I've always rooted for Theo and Erin. The more Erin fought their connection the harder I rooted for Theo. His always sunny disposition, his quick smiles and humor, and all around easy going demeanor. That is not the man he is anymore. Theo is a shell of the man he used to be. His memories gone, every day is a struggle to remember his old life and be the man that everyone remembers him to be. My heart broke for him even if at times his actions had me wanting to shake him. Erin was just as amazing in this book as she's been.
This is a woman with a soft heart but a steel strength. She's not afraid to fight for the man she never stopped loving even if she did spend most of their time together pushing him away. Watching her go through everything she does for Theo was absolutely heart wrenching. And there in the dark, she held him and let go. She cried because it had been a shitty day. She cried because he never could. Lexi Blake is one of my go-to authors when it comes to sexy romantic suspense, but with this book she proved that she can wring emotion from her readers like no other.
It's so much more than just romance. Twelve books into the series and I'm still as invested as ever if not more so with these characters and find myself eagerly anticipating the next book. It's so far beyond just sexy BDSM romance and high octane action. Starting one of these books is like getting reacquainted with a gang of friends. I fall hard for each of them every single time and with the snippet of the next book I'm practically salivating for Nick already.
If you're hoping this book lives up to all your expectations, it does. It goes beyond it. It blows all the expectations away. I loved every page! View all 12 comments. Oct 26, Sabrina rated it liked it Shelves: This review kills me just a little because I wanted to love this book so much.
I've been waiting for Theo and Erin to get their story for what seems like forever and I had high expectations for them. I mean, he's a Taggart, so how can Theo not be all of that and a bag of chips? But sadly this story just didn't live up to what I thought it would be like. I still adore Ms. Blake's writing and I had many good moments while reading this. I loved that she gave us moments from Theo and Erin's past and This review kills me just a little because I wanted to love this book so much. I loved that she gave us moments from Theo and Erin's past and showed us how they originally got together.
It was great to see them exploring one another both in the past and in the present. They had both changed after the tragedy that happened, Erin becoming even stronger than before from being a single mother and Theo, well you know, lost his memory and all so of course he's different. It was fun to see them as they used to be and them as they are now while in similar situations of getting to know one another.
With that being said, Theo was a little too different for me. It was like he became this emotionless person that wasn't even trying to regain a at least some of the life he lived with Erin. There were few moments that he actually seemed to want to be with Erin and his son, but they were few and far between. And soon after he would be back to being an asshole. The constant back and forth between him and Erin gave me whiplash and I wish they had worked it out sooner so we could see more of a connection between them.
I have mixed feelings about all the action and suspense going on during this one. Usually I love how Lexi Blake can incorporate so much action into a book and still keep the romance. But while I liked getting to hear about the other characters and learning about the fight between McKay-Taggart and the psycho Doctor, I didn't like how it overshadowed Erin and Theo.
I felt like theirs was a book that needed a lot of focus on them alone, without so many other things going on. It was one of the main reasons I didn't see a connection between them and was disappointed in their story. Overall, I am still a huge fan of this series and I will definitely be reading anything else this author will bring us from his group. This one was clearly not my favorite, but even with the issues I had I still enjoyed the book and I can't wait to see what will happen with the next one.
ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review. View all 38 comments. I couldn't believe this book published so quickly. Surprisingly, this book was better than I've anticipated. After Case's story in Dominance Never Dies , finally Theo Taggart back to his family but he isn't the same man as before. Erin must move quickly or she will lose him. It has been months but Theo still couldn't control his mind.
Since his kidnapping and drug abuse by Hope McDonald, there is no funny and flirty Theo. Just a walking hollow case. Even he coul 4. Even he couldn't admit his own son, TJ. The therapy is still working, but Erin always the problem. Theo's mind always takeover when her name mentioned. There is another way, Ian believe Theo still could be a dominant, and there is Erin. They're trying to get together through BDSM. Again, their love must face another challenge when TJ is in danger. Whether Theo will come or not, Erin must protect her only love.
