
Cuentos Infantiles Cortos: PRINCESA LA RANA DEL ESTANQUE (Versión Española) (Spanish Edition)

El retorno — L. El cazador en las tinieblas — Michael Reaves. Esto es el colmo!

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Atrapados en la nieve! Una novela — Chuck Palahniuk. Edicion de Pat Hackett — Andy Warhol. Siegel Tina Payne Bryson. Un mundo pequenito — Giovanni Guareschi. Un modelo para — Jorge Luis Borges. Seuss 01 El gato Garabato — Dr. La casa Harkonnen — Brian Herbert. Un estudio acerca — Hannah Arendt. Finalista premio — Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde. Irene Tchernov — Nikolai Gogol. Victor Gallego — Nikolai V. Maduracion y crisis de la — Carlos F. El mundo es nuestro! La batalla de Normandia — Antony Beevor. Bouvet — Georges Simenon.

Jekyll — Robert L. Hyd — Robert L. Hyde — Robert L. La identidad en tiem — Susana Lopez Penedo. La hija de Hitler — Blanca Miosi. Penumbra y su libreria 24 horas abierta — Robin Sloan. Ripley — Patricia Highsmith. Locura — Monica Carrillo. Smith — Peter Ustinov. La forja de un mago — Ed Greenwood. Una breve historia de la vida p — Bill Bryson. Triunfo y tragedia — Stefan Zweig. Feynman — Richard P. Proclamas libertarias para — Paco Vidarte. Aventuras y desventuras — Josep Montalat. Muchnik — Leon Tolstoi.

Antiguo Testamento — Isaac Asimov. Nuevo Testamento — Isaac Asimov. Diez dialogo — Stephane Hessel. La coleccion completa — J. Libro IV — Theodor Mommsen. Libro V — Theodor Mommsen. Segunda serie — Carlos Fisas. Un ano en las calles de la mu — David Simon. Lo mejor del terror contempora — Stephen King y Otros.

Lo mejor del terror contemporane — William F. El inventor de la eter — Jacq Christian. Ciencias fisicas — Isaac Asimov. Ciencias biologicas — Isaac Asimov.

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The press coverage of Walt Disney that started many weeks before the premier of his first full-length animated film continued well into the s. This minute stereo LP is the oldest record of a Grimm fairy tale that I could find in the libraries in which I searched. After a series of remarkably well-received Disney productions, the Colombian press went on to proclaim the movie Cinderella as the next greatest creation of Disney after Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Fig.

Locally Printed Information on the Brothers Grimm In contrast to the numerous articles written on Walt Disney and his works, the printed information on the Grimms in local newspapers, magazines, and other printed sources is very limited. Daniel Samper Pizano is a Colombian lawyer and writer, and one of the best-known and respected journalists in the country.

El fantasma de Canterville

Certainly several members of the lower social classes from Hesse contributed to the tale collection, especially Dorothea Viehmann, who told the brothers a good number of them. It is now well known that many of the recorded tales were not authentically German but, in fact, derived from the French courtly tradition. A number of families in the bourgeois circle of Kassel had Huguenot lineage and spoke French at home; as Jack Zipes has noted, many of the Grimm informants were acquainted with both the oral and literary traditions and combined motifs from both sources Zipes, Complete Fairy Tales XXiX.

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In yet another publication, this time the literary and biographic encyclopedia 2. According to the provided information, Jakob and Wilheim [sic] were born in and respectively. This error can hardly be dismissed as a typographical lapse because, in both cases the dates are not only wrong but are not even close, considering that Jacob was born in and Wilhelm in The dates for other titles listed in this encyclopedic entry are, however, incorrect.

Similarly erroneous is the publication date of Silva de romances viejos, given as instead of ; even though the Grimms 39 This is the year in which Jacob died.

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The initial sentence already provides false information in regard to the publication dates and the driving motives of the brothers in collecting the tales. Not only are the dates partially wrong it was the volume of annotations for the 2nd edition of that was published in but also misleading because it fails to mention that there is more than one edition of the KHM. Further down we read that after spending many years collecting the stories the brothers rewrote them using a style that was easily comprehensible for the children and the entire family.

The article adds that many of the stories that make up the KHM have their origin in the traditions of countries like France, but that they were endowed with a distinct German character thanks to the editorial license exercised by the Grimms. It disseminates imprecise information about the French origins of some tales and the editing role of the brothers. No indication about which preface from which edition is given; in fact, from the information provided in this encyclopedia it is impossible to discern that seven different large editions of the KHM were published.

