Io ballo da solo: Autobiografia comica (Ingrandimenti) (Italian Edition)
In the traditional description of Renaissance pastoral poetry, Virgil is considered the primary model and the best example, and the authoritative commentators praise his qualities Full Text Available Susan Bross is a nationally accredited financial counselor who established her private practice in She currently lives in San Rafael, California. She brings a multi-faceted background and a combination of skills to her work. As a financial counselor, she works with individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs throughout the nation to help clients develop a practical and emotionally healthy relationship with money.
When asked, she will tell you that she is passionate about her work because it mirrors her own hard-won path with money. Readers of the Journal will find Ms. She teaches simple tools for effortless and sustainable cash flow and money management. She also guides her clients to balanced attitudes and beliefs about money and success. The article reconstructs Susan Leigh Star's conceptual work on the notion of 'boundary objects'. It traces the emergence of the concept, beginning with her PhD thesis and its publication as Regions of the Mind in I therefore propose to reconsider Star's 'Durkheim test' for sociotechnical media practices.
Di fronte a tale perdita, non sappiamo se temporanea o permanente, ci siamo posti alcuni interrogativi. This paper addresses the recent disappearance of the Pesaro codex of the Vita nuova, as lately ascertained by Donato Pirovano. Without knowing if this loss is temporary or permanent, some questions concerning its possible recovery through a copy of the original manuscript need to be asked.
The object of his study is to answer these questions through the analysis of a potential descriptus. Only the Pesaro edition, copied from the missing manuscript, seemed to be eligible for this role. To ascertain whether this edition was asuitable substitute for thr Pesaro codex, I collated it with passages copied directly from the manuscript by Michele Barbi in his edition of the Vita Nuova. Even though the great number of discordances suggests that the former cannot be considered a copy of the original, its value as testimony still holds true.
Application of Vita Vallis dressing for infected wounds. Today there is a growing demand for safe and efficient antimicrobial dressings for infected wound treatment. The antimicrobial sorption material for Vita Vallis dressings was produced by one-stage oxidation of aluminum nanopowder in water in the presence of fibrous acetylcellulose matrix.
Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the material is made up of fibers of diameter 1. An antimicrobial study revealed a high inhibitory effect of Vita Vallis against the growth of gram-negative E. The antimicrobial activity of the dressing against microbial pathogens on the wound surface was demonstrated in in vivo experiments on male rats.
The dressing was also tested on volunteer patients. The testing showed reduction of the wound healing period, accelerated cleaning of the infected wound and enhanced tissue regeneration in the wound. The results demonstrate that the Vita Vallis dressing can be used for the treatment of deep infected wounds. Analysis of community response to transportation noise a quarter century after Schultz Transportation noise is a vexing and intrinsically controversial problem that has plagued societies since the beginnings of urban civilization. A function relating cumulative noise exposure to the prevalence of noise-induced annoyance [T.
Many have grown so comfortable with the last quarter century's paradigm for transportation noise assessment and regulation, however, that they have lost sight of its underpinnings and limitations. A review of the historical and modern states of the art identifies persistent unresolved problems in the prediction and explanation of community response to transportation noise that are not fully addressed by descriptive dosage-effect analysis.
To develop sexual propagationmethodologies for Montanoa quadrangularis Schultz Bipontianus arboloco. Seeds were harvested from treesgrown at the Chilaca environmental station Geoambiente Ltda. The study was carried out intwo phases: Additionally, two spatial arrangements were assessed: Secondly, in nursery conditions the effect of the substrates local soil, local soil mixed with worm humus and peat, as well as theeffect of developmental stages of the plants with 2, 4, and 6 leaves on their further growth and development were evaluated.
Inseedbed conditions, the germination capacity was highly influenced by peat substrate In nursery conditions, 6-leaf plants grown in local soil mixed with worm humus showed the best responses onparameters such as plant total length 9. The type of substrateused in seedbed conditions influenced the germination capacity of M. The substrate and the developmental stage ofthe plant had a significant influence on the growth and development of arboloco plants.
Our article reviews and celebrates Susan Nolen-Hoeksema's remarkable contributions to psychological and clinical science, focusing on her vast body of theoretical and empirical work and her influence on colleagues and students. Susan spent her career trying to understand how and why a style of regulating emotions called rumination increases vulnerability to depression and exacerbates and perpetuates negative moods.
More broadly, we describe research by Susan and her colleagues on the predictors of depression in childhood and adolescence; gender differences in depression and rumination in adolescence and adulthood; roots, correlates, and adverse consequences of ruminative response styles; and rumination as a transdiagnostic risk factor for not only depression but also a host of psychological disorders, including anxiety, substance abuse, and eating disorders.
Susan 's intellectual legacy is evident in her impressive publication and citation record, the clinical applications of her work, and the flourishing careers of the students she mentored. Comparison of Dorris-Gray and Schultz methods for the calculation of surface dispersive free energy by inverse gas chromatography. Inverse gas chromatography IGC is an important technique for the characterization of surface properties of solid materials. A standard method of surface characterization is that the surface dispersive free energy of the solid stationary phase is firstly determined by using a series of linear alkane liquids as molecular probes, and then the acid-base parameters are calculated from the dispersive parameters.