This is the most depressing story in the entire series. After everything he has been through, the old Theo already gone and I missed him! There were some past memory when Theo with Erin and it was heart-breaking. How hard Theo finally get his woman. Convince Erin to love him. Growing up in military family and failed marriage, Erin Argent vowed never fallen for another man. She's the most bad-ass woman I've ever know beside Charlotte.
Erin never wooed by any man beside Theo. Of course, Erin is in denial with her feeling for Theo. She's falling for him slowly. This was happening now. She was open and waiting for his touch. She was his prize for coming through hell alive. There isn't much BDSM scenes but their chemistry is really intimate. Long lost loves really break my heart. How Theo changed into harsh person. How Erin's longing for Theo to come back for her and TJ. However, they're running in circles with desperation and uncertainty. It hurts me when Theo wants to leave his family because he's too broken.

Oh baby, there is no such thing. I loved how they're threading back their life because the evil doctor. I need you to understand one thing, Theo. It means we have to hold on tight and not let her break us. Of course, they're still after Hope McDonald with her universal soldier. Also, there are some new additional characters that makes me curious. It was almost perfect, but the bad guys defeated too easily. After everything they have been through?
Overall, I'm satisfied beyond words! The story has slow-burn paced and I couldn't stop myself to know more. View all 8 comments. Oct 24, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: Seriously, this book was a culmination of raw emotions, love, and brutal honesty. There are not enough words to describe how powerful and poignant this love story was. It was as if Lexi Blake had to pull the strings of our hearts in this twelfth installment.
Personally, I loved the heroine, Erin so much. She was a perfect blend of a strong heroine and yet had that gentle aspect to her. Her fierce love for Theo made this book really hard to put down. I honestly think she was the IT factor as to why I was able to love and enjoy this book so much. Submission Is Not Enough is hands down the most emotional book of the series. View all 5 comments. Nov 22, Kate's Corner rated it really liked it Shelves: Blake has written one of my favourite series that I have read in Theo is back and trying to acclimatise to the life he had before he nearly died, he was tortured and giving experimental drugs to make him into a super soldier.
Yeah he was dealt a shitty hand but his family and friends did everything in their power to get Theo back. Do you actually know how lucky you are? What about Robert the poor sod? I know setting the scene of seeing them together before Theo was taken was important but it showed us how much Theo had changed.
He is harder not necessarily a bad thing if you ask me but he frustrated me to no end. A lot of things were repetitive in the book of what he was constantly chewing. I actually had problems with Erin in the previous books but here she actually saved it from going completely downhill. She is the epitome of cool, with the patience of a saint. With her ingenuity what it comes to plans for punching Theo into his place and well also being a kick arse Mum.
Oh we still have the modern day espionage going on so the plot added a lot to the rating. She is a psychotic bitch. Nice Erin with that. He closed his eyes and dreamed of a red haired beauty. View all 4 comments. In the twelfth yes, twelfth book in the Masters and Mercenaries series, Theo is a shell of the man he was. Brought back home with no memory of his life and love, he struggles to connect with his woman, child and family.
Erin must find a way to reconnect with the man she loves who may no longer exist. This is when emotionally charged romance happens. Their reconnection was nothing but feels and just what I was in the mood for. Even when Theo could be an idiot. If there was anything that dropped my rating, it would be this. Time passed, and I realized I missed about key books in the middle of this series, including the one where he originally died.
The series has definitely bounced back though, even if the backstory is more unwieldy than ever. As the series has progressed, I think the sex has, understandably, taken a back seat to story. I really enjoyed myself. The romance, as well as the suspense worked well, a rare combination. For more reviews, visit Oct 21, Steph rated it it was amazing. This book poses an interesting question: There is no good answer.
Brainwashed by a madwoman, Theo struggles to recall even basic information about himself, and it kills him to know that the redhead who haunted his every minute in captivity is someone he can't wholly remember his real time with. E This book poses an interesting question: Erin Argent was devastated when Theo died, especially since she was there when the bullet took him down. She struggled through pregnancy, but it's nothing compared to having the man she loves back from the dead and not remembering who she is Now she's a single mother whose man can barely look at her, who avoids their son at every opportunity, who put everything she believed in on the line for love and came out the big loser.
