
Exercise and Fitness Training After Stroke - E-Book: a handbook for evidence-based practice

The training covers adaptations that can be made for older people with specific conditions in order to help them achieve the exercises safely and successfully. If there are currently no courses with vacancies running in your area please contact the LLT office at info laterlifetraining. Approval and REPs at Level 4.

Approval required pre-requisites for entry to this L4 course. If you are a Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist or a rehabilitation assistant working in a health setting your work insurance will normally cover you, but check with your employer. If you are a fitness professional there are a variety of insurance providers, depending on what you other qualifications and experience are. We suggest you speak to Perkins Slade or Fitness Professionals to ensure you can get adequate insurance to run sessions for people at high risk of falls.

This course requires a considerable time commitment apart from the face to face training so please be prepared to work hard for a successful outcome. Four weeks prior to the first face to face course day we will send you, by post, your pre-course resources set you will need for the training.

We will also email you a unique enrolment key password for you to access the e-learning training portal. Please note we do not recommend using smartphones or tablets for the e-learning work. All online work is compulsory. You will also attend 3 face to face days of training 9am-6pm and one full day for your assessments. You will be able to tailor the FaME exercises for a range of comorbidities and functional impairments that frailer older people may present with. All students are advised to contact their insurance providers to ensure adequate insurance is in place.

This training is specifically aimed at a prescriptive set of exercises that are effective at reducing falls in frailer older people. It gives you the skills to support home based exercise or exercise delivered in small groups once you have received an appropriate referral from a Physiotherapist or PSI.

It is not appropriate for fitter older people as often the balance challenge and strength progression is not effective for those who are already relatively active. There is no training on adapting exercise for different medical conditions. In addition, courses can be hosted by local organisations and partnerships who support a range of professionals who work with older people in the local area.

These courses can be tailored to suit local programmes, services and priority groups. If you are a Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist or a rehabilitation assistant working in a health setting your work insurance will normally cover you but check with your employer. If you are a fitness professional there are a variety of insurance providers available, depending on what you other qualifications and experience are.

This course requires a time commitment apart from the face to face training so please be prepared to work hard for a successful outcome. Four weeks prior to the first face to face course day we will send you, by post, your full resources set you will need for the training. You will also attend face to face days of training 2 or 3 depending on your background qualifications and one full day for your assessments. Only a physiotherapist can assess for suitability into the programme.

If you are an exercise professional with highest level qualification at L4 PSI, on successfully achieving the required criteria for this leadership award all assessed elements you will be qualified to lead the evidenced based OEP to older people at risk of falls and meeting the criteria , assess for suitability into the programme ideally agreed locally with physiotherapy teams. This Level 3 qualification is for those wanting to work in an unsupervised capacity leading exercise for independently active, older adults.

It is not aimed, nor will it give you the skills to adapt exercise, for specific medical conditions. The content is mapped against the newly updated units, to find out more please visit the YMCA Awards website. The total QCF credit value for this qualification is 4. You will need to set aside at least two-three days of your time to prepare for the assessments.

Your practice will be informed by current best practice guidelines. All students are advised to contact their insurance providers to ensure adequate insurance is in place before commencing any classes. Book now Course events Events running specific to this course. This training is specific to individuals who have had a stroke and wish to regain their fitness and reduce their chance of a future stroke.

There is no specific age that this training works best with but the stroke survivor needs to be able to walk about and transfer independently in order to be able to do the specific exercises from this proven researched programme of exercises. We suggest you speak to Perkins Slade or Fitness Professionals to ensure you can get adequate insurance to run sessions for people who have had a stroke. Those attending will have a background in physical activity and exercise promotion and working with older people and work in health services, local government and both the age related and medical sections of the voluntary sector.

Local co-ordinators and trainers will be able to use the Someone Like Me programme in a variety of ways. Some local programmes train and support older volunteers to work with general older populations, within specific neighbourhoods or communities and others support those with specific conditions. The case studies identified in the what happens after a course section will provide some examples of local programmes.

Later Life Training mainly provide bespoke commissioned courses for partnerships to build capacity that meets the needs of a locally planned programme.

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We would be pleased to hear from, and assist, organisations wishing to plan local programmes. Throughout the training day, participants are given the opportunity to reflect on both their current practice and new learning acquired. As a result, participants leave with a number of personal action points, which they can build into their future practice.

This course is giving you the skills to recruit, support and provide peer activity motivators to older people in your area. However, as volunteers within any service, you must ensure they know their professional boundaries and there should be insurance cover at least pubic liability to cover their work with the public. You should check with your employer about any insurance cover you should have.

You may like to contact the following insurers to see if they can offer advice — Perkins Slade or Fitness Professionals. This course requires a time commitment apart from the one day face to face training. Setting up a local peer mentoring scheme requires commitment and passion so although you can just come along and attend the training, in order for you to successfully make use of the training it would be helpful for you to have considered all your questions for what happens next.

There is a short pre-course task, including a small number of questions about physical activity, older people and volunteering, which when completed, should be brought to the training. The course is designed to prepare you to plan, implement and evaluate your own training and support programme for Senior Peer Mentors in your local area so that they are confident to include the promotion of physical activity in their work. We believe that this is best undertaken by local professionals who are in a position to support Senior Peer Mentors throughout their work. This course does not teach professionals how to teach physical activity or exercise to Senior Peer Mentors.

