AnimAlphabet is a fun, fast paced comical journey with colourful characters, great puppets and unforgettably catchy songs - written by the Al and Sam of The Hoosiers — Animalphabet is a magical family musical unlike any other. AnimAlphabet The Musical There are no booking fees for this production. AnimAlphabet The Musical Access. Booking Information Access Booking line: Venue Access Information There are two wheelchair spaces at the back of the theatre.
Guide, hearing and other working dogs are welcome in all parts of the theatre. There are accessible toilets on all three levels of the venue. For details on parking charges visit the Woking Council website on www. There is a bar in the Rhoda McGaw Theatre foyer. Latecomers Policy Can customers please note that there is a latecomers policy for some theatre performances, so customers arriving late may not be admitted into the theatre until a suitable interval. Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking. Pick your own seats To pick your own seats for AnimAlphabet The Musical at Rhoda McGaw Theatre simply find the performances you'd like to see from the listings below and you'll be given the option.
ATG Theatre Card member benefits include: My, almost 2 year old, daughter sat the whole way through it and I myself smiled the whole way through.
Animalphabet by Julia Donaldson | Books
I can not recommend this show enough. A very unnecessary swipe at a young Director and a production. Mr Dibdin has been contacted for a response to no avail. One wonders at the motivation to be so damning. We will however take our plaudits from the thousands of families who have seen and loved the show. A bright and happy show, loved by my family.
Catchy tunes, lovely costumes, great singers. All round a winner. Only an hour which is perfect for little ones.
My two loved the duck! I can't say I agree with this at all In fact it couldn't be further from the truth!
Animalphabet, 4 Stars
My 5 year old loved this production from beginning to end. In fact out of all the children's theatre events he seen and we saw a LOT! Having seen it on week 1 he is still singing the songs and talking about Colin. My parents also loved it - as did I. Being a musician, educator and theatre maker myself - I honestly can't see the problem Mr Dibden has with this production. It is beautifully produced. A very captivating storyline and every child and adult I have spoken with since that saw it has said the same. Don't let this one rogue review put you off seeing this brilliant show!
Couldn't disagree more with this review. The whole team both behind the scenes and front of stage should be applauded. I think a lack of understanding of small children is lacking from this review. Small children don't pay attention to dialogue, complex plot lines or moral consequences.
They pay attention to songs, music, lights and costumes; all of which were in perfect abundance in AnimAlphabet. I took my 5 year old grandson to this show last week and we all loved the show.
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It was great fun to hear all the kids that were there and there were plenty all enjoying themselves. It was great to hear all the kids jeering the naughty duck as they do with the villain at Christmas pantomimes.
The set, costumes and performers were first class as was the singing. In fact my grandson can still remember the songs and the storyline over a week later. I don't know what Mr Dibden was watching but I totally disagree with his views. Not sure what planet this reviewer is on but clearly got out of bed on the grumpy side! Couldn't disagree more with his assessment and would be surprised if he has any prior experience of reviewing children's entertainment.
Animal Alphabet is an absolute joy!
I took my 10yr old and 4yr old niece and they were totally enthralled! There was a mix of ages in the audience and the children were delighted as they were swept along in the story so cleverly put together with so much colour, enthusiasm and songs you will be sung for days. It was equally entertaining for us adults too with some wonderful humour to keep us chuckling all the way through.
- Potentially brilliant kids musical is undone by a thoughtless production.
- The Sacred Office of Mediumship.
- Irrungen und Wirrungen auf Pemberley (German Edition);
- Review: AnimAlphabet: The Musical by Hit The Mark Theatre.
- Wechselkurssysteme - eine kritische Analyse (German Edition).
I would completely ignore this reviewer and if you have a chance pop along and see it, your kids will love it! Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Bear Ate Your Sandwich. A Bus Called Heaven. Seven Wonders of the Milky Way. Samantha Spinner and the Super-Secret Plans.

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AnimAlphabet the Musical
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