Prima di Adamo (Before Adam) (Radici) (Italian Edition)
Goshenite An almost colourless variety of beryl. Heliodor A golden yellow gem variety of beryl. Morganite A pink gem variety of Beryl. Pachea A dark green chromium-rich gem variety of beryl. Raspberyl A marketing term for a raspberry red beryl, also used for some raspberry-red Pezzottaite Cesium Beryl crystals from Madagascar. Note that there is no relationship between the raspberry red colour and the cesium content, i. Red Beryl A gooseberry-red variety of beryl. Riesling Beryl Originally discovered in Germany in the s, a leek-green grape coloured gem variety of Beryl. Described as a new species by G.
Trapiche emerald Variety showing six-spoked growth features. Such "trapiche" formations are also known for other minerals trapiche tourmaline , trapiche ruby. Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:. Muscovite photos of Beryl associated with Muscovite on mindat. Quartz photos of Beryl associated with Quartz on mindat.
Schorl photos of Beryl associated with Schorl on mindat. Albite photos of Beryl associated with Albite on mindat. Microcline 71 photos of Beryl associated with Microcline on mindat. Fluorite 52 photos of Beryl associated with Fluorite on mindat. Smoky Quartz 47 photos of Beryl associated with Smoky Quartz on mindat. K Feldspar 46 photos of Beryl associated with K Feldspar on mindat. Feldspar Group 44 photos of Beryl associated with Feldspar Group on mindat. Aquamarine 42 photos of Beryl associated with Aquamarine on mindat.
No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care. An essential component of rock names highlighted in red , an accessory component in rock names highlighted in green. General limitations and applications to some pegmatitic types.
Journal of Applied Crystallography: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: European Journal of Mineralogy: Effects of chemical composition and temperature on the formation of beryl varieties. Crystal-chemical effects of heat treatment on aquamarines and yellow beryl from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. A review and new results for microporous beryl and cordierite. Quantum tunneling of water in beryl: A new state of the water molecule. Physical Review Letters , The following Beryl specimens are currently listed for sale on minfind.
This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map. TL - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.
Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Caesium beryl Rosterite Vorobyevite. A sky-blue to sea-green gem variety of beryl. A pleochroic light-sensitive variety containing 2. The term 'caesium beryl' refers to a caesium-bearing beryl. A green gem variety of beryl, highly sought after as a precious gem stone.
An almost colourless variety of beryl. A golden yellow gem variety of beryl. A marketing term for a raspberry red beryl, also used for some raspberry-red Pezzottaite Cesium Beryl crystals from Madagascar. A gooseberry-red variety of beryl. Originally discovered in Germany in the s, a leek-green grape coloured gem variety of Beryl. Variety showing six-spoked growth features. Mines and Mineral Occurrences of Afghanistan. Alkali-beryl ] Rob Lavinsky coll. Aquamarine ] Orris, G.
Alkali-beryl ] Orris, G. Aquamarine ] Bariand, P. The pegmatites of Laghman - Nuristan - Afghanistan. Caesium-rich morganite from Afghanistan and Madagascar. Journal of Gemmology, 28, Emeralds of the World English extraLapis Vol. Afghan emeralds face Colombian cousins. The Canadian Mineralogist, The Achala granitic complex with the pegmatites of the Sierras Pampeanas Northwest Argentina ; a study of differentiation. AM 38, ff. Econ Geol The garnet—phosphate buffer in peraluminous granitic magmas: The Canadian Mineralogist, 50 6 , Festschrift fuer Richard Baldauf, The Canadian Mineralogist, 52 2 , Informacion Tecnologica, 48 , Stranded and equilibrated assemblages of late feldspars in two granitic pegmatites in the Pampean Ranges, Argentina.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 41 4 , The Canadian Mineralogist 35, Aquamarine ] Colombo, F. Geochemistry and structural state of columbite-group minerals in granitic pegmatites of the Pampean Ranges, Argentina. The Canadian Mineralogist, 44 3 , Asociacion Mineralogica Argentina ; Galliski, M. Distrito minero El Quemado, Deptos. La Poma y Cachi, provincia de Salta. Refinement of the crystal structure of ushkovite from Nevados de Palermo, Republica Argentina. The Canadian Mineralogist, 40 3 , American Mineralogist 84, Journal of Geosciences, Phosphate nodules containing two distinct assemblages in the Cema granitic pegmatite, San Luis province, Argentina: Paragenesis, composition and significance.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 50 4 , Aquamarine ] Galliski, M. New South Wales Arrawatta Co. E Brown and W. Aquamarine ] Van King.
Alkali-beryl ] Lishmund, S. Controls of tin-bearing pegmatites and granites in the Precambrian of Broken Hill, Australia. Mineralium Deposita 39, Australian Journal of Mineralogy 8, Aquamarine ] Collection of Keith Compton. Mine locality provided by late Keith Gregson of Torrington. Aquamarine ] Personal collection - Keith Compton. Aquamarine ] Barnes R. Aquamarine ] Thompson, D. Exploration Licences , , , , , , Winnecke Project. Implications for Albitite Uranium Deposit Models. Minerals, 3 3 , Queensland Government Mining Journal, October 20, , pp Queensland Government Mining Journal, October 20, , pp5ll Aquamarine ] On the topaz trail.
Beryl in South Australia. The geology of some pegmatites near Gumeracha South Australia. South Australian Government Printer, pp. Australian Gemmologist, 22, Catalogue of Minerals of Tasmania. Grguric; Pegmatites of Western Australia; Perth Russellite- a second occurrence, Mineralogical Magazine, Chrysoberyl, beryl and zincian spinel mineralization in granulite-facies Archaean rocks at Dowerin, Western Australia. Mineralogical Magazine, 66 6 , Grguric; Pegmaites of Western Australia; Perth Pegmatites of Western Australia Guidebook to the Pegmatites of Western Australia.
Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia. Alkali-beryl ] Calderwood, M. Hooley's Columbite Lode Numbana. Andrew Tuma Collection ex Ausrox. Pegamtites of Western Australia; M. Grguric; Hesperian Press, Perth, Pegmatites of Western Australia; M. Grguric' Hesperian Press, Perth, Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia, pages, at p. Grguric; Hesperian Press, Perth Pegmaitites of Western Australia; M. Grguric; Hesperian Press Perth Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia, pages. Lapis 36 5 , Aquamarine ] Weninger, H. Aquamarine ] Paar, W. Aquamarine ] Niedermayr, G.
Exkursion E4 am Aquamarine ] Kolitsch, U. Neue Mineralfunde aus dem Waldviertel. Rauchquarz und Beryll aus dem Gebiet um Heidenreichstein. Mn-rich tourmaline and fluorapatite in a Variscan pegmatite from Eibenstein an der Thaya, Bohemian massif, Lower Austria. European Journal of Mineralogy 16, Die Minerale Salzburgs, Aquamarine ] Strasser, A. Aquamarine ] Martin Slama Coll.
Die Minerale Salzburgs Krupkait, ein Erstfund aus dem Habachtal. Lapis 29 , Wismut, Bismutit, Beryll und Apatit? Joannea Mineralogie 2, Aquamarine ] Exel, R. Die Mineralien Tirols - Vol. Nordtirol, Vorarlberg, und Osttirol. Aquamarine ] Folie, K. Ein Heimatbuch des Marktes und seiner Umgebung.
Schober, Linz , 14 Abbildungen, Seiten. Seite — Berichte der wissenschaftlichen Landesanstalten. Interessante Neufunde von Rutil in einem Pegmatit bei Pregarten. Geonachrichten, 18, ; Reiter, E. Beryllfunde beim Bau der Umfahrung Pregarten. Eigenverlag, , Druck: Heimatbuch Luftenberg an der Donau. Blondieau, Tellin, Belgium, 90 pp. Aquamarine ] Kempff, O. Ministerio de Minas y Petroleo, La Paz. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.
The Brumado district, Bahia , Brazil. Aquamarine ] Mineralogical Record , Vol. Mineralium Deposita 35, Two case histories of uranium exploration in Brazil.
Revista Geonomos, 2 2 p Aquamarine ] Proctor, K. Gem pegmatites of Minas Gerais, Brazil: Gems and Gemology, 20 2 , In 5th international symposium on granitic pegmatites, PEG Second arsenate in the laueite mineral group. American Mineralogist 99, What's New in Minerals. Sainte-Marie aux Mines Show Aquamarine ] Bastos, F. Mineralogical Record, 14 4: American Mineralogist 89, Aquamarine ] Kievlenko E. Erfolgreiche Smaragdsuche mit modernsten Methoden.
Lapis 27 3 , ; Lynch, E. The Piteiras emerald mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Mineralogical Magazine, 78, Da Silva Lopes, P. The Canadian Mineralogist, 25 3 , A find of crystallized Rose Quartz in Minas Gerais. Revista Geonomos, 8 1. American Mineralogist, 91, Aquamarine ] Rob Lavinsky ex. Comparative study of two pegmatitic fields from Minas Gerais, Brazil, using rubidium and cesium content of the micas and feldspars. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 29 1 , Ore Geology Reviews 34, Aquamarine ] Natural History Museum Vienna collection.
Aquamarine ] Morris, N. Appleseed Editions, East Sussex. Mineralogical Record 9 1 , Ore Geology Reviews 33, Mineralium Deposita 43, Canadian Mineralogist, 49, ; Ferreira, A.
List of publications
Chrysoberyl-sillimanite association from the Roncadeira pegmatite, Borborema Province, Brazil: Journal of GEOsciences, 58 2 , Mineralogical Magazine 75, Holos-ISSN , 2, Postmagmatic evolution of the Caeiras-Pegmatite — a new occurrence and its potential for high-tech-metals in the Borborema Pegmatite Province, NE-Brazil. Hanco Zwaan, Dorrit E. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 44 1 , American Mineralogist, 94 , Canadian Mineralogist 52, Vol 1 Nonmetallic and pegmatic.
The Greer Lake leucogranite, Manitoba, and the origin of lepidolite-subtype granitic pegmatites. Lithos, 80 1 , Zeolites of the World, p. New Brunswick York Co. Aquamarine ] Beal, K.

Aquamarine beryl from Zealand Station, Canada: Aquamarine ] The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. Nova Scotia Guysborough Co. Could there be Others? Canada for , pp. Copper, lead, zinc, silver, tin, tungsten and molybdenum mineralization, Yarmouth Co. Trueman Reconnaissance studies of four pegmatite populations in the Northwest Territories. Geological Survey Of Canada Bulletin Mining News North Emerald find gives literal meaning to Nunavut greenstone belt. Breaks and Julie B. Selway Tourmaline in petalite-subtype granitic pegmatites; evidence of fractionation and contamination from the Paleagama Lake and Separation Lake areas of northwestern Ontario, Canada.
The Canadian Mineralogist The Pakeagama Lake Pegmatite: Vol 48 Part 2 - Field Trip Guidebook. Liddicoatite and associated species from the McCombe spodumene-subtype rare-element granitic pegmatite, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist 43, Canadian Mineralogist, 40, Spence Pegmatite minerals of Ontario and Quebec. Frola, Costa Frontoso, M.