However, for the calculation of surface dispersive free energy, generally, two different methods are used, which are Dorris-Gray method and Schultz method. In this paper, the results calculated from Dorris-Gray method and Schultz method are compared through calculating their ratio with their basic equations and parameters. Teo Teocoli: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
It can be concluded that the dispersive parameters calculated with Dorris-Gray method will always be larger than the data calculated with Schultz method. When the measuring temperature increases, the ratio increases large. Compared with the parameters in solvents handbook, it seems that the traditional surface free energy parameters of n-alkanes listed in the papers using Schultz method are not enough accurate, which can be proved with a published IGC experimental result.
Rock gabion, rip-rap, and culvert treatments: Successes and failures in post-fire erosion mitigation, Schultz Fire Following the Schultz Fire in June of , several erosion mitigation efforts were undertaken to reduce the impacts of post-fire flooding expected during the monsoon. One treatment consisted of the placement of large rock rip-rap on targeted fill slopes of a high elevation forest road that contains a buried pipeline supplying water to the city of Flagstaff Toward a New, Musical Paradigm of Place: Full Text Available In privileging music as a focus for applied ecology, the goal of this essay is to deepen perspectives on the musical representation of land in an age of complex environmental challenge.
Inspired by the tradition of R. Notice and request for Written comments should be received on or Full Text Available The present study, a part of a larger project, deals with the under-researched sub genre of curriculum vitae CV of theses written in English by Indonesian students of English as a foreign language EFL. In a categorical structure, the CVs exhibit four main issues: Central to the findings is that the CVs allude to the notion of celebration with narcissistic expressions. La vita di un economista. The life of an economist.
In esso Charles P. Kindleberger riflette sulla sua vita e la sua carriera , dai suoi anni formativi a sua esperienze nel mondo accademico. The paper is a contribution to a series of recollections and reflections on the professional experiences of distinguished economists which the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review started in In it Charles P. Kindleberger reflects on his life and career, from his formative years to his experiences in academia.
Rock gabion, rock armoring, and culvert treatments contributing to and reducing erosion during post-wildfire flooding - Schultz Fire The fire burned between June 20th and 30th, , across moderate to very steep ponderosa pine and mixed conifer watersheds. Whenever she is seen by someone in the village, or in the house she haunts, a child dies under mysterious circumstances.
Anomaly manifestation of Lieb- Schultz -Mattis theorem and topological phases. The Lieb- Schultz -Mattis LSM theorem dictates that emergent low-energy states from a lattice model cannot be a trivial symmetric insulator if the filling per unit cell is not integral and if the lattice translation symmetry and particle number conservation are strictly imposed.
In this paper, we compare the one-dimensional gapless states enforced by the LSM theorem and the boundaries of one-higher dimensional strong symmetry-protected topological SPT phases from the perspective of quantum anomalies. We first note that they can both be described by the same low-energy effective field theory with the same effective symmetry realizations on low-energy modes, wherein non-on-site lattice translation symmetry is encoded as if it were an internal symmetry. In spite of the identical form of the low-energy effective field theories, we show that the quantum anomalies of the theories play different roles in the two systems.
In particular, we find that the chiral anomaly is equivalent to the LSM theorem, whereas there is another anomaly that is not related to the LSM theorem but is intrinsic to the SPT states. As an application, we extend the conventional LSM theorem to multiple-charge multiple-species problems and construct several exotic symmetric insulators. Problems with the original Lazy Susan were reported in a previous conference, where the procedure followed for its removal was described.
A new Lazy Susan was supplied by the fabricant and it was judged convenient to perform an out-of-core test of the dispositive. A rig was built to produce temperature gradients similar to the ones encountered in the operation at high power levels. After a temperature difference estimated between o C and o C between the rotating part and the outside surface was established, the Lazy Susan started to bind.
This was reported to the fabricant and it was concluded that a new design was needed and since it would take at least two years before the new unit could be acquired, it was decided to install the Lazy Susan recently supplied. The unit now rotates for approximately 20 minutes when the reactor is operating at 1 MW and then binds.
At lower power levels it is operative for longer periods of time. An Interview with Susan Fiske. She wrote Social Cognition with Taylor on how people make sense of each other. Currently, she investigates emotional prejudices pity, contempt, envy, and pride at cultural,…. An Interview with Susan Griffin. Inoltre si tratta di opere che hanno, in tempi diversi, creato un caso letterario: Le Benevole ha sollevato molti problemi orientando il dibattito su temi etici piuttosto che estetici; Vita e destino ha subito la censura in Unione Sovietica.
This paper focuses on two novels narrating the Second World War and the extermination of the Jews of Europe: These books have been chosen because they are closely related to each other and because they embody two different paradigms through which the Second World War has been represented. The following paper analyzes these novels from a strictly literary perspective, focusing on two issues: The Life of Antony, translated by Evagrius of Antioch: Reception, Manuscript Tradition, Edition.