The alleged quotation is so poorly translated that, in some instances, it is difficult to understand the meaning. To show the vagueness of the quotation, I have once again tried to keep my translation as close as possible to the original: The majority of the situations are so simple, that almost all of them have certainly occurred in life, but as with everything that is true they are always new and moving.

But the 45 good use does not see anything bad in that, but on the contrary, as a beautiful proverb says, it is a testimony of our heart. Children know how to read on the stars without fear, while others insult the angels starting from the popular beliefs. As mentioned before, these are very poor translations of the original and extremely difficult to grasp. This is especially true for the second portion of the quote, which presents modifications that bear little resemblance to the original.

It is very unfortunate that the information provided in an educational reference work such as this one is so unreliable. Yet the carelessness of this article may be an indicator of how the local publishing industry values the scholarly work of the Grimms; the lack of attention seem to suggest that the editors of this book consider the information to be too superfluous and 44 The equivalent passage from the preface to the edition reads: Nevertheless, this article is exceptional because it is one of the very few that I was able to find on the Brothers Grimm.

During the course of this study, the information on the Brothers Grimm and their work printed domestically in textbooks and reference books is remarkably limited. I examined several textbooks used to teach Spanish and literature e. In the examined textbooks, under the section on Romanticism, for example, a minimal reference is made to German Romantic authors and, within that limited context, only the names of Goethe, Schiller, Schlegel, and Heine are cited.

From twelve editions examined, only the following three make a very short and casual reference about selected German Romantic authors mostly those mentioned above ; the name Grimm is nowhere cited: There are no articles on the Brothers Grimm, and their names are not mentioned in regard to folktales or folklore. It is plausible that the reduced printed information on the German siblings had a negative effect in the propagation of the tales, especially in the first half of the twentieth century. If the local press had addressed the life and work of the German brothers in a similar fashion as it did with Walt Disney, the Colombian public would have become aware of their existence and possibly also been interested much earlier in their work.

In that regard, the lack of knowledge about Grimms may be perceived as an obstacle for the dissemination of the tales and one that slowed down the earlier reception. To summarize, several different factors affected negatively the dissemination and reception of the Grimm tales in Colombia during the first half of the twentieth century: The text that includes the Grimms reads: Schiller, los poetas J. A Hoffmann, without forgetting the contribution of the Brothers Grimm.

It was only in the second half of the twentieth century that the Grimm tales started to gain popularity in Colombia. As of the combination of these positive factors translates into a surge of publications by the Grimms that populate the inventory of the Colombian libraries. Overview of European Literature for Children and Youth in Colombian Libraries The initial corpus for documenting the history of the Grimm tales in Colombia will comprise publications from the nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

In this chapter I will examine the inventory of Grimm tales and other European classical fairy tales, published through , extant in the main libraries. Looking at the broader context will help to determine the overall position of the fairy tale within this category and provide initial insight into fairy tale reception. The main Colombian libraries are richly supplied with early publications of both classical European fairy tales and other works by many of the traditional European authors who have written for children.

To keep the information manageable I have selected a representative sample of works and authors based on the careful examination of central library catalogues and the detailed bibliographic record of over publications. To guide this research, I used the following criteria: The collected bibliographical information was organized according to the dates of publication and grouped by decades see Appendices This chronological arrangement helped to discern specific authors, works, or languages that stand out within a given period. Special attention was devoted to publications written in Spanish, since they have a wider reach among the Colombian public than works in other foreign languages relatively few Colombians know a second language.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to determine with certainty whether these early works were indeed circulating in Colombia at the time of their publication or, if they were, how widespread their ciculation might have been. Private donations from family libraries increase the odds that the editions were being read when they were published. The mere fact, however, that these publications are currently available in Colombia and form part of the public library network suggest that there has been some local demand and therefore a certain reception for this type of literature.

Most of the material for this study was located at these two sites. It was founded in during the regime of Viceroy Manuel De Guirior. The original collection of this library was the collection expropriated from the Jesuits who, per decree of King Charles III, were expelled from all the Spanish dominions in All information regarding to the libraries has been directly taken from their respective websites. Understanding the historical background is important in order to appreciate the significance and repercussions of this influential German collection of tales.

It was created after the dissolution of the Gran Colombia in In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, fairy tales spread in written form throughout France, England, and also in Germany in the form of chapbooks, which were cheap and accessible to a wider reading public than books. However, that was not always the case. Early variants of the tales were not intended at all for youngsters, but for a mature audience; these stories included episodes of cruelty, incest, rape, cannibalism, eroticism, and were therefore not appropriate for children.

