Queer Fish: An eclectic anthology of gay fiction
She is editor of a quarterly ekphrasis journal called The Light Ekphrastic. Since February , TLE has paired writers and visual artists from all over the world to create new works online. Shirley Brewer Shirley J. Brewer graduated from careers in bartending, palm-reading and speech therapy. Her definition of shame is a bare wrist. Weiner is an independent historian. She is the author of Coalified Jews: Weiner describes not only the formal institutions of Jewish life but also the everyday experiences of families like the Brunns and of a diverse Jewish population that included immigrants and natives, factory workers and department store owners, traditionalists and reformers.
The story of Baltimore Jews—full of absorbing characters and marked by dramas of immigration, acculturation, and assimilation—is the story of American Jews in microcosm. Face off against six wily picture book authors and illustrators and win a signed book! Can you spot which book excerpts are real and which are clever fakes?
Don't miss this lineup: Tamara Bhalla, Sunny J. Why is Asian-American literature so weighty and serious? The idea is to unravel through conversation the reason for the dearth of lighthearted, fun and fluffy reads in Asian American literature. According to Romero, beach reads are considered middlebrow literature but they shouldn't be dismissed.
Middlebrow entertainment is the most important genre in creating a cultural baseline. It's why Asian beach reads are so necessary. In The Chesapeake Table: Your Guide to Eating Local , Renee Brooks Catacalos reminds us that eating local is easier—and more rewarding—than we may think. She is currently a member of the Steering Team for the Chesapeake Foodshed Network, a regional food system initiative working to catalyze connections and collaborations that build a sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and equitable regional food system in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Kevin Shird is an activist, national youth advocate, public speaker, and author. Shird began dealing drugs at the age of sixteen, and later served almost twelve years in prison for drug trafficking. Today he works with young people to help them avoid the dangers of street culture and advocates for policy changes that support their safety and development.
Join these award winning and multi-published historical romance authors as they share tips and tricks of their trade. Elizabeth Watson, Mary Tilghman. What makes a good hero? Come learn the answer to this question and create your own hero. Whether a detective like Batman or a mutant like Wolverine, discover how to create a hero that the Justice League and Avengers would beg to be on their team.
Alongside every hero you have a compelling Villain. From costume to personality, learn how to make a villain that stands out among any rogue's gallery. Coming-of-age romance is about those all-important firsts--first crush, first kiss, first heartbreak--all while negotiating the tricky path to adulthood. Bestselling and award-winning YA and New Adult authors discuss how they craft these intense but engaging stories. Anderson discusses the rollbacks to African American participation in the vote, triggered by the Supreme Court decision that eviscerated the Voting Rights Act of Known as the Shelby ruling, this decision effectively allowed districts with a demonstrated history of racial discrimination to change voting requirements without approval from the Department of Justice.
Secrets of the Southern Table is a diverse collection of recipes from Southern-cooking specialist Virginia Willis, drawn from the unique tapestry of today's South, with stories and profiles from Southern food purveyors and influencers.

Chef Willis showcases three delicious demos, and samples of her Mexican Chocolate Pudding will be available for all to enjoy! He was a columnist and sportswriter for the Baltimore Sun for 23 years, and also has written for Sports Illustrated and Smithsonian Magazine. Eisenberg lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and currently writes columns on the digital channels operated by the Baltimore Ravens. In a sequence of essays set in , he recounts a surreal year of politics, moving from caucuses to conventions to the aftershocks of the stunning election.
Collecting stories of women of color from the Global South, Feminist Freedom Warriors weaves together cross-generational histories of feminist activism across national borders. These engaging interviews with sister comrades will inform, inspire, and activate the imagination to explore what a just world might look like. Our panel of Young Adult novelists talk about what makes a good YA novel, and the ways they reward their readers, adult or teen.
Discover your new favorite author and your new favorite book. Poet and scholar Dr. Join writer and fashion designer Stacy Stube for this literary-themed workshop; Saturday, September 29 from 2: This workshop will show you how to compose a complete image in sequential art.
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Instruction will focus on scene design, angles, tone, composition, composition, and traditional art-making essentials. Hosted by Deborah Taylor, school and student services coordinator at the Pratt Library. Slab pies, baked in a baking sheet, are showing up on pot luck tables and holiday sideboards. Cathy Barrow's upcoming book, Pie Squared , offers both modern and traditional recipes to tuck between two crusts.
Jonathan Abrams is an award-winning journalist who writes for Bleacher Report. The Afrofuturism of Black Panther is the culmination of years of literary works by Black authors that imagined a future in which Blackness was valued and exalted. On this panel, authors will discuss how the impact of Black Panther and reimagining Blackness in literature can forge new grounds for the stories of the future.
The co-founder of Chicago youth organizing collective BYP draws on Black intellectual and grassroots organizing traditions, including the Haitian Revolution, the US civil rights movement, and LGBTQ rights and feminist movements, to challenge all of us engaged in the social justice struggle to make the movement for Black liberation more radical, more queer, and more feminist.