Shortly after the death of the desertfather. The playwright handles some present-day social problems such as insensitiveness, lack of communication, lack of love, collision, alienation, moral degeneration especially around his heroines. Susan , the protagonist of Woman in Mind, and Lucy, the little heroine in Invisible Friends, are among the outstanding heroines of the playwright. The life experiences of Susan and Lucy reflected from the s The methods of detecting small moving targets in infrared image sequences that contain moving nuisance objects and background noise is analyzed in this paper.
The algorithm selects double templates for the infrared small target detection: First, the algorithm uses the big template to calculate the USAN of each pixel in the image and detect the small target, the edge of the image and isolated noise pixels; Then the algorithm uses the another template to calculate the USAN of pixels detected in the first step and improves the principles of SUSAN algorithm based on the characteristics of the small target so that the algorithm can only detect small targets and don't sensitive to the edge pixels of the image and isolated noise pixels.
So the interference of the edge of the image and isolate noise points are removed and the candidate target points can be identified; At last, the target is detected by utilizing the continuity and consistency of target movement. The experimental results indicate that the improved SUSAN detection algorithm can quickly and effectively detect the infrared small targets. Borges, Ariosto e la vita segreta dei personaggi minori.
Intended as a heartfelt tribute to Emilio Bigi, albeit an indirect one, this essay draws on an interview, still unpublished, given by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges in , in which he quoted a couple of lines of poetry which he firmly believed to be by Ariosto, and which for him, by then an old man, had become, more than a motto, a metaphor of life. It does not really matter that, as will become apparent retracing their history as well as their sources, these lines, centring on the mysterious figure of a Saracen character called Alibante of Toledo, actually belonged to Francesco Berni: Having finally reached Cervantes, the discussion concludes by returning once more to Borges and considering the impact that these lines, which had remained engrained in his memory throughout his life, had on his own.
Hans-Peter Schultze , a great paleoichthyologist for whom work is synonymous with enjoyment. Full Text Available In the summer of , Hans-Peter Schultze and Gloria Arratia were invited to a small museum located on a fossiliferous site of the Devonian Escuminac Formation in Miguasha, Quebec, eastern Canada, Hans-Peter was to work with Marius Arsenault, the director of the Miguasha Museum, on the skull of the elpistostegalid Elpistostege watsoni, a species closely related to basal tetrapod.
In addition, he went through the collections to describe and measure numerous juvenile specimens of the osteolepiform. As expected, there two projects turned out to be important contributions in lower vertebrate paleontology and systematics: During his visit to Miguasha, Hans-Peter also spent time digging for fossils and drawing numerous specimens in the collection. In addition, in order to help the personnel of the museum to identify some of the Escuminac fished, he created an identification key based on the gross morphology of the scales.
For a small group of undergraduate students, hired at the museum during the summer as naturalists, it was a unique opportunity to discuss paleontology with a leading researcher. We were amazed by his willingness to talk to us, even if then most of us only spoke French! For the first time, we were exposed to Hennigian methodology and its usage in vertebrate paleontology during and evening lecture that Hans-Peter prepared for us.
His lecture was delightful; it was an intensive course in lower vertebrate anatomy, and an intellectual journey among the philosophers Karl Marx and Karl Popper, the entomologists Willy Hennig and Lars Brundin, and "The Band of Four" Rosen et al. It was for most of us our first exposure to science, as it should be done. We were all impressed by his knowledge and above all by his simplicity and friendliness. Two years later I started my Ph. The dominant compounds in methanol extract of P.
- Garys DIY Solar Panels;
- Io ballo da solo: Autobiografia comica (Ingrandimenti) (Italian Edition)?
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- Clássico Vintage colchas de crochê (Portuguese Edition);
- Hubert And The Fence.
- Exhibition Day?
- vitae susan schultz: Topics by
In ethyl acetate extract of P. The antimicrobial activity of different P. Significant morphological and ultrastructural alterations due to the effect of methanolic and ethanolic P. Enteritidis have also been observed by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope, respectively. The results provide the evidence of antimicrobial potential of P. The book was intended as a defence of, and an exhortation to a life of celibacy and this dual purpose is clearly demonstrated in both episodes in which a cave is used as the setting.
The second cave episode has been neglected in the scholarly debate about the purpose of the book and this article attempts to set the record straight. E-C complex in patients with liver spot.
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Before treatment, the serum LPO contents in the patients were significantly higher than those in controls. After treatment, the LPO contents dropped markedly, being significantly lower than the values before treatment. However, the SOD contents were about the same as those in controls and changes little after treatment. E-C complex was of definite therapeutic value for the treatment of liver spot. The project concerns climate change adaptatio Environmental analysis of natural gas life cycle; Analisi ambientale del ciclo di vita del gas naturale.
Life Cycle Assessment is a method aimed at identifying the environmental effects connected with a given product, process or activity during its whole life cycle. The evaluation of published studies and the application of the method to electricity production with fossil fuels, by using data from published databases and data collected by the gas industry, demonstrate the importance and difficulties to have reliable and updated data required for a significant life cycle assessment.
