Oh God How I Hate Love Poems and Religions.
This is the third poetry collection by Boris Petterson, an Uzbek poet. Slavic melancholy combined with random rays of sun. If you thought things couldn't be any worse this is for you. If you are a happy camper in happy happy land this is definitely not for you. Read more Read less.
Boris Petterson was born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. He was brought up by his mother, a local hospitality entrepreneur. Father was a geologist from Iceland, maybe. Boris never actually learned any language properly, but his strong interest in the computer games and science fiction books by Kilgore Trout helped him to basics of English.
He had the largest Kilgore Trout collection in Samarkand. Boris was not a popular boy. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Quotes tagged as "hate" Showing of 1, Hate cannot drive out hate: The Essential Writings and Speeches. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.
Families are made in the heart. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family. And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you. Fuck You for cheating on me. Fuck you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term cheating, anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought liar was too harsh.
Someone who thought devastator was too emotional. These are our lives. I choose to question the things that people present to me. Then you have someone reading that and they have their own take on the writings. That is one of the great things about our country. I have seen far friendlier….
How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)
Trust me, I have seen many leave and forgotten all about it. People only stay in Christ because of his love and I have never encouraged anyone to be a Christian for fear of hell. I believe it is possible to express religious or political disagreement in a perfectly civil manner. Christians can express their religious beliefs, but we also have the right to respond to those beliefs and express a dissenting view.
I gave two options: They insist on forcing Christianity into our government. They insist on inserting religious dogma like creationism and intelligent design into public school science classes. And on and on and on. Do you know why? Even scientists know for a fact that Jesus is a real man.
In spite of rejecting the label, they continue to embrace beliefs and values that are deeply feminist in nature. In the realm of modern atheism, there is a high degree of ignorance and denial surrounding sexism, classism, racism and a whole host of other isms. So yes, I empathize with anyone who finds many aspects of Christianity to be positive but the number of assholes so large that the label is unpalatable. Both Christianity and atheism have their share of dysfunction and nastiness. Fewer bottoms sitting in pews leads to the eventual closure of churches and religious institutions, especially in the unstable economy we seem to be mired in.
Why antagonize them with the petty snark of calling them foolish for disengaging from a word? The path from theism to non-theism has many variations. Alienating those folks is probably a bad idea. It seems that Jesus is a lot like Dr. While you are alive, Jesus is all lovie-dovie Dr. Jekyll but when you die, Jesus become Mr. Fewer bottoms sitting in pews leads to the eventual closure of churches and religious institutions. If these were really progressive, liberal Christians trying to make amends for past wrongs, that would be different.
As it is, this strikes me as a marketing strategy largely populated by uber-conservatives. I understand what you are saying. Christianity IS a religion, but deeper in the heart of the story of Jesus IS the story of the END of Religion… It has just been retold and retold by so many religious people that it has become horribly offensive and judgmental!!!
Jesus shredded the rule book symbolically by dying on the cross!!! There is no one to follow, no standard to live up to… It is finished, like He said… There is no end of the world, because that was the end of the world. It was the end of the Old Covenant, and the New World is what we live in today!!! All I am suggesting is that maybe there is more to the story of Jesus that makes better sense.
There is more to the story my friends!!! Once I got an evidence-based look at the Bible and its roots, it made me realize that a lot of what I believed was heresay…much like the Bible. The point is that if he ever lived, he is certainly dead by now. I think you missed the sarcasm. See Bart Ehrman—a biblical scholar. Once your source is debunked, the story fails, too. A poem I originally wrote for open mic at Pacific University. It highlights my journey with casual sex and the conclusion I came to that sex as recreation, or just for fun, is unable to satisfy us the way we were meant to be satisfied.
This poem mainly focuses though on anyone who has been deeply affected, hurt, and damaged by sexual sin. Forgiveness and mercy are given freely by Jesus. He cleans, restores, and heals us beyond measure and asks nothing in return. He saw all our sin and filth before he went to the cross and it was still his joy to go get us. Yes Justin it is magical.
I had an encounter where i was on trial for the person i was. I treated people unfairly at times, lied, attacked them and lived a life of sin. That is, doing what i wanted how i wanted and justifying it. I thought i was good. I also realized that the people i thought loved me were not truly there when i needed them. Neither were my friends. Neither were the churches not even the state. They told me i had to have a family to receive aid. I wanted to have my son but had nothing and no one to turn to except God. I was pregnant and alone and no where to go.
I had made a lot of bad choices and realized i was between a rock and a hard place. I broke in two. And it was only in Him. I received Him into my heart and He took the darkness out of my life. After this, the doors opened, and everything worked out and I now have a 9 yr.
I am better and live better not because of anything at all except Him and the Bible , which just happened to be the only place to look for this man and learn about this One who came to me named Jesus Christ. There are churches who preach about Him but yet do everything He said not to.
