
SHTF: A Guide to Surviving Almost Anything

A lot of the tips are fast, effective, inexpensive things a person can do to prepare. This book will certainly get you started in the right direction. When All Hell Breaks Loose: Cody Lundin is a survival expert that one could say is cut from a different cloth. Geared towards emergency scenarios that are plausible everyday, this is a book filed with information on what the everyday person would need to do.

Highly recommend this to the urban and suburban survivors. Written by former survival reality show host, and YouTube sensation, Dave Canterbury brings us Bushcraft This is a must-have book to any amateur bushcrafter. This book is great for campers, hikers, and folks planning on hitting the woods in a SHTF scenario. This is a book that was written by a relocation consultant that has spent over 30 years designing high security homes and retreats.

The information is broken down into statistics, graphs and charts, but there are things taken into consideration the everyday person never even thinks of. It also gives some insight on some possible places that would be ripe for rebuilding a society. Small Game and Fowl — Anyone planning on Bugging Out to the wilderness had better hope they can hunt and fish.

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Not only should they know how to hunt, but also how to clean their kill, and be able to cook it. This is an all-in-one comprehensive guide to hunting, butchering, and cooking wild game, but is also a great choice because Vol. These are the types of game one would catch in handmade snares, which is perfect for wilderness survival.

The Doomsday Book of Medicine. The Doomsday Book of Medicine- Dr. You will not necessarily be home when SHTF.

Surviving Long-Term SHTF: A Crucial Strategy

GHB is get home bag should be within reach no matter where you are BOB is bug out bag holds 72 hours to 1 week of supplies to get you through until you reach bug out location or can return home Car BOB- stays in your vehicle and holds spare parts, fluids, etc. I would think that out off all your preps it would be a good idea to have a percentage of them stashed Cached somewhere else. Think Houston flood, think Florida hurricane. Sometimes you just have to run and maybe live in your car. The thing I find pretty sad about a lot of these prep sites is the thought that society falls apart once something like this happens, in my experience of natural disasters, these times are when humanity is at its best and everyone helps thier neighbours.

Good people become better people. But then I live in Australia, and have never been to America. We had a tornado in our area last year and the outpouring of help was amazing.

72 Items That Will Disappear First When The SHTF

We were a part of the cleanup and it was great to help and see so many people willing to give whatever it took to help complete strangers. Opportunistic looters and thugs come out to do what they do best, and if things are bad enough that society breaks down totally the normal people will go to extreme lengths to protect themselves and their families. Imagine how it would be if there was no food, power, water, or some other society infrastructure that we all depend on every day. Imagine a father watching his children starve to death, and imagine what he would do if he found out that you had the only food available.

10 Must Have Survival & Preparedness Books

They turn into animals that will cut your throat for a can of beans.. Many will devolve into uncivil behavior, all the more reason people need to be encouraged to work together. When a large cruise ship hits the iceberg, it is inevitable people are going to die. How many die depends on whether everyone panics and worries only about themselves or focuses on working with each other. Thats extremely naive thinking. Starve someone for a few days then see what theyd do for a can of beans.

People riot after sports events for no reason, you think a stranger wouldnt kill you to feed their kids? Sure, people might band together for the 1st week, but once food and water start running out, its everyone for themselves. Where was aid and law enforcement during hurricane Katrina? No where to be found. Aid took too long to arrive and most not all law enforcement took off to tend to their family. In some certain situations it could take years to get aid and if things get really bad in the world you may never get aid as everyone is on their own.

They are screaming for aid and get very little. You need to rely on nobody but yourself in a time of crisis. Bags will only get you so far. The best purchase anyone can make is a 5th wheel stockpile everything in it. Anything can happen the question is are you prepared for it? Humanity, during a time of crisis, splits into moral pieces. Those who care about others will, like you said, show their best…Then there is the other side, the selfish, there will be those that will walk by and leave someone in need or take from someone to benefit themselves. Survival instincts makes us think isolation is the safest way, but that is only short term, humans are a social creature and we work better and create things better in social groups.