The results show that the environmental advantages of natural gas over the other fossil fuels in the final use stage increase still further if the whole life cycle of the fuels, from production to final consumption, is taken into account. La valutazione di studi pubblicati e l'applicazione della metodologia alla produzione di energia elettrica da combustibili fossili, utilizzando dati provenienti da banche dati di letteratura e raccolti dall'industria del gas, dimostrano l'importanza e la difficolta' di avere a disposizione dati affidabili ed aggiornati, necessari per un'analisi significativa del ciclo di vita.
I risultati mostrano che i vantaggi ambientali del gas naturale rispetto agli altri combustibili fossili nella fase di utilizzo finale, aumentano ulteriormente se si considera l'intero ciclo di vita dei diversi combustibili, dalla produzione al consumo finale. The usefulness of the curriculum vita CV as a data source for examining the career paths of scientists and engineers was studied. CVs were obtained in response to an e-mail message sent to researchers working in the area of biotechnology who were funded by the National Science Foundation 55 responses or listed as authors industry only in the….
Locus pietatis et vitae II, Vranov u Brna Vranov u Brna, Parrhesia e forma-di- vita. Soggettivazione e desoggettivazione in Michel Foucault e Giorgio Agamben. Full Text Available Nei suoi libri recenti sotto il titolo principale "Homo sacer", Agamben si concentra sul concetto di forma-di- vita. Con questo articolo vorrei fornire una spiegazione del significato di questo concetto, sostenendo che le sue origini si possono far risalire alle "Vite degli uomini infami" di Foucault. The Vita Activa as Compass: Navigating Uncertainty in Teaching with Hannah Arendt. This dissertation is an exploration of stories of uncertainty in the lives of elementary teachers and the value that the ideas of Hannah Arendt lend to the discussion around uncertainty.
Arendtian action is inherently uncertain because to be "capable of…. Assumption on the southeastern shore of Onega Lake in the middle of the 14th century. It is believed that The Vita of Lazar of Murom was created during the period between the late 14th and early 15th century. Balandin, who made another copy of it. In —, poet Fyodor Glinka was sent to exile in Petrozavodsk for having participated in the Decembrist movement. Balandin, read the text of The Vita of Lazar of Murom and included a story about a monk who had moved from Greece to Russia into his poem Karelia, published in Besides, the name of Saint Lazar is mentioned in the main text of the poem and twice in its footnotes.
So, The Vita of Lazar of Murom became one of the sources which inspired Fyodor Glinka to create his poem Karelia and to certain extent determined its content. Full Text Available One of the currently prevalent analytic approaches in academia is feminist theory and criticism. Its combination with musicology has influenced the field for the past four decades.
Today, feminist musicology is highly researched, published in books and journals, and presented as scholarly papers at various musicological conferences around the world. This new approach introduces the ideologies of feminism to the study of music. Susan McClary and Marcia J. Citron are two musicologists who were influenced by these ideologies and have guided the musicological world in this direction of feminist musicology. Both have made serious contributions to the emerging field of feminist musicology. Both researched the ideas of gender musical construction within musical narratives, music as a gendered discourse, and historical and social factors that affected women in music.
Citron have significantly expanded the scope of musicology through their application of feminist theory. Note minime sul diritto a decidere della vita e della salute. Historiography and biography genre in the Vita Caligulae from Suetonius - some impressions. In our study, we start from the biography of Caligula emperor, named De Vita Caligulae, to analyze those generic aspects of the biography in the way to notice its features and how this biography is inserted in the historiographical roman tradition, to be known, as a way to write history or as a different genre.
During the research, besides the translation of the biography, we realized a brief study about the roman historiography, as well as some considerations about the textual and stylish aspects of Suetonius. This paper introduces a software framework called Visual Interpretation with Three-Dimensional Annotations VITA that is able to automatically generate three-dimensional 3D visual summaries based on radiological annotations made during routine exam reporting.
VITA summaries are in the form of rotating 3D volumes where radiological annotations are highlighted to place important clinical observations into a 3D context. The rendered volume is produced as a Digital Imaging and Communications i Full Text Available Looking at susan pui san lok's projects News and RoCH , this paper contemplates the notions put forward by Michel-Rolph Trouillot and Jacques Derrida on the power of archivists, not solely as guardians of documents but also as their interpreters. Taking into consideration that photographic and moving image archives present unique difficulties in their cataloguing processes, I examine silences that might be generated by a thematic classification that is not impervious to archivists' biases.
Moreover, I consider if the silences created by manual processes of classification and retrieval might be surpassed through digital technologies, or if it is possible that new technologies simply create different types of silencing. Intermittent large amplitude internal waves observed in Port Susan , Puget Sound.
A previously unreported internal tidal bore, which evolves into solitary internal wave packets, was observed in Port Susan , Puget Sound, and the timing, speed, and amplitude of the waves were measured by CTD and visual observation. The waves appear to be generated with the ebb flow along the tidal flats of the Stillaguamish River, and the speed and width of the resulting waves can be predicted from second-order KdV theory. Their eventual dissipation may contribute significantly to surface mixing locally, particularly in comparison with the local dissipation due to the tides.
Visually the waves appear in fair weather as a strong foam front, which is less visible the farther they propagate. Curriculum vitae method in science policy and research evaluation: This is a state-of-the-art assessment for a small but burgeoning research approach, use of curricula vitae in research evaluation. The accumulated research remains sufficiently modest for us to consider nearly all published studies and the full range of research purposes to which CV analysis has been applied.
