After the First Death
Soldiers attack the bus and free the surviving children. They kill Artkin and Ben is wounded in the cross-fire. In the confusion of the assault Miro escapes through the military cordon, forcing Kate to accompany him. Kate tries to convince Miro that Artkin was his father. The confused Miro does not believe this and shoots Kate, believing that she had been manipulating him.
The girl dies thinking that her family would not know that she had been brave. Miro moves out to kill a passing motorist and make good his escape. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
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After the First Death: Book Summary & Analysis |
This page was last edited on 14 November , at Based on 32 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this book. Terrorists kidnap, murder, and torture. Infrequent, mild to moderate. What parents need to know Parents need to know that the plot is too complex and subtle for some readers, the author packs the story with suspense and surprising twists that compel interest throughout.
Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Adult Written by pancake kitty January 24, Parents beware I read this book when my year-old child read it for school and disliked it intensely. It is a difficult read, and many kids will not fully grasp the details Adult Written by bubbybaba April 9, Teen, 17 years old Written by EmJay April 9, Totally confusing and psycho I had to read the book for an english assignment.
It was so compelling and yet I didn't like it. The plot got more confusing as it went along. Teen, 14 years old Written by kidwell95 July 14, Its different from all the other books i read. Its pretty intense at points, over all i liked it. Is it any good? Talk to your kids about Why do you think he wrote it the way he did? What are the different points of view and how do they help advance the story? Would you have enjoyed the book more or less if it was structured another way?
I was torn in a lot of ways, because I tended to identify with the "good" guys, but that line is very blurry in this story. I would absolutely recommend this novel, and I actually look forward to having an opportunity to reading it again. Children are kidnapped, several deaths in various ways, torture Sex: A young man walks in on a girl with a naked lower-half, the girl adopts an attitude of seduction Language: Children are drugged to keep them under control May 04, Cory Hernandez rated it really liked it Shelves: This book blew my mind!
The book is one that will really make the reader think, which is why I primarily loved the book; it really made me think. The book tells the incredible story of terrorists hijacking a bus of five and six year old children, as well as a young woman who is the bus's driver.
The book is told through the eyes of Miro, one of the hijackers, Kate, the bus driver, and Ben, the son of a g Holy cow! The book is told through the eyes of Miro, one of the hijackers, Kate, the bus driver, and Ben, the son of a general. The reader sees different view points and is forced to sympathize with all of them.
I thought this book was very well written. In the beginning, it was a little hard to know what was going on, but as the book kept going, it was easier to figure out; that is, until the end and then it was a little harder. It was very real and most of the characters were believable for the most part. There is violence, including the death of two children, and also many swearing scenes. Overall, great book and highly recommended. Should be taught in the higher grades of high school.
Jul 30, Trevor rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Readers who like to be kept guessing. Published first in one of my prized books is a signed first HC edition , it reads as if it were a hostage crisis unfolding right before us. A school bus full of kids is taken hostage by young men fighting for their country and religion. There's some major Stockholm syndrome, and some very unsettling plot twists revealed as the book progresses. There's a general in charge of anti terrorist activities, who ends up putting his own son in the hostage takers' paths.
All the decisions made by th Published first in one of my prized books is a signed first HC edition , it reads as if it were a hostage crisis unfolding right before us. All the decisions made by the characters here are unbelievably difficult. It's one of the grittiest YA books I've ever read.
In a word, amazing.
After the First Death Summary & Study Guide
Perhaps even more relevant today than when it was originally written. There's not much I can say about this one - the book speaks for itself. Feb 04, Gina Baik rated it really liked it. I just finished this book at I'm like really sad but like I'm not crying. It's a weird feeling. Tbh, I didn't really like this book in the beginning because it was quite boring. But after a while, it became a thriller.
So much death, shooting, surprise attack, torture, guns, hanging, and yeah, I guess you get the point. Anyways, this was a nice short book pages and I quite enjoyed it. There are some Aha! If you're looking for a book that's short and has some action to it, I really would recommend this book for you to read. Mar 22, Emily Tchorz rated it really liked it. I think this book was very well written, although it could be slow at times. It was also kind of predictable, but I really like Robert Cormier and he is a great author, his books just start a bit slow and can be confusing at times.
