Vision Holder Munay Ki (Munay Ki Hero’s Journey Book 1)
Michael has published three visionary novels on Amazon Kindle: You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. About starwheel I am an experienced and highly qualified astrologer, combing both Western and Vedic astrology. I offer birth chart interpretation, prediction, and understand your child astrology as well as relationship astrology.
The Four Winds Society
I also teach many worldwide distance learning astrology courses in both western and vedic astrology, complete with webinars. I also offer powerful, learned and caring worldwide distance teaching courses linked to healing modalities in the Ogham, the Runes, the ancient Irish Druid Path and shamanic healing. My visionary earthspirituality novels are available on Amazon. The Backpackers Guide to the new spirituality Mentors in Munay Ki have a duty to the ethic of Truth.
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You will receive support you might be called to repeat one of the nine initiations and seek support from your mentor. Before looking a little at each of the nine rites of Munay Ki in some introductory detail, I thought it would be helpful for you if I mentioned some of the general benefits that have been experienced by those who have received the initiations: Firstly, I would say that if you do the work of germinating the rites they attune you more to your essence.
True shadow stuff will surface but that is there so that you can overcome it! And so you start to trust your own intuition and healing gifts, and be more the person you were born to be. And so, living in the here and now, you start to let go of fear and you have the chance to develop more confidence. And the first thing that happens when you receive the first fo the nine rites is that the lineage of Healers start to work in your physical and energetic body and mind and heart and you will find that needed healing comes to you, often in unexpected ways, often from unexpected sudden directions, and ageing slows down.
And you will become more powerful and grounded and also most importantly connected to all of creation by the practice of calling the Directions before and after each piece of sacred work south, west, north, east, mother earth below and father sky above and integrating elements of water, earth, fire and air into your everyday life, and you will begin to feel more confident and more protected.
The first initiation is the Healers Rite — a wonderful connection with an ancient lineage of Healers who you can visualise. The second initiation installs five Bands of Power, one above the other, along your chakra system; this puts you securely into your own body, feeding you and protecting you: At the solar plexus area: Then at the throat chakra: Huascar — the guardian of our unconscious and lower world, something like the Egyptian God Thoth.
At our third eye in the centre of our forehead: Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent: Pachakuti who is Emperor energy: This is where you connect with the lineage of those great men and women who tend the ancient altars so as to heal and bring balance to the world. You can visualise and connect so powerfully with individuals from this vast and ancient lineage and once you have done so, you just no longer want to stick in old destructive patterns.
And to face her was so salutary for me. And knowing that I faced her, I did not want to carry on in diminished ways: I wanted to be able to stand proud when I encountered her. Basically I visualised myself going up the sacred mountain.
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- The Four Winds Society.
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First, at the base, I paused before the Seers and imbued their deep energy, then I climbed the path upwards again until I stood before the altar of the day Keeper I told you about and experienced her. Then I carried on further up the path, up the mountain above her altar and I met the guardian of the Wise, tending the fire that burns outside the bothy inside which The Wisdom Keepers of humanity ever sit around their fire pit, and I received their perspective and attuned to answers to my questions and my needed karmic future path, and then I carried on up the path to the top of the sacred mountain to encounter the remaining three archetypes, the Earth Keepers, the Star Keepers and the Creators.
Of course, you need not see these beings in the forms they came to me in. People vary greatly on how visionary they are.
About starwheel
Some are not visionary or visualising at all, and that does not matter: I saw myself continuing up off the summit of the mountain whose path I had climbed, carried off into space by Eagle, but turning round as we neared the Sun, turning round so as to see and then bless the earth. And in my particular case, I saw St.
Michael the Archangel standing at my left shoulder and a beautiful loving sensitive caring woman standing to my right shoulder and I was filled with love for the earth and also its creatures and beings, and what a wonderful thing it is to bless the Earth! For this I travelled on from the Earth Keepers into the heart of the Sun and saw in that centre through incandescent beads of glowing fire, beings who sustain the Sun who itself sustains the planets and without whose outpouring there would be no life.
Munay Ki Empowerment | This site is the cat’s pajamas
And I saw what a gift of generosity and love and creation this is. I saw Sekhmets, wonderful and vibrant as the Star Keepers when I received and now pass on to others the Star Keeper rite. In this final rite of the nine rites of Munay Ki, we encounter the principle of Creation, and I know from offering our monthly Munay Ki support group how each member has evolved their personal understanding of what is meant by the fundamental principle to be a creator.
And once you have received this rite, you co-create. The vision which happened to come to me personally was the three Norns: Urd, Verdandi and Schuld: Urd who brings our future out of our past; Verdandi who brings our life and its events into being, and Schuld who configures our future out of the present according to karmic law and debt.
But also other spiritual paths have wonderful paradigms of Creator. In Hinduism, Divine Shiva dances phenomena into destruction so as to create; Vishnu lies back in ecstasy dreaming new universes in and out of being. So my hope and prayer is that you will receive the rites yourself. In working with myself and Maggie Pashley you will benefit from the skills, knowledge, care and wisdom of exceptional Mentors.

I, myself, bring care, ethics, healing and empowerment to you, and ongoing support in your Munay Ki path, by also drawing on other skills and qualifications. Since I have practised as both a highly trained astrologer unusually combining both western and Vedic astrology and as a shamanic healer. Villoldo subsequently established The Four Winds, and began certifying faculty members in the instruction and experiential learning of the modern day shaman.
Now, the Four Winds curriculum is taught on five primary campuses around the world, with a world-renowned Four Winds faculty and staff. In the s when conquistador Franscisco Pizzaro arrived in the new world he was able to bring down the Aztec and Inka empires with fewer than men, equipped with guns, steel, horses….
The Liaka fled to the mountains, where they kept the wisdom teaching safely hidden. In , a group of Laika from high in the Andes traveled to an annual gathering of shamans that occurred at the foot of one of the holy mountains. The local natives looked at the ponchos the Laika were wearing and instantly recognized the marking of the high shaman priests. They realized that this was group of medicine men and women thought to have vanished after the time of the conquest.
Their coming down from the high mountains they say, had been foretold in their prophecies. These processes are for the entire world, said Don Manuel one of the Laika elders. Inka Shamanism and Dr.