CV analysis has been theory-driven, and theory and tools have increasingly converged. Advances in method and technique have been abetted especially by the push for a scientific and techn Thuja occidentalis Arbor vitae: Arbor vitae Thuja occidentalis L. Many reviews and monographs have been published on the herbal substance's description, mode of action and clinical use. However, no comprehensive evidence-based review is available. This review presents the botany, ethnobotany and phytochemistry, especial An Interview with Susan Conners: In this interview with Susan Conners, a middle school French teacher who has lived with Tourette syndrome TS since age 6, she discusses her lack of diagnosis until age 36, difficulties in school, why TS should be listed under "Other Health Impaired" in federal legislation, characteristics of TS, and interventions.
Lesson Plans for "Not for Ourselves Alone: These lesson plans for high school students were developed to accompany the documentary film by Ken Burns and Paul Barnes which tells the story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony and their lifelong fight for women's rights. In the lessons students write editorials about women's rights around the world today, interview senior citizens….
Standing Rock Sioux writer Susan Power's best-selling novel "The Grass Dancer" includes depictions of the supernatural and spiritual that do not conform to the Judeo-Christian or, in some cases, the atheist or rationalist worldviews of many readers. Power writes of ghost characters and haunted places, communication between the living and…. Dobronski and Susan K. Ferrovia , also a noncarrier and a limited liability company, which, until very recently Detecting Sitting, Standing, and Activity Patterns.
Full Text Available Sedentary behavior SB has detrimental consequences and cannot be compensated for through moderate-to-vigorous physical activity PA. In order to understand and mitigate SB, tools for measuring and monitoring SB are essential. While current direct-to-customer wearables focus on PA, the Vita Bit validated in this study was developed to focus on SB.
It was tested in a laboratory and in a free-living condition, comparing it to direct observation and to a current best-practice device, the ActiGraph, on a minute-by-minute basis. For walking, all performance values exceeded In the free-living condition, the device revealed performance of over While sensitivity and precision for standing and walking ranged from According to the laboratory findings, high performance for sitting, standing, and walking makes the Vita Bit eligible for SB monitoring.
As the results are not transferrable to daily life activities, a direct observation study in a free-living setting is recommended. Insecticides of the natural origin are an important alternative to the synthetic insecticides that are being employed for the preserving stored products. The volatiles obtained from T. The main purpose of the present study is to determine the chemical composition of T. Highest contact toxicity was observed in the leaf oil of The flower oil showed considerable fumigant toxicity against L. AHC analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data obtained from the essential oil composition of the T.
The linear shade guide design of Vita 3D-master performs as well as the original design of the Vita 3D-master. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the linear design has an effect on shade matching. It was recorded to what extent the presented and selected shade tabs, or the lightness group of the tabs, matched, also the needed time for colour matching. Mean time needed for matching of tabs and lightness group was no different between groups no significant difference for any assessment.
Within the limitations of the study design, the colour assessment with regard to performance and time needed in shade matching was not different with the LG or the 3D. Therefore, the user should choose which shade tab arrangement is more applicable. How did the complex concepts of psychoanalysis become popular in early twentieth-century Britain? This article examines the contribution of educator and psychoanalyst Susan Isaacs to this process, as well as her role as a female expert in the intellectual and medical history of this period. Isaacs was one of the most influential British psychologists of the inter-war era, yet historical research on her work is still limited.
The article focuses on her writing as 'Ursula Wise', answering the questions of parents and nursery nurses in the popular journal Nursery World, from to Researched in depth for the first time, Isaacs' important magazine columns reveal that her writing was instrumental in disseminating the work of psychoanalyst Melanie Klein in Britain.
Moreover, Isaacs' powerful rebuttals to behaviourist, disciplinarian parenting methods helped shift the focus of caregivers to the child's perspective, encouraging them to acknowledge children as independent subjects and future democratic citizens. Like other early psychoanalysts, Isaacs was not an elitist; she was in fact committed to disseminating her ideas as broadly as possible. Isaacs taught British parents and child caregivers to 'speak Kleinian', translating Klein's intellectual ideas into ordinary language and thus enabling their swift integration into popular discourse.
Full Text Available The author interprets Susan Silas' Helmbrechts walk , a unique series of forty-five photographs and supplementing visual and textual materials collected during the walk along the route of two hundred and twenty-five miles. The pictures Silas takes, the people she meets, and finally the trees, the very materiality of the road become the factors of creating her own, individual memory of the event from the past. Silas selects an object from "the margins of the Holocaust" — a forgotten event that she re-presents by reacting to contemporary objects placed along the route of the event.