Fuzzi, Sandro Fuzzi, S. Gentile, S Gentilesca, T. Gianicolo, Al Gianicolo, E. Giffa, A Giglietto, N. Gilardoni, Stefania Gilardoni, S. Grassi, Davide Grassi, D. Grasso, Fabio Massimo Grau, S. Griffa, A Grifoni, D. Guinehut, S Guineva, V. Haddad, El Haefele, A. Hallar, Gannet Halloran, P. Haq, Ayaz Ul Hara, T. Heilig, Achim Heimann, M. Huang, Ting Katty Huang, R. Iannarelli, Maria Ianni, A. Ienna, F Iermano, I. Inghilesi, R Inghilesi, R. Karnieli, Arnon Karpechko, A. Lacorata, Guglielmo Lacorata, G. Landi, Christian Landi, Tony C. Lastri, Marco Latini, G.
Lee, Soo Lee, M. Lehodey, P Lehtinen, K. Liberti, Luigi Liberti, G. Llasat, Del Carmen Llasat, M. Lo Feudo Locci, F. Lyazidi, Ait Lynn, B. Lyubarstev, Vladyslav Lyulyukin, V. Mahata, Singh Maheras, P. Maiello, I Maiello, I. Malguzzi, Piero Malinowski, S. Marta, Dalla Martano, P. Martin, Raleigh L Martin, B. Martire, Lo Martorell, M. Martorelli, Eleonora Martorelli, E. Martorelli, E Martucci, G. Marullo, S Marullo, S. Marzano, Silvio Marzo, G. Masteller, Claire Mastrangelo, D. Masullo, R Masunaga, H. Matthieu, PP Mattis, I.
Mazzola, Salvatore Mazzoldi, P. Mifsud, Roberta Mifsud, R. Miglietta, Mario Marcello M. Minguzzi, Enrico Minichilli, F. Minnett, PJ Minniti, C. Moinelo, Cardesin Moiseev, A. Monforti-Ferrario, Fabio Monks, P. Montegut, de Boyer Monteleone, F. Morelli, Eleonora Moreno, F. Morigillo, Antonella Morille, Y. Mura, Alessandro Mura, A. Muzio, Lo Mvemba, P. Nardelli, Buongiorno Nardin, W. Nencioni, Stefano Nenes, A. De Aquino Netto, H. Noschese, Raffaella Notarnicola, C. Oh, Jin Ohba, R. Olivieri, Angelo Olivieri, A. Orasi, A Orasi, A. Orosei, Roberto Orosei, R. Osto, Dall Otero, L. Ott, de Vismes Ott, S.
Outer, Den Ovadnevaite, J. Palatella, Luigi Palazzi, B. Palazzi, Elisa Palazzo, F. Panday, Kumar Panday, A. Panegrossi, Giulia Panini, R. Parkinson, Saz Parmar, Y. Pasetto, Damiano Pashynska, V. Pasi, F Pasi, F. Pasqui, Claudio Passamani, L. Patti, Bernardo Paulat, P.
Peliz, A Pellegrini, A. Pereira, Bueno Perepelkin, V. Perrone, Rita Perrone, M. Phillips, Colin Pia, G. Time intervals and intervening events should be considered of crucial importance because not only have they the power to shape the lan- guage of a letter, but also they can influence the possibility of an epistolary dialogue. Epistolary discourse is inscribed within the larger domain of verbal ex- change between two parties, each of whom alternately assumes the role of speaker or hearer.
As written dialogue it is closely related to its oral model. At this point it should be clear how epistolary discourse is a discourse marked with hiatuses of all sorts: Yet it is a language of gap-closing, of writing to the moment, of speaking to the addressee as if he were present, it is a phenome- non which may signify either bridge or barrier, both presence and absence Historical Development Turning to history, letters are reported as amongst the early forms of writing.
Particular practices associated with messengers accompanying the messages developed and the generic conventions of greetings, salutations and endings probably have their roots in these early practices.
Letter writing has always been a situated activity, and the material cir- cumstances of letter writing have naturally changed with time, as have its discoursive practices. Teachers of ars dictaminis, the medieval art of letter writing, compiled model letters which were widely copied, taught and assimilated throughout western Europe from the eleventh century onwards. Their di- rect influence began to fade partly because of the classical models intro- duced during the Renaissance and partly because of the widening social base of writers, whose needs often centred on business formats such as the letter of credit and letters of sale and quittance As far as the practice of letter writing in early modern England is con- cerned, an exhaustive analysis has been made by Gary Schneider in his book The Culture of Epistolarity The culture of epistolarity, as it existed in early modern England was one in which the circulation and communication of information took place in communities based on political and domestic business, mutual interests, and intimate circumstances; it was a system in which epistolary communi- ties might overlap, and in which the mechanics of circulation and transmis- sion invariably involved third party access to leters, be it simply the leter carrier.
One of the aspects which mostly characterizes letter writing in the ear- ly modern period is that a particular letter in the communicative system of early modern Europe could be partially or totally read to others and it could be even given to others for reading or copying. Several aspects contribute to shape the characteristics of sixteenth and seventeenth century epistolarity, distinguishing it from medieval letter writing and from that of the eighteenth century. Prescriptions for letter writing come from a number of sources, letter writing manuals being one of the most common.
These manuals, like other how-to books, were written for different purposes and audiences Some were concerned with busi- ness and commercial conventions and others with social situations. Some were presented as rhetorical examples of effective writing rather than as models of actual letters, and others were vehicles for social satire and semi- fictional writing.
Some were intended for aspiring members of the middle classes, some offered parental advice for upper-class youngsters, and some were intended as school textbooks Whatever purpose was intended by their authors and publishers, letter writing manuals have usually been studied by rhetoricians, social and cultural historians, or by literary schol- ars in relationship to epistolary genres.
