SoulShift: The Measure of a Life Transformed
I'm a beginner in many areas, but particularly in matters of racial prejudice and systemic injustice. Pride should not overtake me so I act like I really know what I'm talking about. Stories have been floating around about a certain bearded preacher who used an axe to cut up the pulpit on stage at a camp meeting. I'll confess--it was me.
Publisher's Summary
I should explain the context When someone questioned Mary Slessor as to how she could do great feats because she was "only a woman" she reminded him who God was. The book is easy to read and digest and will meet folks where they are spiritually; I think it is especially good for those who are just beginning their spiritual growth as it gives them direction!

We are still working on our plans to implement this in the fall and are very excited to see how God is going to use this to help us grow spiritually! Nov 04, Shirley Brosius rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book points out what may block us from leading full and abundant Christian lives.
Subtle shifts in our thinking may make dramatic differences in how we live out our faith. Closing chapters help you nail down specific steps. This is a great book for a Sunday school or small group study since it comes with a study guide. Oct 05, Jeff Elliott rated it really liked it Shelves: I attended the SoulShift conference in October This book is the product of that conference.
As a small church pastor I am so thrilled to have a tool that I can use to see if my sheep are making real spiritual progress. Are they being spiritually transformed? We will be working through this material as a congregation next month. I am very excited to see how God will use this material and how it will be received by our people.
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This book is a must read for anyone interested in genuin Finally This book is a must read for anyone interested in genuine spiritual transformation. Aug 30, Charles rated it really liked it. Well written and thought out. The authors have highlighted seven essential areas where all who claim to be new creatures in Christ need to really shift from their familiar ways into that new creation. Plus, they deal with the reality that no shift is ever so complete to avoid needing to revisit and shift again--which is why I will probably have to read this book again.
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- SoulShift: The Measure of a Life Transformed **E-BOOK** - Personal Growth - Discipleship - Shop;
- SoulShift: The Measure of a Life Transformed by Steve Deneff.
By the way, using it in a group study is probably the best way to work through it. That is what I recommend. Jul 21, Spenser White rated it it was amazing Shelves: Don't read this book if you want to continue living a mediocre, safe life. Changed my interactions with God and my fellow man so much! I recommend this to any Christian. May 26, Amyjo rated it it was amazing. Really nicely laid out book. Very readable and some good theology. Mar 31, Lauren rated it really liked it. A very practical look at transforming your Christian walk. Karen Hannen rated it it was amazing May 08, Brittany Beggs rated it liked it Jan 16, Kemuel Travis rated it it was amazing Jul 31, Allegra rated it really liked it May 06, Melinda VanRy rated it liked it Feb 23, Raynan Neises rated it it was amazing Jan 05, Samuel Cooper rated it it was amazing Mar 08, Pam Getz rated it really liked it May 07, Wes Adams rated it liked it Mar 01, SoulShift Group Leader's Guide.
SoulShift: The Measure of a Life Transformed
How do we help those new believers and those who have been in your church but need a spiritual boost to understand the transforming power of a life lived in the Spirit With this book you can guide your church and yourself through this transformation. It was the closest thing to what we used to call a 'revival. It may be the new easy way to do an old thing? He has more than thirty-five years of pastoral experience and travels extensively as a conference speaker and leadership trainer.
Series: Soul Shift: The Measure of a Life Transformed
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