
Just Too WEIRD: Bishop Romneys Mormon Takeover of America:: Polygamy, Theocracy, Subversion

The investigation of even a few instances of imposture — if one has not become emotionally involved in the deception — is sufficient to show how crude though clever many impostors are, how very faulty any scheming is, and how often, in fact, the element of shrewdness is lacking. Rather a quality of showmanship is involved, with its reliance all on the response of an audience to illusions.

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To this extent those on whom the fraudulence is imposed are not only victims but unconscious conspirators. Its success too is partly a matter of timing. Such combinations of imposturous talent and a peculiar susceptibility of the times to believe in the swindler, who presents the deceptive means of salvation, may account for the great impostures of history.

Catching up with Romney's Mexican cousins

There are, however, instances of the repeated perpetration of frauds under circumstances which give evidence of aprecise content that may seem independent of social factors…. The sense of reality is characterized by a peculiarly sharp, quick perceptiveness, extraordinarily immediate keenness and responsiveness, especially in the area of the imposture. The over-all utility of the sense of reality is, however, impaired. What is striking in many impostors is that, although they are quick to pick up details and nuances in the lives and activities of those whom they simulate and can sometimes utilize these with great adroitness, they are frequently so utterly obtuse to many ordinary considerations of fact that they give the impression of mere brazenness or stupidity in many aspects of their life peripheral to their impostures….

The unconscious drive heightens his perceptions in a focused area and permits him to ignore or deny other elements of reality which would ordinarily be considered matters of common sense. It is this discrepancy in abilities which makes some impostors such puzzling individuals. Skill and persuasiveness are combined with utter foolishness and stupidity. In some instances, however, it is also probable that the imposture cannot be sustained unless there is emotional support from someone who especially believes in and nourishes it.

The need for self-betrayal may then he one part of the tendency to revert to a less demanding, more easily sustainable personality, particularly if support is withdrawn. Both aspects are represented: It seems as if the impostor becomes temporarily convinced of the rightness of his assumed character in proportion to the amount of attention he is able to gain from it. These are clung to when the other elements of the imposture have been relinquished…. For the typical impostor, an audience is absolutely essential. It is the demand for an audience in which the false self is reflected that causes impostures often to become of social significance.

Both reality and identity seem to the impostor to be strengthened rather than diminished by the success of the fraudulence of his claims…. And you work with [indiscernible]? Yeah, I saw that. What kind of comment is coming from, you know, your agency or from Donald?

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He really thought it was too soon. As you saw, he got his licenses five to nothing the other day and totally unanimous. And frankly, he wants to keep it that way. And he just thought it was too soon to make any commitment to anybody. So what is going to happen when -- is she being asked to leave. Well, he treats everybody well. Have you met him? The one article said he was going to throw her out of the apartment is total nonsense.

He is going to always treat her well as he treated his wife well.

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I mean, he paid his wife a great deal of money. He did it in a very bad period of time and, ultimately, that was settled. There were those that say that that was even put that way. But he treated his wife well and he treated -- and he will treat Marla well. He gets called by everybody in the book, in terms of women. Well, he gets called by a lot of people. Well, what about -- this Carla Bruni, I mean, how important is she right now?

A lot of the people that you write about, and you people do a great job, by the way, but a lot of the people that you write about really are -- I mean, they call. Actresses, people that you write about just call to see if they can go out with him and things. He was so set up with that. Do you have a second? It was a ball benefit for Martha actually just before she passed away. And Madonna was there and she came in a beautiful evening gown and combat boots. She was wearing combat boots, and Trump was asked to go over to meet her.

And he was there just for a little while to say hello and to make a speech and make like an introductory speech. And then all of a sudden -- and that was the end. And then he said goodbye to her and that was literally the end. It was literally the end. And the next day in the newspapers, they had a story that he wanted to go out with her and everything else.

Besides that, that she was sitting there with her boyfriend. I think his name was Ward or something -. Then the next day, there was a story that Trump went to [inaudible] and Madonna was supposedly at [inaudible], and that was another total nonsense. So, somehow, there was a thing. And then she called recently about this fight and wanted to go out.

Well, she called and wanted to go out with him, that I can tell you. What is your position there? And frankly, I mean, I could tell you off the record. So when he got a lot of bad financial stuff, he liked it because, you know, it was good because he could get a divorce finished. The licensing was five to nothing. And then I guess Newsday about two weeks ago did a story on that. Where did you come from? I basically worked for different firms. Is he trying to -- I mean, is Marla trying to reconcile all this or is this -.

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Well, it was never an engagement ring, because that was my first question. It was never an engagement ring. And this was a way of giving Tiffany some business in addition to getting Ivan -- geting Marla something that would be nice. It was a little confusing.

Anything but a ring, I guess. He sort of laughs at everything. Well, it was a total violation of -- I mean, I could tell you -. And what happened is the judge said -- by the way, she can take that clause out. So, in theory, I think he could probably -- you know, I think that could have cost her many millions of dollars. Did that have anything to do with the ending of the relationship? I mean, was he trying to get her to sign anything? Well, I can tell you this. It was painful but worked in the Ivana case because, you know, while it was challenged, it still ended up being upheld and worked.

And she spent a lot of money on lawyers and a lot of money on everything and that was the year of the circus, but they do stand up. What about this Ivana thing? It says in the Newsday Trump also told friends that when he and Ivana met last week, she indicated that she would be interested in reconciliation? Ivana wants to get back with Donald, but she -.

After saying on Barbara Walters that she never would? What is she going to say? I want to get back. I mean, it was his choice to leave and he left. The second question I asked about after the ring was the biggest misconception is he left. He really left for himself. He never left for Marla. He was going to leave anyway. Marla was there, but he was going to leave anyway. Whether there was a Marla or not he was going to leave anyway.

So now he has somebody else named Carla who is beautiful and I guess you have something on her. He just wants [indiscernible], he does things for himself. He leaves for himself, he does things for himself. He, when he makes the decision, that will be a very lucky woman. How did he meet Carla? At the Plaza Hotel, she was doing a Carolina Herrera fashion show.

Was Ivana there, do you think? Does she go to fashion shows? Well she goes to them, but less so since, you know, since -. When did he meet Carla there? Probably a few months ago. Have they been able to see each other? This is I think an interesting point. Carla is a very beautiful girl from Italy whose father is one of the wealthiest men in Europe. How do you spell that?

But anyway, but her father is one of the wealthiest men in Europe.

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