I go to a church where many are full of pride and serve only wanting to be seen. This is how the Pharisees were to Jesus. Sorry for the book, just wanted to share. This guy is so wrong …. I just watched the video. The fact that there there are spreading critiques of religion appearing among US Christians is a sign that some kind of change is afoot.
I also find it curious that this guy calls out the automatic connection between USian Christianity and the Republican party. Yeah, things can get pretty off-putting on atheist websites.
A Year and a Day
Those websites are usually focused on the constant critiquing of religion and to an outsider, it will seem pretty raw and unfriendly. Get to know us in real life and the feel will probably be a lot different. The more things change…. I think we all appreciate you sharing your story here. One thing I always wonder when I hear stories like yours, though—why did it require Jesus to change your life?
I have read many great writers who have inspired me to reflect and grow as a person, without having any religious or spiritual construct around it. Why not join a Unitarian Unilateralist church? If you find the right one, a lot of people from many different faiths and philosophies mingle there. You can find Christians, Buddhists, atheists, and people from many walks of life in the same space. Logic can be helpful and atheists love themselves some logic , but not everyone uses a linear approach to work through these matters.
Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. But of course, as we all know, a few bad experiences with members of X community does not reflect every single person in X community. I posted this earlier but decided to share it. He knew many would choose not to hear Him. And these i believe were the humble in heart.
In order to know Christ you must want to change yourself.
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I had an encounter with Him, where i was on trial for the person i was. This happened when i was at a low place in my life and I was full of resentment, anger, etc. I also realized that the people i thought who loved me were not truly there when i needed them. I was pregnant, and unwed. Neither were the churches I was not a Christian and few I went to seemed willing to help non-members.
Not even the state. They told me i had to have a family in order to receive any kind of financial aid. I wanted desperately to have my son but had nothing and no one to turn to except God. I had 2 yr. I was at the end of my rope and it was inevitable. He knocked at my door. They are still transforming me. But i am a new person. I still treat people harshly at times and I still get angry but i find peace in Him and forgiving others for their mistakes well not always so easily done but it gets done eventually.
To choose His way or the other. Many profess it but have never been transformed. I go to a church where there are many who are full of pride because of their knowledge, yes knowledge of the Bible , and serve only wanting to be seen. Doing and behaving like Christ as best as they know how but yet with humility. In the end we are all still human I suppose.
And God still gives Christians the same choices He gives to anyone to sin or not to sin. Only through Him and trusting in Him is it more possible to turn away from it, sin and when you do, it is freedom not regret. You are given promises to be in heaven with Him and you are no longer your own. They have the fruit of the spirit.
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Against such things there is no law. People working to do the right thing without Jesus in their heart can not exhibit these traits. They are mere actors.

This is how the Pharisees were. They were this way to Jesus. Jesus told the story of the beaten man left in the road to die and the priests stepped over him but the Samaritan stopped to help. What was he saying? So yes, I have to say I now believe there is only One Way.
How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Poems | www.newyorkethnicfood.com
Only because i saw and heard and received. But I know now there is One way to be righteous, the best we can be heart and soul , and one way to Heaven. And it is through a perfect Man who is the only One who can approach the Lord God Himself and through Him, we may be saved. Well, there actually is one right around the block from my house, literally.
In fact, a lot of my friends who have left evangelical Christianity ended up in the UU. I hope no one discourages you from doing research! At least not for me. Incidentally, have you read any John Shelby Spong? At least, he seems quite progressive and has gotten rid of much of the harshness that traditional Christianity seems to promote.
Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus
I did read the original comment, and I agree with it. I kind of pity those who are afraid of the word. They think it is true and therefore believe it. I was inspired also. But who always makes good choices? We pursue everything that we think will make us happy. And many find a lot of happiness. Yet it seemed to elude me. This is much simpler for some and they take too much comfort in them.
Many believe these things are the foundation of their happiness. But what happens when life throws a curve ball. Bad things do happen. People divorce, people die, jobs and money go down the drain. Many people value all the wrong things and when their value is placed on these things something gets lost. We do have choices but we rely many times on our emotions and feelings rather than what we know is right or wrong. We are human and He knows it. I knew I would be held accountable for every bad choice I had made one day. I knew it and tried many different avenues to find fulfillment.
Love came and went. Family was there when they wanted to be. There was nothing solid in my life and i knew it. You will never treat everyone well. You will never not tell a lie.
Read all the books you want. Our pastor wrote books on relationships for the last 6 years that i know of, and guess what. No one, even a strong person of faith has a perfect anything. But i realized He was perfect. And people are not good enough to ever come before someone as Holy as God. We have to go through His Son to receive grace. It is only through Him we can do a bit better at living less sinful lives.
You will not pass the final judgment because it is the Law. We find salvation from this perfection. He gives us wisdom and self -control. The benefit of doing it now rather than later is also that He gives you all the fruit i mentioned earlier. I know that whatever life throws my way there is truly nothing and no one that can ever steal my joy from me. He is my rock. He does and will change your life if you ask Him to. He stampeded into mine when i cried out. I am not sure why it happened to me as it did.