The Case for the Second Coming and New Jerusalem
More on this City in a bit, but notice that she is beautiful, she is prepared, and she is set apart, holy. Is a City Buildings, Brick and Mortar? IS a Church, bricks and mortar? No ultimately a city is the people. So the people of God that inhabit the city are Reflected as the City, and the City is Adorned in her structural buildings as the Clothing of the people of God. God himself, in person, full manifestation, will be with them as GOD. The former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind. He starts and finishes. We may think we are starting but nothing of promise happens till God says … nothing of significance happens without his creation power, nothing has lasting impact without him saying IT IS DONE.
This is the Victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Do you think Heaven will really be like this? I want to just go down through it.
I MAY come back to this next week, but let me go down through it quickly today. High Wall — how high? I wonder if they are somehow related to the Character of the Apostles?
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But just this curious Pastor. Most Certainly it is the beautiful eye of the Creator Artist, showing off the majesty of Holiness in his Bride. Gates — 12 Single Pearls WOW … one writer visualizes the gates being as tall as the walls of feet, who cares, 10 feet is huge. Pearls are created by the struggle and irritation of the mollusk … So our Gate to Heaven is from the Stripes, the Suffering, the Pain of the Cross our Christ bore. Main Street Great Pure Gold — like transparent glass. Kings will bring their glory … or perhaps their glory will be swallowed up in his greatness The picture is of kings coming before the CHIEF King to show his greatness and their surrender.
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Moreover, the eastern gate of the inner temple, which was of brass, and vastly heavy, and had been with difficulty shut by twenty men, and rested upon a basis armed with iron, and had bolts fastened very deep into the firm floor, which was there made of one entire stone, was seen to be opened of its own accord about the sixth hour of the night. Now those that kept watch in the temple came hereupon running to the captain of the temple, and told him of it; who then came up thither, and not without great difficulty was able to shut the gate again. This also appeared to the vulgar to be a very happy prodigy, as if God did thereby open them the gate of happiness.
But the men of learning understood it, that the security of their holy house was dissolved of its own accord, and that the gate was opened for the advantage of their enemies. So these publicly declared that the signal foreshowed the desolation that was coming upon them. Besides these, a few days after that feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month Artemisius, [Iyar, May or June] a certain prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared: I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun-setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities.
Moreover, at that feast which we call Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner [court of the temple,] as their custom was, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that, in the first place, they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a great multitude, saying, "Let us remove hence. But, what is still more terrible, there was one Jesus, the son of Ananus, a plebeian and a husbandman, who, four years before the war began, and at a time when the city was in very great peace and prosperity, came to that feast whereon it is our custom for every one to make tabernacles to God in the temple [Sukkot, autumn, 62 CE], began on a sudden to cry aloud,.
However, certain of the most eminent among the populace had great indignation at this dire cry of his, and took up the man, and gave him a great number of severe stripes; yet did not he either say any thing for himself, or any thing peculiar to those that chastised him, but still went on with the same words which he cried before.
Hereupon the magistrates, supposing, as the case proved to be, that this was a sort of divine fury in the man, brought him to the Roman procurator, where he was whipped till his bones were laid bare; yet he did not make any supplication for himself, nor shed any tears, but turning his voice to the most lamentable tone possible, at every stroke of the whip his answer was,. And when Albinus for he was then our procurator asked him, Who he was? Now, during all the time that passed before the war began, this man did not go near any of the citizens, nor was seen by them while he said so; but he every day uttered these lamentable words, as if it were his premeditated vow,.
Nor did he give ill words to any of those that beat him every day, nor good words to those that gave him food; but this was his reply to all men, and indeed no other than a melancholy presage of what was to come. This cry of his was the loudest at the festivals; and he continued this ditty for seven years and five months, without growing hoarse, or being tired therewith, until the very time that he saw his presage in earnest fulfilled in our siege, when it ceased; for as he was going round upon the wall, he cried out with his utmost force,. Saint Athanasius, theologian, ecclesiastical statesman, and Egyptian national leader, was the chief defender of Christian orthodoxy in the 4th-century battle against Arianism, the heresy that the Son of God was a creature of like, but not of the same, substance as God the Father.
