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Referendariat, 7 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Der Schwank von "schwingende Bewegung"; vgl. Streich erscheint erstmals im Hans Sachs und Diese Tatsache kann u. Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Product details File Size: November 10, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Consequently information listed here may be unreliable in some cases. Corrections are always welcome.
Opinions expressed in the publications listed below do not necessarily coincide with my own views and beliefs. Since critical scholarship rests upon general curiosity and a certain amount of broadmindedness, I am including even publications which appear strange or doubtful to put it mildly. A decisive criterion, however, is that an actual publication has taken or in case of ongoing research is about resp.
If you are a bibliophile, a scholar, an antiquarian bookseller or a book collector searching for a comprehensive bibliography of J. Rowling's writings and the publishing history of her texts, please consult the magisterial bibliography by Philip W. The Power of One Series. Reading in the 21st Century: Turning the Page with Technology Robert Siegel et al.: Dispatches from the Tenth Circle.
The Best of the Onion. New York , Originally in: The Onion, 26 July Harry Potter im Englischunterricht. Local Heroes The state of children's literature in China. Mad Magazine March Patterson Jr, 8 September Rowling, Harry Potter, and contemporary society: The Harry Potter books as social criticism.
Harvest House Publishers, Fantasy and Your Family: Harry Potter and the Bible: The Menace Behind the Magick.
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- Lo scultore dei sogni (Racconti del Duomo) (Italian Edition).
The Homicide Tradition in Children's Literature. Johns Hopkins UP, Otrok in Knjiga 70 , Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, Helmut Scheuer eds. Zur Konstruktion von Familie in der Literatur. Frankfurt am Main u. Peter Lang, MeLiS 1. Hartmut Kugler et al. Das Fremde und das Andere. Inhaltsethische Analyse eines Kinder- und Jugendbuchs. The world's greatest books in twenty tweets or less. Gender portrayal in J. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix": A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism. The New Yorker 31 July , A Critique of the Harry Potter Series. Der Umgang von Kindern mit angstbesetzen Fernseherlebnissen.
Harry Potter and the Quest for a Preconfigured Identity. Kids' Letters to Harry Potter: Carroll and Graf, From Around the World. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction. The Washington and Jefferson College Review 54 , Critical companion to J. Facts On File, Friends and Foes of Harry Potter: Harry Potter y su papel en la literatura hechiceril.
Wayne State UP, This Book Belongs to Me: National Library of Scotland, The Horn Book Magazine Santiago de Compostela, 2, 3 e 4 de setembro de Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil Dec , Literaturno-chudozestvennyj i obscestvenno-politiceskij zurnal 7 Politics, Policy, and Harry Potter. Reflections on Names in Fantasy Literature. A Journal of Onomastics Humanetten 39 , Published on 22 January The Example of Harry Potter. Bestsellers and Literary Culture.
Nordic Academic Press, , The Family in English Children's Literature. Praxis der Mathematik in der Schule Detskaia kniga byl eposom, a epos obernulsia tragediei. Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone: Its place within the genre of fantasy fiction. Anatol, Giselle Liza ed. Reading Harry Potter Again: Praeger, Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 7: Nancy Drew and Her Sister Sleuths: Essays on the Fiction of Girl Detectives.
Development of a generic hybrid. The implied meanings of the flouting maxims in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" movie. Patterns of Heroism in Harry Potter. Kinder und 'Harry Potter'. Diary of a Harry Potter Addict. Two Nuts Consortium Publishing, Tonos Digital 11 July Children's Books for Grown-Up Teachers.
Reading and Writing Curriculum Theory. Carezze, brividi e Harry Potter. Mercati letterari per ragazzi. Arch, Wendy Michelle Ryun: A living fire to enlighten the darkness": Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The Journal of Arthurian Studies Will Wright, Steven Kaplan eds. Essays on Movies, Myths, and Magic. La saga de la lutte contre le mal. Revue de culture contemporaine Figure del tempo nelle storie di Peter Pan e Harry Potter. Values of Harry Potter: The Power of Women in Harry Potter.
Hogwarts, Muggles and Quidditch: A Study of the Translation of Names in J. Rowling's Harry Potter Books. Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth. Essai sur la psychopathologie de Harry Potter. Presses universitaires de France, Modality in Slavonic languages. Otto Sagner, , Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil , Zur Ideologie des Todes in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Harry Potter be zaubert die Welt, wie sie ist.
