I could choose freely which actions to take, like for example; I knew the streets seemed empty and that it was in some kind of way a part of the whole thing but I saw people in the distance and thought about running to them but, we still chose not to run towards them which was much further than our own street but visible because it was a long straight road.
I myself am a thinker at the highest level. This I say because of their unreliable theories and scientific explanations that are but mere calculations that can simply be calculated wrong and of course because most people lack experience like its not just something that occurs to everyone. Even when I start doubting myself i think twice on that day and I know what I tell is the truth. I wanted to keep it as short as possible but i could not find the right words. Please understand I am not just someone trying to get attention, I just sat on the couch on 2 am reading weird stuff when I came across this page and to be honest, this is the ultimate confirmation for a guy like me that this things DO exist and that they are as real as the moment you witness them.
I have the feeling that I am fit to experience these kind of things for some reason and I would really like to discuss more on the subject with someone who is more of an expert than I am. Again I am not searching for any kind of unnecessary attention, its just that you are the first person I have encountered with exact the same interests as me and who really seems to know about this kind of stuff. I filled in my email address so if you have the time maybe you could send me a brief recap of your own life time experiences on the matter?
If its not much to ask, it would mean a lot to me if I had some kind of clear explanation or maybe just something to read about so I can understand it a bit more. There are plenty more hard-to-explain stories that I can share with you, but this one was the most reliable one, because of my friend being able to see it too that is. I hope you understand where I come from and why I am sharing this, looking forward to your response, J Rodri.
Thank you for sharing your story, Luis. For some of my own further discussions of the phenomenon in question, you can see the following:. Daemonic Creativity my interview for the Expanding Mind radio show. Cosmicomicon Interview with Matt Cardin. Now I know for sure that it is a matter that should be looked at.
If the day comes I get it all explained on paper, I will see to it that its fully covered and translated properly so you guys can read it. Thank you and be blessed. I wish you the best of luck.
Caelyn Alba
Btw, I forgot to suggest one more item you might find of value: Cosmic Horror and Chapel Perilous. I may have something for you. What I will tell you seems unbelievable but as you know these things often do. It was there when I woke up, as well. There is much more to this tale. Recently, my sleep paralysis episodes have returned. I had my first sleep paralysis episode 2 days ago. I am a 30 year old female, and have never had any experience like it.
I came home early from work around 2PM, and laid out on the couch, made myself comfortable and propped a pillow under my head and pulled a soft blanket over myself. Then I suppose I started to feel myself waking up. My eyes opened and I could see the room — the bookshelf in front of me, the desk in the corner, the TV, and the door. I thought that maybe I should get up and move, and realized that I could not move.
My body felt heavy and I started to panic. My eyes darted around the room as I struggled within my own body. Then I started to sense someone else in the room with me. I saw a dark shadow that I interpreted to be male. It had no features that I can recall, but it looked human. It stood right above my head, silent, unmoving.
I became extremely panicked and tried to move. If I can just get there, I can scream for help! I started to feel my blanket slowly move down my legs. I shut my eyes and started praying. Shortly after, a woman appeared at my side. She looked like she could have possibly been a relative, although I did not recognize her. She had a crown of light around her head, and when I focused, the beams of light became daggers that jabbed back and forth, forcing the shadow back. She stood at my side, interjecting herself between me and the shadow until I fell back asleep. Sometimes it was suffocating or even once being swallowed by the couch.
But I had one just the other night that was different from the rest. All is the same except the way I would die. Sorry my keyboard messed up before I could finish. I would really like to know what this all means. This is certainly a long-lived post! This took place in Southern California about Just dropping off to sleep one night, a very battered and bloody-looking figure suddenly arose beside my bed with a very agonized sounding yell.
This person was male, probably in his late twenties as I remember it and dressed in what were once apparently rather colorful duds, but were now badly shredded. He had dark hair and a slight build. He was covered in blood and I could see various scratches and bruises all over his face. It was obvious to me even at that age that he was basically screaming for help.