They provide evidence of discur- sive, commercial, and social conventions as well as reflecting changes in these conventions. Scholars investigating letter-writing manuals, however, have sometimes neglected the generic background to this overall picture of change: Different studies suggest that roughly 80 percent of the manuals share more or less 75 percent of their material in common, despite the claims to originality printed in many of them.
Most of the following types of letters appear in virtually every manual and many of them are also included in the CEECS see paragraph 6. Within this framework, many letters were duplicated verbatim, or paragraphs might be interpolated, making the text slightly different. But like reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias — although the letter manuals were ephemeral in comparison, far less ex- pensive and not prestigious as printed objects — they were expected to be comprehensive.
Once a topic had been established as essential, as part of an important and common life event for which a difficult letter or a deli- cate negotiation might be required, it would have been remiss to exclude such a topic. As can be seen from the information reported above, letters and letter writing touched almost every facet of early modern life: A rigorous historical contextualization is therefore essential, for on- ly this approach situates letters within the unique social and material envi- ronments that produced them, indeed historians have always appreciated letters as valuable sources and literary historians have investigated their lit- erary quality.
Early Modern English Society England in the period between differed considerably from England today. The period , which comprises three centuries marked several major changes. As can be seen from the following table, which presents an estimation of the growth of population between and , in the course of these three centuries the population of Europe as well as the English population approximately doubled: Pre-industrial England was predominantly a rural country.
The esti- mates show that around only about ten per cent of the population lived in towns of 4, and more Although the process of urbanisation was slow and gradual the population of the largest cities Norwich, Bristol and York did not exceed 15, in , the capital London marked a rap- id increase in the number of inhabitants, becoming a population magnet for people from around the country. The population of London grew from , in to half a million in , then accounting for well more than 10 percent of the population of England The role of London in bringing about language change and establishing standard English is very significant.
Nevalainen points out that the weak social ties, which, by hypothesis, allow a rapid spread of language change, were at the core of the mixed London society. Since the discipline of historical sociolinguistics can make use of only the preserved written material, the issue of literacy is of a major impor- tance, indeed in most cases, only the literate members of the society can be considered subjects in historical research. Nevertheless, the illiterate mem- bers of the nobility often women , who employed amanuenses and secre- taries, may be considered as an exception The literacy rate in medieval England was very low.
During the early modern period, however, the progress in education, the invention of the printing press resulting in the increasing book circulation and various socio-economical changes promoted the growth of literacy. As can be imagined, accurate estimates of the literacy level are difficult to provide. Cressy , however, offers the following picture of the development of illiteracy which seems to be particularly interesting: As can be noticed, there is a significant discrepancy between male and female illiteracy rates, although both mark a continuous decrease during the Tudor and Stuart times and beyond.
The significant gender difference in literacy rates, which can be seen from the figures reported above, points to the more general fact of a so- cially unequal position of men and women in the pre-industrial English society. The two sexes did not enjoy equal edu- cational opportunities or access to the public domain.
The discussion of the early modern English society in this chapter re- vealed several limitations on the research based on the preserved written material. This material necessarily reflects the usage of the privileged so- cial groups, which had access to education. The gender and regional ine- qualities also play an important part. Politeness and Letter Writing As i have previously pointed out, epistolary theorists agree that theirs is a shifting, unstable genre, arguably productive of every other writing genre that has developed, but one whose textual dimensions are under- studied in proportion to its prevalence and the powerful social forms it takes.
They also agree that while the genre is multi-form, it possesses cer- tain stable features, including its dialogic reciprocity, its construction of the persona of the writer and the reader, the real or metaphoric distance that its form negotiates, and its always tenuous existence between public and private spheres Genuine letter witting, which is a bidirectional type of communication, thus presupposes an author and a recipient or recipients if addressed to several people and the written me- dium.
With the rising level of literacy in the early modern society see the previous chapter , letters gradually ceased to be the exclusive genre of a narrow group of the educated clergy and some members of the nobility. According to Decker, letters are meant, essentially, to please and not to unnecessarily intrude. The reasons why politeness considerations are important in literary activ- ity is that they are fundamental in social behaviour of any kind. Politeness can be thought of as a communally sustained spectrum of evaluation ranging from extreme ofensiveness, through neu- trality, to extreme obsequiousness or latery.
This applies to literary activity The relationship between power and polite- ness — key considerations in the making of requests — has been examined from a variety of perspectives. The linguistic choices one person makes with re- gard to politeness, the theory goes, rest on three factors: Magnusson48 noted that this framework has largely been applied to the study of oral interac- tions, but it has also been the basis for an increasing number of studies of politeness in writing such as the present.
The aim of my research is to present a comparative analysis of the use of request markers in a selected number of personal and official letters writ- ten during the first half of the seventeenth century. Of the six catego- ries of discourse markers examined in an earlier study49, request markers were the most frequent form of discourse marker found in letters and were found more frequently in letters than in other written genres.
The same re- search also indicated that the words and phrases used in making requests were sensitive to the social relations pertaining between the writer and the addressee. The aim of the Helsinki project was to investigate the applicability of methods developed by present-day sociolinguists to the study of historical data. CEECS covers the years and consists of 1, letters written by writ- ers. The selection criteria were arbitrary, as only 23 editions which were no longer in copyright could be included.
Despite the arbitrary selection cri- teria, the corpus is a fairly representative sample of the full corpus, giving similar results for the timing of changes over the period covered Personal letters here mean letters written by an identifiable individual to another identifiable individual — some letters written by a collective, such as the Privy Council, have been in- cluded in the CEEC as comparative material, but only one such letter is found in ceecs The most typical example of truly private letters are undoubtedly family letters, while the most typical opposite pole to private letters are official letters written by government officials in their official capacity on official busi- ness.