The literal pain that comes with just looking at Erin knocks Theo on his ass. He can't remember anything about her, but he's pretty sure she's not the right woman for him. She's too sweet, too gentle. Erin knows the time for coddling Theo is now gone, it's time to wake his ass up and make him realize how good they are together.
Ooooh, ya'll, I've been waiting for this one!! Erin's character was so terribly sad in the last book, my heart absolutely broke for her. Theo was interesting, so strong and capable in body, but totally broken on the inside as he struggles to recall even the most basic portions of his life BH before Hope. Of course it all worked out in the end, leaving the series open for loads of new London players and the "lost boys" they collected.
Shadow's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews I looked forward to this book with such anticipation-and dread-it more than fulfilled both emotions. Author Lexi Blake has been teasing readers for the past few books in the Master and Mercenaries series, first killing off Theo, then giving hints that he might be still alive-and now she brings him back to his family. The problem is, thanks to the dru Shadow's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews I looked forward to this book with such anticipation-and dread-it more than fulfilled both emotions.
The problem is, thanks to the drugs he was given, he has no memory of his life before. At first, even thinking her name brings on migraines that literally make him sick. But ever so slowly, he has flashes of memory. Erin has been patient, but when she finally snaps, the fiery warrior turns him on in a way no one else can. But before they can resolve their relationship, McDonald resurfaces, with her sights set on bringing Theo back under her control.
The characters are delightful, the story totally captivating, and as always, Blake emphasis the importance of family. The glimpses we get of Big Tag are as enlightening as always.
Summary Theo Loves Me A Romantic Novel - Study Smart
She is strong, and has bloomed because of Theo. Can she possibly give up on him after a few months of him distancing himself. It is totally a five star read by a fabulous author. Review copy provided for an honest review. Oct 21, Aly is so frigging bored rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was one of the most anticipated books in the series! Thank you Lexi Blake for writing it so fast! We finally got Erin and Theo's book.
They had such a difficult journey ahead of them. He persevered it doesn't even cover it and fought for her and managed to win her after what feels like a reeeeeally long time. When everything felt settled Theo kind of died, but This was one of the most anticipated books in the series! When everything felt settled Theo kind of died, but not really. The crazy doctor Hope, Faith's sister the heroine in Master No , managed to operate and save him.
Hope is crazy, like certifiable. She's a highly functioning sociopath who loves to experiment on people. She developed a memory-removing drug which she used on multiple people, she fixated on Theo and killed his memory, but not everything Anyway after months he was finally rescued but the battle wasn't over.
This is actually where the book starts: Theo is having nightmares where he's killing Erin and migraines every time he tries forcing his mind to remember crazy Hope conditioned him with torture. Everyone's walking on egg shales with him, including Erin. The problem is, Theo's subconscious doesn't associate this nice Erin with the prickly one he fell in love with, she's making him doubt everything he kind of feels he might know.
Everything goes crazy and all the progress Erin and Theo made seems to have vanished up in flames. Theo gets alphahole-ish and doesn't consider Erin's training and feelings and keeps taking decisions that affect all of them without talking first with her. His heart is in the right place, but damn both Erin and me want to kick his ass! Ms Blake manages to write everything that I wanted to read in this one! I don't know how she does it, but she's an amazing author. Action, drama, old characters, a satisfying HEA, some really hot sex Don't miss this latest installment in the series!
It's totally worth it! Oct 28, Marie rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book was an emotional roller coaster for me! I have love each and every book in this series and when Theo died I felt like a part of me died as well. Now he is back and I don't even know where to begin. If you haven't read Master No yet then you really should at the least read it before you read this one. I would suggest that you read the entire series in order because it will help you understand the relationships ans humor much better.
Theo is trying his best to reconnect with the man that This book was an emotional roller coaster for me! Theo is trying his best to reconnect with the man that he was before his mind was wiped clean. He is having a really hard time doing that on top of being told that Erin is the woman he loves and they have a child together. Erin had fought Theo for so long before they finally came together and now she must fight Theo to even be together.
Add in the crazy woman who thinks that Theo is hers and will do nothing to stop at getting him back and you have the typical day with Taggart and Company. Theo struggled and love when he finally pulls his head out of his dairy air and discovered that the son he has been hiding from because he was afraid he would disappoint him didn't care.
