Do Dolphins Really Smile? (Penguin Young Readers, Level 3)
Christina Wald Goodreads Author Illustrator. How smart are dolphins? But how much do we know about the ways dolphins communicate and relate to each other? In Do Dolphins Really Smile? Paperback , 48 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
Do Dolphins Really Smile? - Booksource
To ask other readers questions about Do Dolphins Really Smile? Be the first to ask a question about Do Dolphins Really Smile? Lists with This Book. Jul 30, Jc rated it really liked it. One of the most intelligent mammals on the planet, dolphins deserve a lot more than what people give them.
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Jul 28, Eva Kelly rated it it was amazing. Was THIS one ever interesting! Especially when you get good facts about dolphins. Like dolphins and whales are in the same family. You know how much they like fish? It's like trash is their money or something. And they also do stuff Wow.
And they also do stuff with lights and sponges and talking to each other that means they're really smart.
The Story Lives On!
I think they DO smile because they're happy that they can always get fish, no matter what. If I liked fish and I could get one just by giving some girl a piece of trash, I'd be smiling too. May 20, Morris rated it it was amazing. Leejeongsoo rated it liked it May 11, Grace rated it it was amazing Apr 28, Emmy Lou rated it really liked it Dec 06, Sheherazahde rated it it was amazing Dec 26, Heather rated it really liked it Aug 29, Abbie rated it really liked it Jan 04, Danny rated it really liked it Jun 26, Michelle rated it liked it Sep 29, Ryan D rated it it was amazing Jun 01, Heather Benavente rated it really liked it May 23, Jared Dunn rated it did not like it Jul 09, Staff Staff rated it really liked it Sep 21, Aidan Manzano rated it it was amazing May 18, Kerry rated it it was amazing Sep 05, Tim Mayle rated it it was amazing Jan 13, Booboo rated it it was amazing Jul 02, Ara rated it it was amazing Jul 04, Layla rated it really liked it Apr 01, Bc Firenze rated it really liked it Feb 18, How are they different from horses?
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Did you know that the horned lizard squirts blood out of its eyes to scare off predators? Learn more about this creature as well as the leech, the naked mole rat, the hagfish, and many more creepy critters in this sickening and super science book. Not for the faint of heart, this revolting reader will be a favorite among boys and everyone interested in the strange and unusual..
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Do Dolphins Really Smile? How smart are dolphins?

They're good at doing tricks, and they love fish But how much do we know about the ways dolphins communicate and relate to each other? In Do Dolphins Really Smile? Deep in the swamp, a baby alligator crawls out of its broken shell.
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This book also touches on efforts to protect this endangered species. Coral Reefs in Danger. Did you know that coral is actually a living creature? That the world's most famous coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef, is so big that astronauts can see it from outer space? Kids will love learning fun facts about coral reefs, the beautiful fish who make it their home, and why these amazing habitats are in danger. Gigantic Creatures from the Past. Packed with ancient giants Dinosaurs aren't the only animals that roamed the earth during the prehistoric era.
There was the Archelon, the largest turtle ever, measuring over 13 feet, and the Argentavis, the largest flying bird ever recorded, weighing in at over pounds Author Ginjer L. Clarke packs Maxed Out with facts about humongous animals from this time period. Baby otters are playful and adorable creatures--from their first steps outside of the cozy den their mother prepared for them to their first paddles in the icy water. Veteran science book author Ginjer L. Clarke highlights plenty of facts about baby otters, including how they learn to swim, what they eat, and where they live.
Animals That Do Amazing Things.