Humanity, as a whole, will overcome the SHTF event by coming together and working towards a common problem. I think out of initial fear most will keep to themselves but eventually they will need to overcome their fears and regroup to bring back what was lost. S as they punch, grab, and push in hordes. OTC and prescription medicines will fly off the shelves.

Get them first or stock up now mind the expiration dates. Pharmacys always go through all medications and discard the expired stuff there is stringent laws that have to be followed and they do. How does one stock up on medications that are prescribed? If possible, buy you meds for 90 days instead of It will at least give you a starting point if you are lucky. Especially if you cannot get to town often or just for the convenience. The only thing you can really get is Fish amoxicillin which is the same as people amoxicillin is just that one is at the pharmacy and the other is at the Pet store no prescription needed.

Several years ago I read a blog by a man who had lived through the Bosnian Conflict It may not be over. First thing he said is lose luxuries. Generators are luxuries but they run out of fuel. You will spend more time looking for fuel and spare parts or rumors of fuel and spare parts. In addition lights and noise attract unwanted attention.

Try wiping your butt with some leaves for a few months. Yes rodents ants spiders etc, will be a problem. I also never see any type of plant seeds listed in case of severe problems that last longer than a few months. There are no provisions for growing your own food. Bleach is fine for producing drinkable water but also Iodine Tablets.

Lastly as the Sgt has said at times it you may have to leave home. But if you can stay home and learn who your neighbors are you will probably be safer. Running out of town for no reason where you do not know anybody can get you killed. Staying home and organizing your community will find you with a lot more resources and skill sets.

As Seen On...

One last thing one of your biggest resources is Old People. They know how to do things. Do not forget them. Personally I think that good ol TP makes an excellent barter. Water, food, TP, and the usual vices are easy barter items. Good point about the seeds. Seeds for growing food are a very important prep. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. Easy to grow stuff that produces a lot. Having a long lasting water filter during SHTF will be a money maker.

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You can fill bottles and sell filtered water by the gallon. You have to be ready , prepared and safe. Then you have to hide in plain sight and wait. Once the majority have passed on and they will and the bad ones move on by and they will and if your smart stay low. Then you can move on with you main plans to restart things.

Small towns will be best for restarting things. They will listen if you give them something to opt for. Packs of wild and hungry people will still be there and they will try your patience to say the least.

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It is interesting how difficult it is to stop people from shopping from your stockpile, before shtf. Every time I leave town for a few days, I loose most of my stored stuff. Put up security lights. Put up a security camera. Stored to a backup drive. Changed locks, added more bolts. Backup drive got stolen, and system was erased. Next I might get cameras to watch the cameras.

Or perhaps just send events to my phone. OPSEC is the best way. Give them no reason to want to come in. Then, be ready if they do. You missed one, keep quiet, tell no one of what you have, not family,friends. A little kitty litter or sand if you must in a garbage bag goes a long way.

10 Must Have Survival & Preparedness Books - Preparing For SHTF

Also worth saving shopping bags for the same purpose. You should see my library, I have a whole wall of bookshelves dedicated to these topics. The problem though, is how do you move them if need be. I have a shelf of essentials that are ready to grab if I can, and I have many on a usb. Paired with a tablet and solar charger I hope to keep the collection alive if I have to bug out. It would be on USB Drives. I would have every thing stored on USB Drives…. I will have books too, but an electronic data base is more mobile.

If your mode of operation for the rest of your life is going to be horses, bike, or walking, what things do you need to survive or would it be nice to have near you. Wait for a few months for everything to die down, then reference your database and go get those things…Also the database would include how to guides for almost everything your could think of….

Sorry, should have been more clear. Just a thought, but soaps are not on your list above…. Soap is not easy to make in a survival situation, but a necessity item to keep oneself clean. I think preparedness is an essential skill everyone must have because it will actually help you predict things and even prevent worse things to happen.

I love this post keep this up! I am including Selcos list in the equation for comparison. I have shared this with my friends. I am going food and chemist shopping tomorrow since out of all of these I feel I have everything but food and meds covered.