The Diet Rebels Cookbook: Eating Clean and Green
While the strictest of clean eating guidelines might make you think this is a raw-food diet, think again.
You don't need to eat salads and smoothies and nothing else for a month—though we bet you'll blow through family-size containers of greens. We suggest these genius meals you can prep now to have all week. You're in serious need of something salty and crunchy, but you ditched your potato chips and buttery popcorn. While we're not going to sugar-coat it or should we say, salt-coat it and pretend it's an exact substitute for movie theater popcorn, these fruit and veggie chips are surprisingly satisfying and easy to make at home.
Yes, pizza can be part of a clean-ish eating plan. Just be mindful of the toppings. Instead of a thick slice of buffalo chicken pizza with bacon, go for a thin-crust loaded veggie pie with fresh ricotta. You'll be able to enjoy a second or third slice without the rich-food hangover. Protein bars get a lot of flak for being filled with ingredients you can't pronounce or being egregiously high in calories and protein.
But you can find healthy, whole-food options that are perfect for when your busy life leaves no time for anything that isn't grab-and-go—just remember to read the labels. Try going totally meatless for one day a week up that if you're feeling good , and you might just find some new favorite high-protein plant-based foods to keep in rotation. The easiest way to have a balanced breakfast while also using up the half-chopped produce in your fridge? It's impossible to mess this one up: The ingredients are naturally clean score! Who says eating clean can't be comforting? Sure, some of your favorite, decadent comfort foods can be made in a slow cooker or Instant Pot , but that doesn't mean you can't use this genius piece of kitchen equipment for healthier, cleaner eating purposes that still warm your belly.
You'll save on time, headaches, and cleanup with this Instant Pot recipe for Mexican chicken chowder. You're halfway through your clean-ish eating month. By now, you've probably found some favorites hi, kale salad. So why change things, right? Sure, keep eating your go-to greens, but don't be afraid to mix it up with the other hearty, leafy greens out there.
- The Diet Rebels Cookbook: Eating Clean and Green by Jillayne Clements.
- The Diet Rebel's Cookbook: Eating Clean and Green.
- How I Strike a Healthy Raw and Cooked Balance | The Full Helping!
If you're still wondering what's the difference between whole wheat and whole grain and which is the better choice, opt for whole grain every time. Whole grains are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that may be stripped from refined grains during processing, and will help keep you fuller when you load up two slices of whole-grain bread with clean eats such as avocado, tomato, and red onion. While most clean eating rules will give it to you straight—no alcohol—we think there's some room for the occasional glass of red wine when you've had one of those days…you know the ones.
Can't handle light-colored clothing and red wine as well as Olivia Pope? Here's how to remove red wine stains from any surface. Dairy isn't off-limits on a clean-ish diet, but choose organic whenever possible to control for things like antibiotics, and don't even think about picking up those slices of fake "cheese food. Crumbled full-fat feta or a block of hard cheddar is the better, cleaner bet. Just as you discovered when you branched out from your beloved kale salad, and when you opted for some uniquely colored vegetables, you'll be surprised by how many fruits you're bypassing in the grocery store.
If you're used to noshing on a Gala apple, try an Asian pear, which is in season this time of year.
Normally go for an orange to get your vitamin C fix? Try a clementine or a persimmon. The former is great for packing in meal-prepped lunches, as they're easy to peel and eat wherever. This holds true for this month of clean-ish eating and every meal after that. When you sit down to lunch or dinner, take a look at the ratio of macronutrients on your plate.
How much protein, carbs, and fat are there? Learn more about how to pick the perfect meal-prep recipe with a balance of macros and flavors. Let's face it, cutting out added sugar entirely can seem impossible, especially if you're starting this clean-ish eating challenge with a serious sweet tooth. But while excess sugar does have its health pitfalls, you don't need to go cold turkey.
Using a touch of Stevia-based sweetener like this is the kind of little change that can go a long way for your overall health this month and beyond. The concept behind clean-ish eating is fairly simple, and by that we mean, the food is simplified. A prime example can be found at the breakfast counter. Instead of the packaged oatmeal packets with sweeteners and chemically added flavors, opt for hearty, steel-cut oats on the stove instead.
Try using almond milk for some flavor infused during the cooking process. Discover these time-saving oatmeal hacks that will completely change your morning.