Silas' work offers an opportunity to critically review the concept of memory landscapes where is memory located in a landscape? Silas problematises the question of memory, as well as examines different kinds of non-memory. Her camera is directed at locations that can be termed "the non-sites of memory. The haunting of Susan Lay: At Easter , Susan Lay, a servant in an Essex alehouse, saw the ghost of her mistress, who had been buried three days before. This article explores the history that lay behind her experience: It uses this and other legal records to examine the relationship between women in early modern households, arguing that, while antagonisms between women are typically part of effective patriarchies, the domestic life and social structures of mid seventeenth-century England bound servants and mistresses peculiarly tightly together, giving servants licence to dream of replacing their mistresses and mistresses cause to feel threatened by their servants, and making the competitive relations between women functional to patriarchal order.
It suggests, finally, that at this moment in time and in this context, seeing a ghost was the best, perhaps the only, way this servant had to tell a suppressed story and stake a claim to a household that had excluded her. Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to review the problems with the date of writing and the authorship of one of the first legendary accounts of the Prophet Muhammad written in Central Europe: After presenting the available evidence and the conjectures of different scholars, a new hypothesis about the identity of the author is put forward, which at the same time enables us to clarify the dating of the work, its possible sources and meaning.
Roma ri-vista e vissuta ne La dolce vita e La grande bellezza. Essays in Honor of Susan L. Fischer, Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, , pp.
Teo Teocoli
Isoflavone itself is less available in the body without the aid of intestinal bacteria. Isoflavone-transforming activity as the production of dihydrogenistein and dihydrodaidzein was assessed by high-performance liquid chromatography and we found Lactobacillus rhamnosus , named L. FEPL showed augmented anti-melanogenic potential.
Cosmological theology or theological cosmology? In this sense his account in the De Vita Mosisis closer to a cosmological theology. Full Text Available The author of Vita Fructuosi, probably a monk follower of Saint Fructuosus of Braga in the area of Gallaecia, shows in this biography an evident sense of rooting in the monastic Tradition, specially in the Egyptianeastern one, and also he declares a strong Roman-Catholic and Hispanic conscience.
As the highest expression of it, he presents Saint Fructuosus with the same merits of the Egyptian monks and, joined to Saint Isidorus of Seville, as a light for Spain, for the Western and for the whole Catholic Church: The Help-line "Invito alla Vita ": The project was promoted by the local Health Services, trying from the beginning to involve other community subjects, and has been working over five years and a half in different directions, particularly promoting a phone help-line.
Contrary to popular misconceptions, talking with people about suicide will not increase suicide risk, neither will it induce patients to commit suicide. The volunteers involved in the IaV help-line offer people empathic listening without judgment and easy tips, to reduce loneliness, sadness and supply reassurance that other people care.
In this study we tried to deepen our knowledges about the volunteers' motivations and necessities to use them for creating a better system of support: Beadle Award honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers and who exemplify the qualities of its namesake. The recipient is Susan A. Gerbi, who has been a prominent leader and advocate for the scientific community. In the course of her research on DNA replication, Gerbi helped develop the method of Replication Initiation Point RIP mapping to map replication origins at the nucleotide level, improving resolution by two orders of magnitude.
Gerbi's second area of research on ribosomal RNA revealed a conserved core secondary structure, as well as conserved nucleotide elements CNEs. Some CNEs are universally conserved, while other CNEs are conserved in all eukaryotes but not in archaea or bacteria, suggesting a eukaryotic function.
Intriguingly, the majority of the eukaryotic-specific CNEs line the tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit through which the nascent polypeptide exits. Gerbi has promoted the fly Sciara coprophila as a model organism ever since she used its enormous polytene chromosomes to help develop the method of in situ hybridization during her Ph.
The Gerbi laboratory maintains the Sciara International Stock Center and manages its future, actively spreading Sciara stocks to other laboratories. Gerbi has also served in many leadership roles, working on issues of science policy, women in science, scientific training, and career preparation.
This is an abridged version of the interview. The full interview is available on the Genes to Genomes blog, at genestogenomes. Full Text Available Purpose: Dental shade guides are commonly used for color determination and should be disinfected and sterilized. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color change of Vita 3D Master shade tabs after disinfection and sterilization. Overall, 98 samples shade tabs were randomly selected from 14 new, unused Vita 3D sets, including the following shades: In each set, values of 2, 3 and 4, chroma of 1, 2 and 3 and hue were selected for the comparison of different shades.
All tabs were measured using the Vita Easyshade device at baseline. The first group was disinfected with Deconex and the second group was sterilized by autoclaving in a simulated annual application. All the tabs were measured again using the same device. This process was repeated to simulate 2 and 3 years of usage. Statistical analysis was conducted by repeated measures analysis of variance ANOVA and independent t-test and paired sample t-test.
The color change of shade tabs was significant both after disinfection by a chemical solution and by sterilization through autoclaving. However, although disinfectants may not have a clinically important effect, sterilization should be considered as an interfering factor during color-matching procedure. As a result, the In addition, a video summary e.
In a survey with referring physicians, the vast majority strongly agreed that 3D visual summaries improve the communication of the radiologists' reports and aid communication with patients. Anti radiation action of 'Vin- Vita ' food additive solution in 'Kuyalnik' mineral water under sublethal gamma-irradiation conditions.
The study involved four groups of female Wistar rats. Evaluation of accuracy of shade selection using two spectrophotometer systems: Vita Easyshade and Degudent Shadepilot. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the accuracy of shade matching using two spectrophotometric devices. Thirteen patients who require a full coverage restoration for one of their maxillary central incisors were selected while the adjacent central incisor was intact.