The plot itself is suspenseful, and the characters are well developed, you really feel for the people in the book. Oct 30, Ash rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Three teenagers caught at the center of a terrorist hostage situation involving a bus-load of children on their way to a camp.
All three face their different choices, but inevitably they are faced with the possibility of death, firstly there is Ben, the son of an army General who becomes the go-between between the Army and the Terrorists, he does so upon his fathers orders despite being somewhat unwilling. Next there is Kate, the bus driver, filling in for her uncle she becomes entangled in the Three teenagers caught at the center of a terrorist hostage situation involving a bus-load of children on their way to a camp. Next there is Kate, the bus driver, filling in for her uncle she becomes entangled in the plot when she is forced into driving upon a bridge and left to sit and wait until the demands of those holding her hostage are met, having to face the possibility of watching the children being killed one by one.
And finally, there is Miro, the terrorist, whose mistakes and desire for freedom lead him to the bus where he is forced to witness murder and potentially be given a role in this himself.

All three of these teenagers share the fact that they are joined by death, Kate knowing that from the moment they allowed her to see their faces she would never have been allowed to live, Miro through the knowledge that it was his role to murder the bus driver and Ben, through his role in the protection of the children who unwillingly walked into the situation. There is really only one word to describe this book - bleak, and believe me I generally like books of a bleaker nature.
But perhaps it is how this one is handled which interests me most. There are very few books which you'll find portrayed a terrorist operation from the perspective of the terrorist himself, and in some ways Miro is made to almost seem human before he stepped aboard the bus. It is here that he loses this and becomes a man driven by the mission he has been give, one which would inevitably lead him to trouble, particularly as his interest in his would-be victim - Kate causes him more trouble than he would ever have anticipated.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Miro is he is the only of the three teenagers to murder another and in many aspects it is clear that he does not feel guilt for this, he takes solace in the fact that he has done what he had to and for reasons which become apparent he felt that it was something that he had to do.
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Although perhaps it is the fact that he is the only of the three narrators to come out of this book alive which peeves me so. He was in fact the only of the three I was hoping would die, but it is this shock twist in the ending which really gives the book the impact it has in the end. Kate's ending too came as a shock to me, in particular how it came about which all contributed to the impact this book had upon me, I must admit it was one of those books that left me sitting there for some time once I had completed it, Kate just seemed to show so much strength and bravery in the fact of everything and yet to have it taken from her so quickly and brutally was heartbreaking, likewise with Ben, whose discovery that he was used by his father to deliver a false message to the terrorists causes him to commit suicide.
Neither of these characters in my opinion deserved to or should have died, however it showed that in some cases these things could not be avoided, there was nothing that could have stopped it from occurring.
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It is clear likewise that Miro did not understand the consequences of what he was doing almost as though he did not understand the difference between right and wrong, which makes sense considering he was brought up this way. This book focuses primarily on the very complex relationships built up during the siege and in particular explores the boundaries of Young Adult literature, and to me it really does this well.
It is not every day that a book such as this finds it's way into my hands one which depicts something so horrific in such a blunt way. There is no sugar-coating the situation, and that's just the way the novel is. I highly recommend this to older teenagers and above, it will leave you with more questions than you can find answers for, but at least the journey to those questions involves one of the greatest and most shocking books I have had the pleasure of reading.
Mar 09, Tristram rated it really liked it Shelves: The story is about the hijacking of a bus of pre-school children on their way to summer camp by a group of four terrorists from an unspecified country somewhere to the south. Miro, the youngest terrorist, is about to pass his initiation by killing the bus driver the moment the bus is parked on an old railway bridge. The terrorists demand the release of some of their accomplices, a large amount of money for the continuance of their cause and the disbandment of a secret government organization to do with countering terrorist attacks.
The government, of course, is unwilling to concede, especially in this latter point, so that the military decides to take the bus by force. It is, as far as I see it, basically a book about how adolescents are influenced by their parents. Kate, the bus driver, seems to be an insipid American teenage girl at first sight, but in the face of danger she discovers a potential for bravery and determination inside herself and yet all the time stands in need of somebody, preferably her parents, acknowledging this new quality.