In his literary tales the French writer used very elemental language, taken to resemble unrefined folk speech, which also made it simple for children to understand. More than a century later the connection between the folk tale and childhood was praised and further promoted by the Brothers Grimm. The merit of this work rests on his refusal to add things and on his decision to leave the stories unchanged, aside from minor details.

His manner of presentation deserves special praise for being as simple as was possible for him. Tatar, Hard Facts Maintaining the simplicity of the language implies here that Perrault—unlike other French authors such as Aulnoy and Murat who, according to the Grimms, tampered with the original tales—remained faithful to the authentic oral sources. The apparent simplicity of fairy tales paired with their didactic and instructive potential proved very suitable for the new and unique consumer group that was emerging children as potential target audience.

The German collection became the model for the gathering and editing of the fairy tale; the Grimms established the way to preserve, accommodate, and present the fairy tale in a form and manner that incorporates stylistic and thematic modifications to appeal to a young public and a growing middle-class audience, while remaining as close as possible to the oral tradition Zipes, Complete Fairy Tales xxx.

In France Perrault is viewed as a stylist, and his tales often have double meaning aimed at an adult audience. It was during this time, while they were both studying law, that the Grimms developed a special interest for ancient German literature and folklore. In order to gain broader historical understanding of the Old Germanic language and the customs and traditions of its people, in the year the Brothers Grimm began to systematically gather folk tales and other material related to folklore.

The ideas about the folk das Volk developed by Johann Gottfried Herder in the late eighteenth century58 and the momentum that the Romantic nationalistic movement was attaining in the early nineteenth century inspired the brothers to create an authentic and uniquely German collection of folk tales and fairy tales. Their folkloric enterprise was further motivated by their friend and Romantic author Clemens Brentano , who sought the Grimms to help him collect tales for a future volume he intended to publish.

While Brentano and Arnim had hoped to rescue the German oral tradition from extinction, their main aim as poets was to recreate the style of folk songs and folk tales in their own writing. The brothers regarded the oral folk songs as natural poetry Naturpoesie 59—the pure, spontaneous creative expressions of the folk community living in complete harmony with nature; they believed that this authentic and natural folk poetry was culturally precious and needed no further literary embellishment.

Their views as well as their pledge to remain as faithful as possible to the original tales60 are stated in the preface to the first edition of the KHM: No details have been added or embellished or changed, for we would have been reluctant to expand stories already so rich by adding this king of analogies and allusions; they cannot be invented.

Tatar, Hard Facts None of their other published works61 occupied the fraternal scholars—at least Wilhelm, who was largely responsible for revising and expanding the collection—over so long a period as the collecting, transcribing, editing, and annotating of the fairy tales Neumann Their works are published both separately and together; Jacob published by himself Deutsche Grammatik German Grammar, , vol. In addition to the large editions, ten smaller editions with 50 of the most popular tales were also available between and From here on, successive editions appeared approximately every three years; the publications alternated between large and small editions.

It was the smaller and more affordable editions, however, that contributed to making the KHM well known. Illustrated by the enormously popular nineteenth-century German artist Ludwig 62 The corresponding publication dates and total number of tales of the seven large editions are: I, 86 tales and vol.

II, 70 tales ; 2nd tales ; 3rd tales ; 4th tales ; 5th tales ; 6th tales ; and 7th tales. Publication dates of the small editions ten in total: Among them were the Italian collections from Giovan Francesco Straparola c. For the Grimms, their collecting efforts had the two-fold purpose of 1 64 Italy: The compiled lists in Appendices 1 and 2 present only a selection of relevant authors and works that stand out in terms of relative quantity in a given decade.

I will comment only on those authors and works that are most relevant to this study. After a brief general discussion of the pertinent authors and works I will turn my attention to the existing fairy tales published in this period. Not only the relative quantity but also the age of the French publications is notable.

The oldest book located, for example, is a late seventeenth-century edition by the famous fabulist and French poet Jean de La Fontaine entitled Contes et nouvelles en vers Stories and Novells in Verse published in La Fontaine is one of the best-represented French authors with copious early issues especially of his fables currently circulating in different libraries. For example, some of the oldest located editions by the German authors Christoph von Schmid and E.

