Older Women in the Criminal Justice System: Running Out of Time
The case also raises other questions about race in the criminal justice system and Stand Your Ground. Multiple studies show mandatory sentences and mandatory minimums disproportionately send African Americans to jail.
He was allowed to take the life of an unarmed black child. Juxtapose that next to my client who had a car coming at her mother, and that same car had just presented danger to her child.
Ebook Older Women In The Criminal Justice System: Running Out Of Time
But instead of fleeing, Harvey pulled out her cell phone and snapped three photos of Ra holding the gun, lawyers say. She then went to the police and reported that she was confronted by a hostile and gun-wielding Ra. A race to the police department. Months later, during the trial, a DPD detective testified that the department considers the person who arrives at the police station first to be the victim, lawyers say.
Thus, detectives were not allowed to speak to Ra directly. However, Burton-Harris says such an approach is a real problem that she frequently encounters in court. It doesn't protect anybody, it doesn't help you to do a good job and investigate what the truth is, and it clogs up the court system. But how could Ra — a properly licensed gun owner — be charged with assault for pointing a licensed gun at an assailant? But the question of whether one is acting in defense or committing an assault becomes a matter of fact for the jury to determine.
And they asked the jury to agree.
Still, a jury found Ra guilty. Burton-Harris says she believes that could be the result of other factors.

When the jury began deliberations with the snowstorm looming, it could be heard hotly debating the case from the jury room, Burton-Harris says. How could she be assaulting the person driving the car, but acting in self defense against the person in the passenger seat? Switch to the mobile version of this page.
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Multiple studies show mandatory minimum sentences disproportionately send African Americans to jail. Jessica Kingsley, , pp.
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Despite the growing focus on women in prison during the last couple of decades, the gender and age-related experiences of English women prisoners aged 50 and over have not been theorized—indeed, they have seldom been described. Older Women in the Criminal Justice System is as comprehensive in scope as its title implies. Most users should sign in with their email address. If you originally registered with a username please use that to sign in.
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