Mission to Marathon (Flashbacks)
When Jack sets out to the A story set in London during the Blitz. With Gernan planes blitzing London, the wreckage can be an exciting place to pla A story set in Ancient Greece. Tim and Bridget follow Elinor back into her time - the 17th century. There begins the most frightening - and exciting Kelly, a Traveller girl, is isolated and unhappy at her new school.
Until the hot summer day when she meets Ben.

Egfrid is the prince of Bernicia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom. When he is captured by Penda, King of Mercia during a raid, al An office worker and an aristocratic young lady become unlikely friends as they work together for women's right to vote When Katy is assigned a history project on World War Two, she moans and groans with the rest of her class. A laugh-out-loud comedy from popular author Sally Prue, taking a light hearted look at the clash of cultures in Roman Br Join Arthur and Finn as they travel back to ancient Egypt to discover dangerous rivalries, and a prince and princess wit Travel back in time with brothers Arthur and Finn to change the life of one Spartan soldier and make sure he saves his f The gripping story of King Alfred's daught A thrilling mix of Sherlock Holmes and Ancient Greece from bestselling author Saviour Pirotta, with stunning illustratio Roman and Celtic cultures collide in this thrilling adventure about the Roman conquest of Britain.
The second book in the ancient Greek Mysteries series, a thrilling follow up to Mark of the Cyclops, is a mix of Sherloc Finn wants to be a Viking warrior, and seek adventure and glory in far-off lands, not become chieftan of a farming vill A thrilling mix of Sherlock Holmes and ancient Greece from bestselling author Saviour Pirotta, with stunning illustratio Aspiring radio and TV presenters should benefit from the guidance provided by accomplished presenter, Janet Trewin. The Saxon King Athelstan is trying to unite the kingdom of England for the first time, aided by his body-servant Edwin, Each book in this series tells what it was like to live at a different time in history.
This book is set in Saxon Englan This brand new, thrilling adventure from bestselling 'Horrible Histories' author Terry Deary brings the closing days of The fourth book in the ancient Greek Mysteries series is a mix of Sherlock Holmes and ancient Greece from bestselling au Written by bestselling author Saviour Pirotta, this fast-paced story is set in the Islamic Golden Age when Baghdad was t This is a sophisticated read; it follows two children who have been caught sup in the war on the Western Front.
Their stories soon unite as they becom Blood and debris are seen on the sidewalk along Boylston Street a day after the explosions April 16, Boston Marathon bomb scene pictures taken by investigators show the remains of an explosive device.
We are Diamond Dogs:
A still image captured from surveillance video shows the moment when a second bomb exploded near the finish line, April 15, A circle top indicates the area of a man identified by prosecutors as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Officials take crime scene photos a day after the explosions April 16, A runner is escorted from the scene after explosions went off at the Boston Marathon, April 15, Blood in seen on the sidewalk in front of a candy store advertising a Marathon Monday sale a day after the explosions in Boston, April 16, Bloody clothing and medical pads are seen on Commonwealth Avenue near the scene of the explosions in Boston, April 15, An investigator carries an evidence bag off a rooftop near the site of two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, April 17, Unclaimed Boston Marathon runners' belongings are seen, April 16, A member of the SWAT team motions to a resident to come out of the house as they conduct a house to house search for Dzhokar Tsarnaev in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, Law enforcement officers place themselves in an overhead position on Arsenal Street, in the search area for Dzhokar Tsarnaev in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, A law enforcement bomb technician walks away after preparing the controlled detonation of a suspicious object in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, Members of the media take cover on the instruction of law enforcement officers while covering a police reaction to a suspect on Arsenal Street, in the search area for Dzhokar Tsarnaev, in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, Police officers move towards a police assault on a house with their guns drawn as gunfire erupts on Franklin Street during the search for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Watertown, Massachusetts April 19, The kids meet people on the ship who are destined to die, and it was a bit hard to read aloud to the students.
I don't think I would read this one aloud again, but I read this aloud to my students, as they had to find out what happened after the first book. I don't think I would read this one aloud again, but I know the kids enjoyed the story--just a bit dark for a read aloud. Oct 01, Terry added it Shelves: Dan Gutman is a master at time travel stories, and this is no exception. Readers will be spellbound not just by the adventure but by all of the facts about the Titanic itself.
This is the second adventure for our time-traveling preteens. Read more of our review and add your review if you have one. Just like with the first FlashBack Four story, this FlashBack Four 2 book is a fun and interesting read for younger readers. This time the original four kids are sent to snap a picture of the Titanic sinking as harrowing as it seems. With high stakes and twists that will surprise you.
Oct 27, Nan rated it did not like it. Stupid jokes, characters are stereotypical, dialogue is basic, minor plots points are impossible kids keep a digital camera dry when they fall into the ocean.
- BREATHLESS: The King Books (King Series Book 2)!
- The Titanic Mission (Flashback Four, #2) by Dan Gutman.
- Sedona Vortex Guidebook.
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- Its My Time.
Stick with the My Weird School series. Can't wait for the next book in the series. It ends with a good cliffhanger! I think some of my younger student students would enjoy this series. The Titantic is always interesting and it includes four present day kids experiencing it first hand. Nov 26, Gracie rated it it was amazing. I like these series because anything can happen! I like the endless possebilities. Anyone that likes aventure will probably like this historical fiction superstar! Jun 11, Brandi rated it really liked it. Nov 26, Bianca rated it it was amazing.
The Star Wars Saga in Flashback Order - IMDb
I really loved it. Mar 14, Quintina rated it really liked it Shelves: The Flashback Four are determined to redeem themselves after the Lincoln mission. The set out to impress Miss Z with their idea to photograph the sinking of the Titanic. After much research and persuading they head back to the fateful night of the sinking of the Titanic but once again thing go awry. Dan Gutman again keeps readers on the edge of their seats as the Flashback Four try to get themselves out of trouble once again.
Gutman accomplishes his mission of getting readers to come back for mo The Flashback Four are determined to redeem themselves after the Lincoln mission. Gutman accomplishes his mission of getting readers to come back for more.
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Ashley Meyers rated it really liked it Jun 06, Mar 18, Seth rated it it was amazing. Dan Gutman once again delivers another great historical fiction story. This book was filled with facts but at the same time keeping it action packed for middle grade readers to enjoy. The Flashback Four ask Ms.
- The Constitution of Interests: Beyond the Politics of Rights?
- Flashbacks;
- Fast Lane.
Z to take them back in time to the Titanic to get a picture of it sinking. Z gives in and they are sent back in time.
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I really wish the ending was a little more clear. I won't specify any more due to spoilers. Robloxman rated it it was amazing Nov 23, Jackson Adams rated it it was amazing Jun 11, Helena rated it liked it Aug 07, Wanda To Ka Yi rated it really liked it Jul 26, Teri rated it really liked it Oct 22, Amy rated it it was amazing Aug 23, Darath Fisher rated it it was amazing Jul 28, Chloe Hahn rated it it was amazing Apr 06,