There was nothing really threatening about this image; the disturbing aspect was entirely due to the fact that he was obviously in such horrible torment, but it upset me badly. I had certainly watched my share of horror movies by then, but none of them had shown me a character like him, nor one that affected me so deeply. Quite disturbing, to say the least.
I have experienced episodes of sleep paralysis with the first memory being when I was about 4. I woke to a voice telling me not to look at the light. Throughout my childhood, I experienced periods of sleep consciousness and I would estimate I have had hundreds of these episodes over the course of my 40 years.
When I was younger, I would simply wake up and leave my body and go into other rooms in my house and actually see my family members, speak to them, but with no response. During those years, my experiences were not encumbered by the presence of any spiritual presence that I was aware of other than myself.
I did have experiences of not being able to move or scream, even though I was obviously frightened by something.

Additionally, during that time frame, my visual perception when I left my body was in color as I moved about the house. I will call my middle years from 17 to 28 I experienced something a little different. The awaking moments were prefaced by a tremor; a reverberating feeling that signified the beginning of either a short or painfully long period of being pinned to the bed by either an external actor, or a projection of my mind in response to the paralysis. I narrowed this period down to eating ice cream or some other type of food late at night.
My current period of experiences have two flavors; one is pleasant and allows me to travel extended distances from my body. My most memorable happened within the last 12 months. I was way beyond my known physical boundaries and a rotated my view degrees and as I did the stars in the heavens lit up as I viewed them.
I had a companion in this episode that was acting as a tour guide and when I came to I had a feeling of complete euphoria. I was so sure of my place in the universe and had a confidence in knowing that I was a force of good in the world. Often I simply leave my bed and even used my dresser to step down from the end of my sleigh bed. The interesting thing is now when I leave my body, I often float and use swimming motions to move myself around in my environment.
I will often leap through my ceiling and go above the roof of my home and the only distinction now versus my youthful experiences is that everything is usually gray with only some things have color. Last night however, my son had a visitor over for the night and I experienced a very dark presence when I woke. In fact, it was a completely new experience. My head only was being pinned to my pillow and the force was so severe that I felt the bones in my neck pop.
It was almost like it was pushing something into the back of my skull. I take my experiences very seriously and pay close attention to the details. As I have gotten older, I have made efforts to control the experience while I am in the paralysis. I thought up until last night that I had evolved, but the force last night was so powerful I felt like a patient under the surgeons knife. I can see the correlation between these experiences and the anti-self.
If fact, reading this for the first time tonight, the anti-self is the most apropos explanation I have heard to date. Lastly, the one aspect of this I have not yet reconciled is the missing details in terms of the physical space. I am certain the projection this state brings about is a part of the brain or a incarnation thereof that does not understand the physical aspect of existence.
Conversely, it could also be that the brain does not know how to operate in the spiritual sense and compensates the best way it can, which would explain the external theory that in the state of paralysis we are in co-existing in a dimension where we are consciously dreaming in a body that is paralyzed which makes us aware of the various force of energy that exist in the same state. Whether they be thoughts of our minds or a collect I cannot say for sure. I mean, does the thing that visits you during this time make sounds? My last sleep paralysis episode involved sound.
Anyway, I will be back to post my experiences. No time this evening. This has been happening to me since I was little. I always wondered what this figure was and still do. It actually happened again last night. At first you start to get cold Shivers that first start slow and get stronger. If you open your eyes right when it starts nothing will be there but if you wait to long its to late and you either open your eyes and get it over with until its gone or keep your eyes shut until eventually you open your eyes because the shivers will just get stronger and a weird whistle noise will start.
