Successful Family Focus

In unhealthy family relationships, communication tends to be very masked and indirect. An example of this type of communication might be the father stating, "The youth of today are very lazy. One of the most difficult challenges facing families today is finding time to spend together. With our busy schedules, it is difficult to find sufficient time to spend with one another in meaningful conversation. It is extremely important for families to make time to communicate. Talk in the car; turn the TV off and eat dinner together; schedule informal or formal family meetings to talk about important issues that affect your family; and talk to your children at bedtime.
There are many creative ways to make time to communicate with other family members. Healthy families communicate their thoughts and feelings in a clear and direct manner. This is especially important when attempting to resolve problems that arise between family members e. Indirect and vague communication will not only fail to resolve problems, but will also contribute to a lack of intimacy and emotional bonding between family members.
An essential aspect of effective communication is listening to what others are saying. Being an active listener involves trying your best to understand the point of view of the other person. Whether you are listening to a spouse or a child, it is important to pay close attention to their verbal and non-verbal messages. As an active listener, you must acknowledge and respect the other person's perspective. For example, when listening to a spouse or child, you should nod your head or say, "I understand," which conveys to the other person that you care about what he or she has to say.
Another aspect of active listening is seeking clarification if you do not understand the other family member. This can be done by simply asking, "What did you mean when you said..? Not all family members communicate in the same manner or at the same level. This is especially true of young children.
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When communicating with young children, it is important for adults to listen carefully to what the children are saying without making unwarranted assumptions. It is also important to take into consideration the ages and maturity levels of children. Parents cannot communicate with children in the same way that they communicate with their spouse because the child may not be old enough to understand.
In addition to carefully listening to what is being said, effective communicators also pay close attention to the non-verbal behaviors of other family members. For example, a spouse or child may say something verbally, but their facial expressions or body language may be telling you something completely different. In cases such as these, it is important to find out how the person is really feeling.
While it is often necessary to address problems between family members, or to deal with negative situations, effective communication is primarily positive.
Family Communication
Marital and family researchers have discovered that unhappy family relationships are often the result of negative communication patterns e. In fact, John Gottman and his colleagues have found that satisfied married couples had five positive interactions to every one negative interaction Gottman, Couples who are very dissatisfied with their relationships typically engage in more negative interactions than positive.
It is very important for family members to verbally compliment and encourage one another. Communication is a key to successful family functioning. Parent-child activities are designed to involve the parent and child in sharing and learning activities that foster gross motor, language, fine-motor, social, and emotional skills.
Services include Baby Bucks, developmental screenings, home visiting, parent cafes, and playgroups. This service has a big impact: Services include parenting classes and coaching, supervised parental visits, access to community resources, court advocacy, home visits, and more.
Welcome to Child & Family Focus
Fatherhood Initiative — Open to new fathers, teenage fathers, uncles and grandfathers, this group supports fathers in building positive relationships with their children in a safe and welcoming setting. The Evanston Grandparents are a lively group participating in group activities such as on-stage performances and self-publishing a book of poetry and essays. During the spring, summer, and fall seasons children in this program learn about planing fresh produce, urban agriculture, entrepreneurship, how to cook with garden produce, how to harvest food, and how to sell their harvests at local farmers markets.
All of the items are provided through community donations.
We do our best to offer high-quality items throughout the year. All of the items are provided by community donations. Each program within the center has unique needs. Please review the programs below to identify our volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are often utilized for helping with special events and teaching classes.
Child and Family Focus
Volunteers are often utilized for homework help and to provide special programming on extended school days. Individuals offering their services and expertise to the Board are an essential part of our thriving and successful organization. We welcome people from all backgrounds and disciplines with our greatest needs being in the areas of fundraising, marketing and finance.
Additionally we also have an interest in bringing in people with corporate and business experience. Most importantly we seek members that are civic minded and share our mission. In order for Family Focus Highland Park to continue to meet the needs of our community, a larger programmatic space is required for our future.