Hoffmann, and also by the English writer Charles Dickens are French translations of their works. Educators considered fables to be appropriate instructional instruments for both youth and adults; fables could be epigrams that deliver beneficial lessons or warnings for children and grown-ups alike. Hoffmann was very popular in nineteenth-century France; this may explain why one of his earliest works located in Colombia is in French.

Assuming that these works in French were available at the time of their publication, their abundance in the libraries suggests a wide reception among the local audience. The apparent positive reception of works in French, whether written by French authors or translated into French, may be explained, in part, by the increased contact with foreign lands that resulted from studying overseas. A trend to study abroad, mainly in Europe,69 started among the Colombian and Latin American upper classes in the early nineteenth century. This trend had both economic and attitudinal reasons.

As mentioned earlier, in Colombia education has traditionally been a correlate of the upper-class membership. Because the upper class has remained culturally tied to Europe, children were sent abroad for schooling to learn the latest European literary, philosophical, and artistic trends that would be then assimilated and cultivated at home Blutstein et al.

On the economic side, international commerce in Colombia, as in other countries in Latin America, began to flourish towards the second half of the nineteenth century. The oldest publication is in the original Italian, titled Le aventure di Pinocchio: In the view of the upper class, men who were trained abroad could catch up both culturally and economically with the more modern powers Safford This trend exposed Colombian students to foreign cultural productions of the time.

That Paris was one of the most favored European destinations may explain the increased supply of early Frenchlanguage publications for children that currently exist in Colombian libraries. Classical French Fairy Tales Table 1 provides an overview of editions of French fairy tales published in French, English, and Spanish through extant in the main Colombian libraries. Titles in Spanish appear in bold letters to distinguish them from publications in other languages. Date Author Title City: Julian Viana Razola ed. Garnier, 82 p. Cuentos de Madame d'Aulnoy. Hachette, 98 p. Editorial Iberia, Buenos Aires: Meseguer, p.

I found no classical French tales published between and Despite this hiatus there are many more pre editions of French fairy tales than Grimm tales from the same period. In Table 1 it is apparent that all of the located copies are imported mostly from Europe. This constellation reflects the cultural ties between Colombia and Europe—particularly to France and Spain.

Cultural trends and literary developments in Spain have had a direct repercussion in Colombia. The success that the classical French fairy tale enjoyed in Spain is reflected many decades later in the holdings of the Colombian libraries. In the following section I will provide brief information about the French authors and their works, which constitute the earliest contributors to the rise of the fairy tale in Colombia. Through framed stories, history lessons, and moral anecdotes told by a governess, Le Magasin des enfants emphasizes the proper upbringing for young girls.

In Colombia, the two oldest editions of classical fairy tales located are by Mme Leprince de Beaumont. He received his doctorate in medicine from the Universidad de Sevilla and continued to study botany, astronomy, and mathematics in Madrid. Oldest copy of a classical fairy tale located in a Colombian library, by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Magasin des enfants … Lyon, Spanish translations, however, make up over one third of the inventory. The oldest title by Perrault translated into Spanish is the single-story Barba-azul: Story published in Madrid by Imprenta de la Galeria Literaria in Home Vision; Janus Films, ].

The estimated date is based on an almost identical publication found in the database WorldCat, which gives as its publication date OCLC: Unless otherwise specified all other date estimates will follow this procedure. No further registers were found at other locations. It intertwines three different elements with childlike fantasy: The inclusion of a text that alludes to Charles Perrault and his tales in a locallypublished literary magazine from the s attests to the positive reception that this French author enjoyed in Colombia during the first half of the twentieth century.

A prolific writer of novels, short stories, devotional works, and collections of historical memoirs, she is best known for two collections of fairy tales: In Colombia, her fairy tales are not as popular as her travel narrative. The protagonists are children who must overcome great challenges and their human weaknesses in order to earn the happiness at the end of their adventures. Her works were very well received in Spain. The popularity of this French author in Colombia may be explained by the Christian teachings of her works. As previously mentioned, the population in Colombia is overwhelmingly Catholic and therefore, works that promote Catholic tradition and rigorous moral values are well received.

Most of the located issues published prior to are French editions coming from Paris. Although the book-printing continues to be done in Spain, editions from the s and s start to include several Latin American cities as places of publication, which suggests the interest of Spanish publishing houses in this region. In February it was published in book form and illustrated in black-and-white by Enrico Mazzanti.