There is still another father-son relationship, namely that between Miro and Artkin, who at least is some kind of surrogate father to Miro. Equally eager to please his father figure as Ben is, Miro is yearning to earn his full acceptance into the circle of terrorists by killing Kate, although he also feels fascinated by her.
Both the general and his terrorist adversary, Cormier seems to say, manipulate the younger generation for their own aims, deftly using emotional bribery to achieve this aim, and justifying their cause by tagging the label of patriotism to their actions. Reading this book made it clear to me that I doubtless have many character faults, but that, luckily, I am completely innocent of patriotism.
However, it is full of sordid realities and does not have a happy ending, which makes it quite unpleasant to read. But then eating your greens is not always pleasant, either, but good for you! Blood gushed from the faucet that had been his mouth a moment before. The blood spilled across his chest like scarlet vomit. Mar 22, Ryne rated it did not like it Shelves: I don't know WHY I assumed that a book about terrorists and hostage situations would be happier. It was a powerful read, but it was ultimately too disturbing for me to finish.
In the novel, terrorists from an unnamed country hijack a school bus in order to further the liberation of their homeland. Things get complicated when the bus driver who was supposed to be killed within minutes of [Note: Things get complicated when the bus driver who was supposed to be killed within minutes of the hijacking is an year-old girl.
And when the military intervenes, things get scarier yet. The novel's story is mainly told from the viewpoints of three teenagers involved in this terrifying situation: Miro, one of the terrorists; Katie, the bus driver; and Ben, the son of a military general who is chosen to act as a liaison in the negotiations between the government and the terrorists.
The novel is grim and graphic and sometimes gut-wrenching: Truth be told, Robert Cormier is actually a really skilled writer. He describes characters very realistically, making me care about them especially the little children and the year-old, Katie, who are taken hostage by terrorists in the novel.
The book was actually very gripping and character-driven: But while I know that the overall premise of the novel is a "good" point i. The reason the novel disturbed me so profoundly was in fact because it was so well-written. It might seem pretty silly for me to have stopped the book with only 59 pages left, but I don't need to see any more. The book has done its work for me; I've seen enough. I understand that not everyone will have the same reaction I did to After the First Death. I have noted some of the good in the novel, and the most impressive thing for me was the heroism of Katie--she is a realistic and frightened young woman who does the best she can and is a true and brave hero.
But for me, personally, having read as much of the book as I did, I feel a little bit like Marlow at the end of Heart of Darkness: If there were separate ratings for "how much I liked a book" and for "quality of writing in the book," I would give the book a low "like" factor as I have here , but a high "writing quality" factor. Sep 28, Deborah rated it really liked it Shelves: Definitely one of the darkest and oldest realistic fiction books that I have ever read.
And I definitely couldn't have imagined myself reading this book at age In fact, if my future self were to have told me that I'd read a book about hijackings and terrorists and suicide and etc I feel so safe in realistic fiction books that don't focus on the reality that is our world, so to read a really higher thinking novel like this is an astonishment. The posi Definitely one of the darkest and oldest realistic fiction books that I have ever read.
The positive thing is that I don't regret reading the book. Don't exactly don't know why I picked up the book off of Mrs. Noland's bookshelf in the first place or why I flipped to the first page or why I read through the entire thing. But in the end, it all worked out because I think this book was actually good.
Right off the back, I loved the authors style. Given that it is an older book, everything is just more polished and well executed as if back then English was fancier than whatever language our generations now speak. Just a lot of great imagery and Robert Cormier really knew how to hook a reader into reading more Oh poor, sweet Raymond! Little innocent Raymond who was a late child! Lots of enticing details. On the other hand, I could have lived without the ""nudity"" scene. The stories overall, I thought, were quite interesting; the way the author choose to loop each characters' background together.