One night I woke up 5 times and when I went back to sleep it started again so I said screw it and when the chills got stronder I opened my eyes and It was there. It seemed aggrevated and was shooting at my body very fast back and fourth. So I never did that again lol. It moves fast and looks like it wants to attack you. Over the years it never hurt me so I try different things to piss it off or figure out what it wants. I was able to get my arm up half way one time and it slammed my hand down and put it face in mine and looked like it was screaming. What does this thing qant? My only suggestion would be when it happens just open your eyes and wait until it leaves.
I just like to push it buttons. Has anyone else ever made it mad? Sometimes it wakes me up times a night. Also, do you think maybe she said what she did about you because of your skepticism? My guess is that although my skepticism may have been what initially prompted her to pay more attention, it was mainly that she observed a bundle of certain personality traits and caught a certain personal vibe from me that interacted with things she had studied and read to suggest her speculative diagnosis. I myself experienced full blown sleep paralysis several times growing up, complete with the short dark hooded figures huddled around my bed, who would just stare at me.
Total paralyzed state, unable to move or scream. Often minutes at a time. While remaining skeptical, IMHO there may still be a slight element of the paranormal about this. My current theory is that they might act in a similar to a computer firewall, preventing us from accidentally leaving the body in these hypnagogic states. The very placement of them could be part of it, designed by the mind to simply scare us into falling back sleep or just not leaving our safety-zone ie.
However if you look at the evidence:. I mean to say, other people who are awake do not perceive them. A video camera set up in the room will not see anything. There is no physical interaction. They cannot harm you physically. There are rarely, if ever, any reported social interaction. That is, they are not yelling at you about Satan or The Evil or anything at all. They are usually silent. We do not understand our OWN consciousness, and therefore we cannot just jump to conclusions about dis-incarnate intelligence. That is, if you really want the truth, we need to look at the meta-data and find what pattens emerge to help explain the phenomenon.
These are interesting and well-presented reflections, Cory. Regarding your point B about the perceived entities not being able to actually harm people, recall the SUNDS phenomenon, which tempers this point significantly: Im about to go to sleep so ill sum this up quick, I reached spiritually awakening like how eckart tolle or mooji or ram dass or jesus did. Also I deeply believe tv has something to do with the sp because I woke up to sp a few nights ago and had a revolation of how it involves tv. The Thing poster — this is exactly what I saw two nights ago whilst asleep. It was far from pleasant!
Im not entirely sure that it is sleep paralysis. But i suffer from horrid night terrors where im being chased and attacked by skelatal angels and demons of all kinds, and at some points i wake up with a feeling like im falling back into myself but ill be sitting up and i cant move a muscle at all just completly frozen and i see one of the skeletal angels in front of me at least partof one that has a whole human face a womans face that just stares at me and im held i cant speak cant move at times ill pass out and wake up in a whole nother part of my house at other times il be transfixed for what feels like eternity as it feels like im being drawn in.
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I have stumbled upon this page when I was looking for an answer for the experience that I have had. I was renting an apartment with my ex-husband. The apartment was right across from the cemetery and I was already feeling uneasy. No features, just darkness-almost like they portray the Grim Reaper or Darth Vader.
It started slowly moving around the foot of my bed until it reached the right hand side, by my head. Then it reached out with its long bony finger and touched my arm. I felt a slight zap, and that is when I came to my senses. I have never felt that terrified in my life-I still have hair stand on my head when I think about it. I turned on all the lights, TV, everything, and called my ex husband. I explained the situation, and he said it was probably a dream.
The thing is, you always know when you have a dream, no matter how lifelike and terrible it is. Here everything was exactly the same as in reality-my chair with clothes crumpled on it, the light in the window from parking lamp, etc. When the thing was walking around me, I didnt feel anything at all. I didnt move, but I didnt even try to. Its like I was hypnotized or something. The pure dread came on only after I snapped out of it. For years now I have been dying to know what it was, and if anyone has had a similar experience.