All that small child cared about was Theo the way he was now. That moment made me cry so hard and made me fall in love with Theo all over again. Erin was strong as always and this book really showed how far the old Theo brought her out of herself. He helped her find her footing.
Ian is in rare form in this book and I have to tell you all that Ian has always been my favorite in these books. I love when he makes an appearance and the moments when he talks about the cotton candy machine and not having enough single men to seduce women for information were wonderful.
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- Summary Theo Loves Me A Romantic Novel.
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I could see him all giddy about one moment and pouting about the other. As always Lexi Blake delivers a book full of suspense and action with plenty of erotic submission. The Doms in these books know just how to make their subs fall to their knees. Oct 27, Sofia Lazaridou rated it really liked it Shelves: To be honest I thought Theo and Erin already had a book of their own, but after a little search I realized that they got together in Faith and Tens book or somewhere close to that timeline.
That is actually a relief because the idea of Theo and Erin growing as characters after their first book ended bothered me. Erin mostly since Theo had his memory whipped mentions that Theo's absence forced her to grow up on some aspects of her life for example. I have to begin the series from the start soon To be honest I thought Theo and Erin already had a book of their own, but after a little search I realized that they got together in Faith and Tens book or somewhere close to that timeline. I have to begin the series from the start soon because I am missing so many things.
One thing is certain though. I will read every new book in the series from now on. Even with a couple of things that bothered me in this one I cannot say that I didn't enjoy reading Submission is not enough. After Dominance never dies I knew I had to read this story. Theo and Erin's story continues and begins at the same time.
Theo is not the man he was before and Erin still loves and fights for that man. He is broken and doesn't think he is suitable for the job of Erin's husband and TJ's father. He feels a strong attraction towards her, but on the other hand he is not making a move while he is avoiding his son.
He develops a lot as a character as it is expected. Erin doesn't develop a lot as a character, but she is already strong, feisty and ready to punch which makes things better. The book had I twist I saw coming, but it finally did I squealed from the excitement. It's a big spoil, so I have to seal my lips. I got a little tired of Theo pushing Erin away with every chance he got and him being so inclined on keeping her safe and away from him.
He was acting as a jealous alpha male and he wasn't claiming her which frustrated me after a while. I can only take so much pushing away before I reach my limit. I loved seeing Theo with his son even if it was for a tiny amount of time. I know I have to read Nicks which is coming next. I wonder what the author has planned for him. I hope we will see poor Owen getting better, but though I don't want him to find out what Faith's evil sister did. That little tease in the end was good enough for me to make me search when the next book is going to be released.
Spoiler Ahead This was a good book. This was book 12 in the "Masters and Mercenaries" series and I love reading this series and this author. Theo was held for 18 months by the psycho who gave him a drug to erase his memory but he couldn't forget about Erin. Theo was found in book 11 and this was his and Erin's story. Theo returned he has no memory he wants Erin but he is afraid that he would hurt her and he is not sure that he could love TJ. Too me Theo whines too much he tries hard to push Erin away but he doesn't want anyone else to have her. As always Ian is there for his family.
This book also introduces some new members to the team like Simon's brother who is a Lord who was in a ploy relationship until the other two were killed.
See a Problem?
They also visited the London office with Damon and the team at The Garden. I love reading Ms. Blake's books the sex scenes are hot the books are always well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. If you like reading hot BDSM with action and hot sexy alpha males than I recommend that you read this series. We let it go or we hold on. We rise or we choose to fall. Oct 24, Courtney rated it it was amazing Shelves: I have been waiting to read their story since I picked up this series.
Theo and Erin have had a hard and difficult journey to this point. And damn, it was so worth the wait. I don't even know where to being or what to say. As with every other book in this series, the story is packed of full of emotions and action. There isn't any shortage of suspense or drama as Theo returns home without any memory after being held captive by the deranged Doctor Hope.
Erin will stop anything to get her Theo back. She is determined to reunite her family. Lexi seriously put me through a lot with these two. Theo and Erin are very deep characters in this series and this book will only bind you more to these characters. While Theo is trying to regain who he was before, Erin struggles past her fears as she navigates this path for her family.
