HER DIRTY SECRET (Erotic Student Teacher Fantasy)
The piercing eye contact during lectures, the extra long lingers at my desk, the way he got just a little too close when pointing out something on my essay. By the time I was about ready to graduate it was obvious the tension and desire between us was at an all time high. I held onto my already finished exam just a little longer so I had time to examine my examiner. An ache formed between my legs as I pictured myself pinned beneath Mr.
I turned over my final exam and attached a sticky note for Mr. An address, a hotel room and a time.
All I needed to set my greatest fantasies in motion. With that I uncrossed my legs, causing quite a ruckus to ensure Mr. Christoph got a good view of my black lace panties, and rose from my desk, making my way towards his. I lightly dropped my exam onto his desk in front of him with a smile. Oh, I was sure. I sauntered back to my desk feeling his eyes piercing into my backside. As I collected my things and headed out the door I looked back just in time to see Mr.
Chistoph slip my sticky note into his pocket. That evening around 8pm I was packing my suitcase for my post graduation vacation when an email came in from Mr. My heart raced as I stared at the screen. I was sure this was Mr. Christoph emailing to tell me how inappropriate my note was. I closed my laptop without reading the email. When I opened my laptop my email was still open with that daunting unopened message from Mr. I opened the email. My jaw dropped to the floor along with my laptop. The address of my high school accompanied by Mr. Fuck, this came in an hour ago.
I immediately kicked myself for being such a wimp and pulled up a reply. I was so lame. Then again, maybe he just wanted to discuss my exam…but this late at night? My mind was racing so fast I nearly jumped when my laptop pinged with a new email. Didn't like her father. Him telling her to get a REAL job was fucked up. You're supposed to support her dreams and talents not put them down. He thought her as naive and childish. She was 18 not Big difference when you can make it on your own in the world.
He needed to calm the hell 2. He needed to calm the hell down. Took a bit of time for them to actually be together. I get that the relationship had to grow and progress but it just felt like it took too long, maybe because the book was longer than the ones I've been reading lately. A little push and pull and of course a bunch of I'm doing what's right for you. It happens now in what seems like every book. Be your own person. It gets too tiring reading the same thing all the time. I liked mark once they were together. I liked Helens devotion to Mark, the girl knew what she wanted from day 1.
I liked their relationship when they were in a bubble. I think this may have been under 'erotica' but it really didn't seem that way to me. It started off with a bit of kink or kink fantasy but it wasn't really explored all that much maybe 3 times. It was a major thing when the book started but lost its fizzle after they got together. Almost as if it was forgotten half way through.
Would have liked a longer epilogue. It just seemed like the book was longer than needed and the epilogue was too short with nothing interesting to add. View all 6 comments. May 09, Naomi rated it it was ok. Intoxicating Helen and performing sex acts on her with her continuously saying no was disgusting and deplorable and so far from sexy it was beyond me.
I was literally sick to my stomach. I've read all of Jade's books, I've loved all of them, even dirty bad secrets, but this one? I'm literally grossed out right now. I had no issues with the other dirty bad books, with plaything, with the weird fetishes in some of the books but when you have a young girl drugged and raped, well that's disgusting.
Yeah I'll get flack for this review. Hopefully her next book will redeem this one. Take my warning though about this ones. Oh and also, her characters are starting to really sound the same Helen and Cat sound a lot alike in this novel. However, it felt a touch too long for me, and a bit slow in building up. The heroine came across very young for her age, and tbh, other than a shared love of art, at times I struggled to see why the hero would be so into her.
I really enjoyed that it was dual POV, as it really helped being in the hero's head and seeing just how much he truly cared for the heroine and how much he struggled with the attraction and then the love he felt for her. And this book was hot hot hot!
May 29, 1-Click Addict Support Group rated it it was amazing. I absolutely loved this book! And I want more! After reading the past series by Ms. West, I was expecting more along the same lines. I knew it would be different after reading the description, but this blew me away! Roberts is an art teacher in a high school. While she is 18, he knows that if he acts on his feelings at all, the results could be disastrous.
Helen is a senior in high school. She has also be in love with Mr. Roberts for as long as she I absolutely loved this book! Roberts for as long as she can remember. When she finally decides she is going to act on those feelings… She gets the lesson of her life. This book was very hot, but it also had a lot of little lessons thrown into the mix that we all need to learn.
The story was one that was able to suck me in and spit me out, staring at my family and wondering where the last few hours had gone. Roberts since she was 12 years old. It was an infatuation that everyone figured she would outgrow. But she never did. She knew what she wanted and she wanted Mr. And she wanted him to teach her how to be bad, dirty, kinky. Roberts is a good teacher and he has been able to separate his teacher side with his man side for as long as he can remember. Until her… Helen Palmer. And the temptress kept trying his patience, his restraint, his control.
Until he no longer could. It was forbidden and dirty, but it was also full of hope and love. It was hot as hell while sweet as sin! I look forward to many more amazing books from Ms. Jan 15, Hbiba rated it liked it. May 02, Tracy Reads rated it it was amazing. Another Great Read i loved this story it was in no way like the Dirty Bad Books but it is a Dirty Book, i never expected so much heartache and tears to come from this author and i was totally blindsided and a blubbering mess!