I also want to know why it touched me and what that meant. I just want to know. Two weeks ago I had just lay down in my bed waiting for the Aleve to kick in my hip had come partly out of joint and I just suddenly knew something was in the room by my closet. I just knew that it was something dark and I knew it was ther because I am on the verge of getting well after 27 yrs of many chronic health issues, and it did not want that.
I could not see it, but I knew exactly where it was and felt it float in a wavy pattern across the room toward me. I felt the bed on my right side being pushed in and then the same thing happened on my left. I did not feel the bed press in anymore that night. I looked up dark entities and saged the entire house closets, garage, attic, basement, even the car.
Last night, after just getting into bed, I was saying prayers and felt pressure on my feet. I thought maybe I was imagining it, but then the pressure extended from my feet up to my knees and I felt the covers being tugged at my left knee. Then the bed began to shake not violently and it reminded me of when my husband flops and moves around, so I reached across the bed to him but he was not moving. I kept my hand on him he felt the bed moving, too, but assumed it was a truck going by rattling the bed and the bed kept shaking. Then I felt the bed compress on my right and immediately after on my left it was sitting on me!
I can hardly believe I did this, but I decided not to give it any more attention and actually closed my eyes and went to sleep! After that, my leaking c-pap mask woke me several more times, but the dark thing was gone. My husband heard me scream, but when he realized I went right back to sleep, he did not ask me about it until the morning. He said the leaking mask sounded like it usually did I wondered if the thing had been pulling it off my face, but it would have sounded louder than usual.
I re-smudged the house with sage, lavender and rosemary essential oils in holy water and said in a firm voice that only loving, positive things are permitted in our house and anything negative must leave in the name of Jesus Christ. I think this has been going on for at least 3 mos. The 1st episode I woke from sleep screaming as I felt something heavy hovering over me and saw in my mind a black cloud with a bony white woman in it. When I surfaced and opened my eyes nothing was there. A few other times I awoke to feeling something on my feet and pulling on the covers, but then it stopped nothing else happened, so I assumed I had imagined it.
We had activity in a house from the s we previously lived in for 4 yrs have been in our newer house for 5 yrs but it seemed harmless, even friendly to me, but my husband thought it felt angry. Could something have latched on to me? I can hardly believe this is happening.
- The Warden of the Plains and Other Stories of Life in the Canadian North-west.
- Bekenntnisse einer Ex (German Edition).
- Patient Assessment?
- Next Generation Sequencing Technologies in Medical Genetics (SpringerBriefs in Genetics).
I did not used to believe in things like this. Last night after I saged the entire house the attic, garage and even the car and said anything negative was not permitted in our house and had to leave in the name of Jesus, it must have been ticked off or felt I was challenging it. I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed and had just washed my face and was turning to grab my moisturizer, when the little keyboard my son had left on the counter started to play one very long high pitched note followed by 2 or 3 lower staccato notes and it kept repeating and sounded angry.
At first I was startled as far as I knew it had never been out of my bedroom but then I felt angry and protective of my family and I forcefully said the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be and it stopped. I told me husband, who had not heard it over the air conditioner in the bedroom. We prayed, blessed ourselves with holy water and slept with the light on. Wondering if we should seek a priest at this point? Trying not to feel anger toward it in case it feeds off of negative emotions. I have already put rosemary under my pillow and it seemed strange but then the whole thing is strange a bowl of water with sea salt in it under my bed at chest level, and I actually slept with a bottle of holy water clutched to my chest.
A few days before my husband of 43 years passed away, I woke from a sound sleep to check on him. The room was lit from a light kept on in the bathroom so I could see to give him his meds during the night. When my husband died, I developed A-fib an extra heartbeat at the exact moment he left this world. If felt as though someone had reached into my chest and pulled the heart out of me. They hospitalized me and began giving me a drug called Rhythmol to try to get my heart back in natural sinus rhythm.
The things I saw…if I stared long enough at them…began to fade into what they really were: The one thing that disturbed me most was when the Christ figure on the crucifix over my bed pulled away from the wood and slid to the floor. Once they took me off the meds, the hallucinations stopped.