We get to see everyone else from this series plus a few newbies to add in to the mix. But there is deceit and a traitor amongst them and this just adds to the suspense of everything. Hope is still on the run and establishing her army and finally get Theo back in her grasp. It's an exhilarating ride and I loved every word of this book!!
Oct 27, Kim rated it really liked it. Submission is Not Enough is the 12th full length story in the Masters and Mercenaries series. I personally feel that reading Dominance Never Dies the previous book in the series at a minimum would provide a better understanding of how Theo and Erin got to this point. Highly recommended by me! Apr 09, Cal rated it it was amazing Shelves: I read it in more or less one sitting and enjoyed every word of this heartwarming tale. Thank you to the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this lovely book.
A moving 5 star read. I really enjoyed Anna and Theo! Although, I preferred Theo a slight bit, probably because the prose was a little more fluid. What amazed me was that even though several events were already familiar thanks to Anna , it didn't feel like Theo was repetitive. Amanda Prowse indeed managed to craft to amazing individuals whose viewpoints were unique and brought something to the table.
And while both their stories were filled with heartbreaks, they too were fill Actual rating: And while both their stories were filled with heartbreaks, they too were filled with hope. As much as I was sad to reach the last page, I ended up smiling, thinking about the possibilities of their future. Apr 07, Linda Tilling rated it it was amazing Shelves: Theodore Montgomery had a loveless childhood, and wants to find his soulmate.
Then, one day, Theo meets Anna, as each shows the other how to love, each also shows the other what heartbreak feels like I love the saying "No matter how flat a pancake it always has two sides" and this is true with any love story, and what a wonderful idea of Amanda's to put the two sides of the same story in different books told by Anna and then Theo to let us see this amazing heartbreaking love story through their own eyes. We are able to see how they became the people they did, starting with their troubled childhoods and taking us right through their relationship to the end.
The first pull of the book for me was the fact that age only 7 Theo was sent off to a private boarding school that generations of Montgomery boys had attended for his own good, to make a man of him, and also as it becomes clear later on, to literally get him off his parents' hands! However, he is a lonely child who gets bullied and had a horrendous time there. This resonated with me because my ex-husband also attended a boarding school in Bath in the 's and hated every minute of it, resented his parents for sending him there and even years later he was affected by the experience.
It is so sad that parents feel education is more important than a loving home and can contemplate sending such a young child off to boarding school is completely foreign to me, and made my husband determined NEVER to do so to our children, and yet I know it happens still. I cannot believe that parents can be so casual, so careless with their children and so determined to enjoy their childfree lives as Theo's were, and in fact completely forgot when he was due to phone, when he was due home for the weekend and, in fact, went on holiday to France and forgot he was due home for the summer break!
I was so pleased when Theo eventually meets and befriends the groundsman, Mr Porter, who takes him under his wing and treats him with the respect he deserves, and makes him feel not so alone in the world. I love Cyrus Porter, and in fact he reminded me of Hagrid in the Harry Potter books sorry Amanda if that is offensive?!
Theo's parents were not very nice people, his Father was obnoxious and his Mother heartless, and were so well written and realistic that I actually got cross with them, swore at them in places, and really felt their indifference to Theo and hated the emotional damage they were inflicting on this sensitive child. I wanted so many times to give Theo a hug, invite him for tea and cake and just reassure him that he was not a loner, a loser, unworthy of love or a weirdo as he believed.
When Theo meets Anna by chance, there is an opportunity for him to feel loved and be enough for once. However, can their troubled childhoods affect the future of this perfect match and if so, will it draw them together or force them apart forever? Is there a way that they can both be parents, without turning out like their own parents, and can Theo ever believe he would make a fine Father? When Theo meets his old flame Kitty years later and realises he misunderstood her decision, it really upset me to think of all the hurt he had inflicted on himself because of her careless comment about him.