Shade matching was performed using Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer, Shadepilot spectrophotometer, and Vitapan classical shade guide for the first, second, and third crown subsequently. After application, firing, and glazing of the porcelain, the color was evaluated and scored by five inspectors. Both spectrophotometric systems showed significantly better results than visual method P spectrophotometers P Spectrophotometers are a good substitute for visual color selection methods.
The extraordinary potentialities during the first year of life and the fact that they are at the basis of the development of personality are proposed here using a relational prospective. The fundamental significance connected to the quality of the precocious verbal and non—verbal interactions between infants and their caregiver is evidenced as well.
In this sense his account in the De Vita Mosis is closer to a cosmological theology. Hierdie artikel het ten doel om ondersoek in te stel na Philo se begrip van die heelal en veral die vier basiese elemente soos dit deur die Griekse filosowe geleer is. Susan Loucks-Horsley learning model in light pollution theme: The curriculum in Indonesia recommended that science teachers in the elementary and intermediate schools should have interdisciplinary ability in science.
However, integrated learning still has not been implemented optimally. This research is designing and applying integrated learning with Susan Loucks-Horsley model in light pollution theme.
It can be showed how the student's achievements based on new taxonomy of science education with five domains: This research use mixed methods with concurrent embedded design. The subject is grade 8 of junior high school students in Bandung as many as 27 students. The Instrument have been employed has 28 questions test mastery of concepts, observations sheet and moral dilemma test.
The result shows that integrated learning with model Susan Loucks-Horsley is able to increase student's achievement and positive characters on light pollution theme. Elective frozen elephant trunk procedure using the E- Vita Open Plus prosthesis in 94 patients: Fifty percent of the cases were reoperations. The perioperative mortality rate was The E- Vita Open Plus hybrid device confirms the favourable short- and mid-term outcomes offered by its predecessor in frozen elephant trunk procedures in patients with chronic aortic arch disease.
Implantation of the E- Vita Open Plus is associated with good 1-year survival rates, good rates of favourable aortic remodelling in both chronic dissection and degenerative aneurysms and a reproducible technique in a multicentre registry. Continued follow-up is required due to the risk of evolution at the downstream aorta. Full Text Available The use of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers HBOC as oxygen delivering therapies during hypoxic states has been hindered by vasoconstrictive side effects caused by depletion of nitric oxide NO.
The large molecular weight is believed to prevent extravasation and limit NO scavenging and vasoconstriction. The aim of this study was to assess vasoactive effects of Oxy Vita C on systemic blood pressures and cerebral pial arteriole diameters. Normal saline was used as a volume-matched control. There was no vasoconstriction in small Vita C group. In contrast, small and medium-sized pial arterioles vasoconstricted in the control group. Compared to saline, Oxy Vita C showed no cerebral vasoconstriction after any of the four doses evaluated in this rat model despite increases in blood pressure.
Per una lettura integrata del film di Roberto Benigni. The work tells in twenty-nine chapters the life of the bishop of Ruspe Fulgentius, troubled by exile and persecutions both in the monastic phase and in the episcopal one, in the context of the vandalic invasion in Africa between 5th and 6th century. What stands out is the awareness that current lifestyles must necessarily change in order to assure vivibility to the future generations. This article attempts to stimulate the attention of the scientific field about the possibilities that an in-depth study dealing with signals of changement may have.
This review presents the botany, ethnobotany and phytochemistry, especially the different contents of essential oil Thujone in relation to different extraction procedures of this medicinal plant. Thuja's antiviral action and immunopharmacological potential, such as stimulatory and co-stimulatory effects on cytokine and antibody production and activation of macrophages and other immunocompetent cells, have been evaluated in numerous in vitro and in vivo investigations.
Although no controlled trials have been conducted on Thuja occ alone, many clinical studies have been performed with a herbal medicinal product containing a special extract of Thuja occ and other immunostimulants, demonstrating its therapeutic efficacy and safety in respiratory tract infections. Nietzsche e a Virtude da Vita Contemplativa. Full Text Available http: Para tal, dividimos a abordagem em duas partes centrais: Assessment of Social Information Processing in early childhood: Crick and Dodge's Psychological Bulletin Its application to early childhood, however, has been much more limited.
One hundred twenty-five Head Start preschool children participated in the study. More socially competent children more frequently attributed sadness to the victims of provocation and labeled aggressive behaviors as both morally unacceptable and less likely to lead to positive outcomes. More socially competent girls labeled others' emotions more accurately.
More disruptive children more frequently produced physically aggressive solutions to social provocations, and more disruptive boys less frequently interpreted social provocations as accidental. Pictures to a story. Full Text Available During the eighteenth century the venetian publishing knows a flowering season thanks to the involvement of great artists in the field of illustration.
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Pietro Antonio Novelli was one of the most prolific inventors of decorations for illustrated books. At the Museum of Bassano del Grappa we can find a special watercolored edition: Action in the vita activa: Plurality, freedom, power, and the language of Daang Matuwid. These activities according to Arendt correspond to the basic human conditions of life, worldliness, and plurality respectively which in turn are under the most general condition of existence: Daang Matuwid is implemented in all branches of the government: It applies to all institutions in their functions, to all offices and their affiliates.