The Sex is sooo HOT but the story in itself will put you through the wringer and you will feel like you lived inside this world and felt all their pain. Helen she is so confused and in love and i felt so heartbroken for her at times and then other times i wanted to shake a Another Great Read i loved this story it was in no way like the Dirty Bad Books but it is a Dirty Book, i never expected so much heartache and tears to come from this author and i was totally blindsided and a blubbering mess!
Helen she is so confused and in love and i felt so heartbroken for her at times and then other times i wanted to shake a bit of sense into her! Lizzie needs a hard clatter i did feel a little sorry for her towards the end but not sure it was enough not to slap her and Helen should have throatpunched her Da and i want to say so much but i can't and it's killing me but i do not want to spoil it for anyone else. May 06, Jenna rated it liked it. This is one of the hardest reviews I have had to write yet.
If I had to rate the hotness of this book it would be 5 scorching stars. It was hot, it was dirty, and it was erotic that is for sure. It just This is one of the hardest reviews I have had to write yet. It just fell flat for me and it took forever for me to finish it. You meet Helen hate the name for an 18 year old in like come on! Roberts is the art teacher who has a connection with Helen but keeps trying to stay professional and not act on his urges.
You read about their connection throughout and how they will act on this infatuation. This story is mostly about Helen and Mr.
One of the reasons this book just kind of failed for me is that one part is basically date rape. It was uncomfortable and in my opinion completely unnecessary for this story. I feel like the whole story line with Lizzie just added more drama that could have been left out. I think a lot of the UK slang was also hard to read for me. I will say that the way the book ended was good. I enjoyed the ending and was glad that the drama was over. I said before if I was rating this book on its smut factor it would be 5 stars but with the other issues I had with this book I am giving it a generous 3 stars.
I Lived Out My Sexual Fantasy With My Teacher, This Is What It Was Like | Thought Catalog
Jade West can write erotica that is for sure. It will get you hot and bothered! May 03, Jessica rated it it was amazing. This was one of the best taboo stories i read. It was a sweet, sexy, suspenseful and drama fueled romance. And when I say sexy, I mean panty melting sexy! When Mr Roberts jerked off to a video of Helen playing with herself that got recorded by accident , i thought my heart would stop. But beyond that, there was tons of hot sex in this book. And with the trill of almost getting caught numerous amounts of times, my heart was racing with every chapter 5 Naughty-Taboo-Stars!
And with the trill of almost getting caught numerous amounts of times, my heart was racing with every chapter. I just didn't know how much. This book accomplished the one thing no other book or porno was able to do; make me like a lesbian sex scene. The moment Lizzie started seducing Helen, my heart sank to my feet and i think i swallowed my tongue, lol, cuz i swear i didn't breathe. It was like time stopped and i became incredibly turned on.
Mind you, this never happens. I cant stand girl on girl action for some reason. Maybe its played out or maybe its just so boring that i rather lick the wall. But that scene was hot! His character was hot and smart and caring and so in control the whole time, it drove me insane! It made their relationship seem that much more naughty. Helen was a sweet girl, who sadly had over controlling parents. This talented, young minded girl had a big heart and even naughtier fantasies.
Without giving too much away, i loved it. I loved the characters, the story and the plot twists. It was just great. May 24, Amber Rose added it Shelves: Sadly this book fell really short with me. I was really excited about this book too. Student, teacher romance, I am all over it. It was hot and I really enjoyed it. When it comes to Mr. Roberts and Helen, there is nothing about these characters that pop out at me that makes me think, yes I want to read these characters, their story is awesome and I want to keep reading it.
It felt like a badly done student, teacher book. Helen was annoying and I could not relate to her. Maybe I am mean but I could not be sympathetic towards this situation nor did I care about it. Felt like one more thing to add to the list of pet peeves. As you can tell I did not enjoy what I read.
I hope it works for you. A story as far away from the dirty, bads as you can possibly get!! As a relatively new on the block writer Jade West has so far offered us 4 dirty bad books, which are all amazing in their own right- and 2 co-authored novellas. Until the day when he didn't!!!! This was a strong story with great leading characters and well written side characters.
With stories of past loves, previous heartache- this book really pulls on your emotions as well as scortching up your kindle in typical Jade West fashion!! I wont give away the whole story- but I will say bump this up your read list- and remember this is a whole other story from the dirty bads, a whole other dimension to Jade West we haven't seen before- and one I'm looking forward to seeing more of! May 04, Laura- BookBistroBlog rated it liked it. Having read all of Jade West books, I knew what I was going into when starting this book.
Taboo, boundaries pushed all what has become a normal for her books. I just felt like Helen who is 18 at times was portrayed as a 14 or 15 yr old. Always asking for confirmation, Always asking for him to be her friend, Always asking Which to me with her being so young and needy, although being 18, it just Having read all of Jade West books, I knew what I was going into when starting this book.