I liked his University mate Spud and I will quote one of my favourite lines of his to Theo who is complaining that he is sick and weary of being so sad and unhappy all the time and feeling he will never be happy and content with his life. It's important to look at what you've got and not at what you haven't". This is a great piece of advice. I have always loved how Amanda writes her female characters, taking strong women like Anna and putting them in real life situations with dramas, conflicts and disappointments we all face, but triumphing in the end.
However, I think this is the first time she has written a male character so beautifully that I was rooting for him all the way through and went through every single emotion he did and was a soggy emotional wreck by the end of it. All I really wanted was a happy ending for Theo and Anna after all they had been through, whether that be together or apart, but the reader is left right until the end to find out the end to their story. I am not sure if you need to read the books in the order that Amanda wrote them, because now that I have finished Theo I am intending to read Anna again to see if her side of the story affects me differently now that I know why Theo was behaving the way he was?
Either way, these books are keepers for my shelf that will be read again and again in the future. Thanks Amanda for basing Theo's project in Bristol and allowing me to relive memories of my youth from nights on the clubbing boat the Thekla in the 's. It was lovely and heartwarming to get to know Theo and how his childhood shaped him into the man he became, having finished and loved Amanda Prowse's first half of the story where we meet Anna and understand what made her the woman she became.
I am so looking forward to reading the whole book, but I could not wait to let everyone know how fantastic the book is no doubt going to be, if the Sample is anything to judge by. Another wonderful story for the heart and from the heart Amanda xxx Apr 08, Joanne rated it really liked it.
Having read Anna, I was really keen to read about Theo's story not just to find out his take on their relationship, but also to learn more about his childhood. He came from a very rich background yet his childhood was not happy. His parents frequently fought and seemed to have very little time for him. His time at the same boarding school his father attended was far from happy. Theo was a shy, sensitive boy who didn't share the same passion for sport as his father and was regarded as a 'weirdo' Having read Anna, I was really keen to read about Theo's story not just to find out his take on their relationship, but also to learn more about his childhood.
Theo was a shy, sensitive boy who didn't share the same passion for sport as his father and was regarded as a 'weirdo' by the boys at school. Thank goodness for the caring groundskeeper Cyrus Porter, whose kindness made Theo's time at school bearable. This compassion was something which stayed with Theo throughout his life and one of the scenes towards the end of the book involving Mr Porter and the positive impact he made on many people's lives was especially poignant.
Although I already knew much of the story of Anna and Theo's life together, it was still a pleasure to read from Theo's perspective and get a deeper understanding of what was going on for him and why he acted as he did. I was also pleased with the way the story concluded as when I finished Anna, I really felt I wanted to know that little bit more about how their story progressed. Theo gives us that ending, rounding off their story in an uplifting and hopeful way. Theo attends a private school in Dorset which has been the family tradition for generations. Theo is extremely lonely, he has no friends and his parents are more concerned about themselves.
In a bid to escape the pressures of the constant bullying at school, Theo finds a friend in the form of Mr Porter, the school groundsman. Theo knows he has to follow family traditions but it's not what he wants in life. Finally he feels his life will get better at university, but again his overbearing dad decide Theo attends a private school in Dorset which has been the family tradition for generations. Finally he feels his life will get better at university, but again his overbearing dad decides what course he should study. On his first night in the halls of residence Theo meets 'Spud' and a firm friendship begins.
A chance meeting with Anna changes his life forever. Anna has not had a brilliant childhood but for different reasons. Can these two opposite people forge together to make a proper family that they both crave for? It was a joy to read both sides of this love story and how their different upbringing brought strength to their relationship.
Throughout reading Theo's story I just wanted to give him a hug. To the outside world he had everything that money could buy but in actual fact the only thing that Theo wanted was to be loved unconditionally. Another great story penned by Amanda Prowse. Mar 28, Jeanette rated it it was amazing. I have enjoyed several books by Amanda Prowse and was so pleased to have received a copy of this Sampler through Netgalley. All I can say at this moment in time is that I was well and truly hooked from the first few pages.
Cannot wait to read the full book.
Apr 13, Liz rated it really liked it. I had a great deal of sympathy for Theo at the beginning but do feel he made some wrong choices as the novel progressed. I found him to be a much more complex character than Anna. I was surprised that this second book managed to complete the story without too much repetition. Overall, a great concept very cleverly delivered. Mar 29, Mo rated it it was amazing.