The Diet Rebel's Cookbook - Eating Clean and Green (Paperback)
Isn't clean eating just awesome? Pasta in January during a diet reset is possible, people. The key is choosing the right ingredients from start to finish. Opt for whole-grain pasta as we taught you above , or try lentil-based pasta for a fun twist. You can also make a delicious, homemade pasta sauce. Yes, frozen dinners loaded with sodium and strange ingredients are a no-go and same for cookie dough ice cream, unfortunately.
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Or, turn them into muffins for quick eats on the go! Also packed with potassium, B vitamins, and magnesium, bananas are a food you likely already love to eat pre-workout, which is a great thing. Choose bananas that are slightly spotted which will digest easier and offer a sweeter treat. Bananas are also naturally energizing and calming at the same time to maintain a long steady stream of energy and good mood to boost your pre-workout motivation.
This healthy fat is absolutely packed with benefits. Coconut butter is truly a miracle food when it comes to energy. Unlike coconut oil, coconut butter has more fiber, protein and enzymes to aid in digestion. Two tablespoons is plenty as a pre-workout as a snack, or you could just add a tablespoon to your oats or a smoothie if you like. You can buy it or make your own ; try a blueberry flavor for a fun flavor spin and a nice replacement to jam.
Choose a cup of greens, some berries, non-dairy milk, and a source of protein or carbs oats, almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds , and feel free to add in some flax seeds for fiber if you need it to be more filling. Larabars made fruit and nut bars famous for pre-workout and post-workout eats, but you can make your own quite easily and much cheaper.
Or, choose any other brand of fruit and nut bar on the market to eat pre-workout; most all of them are vegan, but check labels to be sure. Fruit and nut bars are a great workout food because they contain easy-to-digest carbs and fiber, along with healthy fats and protein to allow those carbs to digest more slowly give you a longer stream of energy. Dates are normally the fruit used in fruit and nut bars, but you can also find some or make some with figs , raisins, apricots, and even goji berries. Peanut and almond butter are both packed with protein, peanut butter having 8 grams per 2 tablespoons and almond butter containing 7 grams per 2 tablespoons.
Many people just eat a couple tablespoons of these before a workout and call it a day, while others add them to smoothies, shakes, oatmeal, or a sliced banana for something more filling. Not into oats or trying to eat less grains? You can either cook up a bowl of quinoa or use quinoa flakes to make your own pre-workout muffins , mixing them with bananas, sweetener, chopped apples or raisins, and baking them just like you would muffins made with oats.
Also, many more ways to utilize those sprouts. The Traditional Almonds are to die for. My dehydrator has been in overdrive trying to keep enough around for a family of seven! If my house were on fire and I could only choose one of my over cookbooks, this would be the one I would grab! Sep 23, Sara rated it it was amazing. I really liked this informational cookbook.

I have been making yummy recipes from it that are really delicious and good for you. I agree with the author's ideas on what foods are the best for our bodies. In my opinion, a must have! Jul 24, Claudia rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm pretty excited about this book - don't really care for the title of it - but I'm excited to have all these healthy recipes on hand.
One day we'll all be eating like this again May 09, Julie rated it really liked it. I love the recipes in this book, I just wish some of them were a little more detailed in how to execute them better. This has been one of my "go-to" cookbooks for the last years. Nice that you can have healthy and delicious together: Apr 18, Erica rated it liked it. I liked this book. It started with the authors' back story. This book is about whole foods and gives some great recipes.
One of the authors put a list in here of a one year food storage for a family of four on, real, whole foods and all I can say is It is amazing and totally overwhelming. A lot of the dessert recipes use dehydrated cane juice, which is better than refined sugar, but is still not the greatest from what I've learned.
I'm willing to try it for those times when I really want I liked this book. I'm willing to try it for those times when I really want the white stuff!! Most all the recipes use sprouted grains, which is really healthy and beneficial and something I want to start doing, but since Trader Joe's sells sprouted bread, not sure how soon I'm going to jump on that wagon.
All in all, this was a pretty good book--more of a recipe book. Good information in here. Jun 22, Peachy rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a book about the foods one eats, not about weight loss. It starts out with the authors' stories, but the main focus is on the foods we eat and re-envisioning the way we prepare them. Sprouting is covered as one element of the work, and I have successfully made one the recipes which were we enjoyed.
Healthier Creamy Chicken Spaghetti Bake Recipe + VIDEO
The rolls looked much heavier than they were, which goes along with what the authors said, but it still took me by surprise. Usually when bread looks like that- it's barely edible. You might enj This is a book about the foods one eats, not about weight loss. Jan 03, Neti Call rated it did not like it. A terrible book, unless you like churning your own butter and think the government is one big conspiracy.