Camden First Series As for letters in Table 6. Early modern English writings show that negative face and distancing devices can easily be found both in formal and informal or even intimate correspondence. Of course most of the letters witness a wide repertoire of request strategies, only some of which involve unambiguous, identifiable request markers. As far as my analysis is concerned, i decided to take into consideration only the most frequently found request markers and compare their usage in a selected number of official and personal letters.
Letters clearly represent a specific genre or text type of written commu- nication, but it is accepted in the contemporary linguistics literature that although being instances of written communication as far as the medium is concerned, letters show many characteristics of the spoken register The study quoted above is concerned with the development of the dimension involved vs. This dimension is an indicator of the oral vs.
Leters from all four historical periods [i. Thus, these leters all have relatively frequent occurrences of privative verbs, that-omissions, contractions, present-tense verbs, irst- and second-person pronouns, etc. As a result, it can be argued that letter collections and corpora composed of letters, can provide a relatively good data for the sociolinguistic research, be- ing as close to the vernacular as possible for historical material. This extra-linguistic criterion, is however, reflected in the language.
The following examples of a business, an offi- cial and a personal letter might be useful in order to understand more clearly the differences which characterize each type. The letter although being an exchange between two rela- tives has a distinctly business content. Thomas Bowes attempts to sell some land but cannot find a buyer.
He therefore turns to Timothy Hutton with a request to persuade Williamson of Barton, a potential buyer, to purchase some of the land. Sir, i have beene diverse wayes to have got money, but as yet i can- not inde any that hath money or will inde money: Dawson of Newcastle hath ready money, but he hath gone throw with Mr. Robinson woulde gladly buy some lande, and yet i cannot get him to buy myne: Thus, commendinge my love to you, desirous to see you shortly, i rest Your assured lovinge brother, Thomas Bowes.
Streatlam, the 20th May, 7. The official distance is given by the social position of the interlocutors — a Major General and a Colonel of the army. Though here bee a very greete ebb to carnall sense, yet Manie pretious Ones think it is a time of much Mercie; and that our blessed Lord will shortly worke with eminence. The Lord guide you herein and all things. Whitehall, 7th of the 9th 7. The epistle shows a close personal style given by such expressions as: My deare Sir, i ame glad of this opertuenity to present you with the remembrance of my deare love.
Ned presents his humbell duty to you, and i beg you blessing for them all; and i pray God give you a happy and speady meeting with Your most afectionate wife, Brill. The level of formality operates along a cline on which a particular letter can be placed The business letter previously quoted is a case in point. As regards the function of the correspondence, Bergs further distin- guishes several socio-pragmatically motivated subtypes, namely reports, requests, orders, counsel letters, and phatic letters. They may be writen from superior to inferior and vice versa, but since their focus is meant to be on description rather than on social relationships, only litle inluence is to be expected.
They are rather characterised ex nega- tivo: Socio-psychological- ly, they are also rather neutral. They simply give counsel without forcing the addressee to follow the advice. They show no socio-psychological asymmetries, although they, too, can be directed from superior to inferior and vice versa The individual socio-pragmatic subtypes vary in two main respects: On the whole, it can be said that all the sub- types are more or less conventionalised. The learning consists in the acquiring of the letter- writing skills according to certain models or prototypes.
The choice of lan- guage in a letter is therefore not absolutely free the same can be, however, argued in the case of most of the set genres but is governed to some extent by convention see Chapter 3. Especially the opening and closing lines of letters are often formed by formulaic expressions. Nevertheless, the conven- tion still leaves a great deal of space for personal choices as Bergs remarks: Leters in Early Modern English were much more conventionalised with regard to their structure than leters today. But apart from that, speakers were relatively free in their choices how to ill the empty spaces between the various formulae and obligatory parts To demonstrate that the authors of the letters worked flexibly with the con- vention, a letter by John Jones to Thomas Harrison from can be quoted: Since letter writing is a bidirectional form of communication, it can be argued that the author of a letter is influenced not only by the con- vention which comes from the outside but also by internal factors of the communication process itself.
These are based on the fact that an author usually writes a letter with regard to a particular recipient. The style of a letter is thus the result of the mutual interaction between the author and the addressee. The socio-psychological theory of accommodation, which has been introduced by Howard Giles in , is briefly summarised in Trudgill. He describes linguistic accommodation as: This may oten take the form of reducing the frequency of socially stigmatized linguistic forms in the presence of speakers of higher prestige varieties Daybell, however, stresses the fact that the social inequality between men and women, which was reflected in the limited access to education, should not be overesti- mated.
Women from the high ranks of society disposed of the means to compensate for their lesser level of education. The employment of scriven- ers and secretaries was therefore a relatively common practice among women As can be seen from the previous discussion, the text of a letter is a result of a relatively complex structure of linguistic choices, which often have a social motivation.
They have frequently known each other for several years, meeting and especially writing regularly approximately twice per month. This is a constellation which favours more direct strategies and disfavours the use of heavy discourse modification. The transfer of information is the main purpose of official corre- spondence. Therefore requests which are in support of this institutional goal represent high imposition by definition. This will disfavour use of discourse modification and indirectness, which might be more common in personal correspondence in those cases where a given patriarchal hier- archy has to be respected.