Athanasius attended the Council of Nicaea and shortly thereafter became bishop of Alexandria For the rest of his life he was engaged in theological and political struggles with the Emperor and with Arian churchmen, being banished from Alexandria several times. He wrote many important works, including his major theological treatises, The Life of St. Antony and Four Orations against the Arians, and a number of letters on theological, pastoral, and administrative topics.
Revelation Bible Study #29 The New Jerusalem
A Catholic Encyclopedia article is online at St. These are quotes from Athanasius regarding the Jews' interpretation of the New Testament manuscripts and their influence in the development of the creeds of the Church in Rome:. For the race of men had gone to ruin, had not the Lord and Saviour of all, the Son of God, come among us to meet the end of death. It is important to note that 12 is the square root of The number 12 was very important to early Jews and Christians, and represented the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. In this way, New Jerusalem is thought of as an inclusive place, with the 12 gates accepting all of the 12 tribes of Israel from all corners of the earth.
There is no temple building in the New Jerusalem. God and the Lamb are the city's temple, since they are worshiped everywhere. Revelation 22 goes on to describe a river of the water of life that flows down the middle of the great street of the city from the Throne of God. The tree of life grows in the middle of the street and to both sides of the river.
The tree bears twelve kinds of fruit and yields its fruit every month. According to John, "The leaves of the tree were for healing those of all nations. The fruit the tree bears may be the fruit of life. John states that the New Jerusalem will be free of sin. The servants of God will have theosis i. There are twelve 12 gates hanging from the wall of the New City of Jerusalem. These 12 gates are oriented in groups of three and face the four cardinal directions of the compass needle: There is an angel at each gate, residing in a gatehouse.
The 12 gates are each made of a 'single' pearl , giving these the name " pearly gates ". The names of the twelve tribes of Israel are written on the 12 gates.

The New Jerusalem gates may bear some relation to the gates mentioned in Enoch , Chapters 33 - 35, where the prophet, Enoch reports that from each of the four "heavenly gates - opening in heaven - three new gates were seen distinctly separating off, as if the extremities of the whole earth" [were pulling apart each of the four gates into three new ones]. Thus, the four gates were each replaced by three new ones, totaling twelve [i.
Laurence translation, Book of Enoch. In the ancient Greek system of measurement, the base of the New Jerusalem would have been equal to million square stadia, 4. If rested on the Earth, its ceiling would be inside the upper boundary of the exosphere but outside the lower boundary. Revelation is normally broken into three sections: This study is principally concerned with chapter The author of Revelation was both a Jew by birth and a believing Christian.
The fall of Jerusalem coupled with the Neronian persecutions form the tension within the subtext of Revelation. This Temple appears to be of heavenly origin. When the eschaton arrives in REV Revelation 21 even contains typical New Jerusalem terminology that accompanies a restored Temple. Specific measurements are given for the new city Ezekiel , 4Q , and the city is built with gold, sapphires, and emeralds Isaiah, Tobit. Verse 22 marks a sudden and remarkable shift in New Jerusalem apocalyptic rhetoric: Why has the Revelation suddenly denied an eschatological Temple?
Verse 23 sheds light on this disparity. This re-interpretation utilizes Isaiah to make its case: Your sun shall no more go down, or your moon withdraw itself; for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended. The Temple is discarded in the eschaton because the Lord will provide illumination for the New Jerusalem, and Christ will be the glory for its residents. Henceforth, Christians believed that the New Jerusalem no longer required a Temple. For Christians, their Lord sufficiently replaced the Temple. Discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls near Qumran , Israel , were fragments of a scroll which describes New Jerusalem in minute detail.