Several early issues of the serial story Pinocchio both in original Italian and translations are available in Colombian libraries. The oldest located copies are Le aventure di Pinocchio: In Colombia the oldest located Italian works for children are those by Amicis not Collodi. I found three copies from the late nineteenth century: Cuentos Escolares School Stories , estimated to be from , and two editions of his novel Coure, one in Spanish83 and one in the original Italian. The embedded stories in the novel convey moral values such as compassion, generosity, helping the needy, love for family and friends, and patriotism; the profoundly humane narrative is directed toward the heart and sensibility of children.

The novel Cuore was almost an immediate success in Italy and was quickly translated into several languages. The first Spanish translation appeared in , just one year after its first publication in Italy Worthen One of the earliest editions of Cuore in Spanish is available at the Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia—an issue from published in Madrid. Diary of a Boy , this book is a direct translation from the 44th Italian edition by H. Giner de los Rios. The edition was revised by the author and exclusively authorized for release in Spain and America Fig. Edmondo de Amicis, Cuore: Fratelli Treves, Editori, This trend was quickly picked-up in Colombia.

Numerous issues both European and Latin-American of the popular novel Cuore are available in the libraries in several languages, including one in German. The reader pities the peasant children, who wail as the lamb is taken to the slaughterhouse. The final words, the sad farewell to the animal that leaves in a cargo train, have an extraordinary artistic and emotive effect, almost too sad for children. It is rather unusual to find an Italian novel translated into German in a library in Colombia, considering the relatively small number of people who speak German in the country.

The cautionary foreword underlines that 88 This book is divided into four sections: None of the tales by the Brothers Grimm were included in the examined editions. Hans Christian Andersen The tales by Hans Christian Andersen—the Danish author contemporary of the Grimms—have enjoyed a very positive reception in Colombia since the late nineteenth century. Andersen Historia de una madre: Andersen Andersen Andersen ? Mit 60 Silhouetten von M. Historias de Hans Andersen: Erschienen in Insel Verlag, Weimer: Gustav Kiepenheuer, Barcelona: Ramon Sopena, Berlin: Wegweiser Verlag, Barcelona: Alianza Editorial, Revista de las Indias.

Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri, Some of the Spanish editions count as the oldest and most complete volumes of classical fairy tales located in the country. Among them are the page edition Cuentos escogidos de Andersen Selected Tales of Andersen published by Gaspar in Madrid in , and the page edition Cuentos de Andersen Stories of Andersen published by Cortezo in Barcelona in Tales by Andersen published in Colombia not only appear in high-quality literary anthologies and magazines, but also in popular and inexpensive prints. At the top of the opposite page the name of the publication was visible: The discovery of this piece allows us to speculate about the various ways in which the tales by Andersen were disseminated in Colombia, which included, along with literary anthologies and magazines of superior quality, popular inexpensive leaflets, which made 89 The edition contained a love story by the English novelist Charlotte Mary Brame and provided more information about the publication as follows: Moral story reduced to dialogues for the instruction and entertainment of young children of both sexes 90 by the German linguist and educator Joachim Heinrich Campe I and , Vol.

Four years later, in Cuervo moved to Paris, where he lived until his death in This edition of El nuevo Robinson acquired by the Biblioteca Nacional shows, once again, that acclaimed works in Spain and elsewhere in Europe swiftly found their way into the libraries of Colombian intellectuals.

This edition is also significant because it is the oldest Spanish translation of a German text for children found at a public library. Christoph von Schmid Translations of two stories by von Schmid—Itha: Condesa de Toggenbourg Itha: Countess of Toggenbourg and Los huevos de pascua The Easter Eggs —both published by Saturnino Calleja in Madrid in —are, along with El nuevo Robinson, the oldest Spanish-language versions of German works for children located in Colombia.

Christoph von Schmid is perhaps the best-represented German author in the national libraries during the first half of the twentieth century. As Bravo-Villasante points out, his stories were 94 In the prologue to the 5th edition of El nuevo Robinson printed in Madrid in we read: Because both countries are overwhelmingly Catholic, both the general public and influential Church prelates welcome texts imbued with religious dogma.

In light of the available supply of titles, publications by von Schmid appear to be as popular in Colombia as the works by Amicis. Aside from the numerous copies available in libraries, the works by von Schmid are comparable to those by Amicis in terms of the discourse. Certainly the rise of capitalism brought along a great deal of social injustice and pain, and perhaps, as Cerda argues, this emotionally charged literature served a cathartic purpose for the oppressed.