Younger generations were, however, expected to defer to older generations, even if the finer lines of seniority were less strictly adhered to between younger siblings, cousins and other non-senior members of the family. Another interesting element which can be noticed analysing the data is that the choice of request markers seems to indicate the position of the writer with respect to the addressee. Both the addressee-oriented appeal and the writer-oriented expression of belief would constitute legitimate felicity conditions for a request The frequent use of the declarative form is shown in examples 1 to 3: Mr Carter your full names please And our irst request please All of them, please Some of that, please The modal clauses, which constitute the majority of indirect requests, are generally either with first or second person subject Would the Secretary of State please try to do beter this year in protecting the budget of his department The use of modal verbs in modal sentences, i.
Some examples of hidden, ambiguous requests can also occur in the im- perative form, which is quite common in official correspondence. As can be seen in Table 6. The choice of modal verb form, for example, appears to be strongly situ- ation-dependent, as it does the use of the imperative form: The use of simple in- direct requests, on the other hand, does not appear to be influenced by the situation in which it is used.
On the basis of the data reported above, it is possible to construct a rough scale of deference for request markers, from the most to the least deferential: Schneider, The Culture of Epistolarity: Jucker, English Historical Pragmatics: Problems of Data and Methodology, in g. Biber, Variation in English Multidimensional Studies, longman, london Hall, Letter Writing as a Social Practice Approaches to a Form Trolle-Larsen, What they wrote on clay, in K.
Tolle-Larsen eds , Literacy and Society, akademisk Forlag, copenhagen Bryson, From Courtesy to Civility: Cressy, Literacy and the Social Order: Magnusson, Shakespeare and Social Dialogue: Taavitsainen, Introduction, in idd. Some Universals in Language Usage, cit. A New Approach to Text Typology, cit. To which are prefixed, a history of the language, and an English grammar. Levinson, Pragmatics, Cambridge university Press, Cambridge , p.
Aijmer, Conversational Routines in English: Convention and Creativity, longman, london , p. Convention and Creativity, Longman, London Francesco Calanca Spazio e narrativa metropolitana: Parallelamente al cambiamento della morfologia cittadina rapporto fra capitale e uomo, incremento dei tra- sporti, aumento dei flussi migratori, scoperta di nuove tecnologie e scienze della comunicazione, ecc. The literary text codiies ideas and atitudes about the city and […] as the city itself changes under historical inluence, so do these codes, exhaust- ing traditional modes as they call for new meaning, oten by parodying the emptiness of the older forms1.
Nello spazio londinese il passato si frammenta e la storia appare poli- nucleare, riflesso dei multiformi itinerari narrativi. Spazio e narrativa metropolitana 37 Without a transcendental signiier [God, Nature, History, or the rational mind] urban signs begin to loat, and meaning gives way to mystery.
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As free-loating signiication eliminates meaning, interpretation becomes equivalent to paranoia, which is the end result of any self-enclosed system. We are let with a sense of a diminished humanity, of the anonymous and superluous of human isolation and fragility, of anxi- ety and great nervous tension. Lacking transcendence, the city cannot go beyond what it consumes; the mind cannot go beyond itself Can the vast texturology beneath our gaze be anything but a represen- tation?
The analogue to the facsimile which, through a kind of distancing, produces the space planner, the city planner or the map maker. The city-panorama is a theoretical i. Successful spatial representation today need not be some upliting so- cialist-realist drama of revolutionary triumph but may be equally inscribed in a narrative of defeat, which sometimes, even more efectively, causes the whole architecture of postmodern global space to rise up in ghostly proile behind itself, as some ultimate dialectical barrier or invisible limit La logica delle celle era il contrario della segreta: Per contenere e, al contempo, censire aree urbane considerate degrada- te, riformatori, ingegneri e scienziati si applicano a una vasta operazione di riassestamento.
All the other real emplacements that can be found within the culture are, at the same time, represented, contested, and reversed, sorts of places that are outside all places, although they are actually localisable Nineteenth-century London- ers experienced their city as both a discursive construct and a construction in space The new Poor Law established the exclusive reign of the workhouse: The parish beadle is one of the most, perhaps the most, important mem- ber of the local administration.
He is not so well of as the churchwardens, certainly, nor is he so learned as the vestry-clerk, nor does he order things quite so much his own way as either of them But his power is very great, nothwithstanding; and the dignity of his oice is never impaired by the ab- sence of eforts on his part to maintain it Anche altri personaggi vengono descritti in totale simbiosi con la parish e la sua struttura.
Whenever we visit a man for the irst time, we contemplate the features of his knocker with the greatest curiosity, for we well know, that between the man and his knocker, there will inevitably be a greater or less degree of resemblance and sympathy Londra cambia radicalmente la propria fisionomia: The place that Dickens saw in had more in common with the London of the Middle Ages than with that of today.
La strada stessa, estensione di St. Seven Dials would have immortalized itself. The region of song and poetry — irst efusions, and last dying speeches: La via sarebbe divenuta presto, al pari di Queen Victoria Street, una delle arterie che dirigevano il flusso di traffico sul Victoria Embankment.
Nonostante i lavori, il nuovo, costosissimo Embankment, con i suoi cinque chilometri di impianto fognario, gas, rete idrica e ferrovie, vanto del governo e del Board, seguitava a rimanere, in pratica, deserto. When i came to Temple Bar, it took me half-an-hour to stare at it, and i let it unini- shed even then.
La mescolanza di stili eclettici e modelli orientali, che dickens cita anche nei richiami alle Arabian Nights: A questo punto, si potrebbe dire che il viaggio prenda le forme di un pellegrinaggio rovesciato: That scene is eminently functional is eviden- ced by the fact that dialogue is not relevant by itself, but it is made so by the seting in which it occurs. London then challenges the very language of visual perception, and the poetics of that perception, where description is not only barely adequate but also wholly inappropriate.