This book provides a vision for how social justice movements can become sharper and more effective through principled struggle, healing justice, and leadership development. Four years ago, novelist Barbara Bourland left New York and moved to Baltimore with the desire for a more creative, fulfilling life. She explores the lessons, pitfalls and truths discovered along the way.
Meaning of "queer fish" in the English dictionary
In his newest novel, The Strange and True Story of Horace Wells , Surgeon Dentist , Michael Downs imagines the motivations and mysteries behind the true story of Horace Wells, the dentist who first used laughing gas as a surgical anesthetic. And it would change his own life, too. A former newspaper reporter, Downs is an associate professor of English at Towson University.
He lives and writes in Baltimore. She will read from her new work, a blend of magical realism, and history, discuss her upcoming memoir and her work as founder of One Moore Book, a children's book publishing company created in order to provide stories for children living in regions with low literacy rates and underrepresented cultures.
The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools. How has the blockbuster hit film Black Panther changed the landscape for black characters and creators? With so many across the globe consuming positive depictions of black diasporic culture, what does this mean for black authors amidst publishing's long-standing challenges with diversity and inclusivity? Joined in dialogue by prison abolitionist Mariame Kaba, William C. Against the racist violence at the core of the established order, Anderson presents a program of self-defense and transformative politics for Black Americans, one rooted in an anarchistic framework akin to the Black experience itself.
Andrew Kleine is a nationally recognized leader in municipal finance and performance management.
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He now consults local governments on budgeting for outcomes, long-term financial planning, Lean Government, and pension and health benefit reform. What does it take to put a new spin on a character readers recognize? Writing about family can be tricky—and yet in the memoir and the essay, writers throughout time have been inevitably drawn to these intimate, revealing stories that help us make sense of our lives.
Nisha Sharma grew up immersed in Bollywood movies, eighties pop culture, and romance novels, so it comes as no surprise that her first novel My So-Called Bollywood Life features all three. The best culinary stories use food as a starting point, a way into topics as juicy and diverse as loss, grief, injustice, and the beautiful, terrible and strange nuances of our culture. How Cookbook Writers Redefine Southern Identity , discuss the challenges, possibilities, and the power of food writing with moderator Hannah Howard, author of Feast: True Love in and out of the Kitchen.
Catana Chetwynd is a self-taught traditional artist and the enthusiastic author of Catana Comics. She grew up in Saratoga Springs, New York, where she spent her time creating art and pursing an education in psychology until accidentally stumbling into the world of comics. Not only is her boyfriend, John Freed, the daily inspiration for her drawings, but he was also the one who suggested a comic series about their relationship in the first place. Thanks to his idea and his inspiring daily antics, Catana was able to pursue her childhood dream of being a cartoonist.
Bestselling and award-winning authors discuss how these elements can advance a plot, build characterization, create romantic conflict, and lead to a positive resolution. Miller, Nibedita Sen, K. Gender and sexuality seen through the lens of poetry, music, and performance art. A panel of esteemed Baltimore authors — Rahne Alexander, Venus Selenite, Nikki Richard, and Tyler Vile — offer invocations, short readings, and a discussion on the ways their spiritual practices impact their creative processes and lives as queer transgender women.
An urgent, glittering, devastating novel about the perils of queer world-making in the mid-'90s, Sketchtasy tells the story of Alexa, an incisive twenty-one-year-old queen facing everyday brutality with determined nonchalance. Drawn to the ecstasy of drugged-out escapades, Alexa searches for nourishment in a gay culture bonded by clubs and conformity, willful apathy, and the spectre of AIDS. Sketchtasy brings s gay culture startlingly back to life, as Alexa and her friends grapple with the impact of growing up at a time when desire and death are intertwined.
Mason Jar Press is dedicated to finding new and exciting work by writers who push the bounds of literary norms. Since she has been a volunteer with VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. He writes about Queer life and occasionally reviews books for both national and local publications. His creative work has appeared in Gertrude Journal , Assaracus , jubilat and more. Victoria Zelvin, Broken Metropolis: Her speculative short fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction , Shoreline of Infinity , and numerous anthologies including Broken Metropolis: She is a graduate of Roanoke College's inaugural Creative Writing program and lives with two cats who have taken over her social media.
Her work can be found at: A Journey to Faith, Hope, and Love , a series of prose, essays, affirmations and poetry about the challenges she faced during her time in middle and high school. Contemporary romance writers share their thoughts about why they write strong-willed female characters, why empowerment is so critical in the world of fiction especially in romance and how their heroes love the challenge of an independent woman.
Ulysse, is about a Haitian immigrant in the U. Ulysse is a fiction writer, born in Haiti whose short stories, essays, and Pushcart-Prize-nominated poetry appear in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including: Every character needs to eat, but food is more than just sustenance. It interacts with culture, identity, class, gender, and power. How does SFF deal with those intersections? Which books acknowledge the effort or future ease? Whose menus are represented, and why? We hear a lot about dystopic fiction, so this panel will look at the other side of that coin.