Zur Ideologie der Romanreihe J. Rowlings aus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Utopian and Affirmative Aspects. Marcus Hawel et al. Phraseologie in Joanne K. Warum Harry Potter auch auf Latein eine gute Figur macht. Magic as a phenomenon in children's books. An analysis of J. Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle ran Hogwarts. Open Court Press, Auf den Spuren eines zauberhaften Bestsellers.
Deutsche Sprache und Literatur A muggle's study of Harry Potter's magical world: Rowling's literary texts and Chris Columbus' film adaptations. Wizardry, Good and Evil. Anglican Theological Review 82 , Harry Potter a il suo magico mondo. Personaggi, luoghi, oggetti, creature magiche, incantesimi. Power and Evil in J. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels. Bamdas, Jo Ann Tucker: Harry Potter et le 'complexe du homard'. Subversion of a Supposed Existential Given. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture Geschichte, Themen und Perspektiven des Kinderfilms in Deutschland. Continuing the Harry Potter theme.
Literacy and Learning 23 , The Politics of Harry Potter. Reflections on Christianity, Literature, and the Arts. The Mathematics of Harry Potter. Teaching Children Mathematics Michigan Law Review May The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 5: The Journal of Children's Literature Studies 2: Von Haus-, Gleis- und sonstigen Nummern im Raum. Potter Becomes a Problem.
The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: What Will Harry Do? An On-line Children's Literature Journal New Forms and Interactions. Ein literatursoziologischer Beitrag zur Kanonforschung. The Impact of J. World Literature Today Winter , The Whimsic Alley book of spells: Mythical incantations for wizards of all ages. Rowling and the Harry Potter Phenomenon. On books for young adults Harry Potter in the Mathematics Classroom. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School The Currency of Heroic Fantasy: The Power of Literacy in J.
Global and Historical Perspectives. Routledge, Children's Literature and Culture Bettina Hurrelmann, Susanne Becker eds. Translation in Undergraduate Degree Programmes. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. The editor behind Harry Potter has more than the boy wizard under his hat.
Interferensie in die Afrikaanse Harry Potter. Harry Potter och hemlighetens kammare. Journal of Narrative Theory The reception of J. Rowling's Harry Potter in Britain and Germany: The Power of Imagination in Multicultural Classrooms. Inside the World of Harry Potter: Critical Essays on the Books and Films. Essays on Identity and the Harry Potter Universe. From Here to Hogwarts: Essays on Harry Potter Fandom and Fiction. Perspectives in Harry Potter Studies.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Hermione Granger Saves the World: Essays on the Feminist Heroine of Hogwarts. A Christian Reading of J.
Worldviews and Cultures (E-Book, PDF)
The Unofficial Harry Potter Encyclopedia. Bibliotheek en Archiefgids Magical Youth and the Search for the Self. Harry Potter - Zauberlehrling des Harry Potter bahnt der Fantasy-Literatur den Weg. Uppsala Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Sweden. Lund Term paper [C-uppsats], Lunds universitet, Sweden. Rowling's Harry Potter Series: A Journal of J. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature Step Inside Design Heroism in the Harry Potter Series.
The Great Snape Debate: Is Snape Innocent or Guilty? Lernen im Kontext neuer Medien'.
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The Secret Life of Stories: New York UP, The Common Review 6: Unterrichtsentwurf und Unterrichtsbausteine zu Ev 8. Kirche in Bayern ed. Presses universitaires de Rennes, , Literatur-Kartei zum Jugendbuch von Joanne K. Rowling "Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen". Verlag an der Ruhr, Actes du Colloque International: TREMA 24 , Biagioli, Nicole et al.: Villeneuve d'Ascq, , Philosophical Issues in Harry Potter. Selected essays from the "20th century fantasy literature: From Beatrix to Harry". UP of America, Literaturverfilmung am Beispiel von "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch".
Children's Literature 32 , Journal of Moral Education Jennifer Earl, Deana A. Social Movements and Media. Emerald Publishing, Studies in Media and Communications 14 , The Stone-Campbell Journal 8: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im Medienverbund. Socialization and Schooling for Wizards. The Educational Forum The Nature of Evil in J. Rowling's Harry Potter Series. A Magical Prescription for Just about Anyone. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy Enchantment for All Seasons. Gifted Child Today Symbols and Heroes of Fantasy. Children's literature in education Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Literature Interpretation Theory Harry Potter vuotavassa noidankattilassa: And then came the Fall: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness 1: Maria Eisenmann, Theresa Summer eds.
