Der Westfälische Frieden von 1648 (German Edition)
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In any case, the texts of the treaties themselves have very seldomly been studied, let alone compared with other, more recent or older treaties of peace. The first scholar to shatter some doubt on the enormous importance that was traditionally attributed to 'Westphalia' for the emergence of the modern European states system, was precisely Heinz Duchhardt. Duchhardt stated that the system of the balance of power only became dominant in the European system as a consequence of Louis XIV's wars of expansion 8.
Over the last years, some academics have started to research medieval and early modern treaty practice, which was long severely neglected.
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This had brought some of them to study the Westphalia peace treaties as juridical acts. All of these authors, including Steiger, have come to more or less the same conclusions, which imply a clear attack on the 'myth' of Westphalia 9.
Peace of Westphalia
Steiger clearly proves that the peace treaties did not introduce a new concept of sovereignty, nor of state equality, neither included clauses on the balance of power and did not promote the idea of having the peace guaranteed under international law by different European powers. The peace treaties of 24 October are both hybrids: Steiger points out that clauses which include references to 'sovereignty', religious equality and guarantees reflect upon the German aspect of the treaties.
Most of these clauses were not original either. Furthermore, Steiger indicates that peace and alliance treaties of the later seventeenth century that included references to the peace treaties as their very foundation, were all treaties concerning the Empire. Only from onwards, did real 'European' treaties start to refer to Westphalia as the basis of the international settlement. dictionary :: [] :: English-German translation
Steiger's article is also interesting inasmuch as it makes a clear distinction between the different categories of powers involved in the treaties. In the first place, this is important from the point of view of German constitutional history. According to Steiger the estates of the Empire were comprehended in the treaty as members of the Empire and subjects of the emperor, who was referred to as signatory partner to the treaty in the first article, next to the French or Swedish sovereign.
But some estates were also comprehended as allies of the. French or the Swedish. Thereby, their right to form alliances with foreign powers and have an independent international policy was recognised to be in existence before In the second place, Steiger also states that the 'inclusion clause', whereby almost all of the European powers were invited to be included in the peace, did not signify that they became full partners to the treaty.
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He is however at a loss to state what it exactly implies. More research on this clause, which can be found in most major peace and alliance treaties since the sixteenth century, needs to be done The book was also published by Oldenbourg in a hardcover edition, outside the series. The proceedings were published in the review De zeventiende eeuw. They are also available in a book outside the series, published by Verloren De vrede van Munster. Ciclo de conferencias celebrado en la Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid 9 de marzo a 30 de noviembre de Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and.
Vorangegangen war am Oktober werden diese in einem gemeinsamen Abschnitt di. Read more Read less. Here's how restrictions apply.

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As European influence spread across the globe, these Westphalian principles, especially the concept of sovereign states, became central to international law and to the prevailing world order. Peace negotiations between France and the Habsburgs began in Cologne in These negotiations were initially blocked by Cardinal Richelieu of France, who insisted on the inclusion of all his allies, whether fully sovereign countries or states within the Holy Roman Empire.
Both cities were maintained as neutral and demilitarized zones for the negotiations. Only Roman Catholic worship was permitted, while Calvinism and Lutheranism were prohibited.
The peace negotiations had no exact beginning and ending, because the delegations never met in a plenary session. Instead, various delegations arrived between and and left between and The largest number of diplomats were present between January and July Delegations had been sent by 16 European states, 66 Imperial States representing the interests of Imperial States, and 27 interest groups representing 38 groups.
The rulers of the Imperial States could henceforth choose their own official religions. Catholics and Protestants were redefined as equal before the law, and Calvinism was given legal recognition as an official religion.
The Holy See was very displeased at the settlement, with Pope Innocent X calling it "null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of meaning and effect for all time" in the bull Zelo Domus Dei. The treaties did not entirely end conflicts arising out of the Thirty Years' War. Fighting continued between France and Spain until the Treaty of the Pyrenees in