Kultur - Issue 8 - April 2012
Rod Black Fotodoor Model: Steve Thewis Shot at: Saracen House Studio Contributors: Elizabeth Lois Photography Model: The Pinup Academy Model: Thomas Bommi Burggraf Model: Pirate Pete Photography Model: Ryan Lea Retoucher Latex by: Hondi Von Fox Photographer: Adrian Chinery - www. Michael J Designs Hair: Too Fast Tube Top: Another issue packed with a whole bunch of awesome stuff. Our cover model is Cara Red with her cat, Amun Sphynx.
Digi-Steve Photography awes us…. Full circle for a new year. Two years down the line and we're still pushing forward. Check out the interview with Kim Leaver, make-up artist with…. La Esmeralda graces our cover for Issue No Human Intentions showcases their …. This has been the greatest issue produced to date. With a little bit of Absinthe ramblings from Lady Kay and the photographic debut from our editor,…. We did it again.

Yet another double edition, more awesomeness than you can handle. Betty Havok graces our cover for number 2 of July and…. Nea Dune graces our cover for the first time. Get a nice pull out poster of this lovely lady. We introduce some new faces and a few old faces that….
We are proud to present to you the second of 2 issues for this month. Meet Marcy Horror in this issue and if you get the print version, you will also…. A few regulars pop in with…. We introduce to you Beckykat,…. We are proud to present to you the first of 2 issues for this month. Meet the ladies from Misscontrued Boutique and the Miss Girls in this issue and…. We are proud to present to you Issue 20 of Kultur Magazine. We feature plenty of lovely creative people from all around the world.
Month: April 2012
We have finally got this one together after a few technical issues. We introduce Countess Havok in a new photo set exclusively shot for Kultur…. With the Cape Tattoo Expo behind us and lots more to look forward to, we introduce you to a whole new world in our new look and design as we strive…. We start off the new year with huge shift in how Kultur Magazine is presented and we now have international models featured on our covers.
It has been a journey to remember. There have been a few glitches here and there but we…. Yet another issue jammed packed with plenty of goodies for everyone. To start off, we have now included a pull out poster of our cover feature, Miss…. And we release yet another work of splendor for your eyeballs. Seeing that it's Halloween month and all, we have Amy Kaye gracing our cover with a….
Papers and Conferences - KULTURisk
We have finally gone through an entire year of ups and downs but we're still kicking. We bring to you what is officially our Anniversary issue with….
- John T. Caldwell - UCLA School of TFTUCLA School of TFT!
- Här är låtarna.
- Publications in Kultur Mag.
- THE MISSINGS (Aspen Falls Thrillers Book 2).
- Squash sfida allultimo punto (Italian Edition).
- Der Weihnachtsbusen: BDSM-Erotik für Männer, Lesben und Luder (German Edition).
- I Dont Need No Doctor.
We have come full circle with our 12th issue of Kultur. Yes, it's been that long and we're still standing. In this issue we bring to you a large….
Kultur Mag
We proudly bring to you the most stunning issue to date. We feature our winner of the "Next Cover Model July" competition we ran a few months ago. We are proud to introduce to you Dark Seattle, a collaboration with a Seattle-based collective. We have also brought togeither a variety of features…. Took long enough to finish this issue. We have put together yet another issue packed with lots of eye candy. Yes, more eye candy in this Steampunk issue.
Thanks to all the guys and gals…. These past few weeks were quite challenging to say the least. But hey, the show must go on. We have put together some interesting stuff from what…. We introduce an old favourite, Wolf Clothing with a new…. Christmas special packed with lots of eye candy for all your viewing pleasure. A deep prealpine case, WRR, 49 10 , Demeritt , Flood-risk management, mapping, and planning: Selecting the appropriate hydraulic model structure using low-resolution satellite imagery. Advances in Water Resources, 34, 38— The contribution to future flood risk in the Severn Estuary from extreme sea level rise due to ice sheet mass loss, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, , , doi: Napolitano , An entropy approach for the optimization of cross-section spacing for river modelling, Hydrological Sciences Journal ahead-of-print , Application to the Zurich case study.
Hydrological Processes, 27, — Thielen Future challenges for water hazard early warning systems, Policy, 21, The accuracy of sequential aerial photography and SAR data for observing urban flood dynamics, a case study of the UK summer floods.
Remote Sensing and the Environment, 10 , Evaluation a coastal flood inundation model using hard and soft data. Environmental Modelling and Software, 30, Bates , Problems with binary pattern measures for flood model evaluation, Hydrological processes, DOI: The impact of uncertainty in satellite data on the assessment of flood inundation models. Journal of Hydrology, , — Schaake, and Bogner, K.
John T. Caldwell
Forecasters priorities for improving probabilistic flood forecasts, Hydrol. Journal of Hydroinformatics, doi: The Total Cost of Hydrological Disasters: First numerical results, in Ubertini F. Application to the Po River, Italy. Nguy e n, M. Part II — application and results, Proc. Part I — investigated areas and model setup, Proc.
Presentations at conferences and workshops. Towards a seamless flood early warning system: Value of Information and Prospect theory as tools to involve decision-makers in water-related design, operation and planning of water systems. Some experiences in Europe.
Vodnogospodarski biro, , str. Water risks and cultural heritage resilience of coastal areas. Risk governance of water related hazards: Evaluating the benefits of risk prevention measures. Evidence for Sustainable Development. Balbi , The socio-economic dimension of flood risk assessment: Safety criteria for flood protection structures in Slovenia.
EGU Leonardo Conference Slovak University of Technology, , str. Presented at the European Meteorological Society Meeting , in the special session Designing probabilistic forecast products from ensembles corresponding to customers' requirements, organised by Renate Hagedorn , 12 th th of September, Berlin, Germany.
Presentation at the Workshop: Visualising probabilistic flood forecast information: H, van Andel, S. H, and Thielen J. Do probabilistic forecasts lead to better decisions? Presentation at the EGU where the audience where invited to act as decision makers; given cases of flood forecasts and multiple choices. Estimating flood damage costs and the impact of risk mitigation policies. Flood Risk Assessment through Bayesian Network: Effects of adaptive and coping capacity in risk reduction. A probabilistic levee breach model for evaluating different breach scenarios for flooding hazard mapping.
Uncertaintyof 1D hydraulic modelling caused by parameterization and inflow inaccuracy. Application to the River Ubaye, Barcelonnette France. Ridolfi, E, Alfonso, L. Results WP1 - Methodology to evaluate the benefits of risk prevention. WP2 - Early warning systems and preparedness. WP3 - Non-structural prevention measures.