Basic issues in EFL teaching and learning. Desde Houdini a Harry Potter, crea tu propio ilusionismo. Projektarbeit an einer Hauptschule. Wall Street Journal 11 July , A Harry, Pipi und Co. Die Phantastik in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Imaginaria 91 4 December Translating worlds - Harry Potter und Translation: Eine translationswissenschaftliche Analyse der Harry Potter Filmreihe.
Warum sind wir alle so schrecklich neugierig? Verlag TU Dresden, , Rowling Inventors and Creators. Biblisch-theologische Spiegelungen zu Joanne K. Rowlings "Harry-Potter"-Saga aus pastoralpsychologischer Sicht. Strategien der Sakralisierung im Kino der Jahrtausendwende.
Gewaltdarstellungen in Harry Potter Filmen. Nice Loxias Untersuchungen zum Bild der Burg seit Fremde Welten in Texten und Bildern. Literature and the Young Adult Reader. Human Resources January , Fenomenologia di Harry Potter: The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories. Insights on what these books say about education. Phi Delta Kappan Barn av sin tid: Analys av Harry Potter som senmodernt mediefenomen. Church and State Le tissage de la mythologie dans la Fantasy anglo-saxonne. Internacia Kongresa Universitato, Zagrebo julio Universala Esperanto-Asocio, , A Muggle's Guide to the Wizarding World: Exploring the Harry Potter Universe.
Frankofoni Ankara, Turkey 15 , The Middle Ages in Children's Literature. The Science of Harry Potter: Achim Eschbach, Mark A. Halawa, Jens Loenhoff eds. Audiatur et altera pars: Kommunikationswissenschaft zwischen Historiographie, Theorie und empirischer Forschung. Mit Studierenden Lernvoraussetzungen des Geschichtsunterrichts erforschen.
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From Tom Brown to Harry Potter. Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance. Teacher Created Materials, The Return of the Epic Film: Genre, Aesthetics and History in the 21st Century. Edinburgh UP, , The Spirituality of Potterworld.
Darton, Longman and Todd, Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal 4: Popular Children's Literature in Britain. Culture and Organization Copenhagen MA Thesis [Cand. Harry Potter in text and film. Studies in Translatology Popular Culture and Our Children. University of Queensland Press, Harry Potter and the gender structure: Exploring gender in "The Goblet of Fire". Socialist review , 25f. Prejudice in Harry Potter's World: Strategies for Encouraging Reading Fluency. South African Journal for Information Studies The Mystery of Harry Potter: A Catholic Family Guide.
Our Sunday Visitor Pub. The Hollywood Family Film: Christian Science Monitor 28 November Harry Potter and the Marketing Plot. Journal of Marketing Management Advances in Consumer Research 33 , Consumer Reflections on the Harry Potter Phenomenon. The Marketing and Consumption of Literature. Harry Potter's Brand Magic. How to Do a Harry Potter. Forget the Customer, Develop Marketease.
Harry Potter and the marketing imaginarium. A review and critical assessment of the Harry Potter books. Journal of Marketing Harvard Business Review Harry Potter and the retro revolution. Academy of Marketing Conference Proceedings. Cambridge UP, , An analysis of the Harry Potter phenomenon. Bulletin Jugend und Literatur 5 , 8f. Die Afrikaanse vertaling van eiename in Harry Potter: He is editor of the international journal 'Foundations of Science FOS ' and a board member of the 'Worldviews group', founded by the philosopher Leo Apostel, which investigates the possibility of constructing integrated worldviews, taking into account the recent scientific findings.
He was the scientific and artistic coordinator of the 'Einstein meets Magritte' conference, where the world's leading scientists and artists gathered to reflect about science, nature, human action and society. The material of the conference has been published in an eight-volume series by by Springer and VUBPress. An intercultural perspective of worldviews and life world in the Mapuche culture, Ricardo Salas; To an intercultural construction of rationality, Dina V. Picotti C; Universalism and relativism of knowledge dissipate. The Intercultural Perspective, Rik Pinxten.