There was no wind to make a ripple on the foul water within the harbour, or on the beautiful sea without. The line of demarcation between the two co- lors, black and blue, showed the point which the pure sea would not pass; but it lay as quiet as the abominable pool, with which it never mixed A prison taint was on everything there.
Tu sei qui
The imprisoned air, the impriso- ned light, the imprisoned damps, the imprisoned men, were all deteriorated by coninement. As the captive men were faded and haggard, so the iron was rusty, the stone was slimy, the wood was roten, the air was faint, the light was dim. Like a well, like a vault, like a tomb, the prison had no know- ledge of the brightness outside La loro mancanza di comunicazione si tra- sferisce anche agli altri prigionieri, quelli della nave in quarantena, che, costretti a una segregazione forzata, si chiudono nei propri mondi: Maddening church bells of all degrees of dissonance, sharp and lat, cracked and clear, fast and slow, made the brick and mortar echoes hideous.
No pictures, no unfa- miliar animals, no rare plants or lowers, no natural or artiicial wonders of the ancient world — all taboo with that enlightened strictness, that the ugly south sea gods in the British museum might have supposed themselves at home again. Nothing to see but streets, streets, streets.
Nothing to breathe but streets, streets, streets Lungi dal trovare una vivace accoglienza, o la festosa atmosfe- ra dei mercati domenicali, il pellegrino arthur clennam si trova davanti uno scenario funereo, che richiama i giorni della peste descritta da Defoe nel Journal of the Plague Year. There was the old cellaret with nothing in it, lined with lead, like a sort of coin in compartments; there was the old dark closet, also with nothing in it, of which he had been many time the sole contents, in days of punishment, when he had regarded it as the veritable entrance to that bourne to which the tract had found him galloping.
There was the large, hard-featured clock on the sideboard, which he used to see bending its igured brows upon him with a savage joy when he was behind- hand with his lessons, and which, when it was wound up once a week with an iron handle, used to sound as if it were growling in ferocious anticipation of the miseries into which it would bring him Dickens vi si sofferma con particolare insistenza quando descrive gli spo- stamenti della governante Affery: The staircase was as wooden and solid as need be, and Afery went straight down without any of those deviations peculiar to dreams.
She did not skim over it, but walked down it, and guided herself by the banisters on account of her candle having died out. Marshalsea, il carcere per debitori, per esempio: Ofenders against the revenue laws, and defaulters to excise or customs, who had incurred in ines which they were unable to pay, were supposed to be incarcerated behind an iron-plated door, closing up a second prison, consisting of a strong cell or two, termination of the very limited skitle-ground in which the Marshalsea debtors bowled down their troubles Belzoni, Nineveh and Its Remains di A. La forma ellittica del racconto, parallela alle architetture, ruota attorno a spazi che si pongono in relazione eterotopica col testo: Feminist geographers and planners have pointed out the very specific experiences and needs of women in urban spaces.
Although we can now see thanks to theories of repre- sentation, including postmodern theory that social relations, institutions, and practices are discursively produced and mediated, this does not render them any less real. Giovannelli a cura di , The Complete Consort. Saggi di Anglistica in onore di Francesco Gozzi, plus, pisa , p. Spazio e narrativa metropolitana 59 6 r. Barthes, Semiology of the Urban, in M. A Semiotic Theory of Culture, trans.
Shukman, Tauris, london , p. Jameson, Cognitive Mapping, in C. Perrot, Marsilio, Venezia , p. Penzo, Londra nel XIX secolo. Modernizzazione e immagine urbana, in m. Foucault, Different Spaces, in J. Es- sential Works of Foucault , vol. Miller, Topographies, Stanford university Press, Stanford , p. A Social History, penguin, london , p. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange was demolished in to make way for the new Royal Exchange. Clare Minoresses without Aldgate the other convent building had been destroyed by fire in Dionis Bankchurch, where Dr.
Burney had been the organist in , was demolished in George Botolph Lane was pulled down as late as ; St. James in the Wall, ; St. Martin Outwich a medieval church, which had escaped the Great Fire but had been rebuilt in was pulled down in ; St. Matthew Friday Street, a charming small church by Wren, went in ; St. Michael Bassishaw in ; St. Micheal Wood Street in ; St. A History, Modern Library, London , p. Coverley, Psychogeography, Herts, Harpenden , p. Coverley, The London Project: Jenks, Watching Your Step: Dent, London , p. Fantaccini a cura di , Le riscritture del Postmoderno: Spazio e narrativa metropolitana 61 55 J.
Billi, Dickens as Sensation Novelist, in r. Schwarzbach, Dickens and the City, Athlone, London , p. Tam- bling, Dickens, Violence and the Modern State: Vidler, The Architectural Uncanny: Nel suo saggio sulla fantasmagoria, Tom Gunning scrive: Gunning, Illusions Past and Future: Billi, Il gotico inglese: Spazio e narrativa metropolitana 63 Bibliografia primaria dickens c.
Edizione e traduzione italiana di Vita Fortunati. Fantaccini a cura di , Palomar, Bari , pp. Essays in Criticism, vol. Perrot, Marsilio, Venezia Edizione e traduzione di Vita Fortunati. Essential Works of Foucault , Allen, London , pp. Modernizzazione e immagine urbana in m. Spazio e narrativa metropolitana 65 runcini r. A History, Modern Library, London Sheila Frodella Da Pigmalione a Pygmalion. Uno sguardo alle riletture vittoriane del mito ovidiano Introduzione Le riprese e variazioni del mito di Pigmalione nelle letterature europee sono innumerevoli. Di statue viventi, di statue animate, di statue innamorate, di statue amate.
