The Goblin Rebellion (Primal Patterns Book 2)
This time the crazy is internalized and chapter-spanning, instead of a smattering of paragraphs describing despicable deeds. One of the biggest differences is the history shared by the protagonists. The overarching story forces them to discover buried truths and rekindle old friendships despite being on opposite sides in the great war.
If the first book's characters spent half as much time on introspection as in this second, I would have run out to the bookstore to get the whole series. I'm keeping this review short so I can start on "Shadows of Our Fathers" right away. Oct 20, Fiona rated it really liked it Shelves: This is another great book. The story picks up where book one left off and centres on the worlds of Chaos, Order and the Elven realm.
In this story Lucifer continues to assist his good friend and King of the Elven realm, Elandril, while combating the destruction being brought on by Jehovah and his 'Order'. I liked the journey of each of the characters, watchi Disclaimer: I liked the journey of each of the characters, watching them learn and develop. I would say my favourite characters are Sariel and Lucifer. I also liked that not everything is what it seems with a few twists and turns thrown in at the end that I did not see coming. I look forward to reading the third book in this trilogy. Such a different series Consumed it super fast, love character development and some action in this one.
It all together is so different, the whole series that is, loving the multiverse Rex managed to create. Excellent, had a great time reading the whole series! Will read more of this author. Great story that was mind blowing. From Lilac Wolf and Stuff This is a guy novel. Not to say that women can't enjoy it, I did.
But this one guys will get too. There is so much talk of primal patterns and shadows and universe stuff But that being said, it doesn't take away from the story.
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Even though I don't get it, it adds validity to what the characters are doing. Their magic is drawn from their primal pattern. Well if you want to read this one, I recommend you get Lucifer's Odyssey first. He does finally escape and then a whole mess of exciting stuff happens. I will say one thing, these books keep you on the edge of your seat no matter what is going on. Lucifer isn't the bad guy either, he's the good guy and Jehova - Lucifer's cousin is the bad guy.
Jehova is a tinkerer and he left Chaos to create his own primal pattern. Did I mention he's kind of a jerk? He thinks his work is of the utmost importance and will stop at nothing to continue it. That includes taking out another primal pattern. In the first book he tries attacking the Chaos primal, since that didn't work he's back trying to take out the Elvin primal.
Rex Jameson
And that's all I'm telling you. Lucifer's Odyssey is Book One of the series. The Goblin Rebellion picks up eight years after Lucifer's Odyssey ends. Routan has pledged revenge against Chaos and it's king Lucifer, especially for killing all of his children in Uldram. Lucifer's son Christian is being held prisoner by Jehovah. Routan is planning an overthrow of the Chaos government and Jehovah is planning an invasion of the Eleven Realm. I enjoyed the descriptions of the battle scenes.
I felt like I was on the field fighting during every battle scene. The character descriptions were very vivid and each character whether goblin, elves or demon had a distinct personalty. Even minor characters were very well fleshed out. I found it difficult to keep up with the number characters and whether they were goblin, demon, human or elves.
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- The Goblin Rebellion (Primal Patterns, #2) by Rex Jameson;
I found it difficult to figure out which characters were on which side. There were so many intricate plots of deception. Each character had their own hidden agenda. The numerous list of charters was a little overwhelming. I thought this was a well told story for the battle of the future of the world.
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I am curious as to what will happen next, how everyone will deal with the fallout there were a few surprises in the end of this book. I am eager to read a book 3 of The Primal Patterns series. Taking place following the events of Lucifer's Odyssey where the realms are preparing for war. Jehovah is preparing his invasion while Lucifer is trying to improve the lives of his people. There was a bit of a gap between me reading the first book and this one so it took me some time to get things figured out again.

That being said after I got back into the story I enjoyed this one a bit more than the first book. I felt that certain aspects were explained a bit better leading to a greater understanding of the universe the story takes place in. I still enjoy the majority of the characters and their interactions. There is a whole lot of action that takes place in this book including battles featuring giant mechanical battle suits vs the demons with their indestructible wings. If you enjoyed Lucifer's Odyssey this book is definitely something for you to check out.
Review copy provided by the author. This is the second book from this series and it looks like the books keep getting better as they go on. I really enjoy these books and think the story is great. The writing takes a little bit to get used to because you jump into the middle of the story without much background or explanation. I would definitely recommend this book but it is definitely not for people with comprehension issues.
Everything is not always spelt out in black and white. James rated it really liked it Jun 19, Joe white rated it it was amazing Aug 04, Edward Mallett rated it liked it Jan 08, Kindle Edition File Size: Arnessan Ink; 6 edition 1 September Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.
Rex Jameson | LibraryThing
Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is a great action packed adventure book. There were times where I was a little confused, for example understanding the Certabum game in the Colesium but I still enjoyed reading those parts.
I really like Lucifer as a character and found that he developed and grew as the story progressed. I do not like Jehovah and found the more the story progressed the more I didn't like him. Many of the side characters such as Sariel, Batarel, Gaea and Elandril are all very likeable.
I also liked how the story progresses.
The Goblin Rebellion
This is not a book you can read as a standalone, though it does wrap up quite nicely at the end. However, as it is the first in a trilogy, it is obvious that you need to read on to see where the story will eventually end and the final make up of each of the characters. I look forward to reading the second book. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon.
Lucifer's Odyssey by Rex Jameson book 1 in the Primal Patterns series is definitely not your typical epic paranormal fantasy science fiction novel. It is also not likely to be appreciated by fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals lacking an open mind when it comes to such biblical characters as Lucifer, Jehovah, and Michael. It's not every day you read a novel written from the demon Lucifer's point of view. I thoroughly enjoyed this well-written book and look forward to reading book two. So if you are interested in reading something more than the typical science fiction space opera, then you could do far worse than this first book in the primal patterns series.
I was excited to see a unique perspective on that war between these religious figures.
I was even relieved. And it's a premise that can stick, mind you. After the first shock of excitement I was left with very little to carry on. The author managed to paint such a majestic picture of our world in the beginning that boomeranged back at the chapters that followed. Because after the initial plunge into the premise, which artfully and right away, everything slows down and the characters turn mundane.
Note to the author, for all that it's worth: There's one thing that would have helped the story move along better, and it should have been part of the concept spoiler from the scene with Eve and on. Good read overall, with a couple weak points that prevented me from rating higher.