

Set ambitious goals for yourself. Even if the company you work for has set goals for you, set your own even higher.

14 things successful sales reps do every week

Work to be the best salesperson in your company. The competition will drive you to innovate and work harder.

When you have success, set your goals even higher. Even when you think you've reached a plateau, you can always do at least a little bit better. There are several ways the beginning of a conversation with a prospect can go wrong. For one, many salespeople immediately launch into their "elevator pitch" without giving the prospect a chance at a real conversation.

Others spend too long making small talk and force the prospect to ask why they are there. The sweet spot is right in the middle: Don't talk about yourself or your product until you've had a chance to get to know the prospect. Ask more than you answer. In recent years, salespeople have realized that the best way to draw a prospect into a sale is by asking questions rather than making statements or promises about a product.


The truth is that people are resistant to being sold to. To make a sale, you instead have to ask your prospect questions until you can understand if and how you can help them. Start by asking them generic questions about their business or industry. Get to know what they care about. Get to know your prospect's problems. Slowly direct your questions towards assessing your prospect's problems. Is there something they wished was better about their business? Look for opportunities to ask about a problem they are having with a product similar to your own that they are already using. Ask them what they think could be changed to make it better.

Again, don't make any promises or explanations about your own product yet.

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You still haven't convinced them of the need for a change. What would be the cost in lost sales? What would they not be able to do? Stay attuned to your prospect's mood. During this whole process, you may find that your prospect is not responding adequately to your questions.

How to Be a Successful Salesperson: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Notice their behavior and body language. Are they looking away frequently or talking quickly? Do they seem upset in any way? If you see these signs, simply ask if a different meeting date would be more appropriate.

Retail Sales Techniques - How to convince people to buy in retail

Realize that your prospect may be having a busy or difficult day and respect that by giving them space. Explain that you can solve their problems. Once you've assessed your prospect's problems, compare them to what your product offers. Can you actually help them?

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If not, move on; you can't make a sale when the customer doesn't want or need your product. Without your guys, it would have been much harder to restructure my organization. Personally, I often went over all these points in account reviews with my core reps; to help them recognize their strengths and where they needed improvement. Your email address will not be published. Here are 10 key ingredients of successful sales reps: I look for big deals, therefore I focus on them.

Is that really all there is to it? Many of them end up doing exactly that. Try it out for yourself: Thinking BIG will help you close big deals. They qualify hard Great salespeople know that their biggest enemy is time wasted on the wrong things. What is the pain? What is the consequence of doing nothing? Is there somebody who can and will drive this AKA: Where is the client in the buying process? But , they love a rep who understands and even educates them.

They collaborate extensively, both internally and externally Big deals are never closed alone. So in order to drive large opportunities, they always make sure to: Act like great coaches Sell the opportunity inside the company Involve executives Motivate their teammates to grow and go the extra mile. They motivate their company to close the deals together with them.

They stay in control of the message and activities Every large deal is going to have a lot of decision makers, business users and executives that need to be convinced. So in order to compensate, they create custom messaging for each account, centered on The 3 WHYs: They become almost paranoid about what could go wrong. They live in their account Last but not least, great salespeople have an incredible amount of contact with their client.

2. They qualify hard

How you use your time determines your standard of living. Resolve therefore to use your time well. Begin every day with a list. The best time to make up your work list is the night before, prior to wrapping up for the day. Write down everything that you have to do the next day, starting with your fixed appointments and then moving on to everything you can think of. Do what successful people do. Follow the leaders, not the followers. Do what the top salespeople in your company do.

Imitate the ones who are going somewhere with their lives. Identify the very best salespeople in your field and pattern yourself after them. If you want to become one of the best salespeople in your company, go to the top earners and ask them for advice. Ask them what you should do to improve your sales career. Inquire about their attitudes, philosophies, and approaches to their work and their customers. Guard your integrity as a sacred thing. Nothing is more important to the quality of your life in our society. In business and sales success, you must have credibility.

In study after study, the element of trust has been identified as the most important distinguishing factor between one salesperson and another, and one company and another. Think of yourself as a highly intelligent person, even a genius. Recognize that you have the great reserves of creativity that you have never used.