Postural Stability Instructor

Volunteers are able to lead and teach groups and individuals, but that would be the result of participation and qualification in a specific accredited and recognised course. No previous qualifications are required. The MMe training covers working with older people of all ages and abilities, appropriate for a range of services, and can be adapted to suit the needs of those who work with specific groups eg. Approval and receives 4 CPD points as there is no assessment.

LLT provide a certificate of attendance. However, if you intend to use this training within your delivery of exercise to increase uptake or adherence to your sessions, you should make sure you are insured, as you are following up with an activity prescription. We suggest you speak to Perkins Slade or Fitness Professionals or your current insurance provider to ensure you are covered. This course requires a time commitment apart from the one-day face to face training. Participants are expected to undertake pre-course reading and a professional reflective task which they discuss at the face to face training.

MMe training is designed to provide physical activity and exercise leaders, teachers and instructors with both theoretical perspectives and practical applications on motivating older people to adopt and maintain regular physical activity participation. There is recent research Hawley Hague, that demonstrates that those teachers and instructors who have undertaken the Motivate Me CPD Training achieve greater and more sustained participation amongst their exercise and activity class members.

To give an exercise prescription you must hold an exercise delivery or leadership qualification. This one-day CPD training is for those with a knowledge and experience of physical activity, exercise, movement and are beginning to work with people living with dementia, without any, or limited experience of dementia. This course is designed for those who are coming into contact with people living with dementia and their care-givers. Approval and receives 6 CPD points as there is no assessment. However, if you intend to use this training within your delivery of exercise to increase uptake or adherence to your sessions, you should ensure you are insured as you are following up with an activity prescription.

This one day LLT 1st Steps in Dementia CPD training day teaches professionals how to increase uptake and adherence to physical activity by people living with dementia. It uses a sound understanding of evidence-based, best practice strategies and how to implement them effectively into programming of exercise and physical activity.

Otago Exercise Programme Leader

It also provides learners with the opportunity to review their own current practice in this exciting end emerging field of physical activity promotion. It does NOT provide a set of exercises or exercise advice. This training is specifically aimed at a prescriptive set of exercises that are effective for increasing exercise capacity in frailer older people or those who are chair bound. Chair based exercise can be used as a starting point for increasing exercise tolerance strength, flexibility and stamina and then people may be able to move onto other standing exercise programmes that can improve balance and walking capacity.

It does not, however, teach you how to adapt exercise for people with specific medical conditions. We suggest you speak to Perkins Slade or Fitness Professionals to ensure you can get adequate insurance to run sessions for frailer older people.

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The application of the training is wide ranging and depending on your profession and other qualifications held, this programme could apply to community, home and care home settings. At LLT we are committed to supporting you to develop evidence-based exercise continuums and exercise referral pathways that are practicable and that can enhance and support partnership working in order to meet the needs of patients, clients and your service.

We are an endorsed training provider for both Skills for Care and Skills Active. Download a flyer that explains how we can support your teams here. All the programmes that we train people to deliver have been shown to improve health outcomes and promote independence — reducing the burden on health and social care services. You can read independent service evaluations of sessions delivered by LLT qualified staff here.

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Our directors are actively involved with research and work alongside an experienced tutor team who themselves work within NHS service structures. Click here to read a Statement on Consistent and Accurate Messaging for Commissioners and Stakeholders in frailty and falls prevention services.

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LLT run a conference every two years. If you qualify with LLT or attend one of our courses you can join a mailing list and receive notification. Alternatively keep an eye on the LLT website or Facebook pages for notification. No, we open our conferences to everyone, however, there is a strong emphasis on updating the evidence base and practical tips on delivering the LLT evidence based exercise programmes. LLT offer the ability to download all the keynote presentations and workshop information as pdfs after the conference to those that could not attend.

There is a cost associated with this but this is of course less than the original conference attendance. No qualifications are required but some understanding of older people, physical activity and exercise would be helpful. The FF MOT is primarily designed for use with community living older people and in practice can be applied in a number of settings eg, leisure centres, fitness clubs, community venues, sheltered and supported living. Experience suggests that it is not appropriate for use in residential care settings and frailer older people.

Open courses are run across the UK but only if interest in an area is shown. We are happy to set up a course if there is interest, so let us know. We also run'hosted' or'bespoke' courses to meet the needs of people and professionals in specific communities, services and settings. A Certificate of Attendance with these organisations logos will be provided. Is any activity after stroke a good thing? Furthermore, while many of the complex and technical concepts presented, such as epidemiological terms and research methods, may be unfamiliar to lay readers who do not have a strong research background, the authors make an effort to mitigate this problem by using less technical language throughout; a glossary of terms is also provided at the end of the book.

Exercise and Fitness Training after Stroke is an excellent resource for health care and exercise professionals implementing exercise programmes for people living with stroke, as well as for stroke survivors and their caregivers. The purpose and intended audience are consistently emphasized throughout, and the content is comprehensive, practical, easy to follow, and well organized.

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