Rex Royale
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- Rex Royale.
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If you really need convincing Download our free app. The first body is that of Rex Royale, a charismatic Las Vegas casino mogul who is building a controversial Indian casino on Lake Britton.
📍 Map of Rex Royale, Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, | Zoomin
The second body is that of an itinerant woman with no apparent connection to Royale. Hannah is a young widow raising preteen daughters.
She wrote high-profile business stories about Royale and had an affair with him that ended days before he disappeared. As Tyler and Hannah investigate the double murder, they uncover mysterious arsons, other missing women, and infiltrate a shady clan of rogue backwoodsmen living in a remote hunting lodge.
Rex Royale
May 20, Words: Learn more about Jack Erickson. Also by This Author.
- Smashwords – Rex Royale – a book by Jack Erickson.
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- How to get to Rex Royale in Wellington by Bus or Train!
Log-in to write a review or add a video review. Gerald Patrick on April 7, I found Rex Royale to be an interesting, gripping novel with just the right amount of attention to detail to show the author actually researched the area and enough ancillary action to lend realism and depth to the characters and story line to keep it plausible. While the author offers hints as to the who-done-it, the ending is a bit of a surprise and the epilog ties up all the loose ends while bringing to conclusion the questions raised about the characters. I'd happily recommend this to any mystery lover as well as the romantic.