Daang Matuwid is mandated to be observed by all government personnel; elected and appointed officials the president himself included, administrators and staff, and extends to employees of corporations in the public service. Daang Matuwid simply means honesty. Full Text Available The development and application of chemistry transport models has a long tradition. This paper presents the curriculum vitae of the model system, describing the model's history, model philosophy, basic features and a validation with EMEP stations for the new benchmark year , and presents cases with the model's most recent and key developments.
By setting the model developments in context and providing an outlook for directions for further development, the paper goes beyond the common model description. With an origin in ozone and sulfur modelling for the models LOTOS and EUROS, the application areas were gradually extended with persistent organic pollutants, reactive nitrogen, and primary and secondary particulate matter. The model is no longer confined to applications over Europe but is also applied to other regions of the world, e.
The increasing interaction with emission experts has also contributed to the improvement of the model's performance. The philosophy for model development has always been to use knowledge that is state of the art and proven, to keep a good balance in the level of detail of process description and accuracy of input and output, and to keep a good record.
Sono state evidenziate notevoli carenze del Servizio Sanitario locale, per mancanza di un sistema di monitoraggio e prevenzione rivolto agli immigrati.
- Textual Information Access: Statistical Models.
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- 40 Hours and an Unwritten Rule: The Diary of a Nigger, Negro, Colored, Black, African-American Woman;
- Outsourcing Economics.
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- Interview mit einem Traummann (Baccara) (German Edition).
This article examines the contribution of educator and psychoanalyst Susan Isaacs — to this process, as well as her role as a female expert in the intellectual and medical history of this period. The report concerns two Italian laws, n. The meaning of each parameter, included in the two laws, is explained considering that their purpose is protection and promotion of aquatic life.
Fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate trattate mediante trasposizione del muscolo gracile: This work aims to develop a comfortable TBI technique that achieves a uniform dose distribution to the total body while reducing the dose to organs at risk for complications. To maximize patient comfort, a lazy Susan -like couch top immobilization system which rotates about a pivot point was developed.
During CT simulation, a patient is immobilized by a Vac-Lok bag within the body frame. The two scans are imported into the Pinnacle treatment planning system and concatenated to give a full-body CT dataset. Treatment planning matches multiple isocenter volumetric modulated arc VMAT fields of the upper body and multiple isocenter parallel-opposed fields of the lower body. VMAT fields of the torso are optimized to satisfy lung dose constraints while achieving a therapeutic dose to the torso.
The multiple isocenter VMAT fields are delivered with an indexed couch, followed by body frame rotation about the pivot point to treat the lower body isocenters. The treatment workflow was simulated with a Rando phantom, and the plan was mapped to a solid water slab phantom for point- and film-dose measurements at multiple locations. The treatment plan of 12Gy over 8 fractions achieved The mean lung dose was 8. All relative film dosimetry showed at least a The proposed patient comfort-oriented TBI technique provides for a uniform dose distribution within the total body while reducing the dose to the lungs.
We studied the use, uptake, and effects of e- Vita , a personal health record, with self-management support and personalized asynchronized coaching, for type 2 diabetes patients treated in primary care. Patients were invited by their practice nurse to join the study aimed at testing use and effects of. Recently, simultaneous determination of vitamin B12, folic acid and biotin in one sample is urgently required when evaluating the quality of infant formulae in our practical work.
However, the present sample preparation protocols which are developed for individual test systems, are incompatible with simultaneous determination of several analytes. The performance of this novel "three-in-one" sample preparation method was systematically evaluated through comparing with individual sample preparation protocols. The proposed new sample preparation method will significantly improve the efficiency of infant formulae inspection. A comparison on the flexural strength of a new dental porcelain D. Full Text Available Statement of Problem: Dental porcelain is one of the best materials ever used in dentistry.
Excellent tissue"ncompatibility, esthetics, very low solubility in oral fluids, high compressive strength, and the lowest bacterial"nplaque accumulation on the glazed porcelain are some of its advantages. Porcelain brittleness due to its low"ntensile strength, impact strength and the occlusal attrition of opposing teeth enamel are some of its"ndisadvantages. The most important mechanical properties of dental porcelains are their flexural strength that is"nthe ability of a porcelain to resist fracture when loaded from above.
Different ways have been proposed to"neliminate porcelain brittleness and develop its flexural strength, among which baking porcelain on a metal"nframework is more commonly used. Considering that restoration and replacement of teeth by porcelain fused to metal restorations is still"nthe most commonly used technique, the aim of the present study was to measure the flexural strength of a"nporcelain bonded to metal powder, D4 Dentin, and to compare it with Vita Dentin powder.
In this experimental study, a stainless steel box, 25x5x2mm was made according to"nISO Samples were placed on the"nthree point bending test machine and force was applied the middle of each block. To analyze the data, t-"nstudent test and co-variance analysis were used. Please try your request again later. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. All Formats Paperback Hardcover Sort by: Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg.
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