Bahut Shukria (Thank You Very Much)
You have to realize the h is quasi-silent in most our languages exept when following a consonent in a digraph, and collapsing two vowels leads to compensation in sound somewhere around them. Interestingly, it is almost absent from the everyday repertory of Urduphones. We use all of the other words mentioned.
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Well, not sipaas, but nonetheless. OK satimis, I'll to get you something on this. Shall send the info by PM. Audio links are not allowed here.
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If people whose native language is other than Urdu or those Urduphones who have been taught by teachers who themselves mispronounce this word then it is a pity. But there is no need for us to do the same.
Faylasoof , Jun 19, Last edited by a moderator: Satimis, Had a look at your link. So let's take the second alphabet: The first point to keep in mind is that Urdu writing being a Persio-Arabic script is written and read from right to left! Here are two words that use it at all three postions: This changes it once again although here it doesn't look too different, it does appear a little different when written by hand. One needs to remember the rules of writing all the alphabets when written in all these positions. Some change a lot while others change shape less.
Faylasoof , Jun 21, Alexandria, Egypt Arabic Egypt. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: In the case of this article, a trusted member of the wikiHow community confirmed that the instructions worked for them.

This is a common but formal way of saying "thank you. You may also want to use it with important business contacts, authority figures, and people who are older than you. This word is pronounced in three parts: Use the short u sound as in "stuff". It should sound close to the English word "the.
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- Urdu: Thank you | WordReference Forums.
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- Thank you in many languages.
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All together, it should sound a little like " dhun-yuh-vaad. First, a short "buh" sound. Next, a more forceful "hut" sound. Put the stress on this part — the whole thing should sound like " buh-HUT. See above for pronunciation help. This is another polite, formal way to say "thank you. This part isn't pronounced like the English word "ab. Finish with "hoon" rhymes with "toon". All together, it should sound like " obb-ha-dee hoon.
This is a very common way of giving thanks in Hindi, but it's not very formal. This means you should use it mainly for your friends and family. If you're talking to someone like a boss or teacher, an authority figure, or an elder, you'll probably want to use one of the phrases above. Pronounce this word in three parts: All together, this should sound like " shook-dee-ah. You may want to try pronouncing it like "shook-uh-dee-ah", then gradually working to shrink that "uh" sound until it's nothing more than a flick of the tongue. Bahut is pronounced the same way as in the section above: Hindi, like almost every language, borrows words and phrases from other languages.
This Hindi loan word is pronounced exactly like "thank you" in English because it obviously is English in origin. Because this isn't really "pure" Hindi, it's considered less formal than the options in the seconi above. It's also worth noting that English is one of the official languages of India, so much of the population will likely be familiar with this phrase even if they don't speak English fluently.
Method 2 Quiz Which is an English loan word? This phrase means almost exactly "you are welcome. The difference is a little like saying "you are welcome" versus "you're welcome" — people will react the same way no matter which one you use.
Pronounce this phrase in two parts: First, say "op" as in "post-op". Then, say "kuh" rhymes with "the". All together, it should sound like " op-kuh. You would use this phrase similarly to how you'd use "don't mention it" or "no problem" in English. Next, say a very short "nuh" rhymes with "the".
How to Say Thank You in Urdu - UrduPod
End with a longer "hee" sounds like the English word "he". Put a little extra stress on this syllable — the last part should sound like "nuh-HEE. Are there any additional responses besides those mentioned in the article? Many know English; just saying thanks or thank you is OK.