The positive reception of works like those by Amicis, von Schmid, and Andersen, which evoke deep emotion and compassion, have their roots in the teachings of Christianity and the doctrine of Catholicism. Pain and suffering are very much exalted in Catholicism e. German Fairy Tales Currently in Colombia only a handful nineteenth-century publications of German fairy tales are circulating, most of which are in foreign languages.

Somewhat more accessible are works translated into French or English;97 I found one English edition of tales by Brentano—Fairy Tales from Brentano—published in London in , and one French and one English edition with Grimm tales from and ? This minor world classic was first published in and incorporates a great deal of popular legend, folk superstition, and faith in miracles Zipes, Oxford Companion Almanach auf das Jahr , Leipzig: Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, n.

The following titles by Tieck were located: The positive reception can be, in part, attributed to the popularity that Undine attained in nineteenth-century Europe. During the late nineteenth century and the first half of twentieth century, publishing houses in Latin America were tilted towards Europe and the United States and sought to publish the most important pieces that they found abroad Donoso 62 , which explains the multiple reprintings of Undine in Colombian editions.

Wilhlem Hauff The tales by the Swabian writer Wilhlem Hauff also appear to have enjoyed a positive early reception in Colombia. Born in Stuttgart, this short-lived but prolific writer is best known for his literary fairy tales, which are geared towards a young audience between the ages of twelve and fifteen years. The stories transmit moral values consistent 98 The available publications of this fairy tale are listed in the bibliography.

Based on the number of copies located in the libraries, it seems that up until the tales by Hauff were at least as popular as those by the Grimms. When looking at the early publications by Hauff and assuming that the number of titles with unknown publication dates is indeed from the first half of the twentieth century as the Colombian libraries have estimated , then the tales by the Grimms and Hauff are equal in quantity. A total of thirteen tales by the Grimms not counting those published anonymously and thirteen by Hauff published before were located.

Cuentos Stories , published by the Madrilenian house Espasa-Calpe in , appears to be a particularly popular edition with several copies currently circulating in various libraries throughout the country. Hoffmann The works of the influential German Romantic writer E. Hoffmann are very well represented in the Colombian libraries.

In comparison to his fantastic tales, See bibliography for details. In his short but successful literary career, Hoffmann wrote nearly four dozen stories, two novels, and seven fairy tales. The oldest literary fairy tales in Spanish found were El cascanueces y el rey de los ratones The Nutcracker and the Mouse King published in Madrid in followed by the Mexican edition La olla de oro The Golden Pot.

Gallardo de Mesa, Madrid: Calpe, that is available in several libraries. Gottfried Keller In contrast to Gustav Schwab, early Spanish translations of the works by Gottfried Keller stand out in number in the Colombian libraries. Keller is best known for his literary fairy tales and novellas, most of which are autobiographical and set in his native 91 Switzerland.

His stories deal with common shortcomings and virtues of human nature, and contrast the way people are with the way they should be. I, ; and Vol. Most of the Spanish issues were published by the Madrid-based Editorial Calpe. Tales by the Brothers Grimm Fig. Cuentos y leyendas de los hermanos Grimm part of Biblioteca Ilustrada: Grimm Grimm ? Franz Ducker, London: Perrin, Physical description p. Wilhelm Herb, Paris: I could not find any information about the hand-written name inscribed on the title page R. Im Verlage der Realschulbuchhandlung, , all of which constitute the oldest-published editions by the Grimms located in Colombia.

Libro de cuentos ilustrado: Elwert Verlag, Barcelona: Juventud, p. Simon and Schuster, Barcelona: Editorial Labor, 37 p. Over half of the early-published editions of Grimm tales located are not in Spanish, which clearly restricts their readership to an elite versed in foreign languages. This individually published tale is the only bilingual edition German and Spanish 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 94 found, which explains the German title and the Spanish publisher. A similar bilingual edition from this early period was not found for any another classical European fairy tale.

In general, the inventories presented in Tables show very few items imported from Europe published in this decade; no European editions of French fairy tales from the s were found and only one edition by Andersen was located Cuentos, published in Madrid in This reduction can clearly be attributed to the Second World War , which adversely affected the importation of printed materials from Europe. The allied blockade of merchant ships which hindered almost completely the trade between Europe and America and the submarines stationed near the Panama Canal and the Atlantic coast of Colombia had a remarkably harmful effect on the country and its commerce.

Trade with Germany was particularly affected. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, , Colombia severed diplomatic relations with Germany and joined the Allied cause on November 26, Private individuals, businesses, and institutions with German ties or ties to any of the other countries in the Axis suffered adversities that included confiscation of property.