The New Jerusalem Scroll as it is called appears to contain apocalyptic vision, although, being fragmented, it is hard to categorize. Written in Aramaic , the text describes a vast city, rectangular in shape, with twelve gates and encircled by a long wall. Similar descriptions appear in Ezekiel and Revelation and comparison to the Temple Scroll also found near Qumran shows many similarities despite no direct literary links between the two.
From the middle of the 2nd century CE to the middle of the 6th century CE, the ancient Christian sect of Montanism , which spread all over the Roman Empire, expected the New Jerusalem to descend to earth at the neighboring Phrygian towns of Pepuza and Tymion. In late antiquity , both places attracted crowds of pilgrims from all over the Roman Empire.
Pepuza was the headquarters of the Montanist church. The Montanist patriarch resided at Pepuza.
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Women played an emancipated role in Montanism, serving as priests and also bishops. In the 6th century CE, this church became extinct. Since , Peter Lampe of the University of Heidelberg has directed annual archaeological campaigns in Phrygia, Turkey. During these interdisciplinary campaigns, together with William Tabbernee of Tulsa, numerous unknown ancient settlements were discovered and archaeologically documented. Two of them are the best candidates so far in the search for the identification of the two holy centers of ancient Montanism, Pepuza and Tymion , the sites of the expected descent of the New Jerusalem.
Scholars had searched for these lost sites since the 19th century. The ancient settlement discovered and identified as Pepuza by William Tabbernee and Peter Lampe was settled continuously from Hellenistic times to Byzantine times. In Byzantine times, an important rock-cut monastery belonged to the town.
New Jerusalem - Wikipedia
For the Montanists, the high plane between Pepuza and Tymion was an ideal landing place for the heavenly New Jerusalem. Catholicism also holds that the New Jerusalem already exists as a spiritual community in Heaven , the Church triumphant , with an outpost on earth, the Church militant. Together, the Church triumphant, Church militant, and Church suffering form the Church universal.
The Catholic Encyclopedia article on "Heaven" states that Catholic. For the surroundings in the midst of which the blessed have their dwelling must be in accordance with their happy state; and the internal union of charity which joins them in affection must find its outward expression in community of habitation. At the end of the world, the earth together with the celestial bodies will be gloriously transformed into a part of the dwelling-place of the blessed Revelation Hence there seems to be no sufficient reason for attributing a metaphorical sense to those numerous utterances of the Bible which suggest a definite dwelling-place of the blessed.
Theologians, therefore, generally hold that the heaven of the blessed is a special place with definite limits. Naturally, this place is held to exist, not within the earth, but, in accordance with the expressions of Scripture, without and beyond its limits. All further details regarding its locality are quite uncertain. The Church has decided nothing on this subject. Emperor Lalibela of Ethiopia built the city of Lalibela as a new reconstructed Jerusalem in response to the Muslim capture of Jerusalem by Saladin 's forces in The Church is an icon of the heavenly Jerusalem.
The New Jerusalem was an important theme in the Puritan colonization of New England in the 17th century. The Puritans were inspired by the passages in Revelation about the New Jerusalem, which they interpreted as being a symbol for the New World. The Puritans saw themselves as the builders of the New Jerusalem on earth. This idea was foundational to American nationalism. Ecclesiastic Swedenborgians often refer to their organizations as part of or contributing to the New Jerusalem as explained by Emanuel Swedenborg in such books as New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine , Apocalypse Revealed , and Apocalypse Explained.
Also according to these books, this New Jerusalem began to be established around This stems from their belief that Jerusalem itself is a symbol of the Church, and so the New Jerusalem in the Bible is a prophetic description of a New Church. The movement's founder, Joseph Smith , attempted to establish this Zion in the early s, and drafted a detailed plat of Zion based on his view of the biblical description of the New Jerusalem, including plans for a temple.
However, due to political and military rivalry with other Missouri settlers, members of the religion were expelled from Missouri in Subsequently, several Latter Day Saint denominations have established residence there, believing that it will be the center of God's Millennial kingdom. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that New Jerusalem is made up of anointed Christians serving in heaven as Kings and Priests over the earth.
The number of these King-Priests will eventually number ,