How one part is a flashback of narratives told in third-person point of view of the three and a half, not sure if Ben's dad counts main characters: Benjamin Marchand, Kate Forrester and Miro. Each with a different purpose as to why they were on the bridge that day. Each immune to the knowledge of what their fate would be when their story is done being told—no, this is not a clue as to whether they die or not.
Never saw that plot twist coming and still wished it had not occurred, for the only thing satisfying me is the fact that it is so unexpected and really different. If it weren't for the ending, I'd have most likely rated this book 2 stars, and I probably would not have even rated it at all if it wasn't for Robert Cormier's gripping approach. However, I can't say that everyone will like this book.
Especially those who are used to unicorns and sunshine at the end of every rainbow of a clear afternoon day. I'm still one of those people. All in all, the book was great.
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- After the First Death Book Review.
Would I ever reread it? Will I read other Robert Cormier books? Also a maybe not, but my future self hasn't come yet to inform me otherwise. Apr 17, Amanda rated it it was amazing Recommended to Amanda by: Robert Cormier is one of my favorite authors. I also enjoyed this novel. While the book appears to be about terrorism and how individuals respond to this, the book discusses deeper, more serious issues about family relationships, love, and duties.
The book is carefully crafted and thoroughly explores the relationship between father and son. The language brings the emotions of the charact Robert Cormier is one of my favorite authors. The language brings the emotions of the characters to life—the terror, the loyalty, the fear, the courage. The language also paints a vivid picture of the setting and situation, making the reader believe they are there in the bus with Kate, that they are standing next to Ben, and that they are exploring a new perspectives with Miro.
Perhaps most importantly, this books makes readers think about themselves and about their actions in their world. What would readers sacrifice for patriotism or for their loved ones? What are their duties as citizens, as parents, as children—whatever their situation and roles in life? What is love and do readers truly love?
Do they sacrifice those most precious to them? The book is a mirror to the reader, forcing him to look inward and decide how much he is willing to sacrifice. It all serves to push the readers into seeking answers to difficult questions and to making changes in their lives. Spoilers—Content to be aware of: One of the terrorists talks about his mentor getting him a girl. Because she wet her pants, the bus driver, a sixteen-year-old girl named Kate who is substituting on the day of the terrorist attack, removes her jeans in order to take off her stockings.
As she is doing this, one of the terrorists watches her and sees her uncovered, naked in the back of the bus. Other content similar to this is also present. The terrorists hijack the bus, drug the children, and make several threats. One of the children is killed by the drugs on accident and is paraded in front of government officials in a degrading manner to prove the terrorists are determined and will carry out their threats.
When one of the terrorists is accidentally killed, the terrorists kill a child, as they promised they would if any of them were harmed. Ben, one of the protagonists, is tortured by the terrorists and later shot. All but one of the terrorists dies. Kate is also killed. Other violence similar in nature also takes place during the book. Minimal profanity if any.
The book handles a variety of complex themes or issues, including strained family relations, parenting, insanity, terrorism, love, forgiveness.
After the First Death
Dec 17, Sexy Liam11 rated it it was amazing. I enjoyed it so much. I usually dont read books. But this one caught my attention! The main cheaters are Artkin, Miro, and Kate. Artkin and miro are terrorist! Kate is the bus driver and the kids are her responsibility. But she has no control of what Miro and Artken do. Right when they hijack the bus they drug the kids.
They put the drugs in candy and keeped feedings the kid After The First Death by Robert Cormier After the first death was a great book. They put the drugs in candy and keeped feedings the kids the candy. A little boy was begging not to keep eating the candy because it didn't make them feel good. Kate was confused why they were doing this. Kate was so scared she keeps peeing her pants over and over and over again.
She was scared about the kids. I really liked this book because there was nonstop action! This quotation shows how much action this book has. That was just one paragraph in the book. The whole book is like this. I really like action. Another reason why i like this book is because it actually keeps your mind going. My last reason why i like this book is good, kate and Miro kinda have a friendship going on.
Kate didn't know if he was just using her or that he was actually telling kate the truth. If you love books that are page turners then you have to read this one! I like this book so much. When i was reading goosebumps kept carling down my neck and spine! The way the author wrote this book was fantastic. Robert Cormier is one of thee best writers there ever was.