Authors discuss the difference between utopic and hopeful fiction, if they like the term "hopepunk," the works that do this well, and above all, why we need hope. Join the authors as they share their favorite romance book covers--and check off the book titles on your Bingo card.
Books, swag and other prizes for the winners! Kelly Maher, Alexa Jacobs, J. Lora, Mary Tilghman, Emily Duvall. The editor-in-chief of Gawker's popular geek-culture website io9, Anders has been writing with passion and insight about science fiction and fantasy for years — so it only makes sense that in her debut novel for adults, All the Birds in the Sky , she's melded the two genres in a way that opens a profound, poetic new perspective on each.
In this workshop we will be looking at Adobe Illustrator and how it can be used for Animation as well as Motion Graphics. April has a unique vantage point as the only black, female reporter covering urban issues from the White House — a position she has held since the Clinton era. Mothers and Race in Black and White. She leads retreats and Sacred Site tours, which incorporate yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, primarily to India and Bhutan.
Founder Andria Nacina Cole curates a session based on the summer program for high school and college-age students, an intensive critical reading and writing program dedicated to shifting harmful narratives about Black women and girls through both the meaningful study and creation of art and the deliberate application of self-inquiry.
Cole will be joined by the daughters who will share their I Dream a World monologues. Spend time getting to know bloggers and reviewers as they share their love of romance stories and the authors who write them. Learn how a blogger shares book content without giving away secrets or plot twists. These panelists will discuss how they get the word out and connect writers to readers.
The series has been showcasing the talents of local, regional, and national authors, poets, musicians, and artists for more than a decade. The event is curated and hosted by Eric D. Goodman and Nitin Jagdish. In Missing Daddy , a picture book for young readers ages 4 to 8, she tells the story of a little girl who misses her father because he's away in prison, sharing how his absence affects different parts of her life. With gorgeous illustrations, this book depicts a little girl's love for her father from whom she is separated because of incarceration.
During this hour, two authors will read, answer irreverent interview questions, and compete to win free books for the audience members. Hosted by Sarah Pinsker and K. Charlie Jane Anders and Theodora Goss. Paula Willey, librarian and organizer of the annual KidLitCon conference, interviews three fantastic picture book authors: Ever wondered how a book gets written? How do authors fill blank pages? What fuels a writer, day in and day out? Learn from a talented group of authors how they craft their stories, what goals they set to ensure their books gets written, and what does the day in a writer look like?
Tim Junkin is an attorney, with thirty years of experience as a trial lawyer and advocate of civil rights, an award-winning writer and a teacher. He also founded Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy which became ShoreRivers, a Maryland river protection nonprofit, and he has received several environmental awards.
Backwoods – Natty Soltesz (Queer Mojo) | Out in Print: Queer Book Reviews
What does it mean to be a city-dweller in , or , or , our world or another? When people discuss a city's character, what are they referring to? Is it possible for that word to capture all the different communities that form the whole? What do we imagine for future cities? Which books and stories capture the idea of city well? Powerful and accessible, A History of America in Ten Strikes challenges all of our contemporary assumptions around labor, unions, and American workers.
From the Lowell Mill Girls strike in the s to Justice for Janitors in , these labor uprisings do not just reflect the times in which they occurred, but speak directly to the present moment. Full of the author's courage and faith. Charita Brown describes her bipolar illness in telling detail; her writing is powerful and eloquent. I highly recommend this book. Charita Cole Brown is now retired and lives in Baltimore with her two daughters.
Video games are the only mainstream art form in which the audience is not just present, but rather participating in the story. Game designers have come up with a lot of answers to this question over the years. Come sit down with Tyrone Barnes to see a brief summary of them! Dan Fesperman is a former reporter for The Baltimore Sun and the author of several thrillers.
About Pink Narcissus Press
His travels as a writer have taken him to 30 countries and three war zones, which he draws on for his intensely engaging novels. The Marginalized Majority makes the galvanizing case that our voices are already the majority—and that our plurality of identities is not only our greatest strength, but is also at the indisputable core of successful progressive change throughout history.
In all genres, locations can often be so vividly imagined they become characters in themselves. Our authors talk about their favorite hidden, lost, invented, reinvented spaces, and whether or not anyone would want to live there. Penelope, Lara Elena Donnelly, A. Myer, Vivian Shaw, Jon Skovron. OneBook Baltimore is a new initiative that provides opportunities for Baltimore City 7th and 8th graders, their families, and community members to connect through literature by reading the same book. Growing up with a wide range of cultures, religions, and backgrounds, Stone strives to bring these diverse voices and stories to her work.
Baltimore Ceasefire is a self-determination movement started by residents in Baltimore City to reduce murder and celebrate life by calling quarterly Ceasefire weekends. Writing a book is just the beginning. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. But what else would you expect from firefighters? Reviewed by Jerry Wheeler. Leave a comment Filed under Uncategorized. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.
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