Poe in The Oval Portrait My Last Duchess di R. Browning , The Portrait di D. Rossetti , e Pygmalion di G. Lo schema ornella de Zordo, Saggi di Anglistica e Americanistica. Rossetti, infatti, conosceva molto bene il mondo dei preraffaelliti e aveva fatto da modella per alcuni dipinti del fratello Dante Gabriel. Attraverso le parole di C. Tuttavia, una volta ultimata, la creatura perfetta respinge il suo creatore e sposa un altro uomo. Shaw modifica il mito classico, in cui la statua diventa la moglie di Pigmalione, e propone un finale completa- mente diverso, in cui la creatura si rende indipendente dal suo creatore e di- venta artefice del proprio destino.
Dato che la metamorfosi della creatura scelta dal linguista per il suo espe- rimento avviene sul piano sociolinguistico, il play lancia anche un messaggio di riabilitazione sociale delle classi disagiate attraverso una politica cultura- le tesa ad eliminare le barriere sociali costruite sulle differenze linguistiche. Verso mezzanotte, spostando il candelabro che illumina il volumetto per vedere meglio, il narratore nota in una nicchia vicina al letto un ritratto ovale che prima gli era sfuggito: Le due parti del racconto sono dunque bilanciate in modo complemen- tare: Le corrispondenze narrative tra la prima e la seconda parte del racconto sono riconducibili anche ad alcuni parallelismi intratestuali.
Rimane da considerare un elemento biografico che potrebbe verosimil- mente aver contribuito ad ispirare il racconto: Poe, figlio di una cantante, incoraggiava a sua volta la passione della giovane moglie Virginia per il canto. Si spiega solo in termini di un fenomeno inquietante, di una presenza vam- piresca o di un connubio diabolico tra arte e morte. Le riletture vittoriane del mito di Pigmalione 2. The Duke cannot resolve the ambiguity because the painted image of his former spouse disturbs him quite as much as her actual face did—which is why he keeps the painting covered.
For all his mastery of rheto- ric, the Duke simply does not know how to master her image with words Appare evidente che, regalando sguardi e sorrisi gentili a tutti, la duchessa ave- va ferito il suo orgoglio aristocratico: Because the portrait perpetually airms the integrity of the life it mirrors, the Duke is forev- er bound to the portrait through his endless gloss upon it. The portrait dominates even his negotiations for a new duchess.
Da Pigmalione a Pygmalion 79 2. The Portrait di D. Questa lettera, che diede inizio a un fitto scambio epistolare tra i due poeti, indica che Rossetti guardava a Browning come a un maestro. Sembra pertanto plausibile che il poemetto rossettiano The Portrait, pubblicato proprio nel , sia stato influenzato a livello tematico da My Last Duchess. Entrambi i testi poetici sono narrati da una voce ma- schile che, dopo aver invitato a guardare il ritratto di una donna ormai defunta, racconta la storia compositiva del dipinto e commenta la figura rappresentata.
Ma proprio per il retaggio puritano della loro educazione borghese si sentivano anche minacciati da queste donne, percepite come angel women da adorare e allo stesso tempo come fallen women da riscattare. Lizzie vantava una posizione sociale di par- tenza migliore rispetto alle altre stunners: A partire dal , i due formarono un sodalizio artistico: Elizabeth Siddal posava solo per D. Rossetti, e lui incoraggiava le sue propensioni artistiche coltivando il suo talento per la pittura e insegnan- dole le tecniche del disegno.
Rossetti, intanto, ritraeva Annie Miller e la prostituta Fanny Cornforth, e trovava una nuova musa ispiratrice in Jane Burden. Rossetti a Oxford quando i preraffaelliti cercava- no delle modelle per gli affreschi ispirati al ciclo arturiano commissionati dalla union Society. Le origini familiari di Jane Burden erano molto umili: Tuttavia, Jane rimase emotivamente legata a Rossetti fino alla sua morte, causando molte sofferenze al marito. Dopo averla elevata sul piano artistico al ruolo di musa ispiratrice, William Morris le chiese di sposa- rlo: Christina, grazie alla sua esperienza di modella, vedeva che Dante Gabriel ricreava e idealizzava la Siddal proiettandola sulla tela, e capiva che questa figura ideale stava rimpiazzando la modella in carne ed ossa nella men- te del fratello.
Quando Eliza e gli altri invitati vanno via, la madre di Higgins rimbrotta il figlio e Pickering, il dialettologo che aveva accettato la scommessa: Higgins allude al fatto che un esperi- mento condotto su un essere umano potrebbe avere dei risvolti inaspettati, ma suo figlio non capisce e risponde: The hardest job i ever tack- led: Non si rende conto che la madre intende ben altro: By the time she gets there she is on the point of screaming.
What have you left me fit for? Where am i to go? What am i to do? Whats to become of me? Questo fenomeno, riscon- trabile ad esempio nel rapporto tra D. La poetessa e modella C. Artisti e modelle nella letteratura tra Ottocento e Novecento, me- dina, Palermo , p. Breve storia dei simulacri da Ovidio a Hitchcock, il saggia- tore, Milano , pp.
Da Pigmalione a Pygmalion 89 5 e. Knopf, New York , p. Le successive citazioni sono tratte dalla medesima opera. The naked Senses sometimes see too little—but then always they see too much. Composizione e decomposizione in Edgar Allan Poe, unicopli, milano , p. Mournful and Never-ending Remem- brance, cit. Composizione e decomposizione in Edgar Allan Poe, cit. Quattro variazioni, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino , p.
Browning, My Last Duchess, in M. Heffernan, Entering the Museum of Words: Si vedano anche A. Analisi di tre monologhi drammatici di R. Browning, Libreria universitaria, Verona , pp. Browning, My Last Duchess, cit. Literature and the Visual Arts, Macmillan, London , p.