I understood that what I was seeing and what my mind was seeing were too different things. None of that, however, explains the creature I saw before I developed the A-fib. It was real; I was wide-awake; and it was just as scared of me as I was of it. If it was a harbinger of his death or a guardian angel watching over him, I will never know. Specifically after last night, when i woke to find a dark shadow figure laying next to me in my bed. NO idea what was happening, but i am intrigued by your writing here… any ideas? I have had 3 episodes of sleep paralysis and one of those I saw a dark shadow man in the corner of my room just looking at me!
On another occasion I awoke feeling like someone was holding me down in my bed, I opened my eyes to see an older man with a very menacing look on his face and it was as if he was choking me.
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These episodes are extremely terrifying! It was never too frequent.. Most of the time,it was only physical immobility with no visions.. Once I woke up at 3 am , the clock hung right across so I remember and saw a black thing, roughly shaped like a human, as u explained,leaning over me… And there was so much weight on me that I could not move for minutes, nor could I bring myself too scream..
Another time I was fully awake just lying down on my bed when this episode happened I saw a lot of long black hair hanging over me,,,like if someone with long hair is looking at you from above and their hair is hanging down. It disappeared after a few mins.. As I grew up these episodes stopped in my very early 20s.. But now I hv a different kind of strange experiences.. I was searching for something like that when I stumbled on your blog. Now I am asleep but I feel I am in my senses..
I feel someone has rung the bell.. I see my self right where I am.. I can touch things, smell.. Any idea what this is..? Thanks for the great read. I woke up to a dark shadow hovering above me. It was a dark mist with regular human eyes. When I jumped out of fear the shadow went up in the ceiling, then down into a shadow that was on the floor.
Later that year while in the hospital I woke to find about 4 shadows watching me. Mind you that these two times were when I had a light on. The most terrifying experience was in or I woke up to a large black shadow at the foot of my bed. I sat up to try and get a closer look. As I tried to figure out what it was it glided to my nieces bed and as soon as it hit the bed my niece started screaming. My sister and I jumped on the bed trying to help her. When my family ran into the room my mom said the room felt extremely cold.
My niece described the experience as if someone was holding her down suffocating her. A few years later I was diagnosed with right temporal lobe epilepsy and was told that this type of Epilepsy gives you a sixth sense? These shadows are not only seen at home but anywhere… Last week I woke to a gray mist hovering over the bed, This week I had awoke to dark shadow having over me and this morning I experienced it again. If that were true why did I see these things before my diagnosis and medications.
I ha e a had a few episodes since then but not as bad as that until last night, 30 years on. I was semi awake and then I could sence this evil presence coming towards me and it nearly had me not able to move until in my head again, I said Jesus, Jesus and then prayed in tongues and then it left. I experienced a similar occurrence many years ago,about nine. I was awoken for what ever reason only to look to my left in shock at a dark humanlike figure near me, I wanted to scream but could not,I wanted to move but could not.
I just waited which lasted at least one minute, by that time I was prepared for whatever. As soon as I felt mobility, I sweated every curse word known to man to rid this dark figure that I mean business. I went right back to sleep but the same day I awoke I try to ascertain this and to put into prospective, just could not find word for it. However, I started to read online of ways to protect oneself from possible dark entities. Before this I remembered my mother telling me many years ago about this same thing, did not know what to make of it until it happened to me.
To this day, I embrace things that King Solomon may have done to in a situation like this amongst other things. Learn what is not in the Bible to put it all into prospective. I had a few sleep paralysis episodes when I was young, but the thing that scared me more was that when I would wake in the middle of the night, I would see very vivid images of things that looked like demons straight out of Japanese woodcuts.
I went with the assumption that somehow, it was the author of the despairing poem. My impression was that this dark shape came straight out of war and had no idea what was happening or that centuries had passed.