This sample definitely leaves you wanting more! Cannot wait to read the rest.. Anna and Theo two books one love are both fantastic and my love for this author just keeps growing. Keep up the great work Aman This sample definitely leaves you wanting more! Keep up the great work Amanda Apr 08, Sally Coles rated it it was amazing.
Theo is a lonely 7 year old boy when he is sent away to boarding school, he doesn't fit in and your heart goes out to him when one of the masters tell him he is weird This was just a taster and so I am really looking forward to being able to read the whole book but am excellent start. Apr 03, Christine Owens rated it really liked it. Apr 09, Julie Smith rated it it was amazing. This is a great follow on to Anna. Lots of emotion, upset and love.
Submission is Not Enough
Just what I needed to read today. Apr 03, Amy rated it it was amazing. This was an Advanced Sampler Copy, not the full book.
Definitely has left me wanting more! This is going to be an interesting coming of age story to read. Very much looking forward to the book! Apr 17, Madeleine Black rated it it was amazing. So pleased to have finally read "Theo" after reading "Anna" a few months ago. Amanda Prowse is so gifted at story telling and my only complaint is that I didn't want it to end as wanted to know more of their story!
Loved it and had me gripped from the start. Mar 31, Laurel rated it really liked it. This was just a sampler. As always Amanda Prowse creates such real and wonderful characters. I was drawn in from the very beginning. Oct 02, Megan Jones rated it really liked it. It is the small things, the things that go unnoticed that built the man who fell in love with Anna Cole. Theo Montgomery grew up surrounded by riches, his parents gave him everything, but they missed out on one crucial aspect, love.
Then he got stuck in a lift with a young woman with dark hair and shy eyes. This is expertly done and Prowse fills in the blanks fro It is the small things, the things that go unnoticed that built the man who fell in love with Anna Cole. Once it gets going, this is a very fitting alternative story of Anna and Theo. Once he gets to teens and adulthood, I was invested in him, his behaviour makes sense and we can see how his childhood has impacted his later behaviour. Apr 15, Jo rated it it was amazing Shelves: When you pick up an Amanda Prowse novel you just know that you're in for a treat.
This is such a beautiful book. I loved Anna, and this story was just as wonderful. This is the other half of the story, it is Theo's story. As with Anna, we meet Theo as a young boy who attends a boarding school. The very same school that his father attended. We then follow him through his teenage years, into adulthood, and then when he eventually meets Anna. It is this transition from child to man that Oh my heart! It is this transition from child to man that is vital to our understanding of this book. At the heart of this novel is the theme of family, both from the past and in the future.
Anna and Theo, although from very different backgrounds, have suffered trauma and abuse as children, and it has shaped both of their futures and character, although in different ways. Anna has the yearning to be a mother, to have a family of her own. My heart ached for these two characters. In my mind they were perfect for each other.
I just hoped that they could work out their differences. That love would be enough. I fell in love with Theo while reading Anna, and these feelings blossomed while reading this book. I wanted to hug him as a little boy and tell him just how special he was. Then, as a man, I wanted to tell him that he had a good heart.
That he would be okay. I really do feel that Ms Prowse tackles the subject of male mental health with gentleness, empathy, and kindness. Theo is an absolute joy to read. It's a book with so much heart. It's a book about love, about hope, about finding that special someone who will love you unconditionally.
This is such a special book. Read Anna, and then read Theo. Apr 07, Jacqueline rated it it was amazing. What can I say except WOW. I absolutely adored this book. I keep thinking, why has no one done this before? Why has no none written a love story or any story from two peoples perspective, one after the other This book was amazing.
I was captivated and seriously did not put the book down for 24 hours. I smiled, I laughed - mostly because I felt like I was part of it all; part of their story, privy to insider knowledge as Theo told his side of things. So often you read a book from the characters point of view without considering the story from the another perspective - it takes a special kind of author to be able to do this so well - and it certainly was done well. May 08, Jeannette rated it really liked it.
There are two sides to every love story. And each shows the other what heartbreak feels like.