Cheryl: My Story
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Don't have a Kindle? Harper 11 October Language: Share your thoughts with other customers.
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Cheryl: My Story
Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. When reading the book I just could not help but think about how similar Cheryl's family situation was to mine. We both have half siblings, and when reading that part in her book about how her family reacted that one of her siblings was really her half sibling, that just put a smile on my face and just reminded me about how I dealt with the same situation with my two younger sisters when we found out that our older sister is really our half sister.
And that bit of news came up at a already horrible time in my family. What really appealed to me about her is how emotionally intelligent she is and how she connects with her fans. Even for me who instantly jumped on the Soldier wagon here in the U. Prior to the book's release, Cheryl: My Story was serialised exclusive by the British tabloid newspaper The Sun in the week preceding its publication.
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The book was originally published in hardcover by Harper on 11 October in the United Kingdom, [20] preceding its paperback release on 11 April My Story also accompanied the tenth-anniversary reunion of Girls Aloud. Cheryl held a book signing at the Corinthia Hotel London on 1 December It received a Canadian release on 23 October , followed by an Australian release on 1 November The Sun described Cheryl: My Story as a "brilliant autobiography.
He sees this as a bit like his comeuppance. He knows what he did was wrong and he has apologised to Cheryl. They always spoke after the split and throughout the divorce. They want one another to be happy now. Shame I trusted you.
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You live and learn. She can say all this about others but nobody else can say anything about her. The Guardian reported that Cheryl: My Story had sold on average 2, copies a day in the first five months of its release. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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A reviewer on goodreads. For those of you rounded enough to have an open mind and for the down right fans. This book is awesome the girl can seriously write.
The majority of Amazon customers gave the book 5 stars. One reviewer thought it was honest and brilliantly written: A fantastic read, much more honest than I ever expected it to be, particularly with regards to her marriage troubles which take up a hefty chunk of the book. A brilliant and honest autobiography, well worth a read.