Which to me with her being so young and needy, although being 18, it just didnt sit right with me. Then you toss in the BFF Lizzie who wants to come across as the more experienced, let me teach you how to handle everything The banter between these two sounded like a couple of girls who were in their early teens not May 06, Karen added it Shelves: Leaving this book early on. So a double 'no'.

May 16, Carla Bulian rated it really liked it. May 11, Jan rated it really liked it Shelves: Mark is Helen's Art teacher and not only did Helen have a crush on Mr Roberts from th 4 Baked beans Stars A Forbidden romance that takes you on a journey with Helen and Mr Roberts and although fiction you just feel that this is happening somewhere in the world with two hearts and two souls as you are made aware through Teach me Dirty that the pull can be very real. Mark is Helen's Art teacher and not only did Helen have a crush on Mr Roberts from the age of 12 with the help of her friend Lizzie she plucked up the courage to make her fantasy into reality.
This isnt a seedy read, yes it has very hot intimate moments that Jade West always delivers well, its a story about two people fighting the desire to be with one another until it's time to give up the fight. Told in dual povs with a steady pace drawing you into the thoughts,feelings and actions of the characters, it's emotional ,heartwarming, sad at times and creates heart pounding reactions at the same time and a very different style for Jade West from previous books.
You can sense the age difference in the characters although you know Helen is 18, the immaturity and naivety of Helen shows in some of the things she says, her conversations with her best friend Lizzie and you can tell the age of Mark through his maturity in the situation with his calmness and reasoning. Does that count as a half? Arc gratefully received for honest review: May 05, Michelle rated it it was amazing. It is a very moving love story of what some would see has forbidden love and at the start maybe it was but Jade takes you on a journey that will change your thought process.
This story may seem like a slow starter but once you get into the flow things will become clearer and the attention to details will put you right into the heart of this story. Sweet Student Helen Palmer catches his eyes in more ways than her outstanding artwork However will true love and happily ever after work out, Mr Roberts is a respected teacher and things from his passed still haunts him, Helen's parents may have something or a lot to say about her teacher playing with their little girl.
Teach Me Dirty still contains the Dirty Kinky sex scenes Jade is known for but also will pull on your heartstrings , this emotional journey of Helen Palmer going from Girl into a young women along with her Art Teacher she has crushed on since age I hope Jade continues to write more in-depth books along side her Dirty Bad Series. May 04, Janey rated it really liked it. Art student, Helen Palmer, has been in love with her Art teacher, Mr Roberts, since she was still in knee highs. As you would expect from this author, her fantasies are vivid, and take up a lot of her time and canvas.
For lipstick she chose red, although people rarely noticed anything about her mouth but her sincere, perfect white smile that she wore so easily and effortlessly. Being as style-savvy as she was, she had a thin red handbag in her small hands, nails varnished differing shades of red. Making a mental note to herself that she could post another nail-art tutorial, she crossed the street and soon found herself stood over the pathetic, dishevelled figure on the ground. The man did not reply. Her laugh was laced with a mocking tone. She did not believe that she was being ignored, but rather that the man was unable to think of anything to say for himself.
Sam and I have been here for 5 days. The man slowly looked up, and Sophie enjoyed the way he eyed her, the same way a minimum wage employee would admire the cars in a Rolls-Royce showroom. She was stood with a shoulder-width stance, her centre of gravity poised over her sky-scraper high heels. Sophie lowered her red handbag and held it against her side, the fingers of her other hand splayed out and around her hip. Well, I am now! I love it, to be honest,? I never knew why I wanted to do it, but I certainly know now why I want to keep doing it.
Switching her handbag to her weaker hand, she crouched down and slapped the man hard in the face. The man was too shocked to even react, and she evened things out by back-handing his opposite cheek. All this pathetic man was capable of was feeling pain. Sure enough, his eyes widened again in horror and his lip began to tremble. Sophie relished his reaction and slapped him once more.
This time her palm made a sickening noise when it collided with his left cheek, and the unlikely power her slender arms had mustered felled him sideways so that his face rested in the dirt of the concrete floor. Sophie stood upright and edged a little closer. She could see the struggle as he tried his hardest fight back the tears. Perhaps it was more painful for him to hold it in. Every business he has touched may as well have started manufacturing gold dust. We have more money than God, although I often wonder if my boyfriend and God are the same person.
I Lived Out My Sexual Fantasy With My Teacher, This Is What It Was Like
On top of that, I have a thriving website through which I sell a premium life-style coaching DVD course for women. Shall I put you down for a copy? The man trembled as if labouring through a blizzard, so she doubted the warmth she felt flowing through her own body was infectious. The man started to wonder if all the feminine power in the world had been concentrated and had been carved into the likeness of the beautiful lady that stood at care-free ease in front and over him.
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The man looked up to her face in shock and annoyance. What was the point? He could not make an impression on this girl. He felt destroyed whenever he thought of her, and when she was stood over him looking and talking like this he felt completely under her control. As if her every word, action and desire acted as strings that latched to his every joint, nerve and muscle. She was laughing again. She reminisced of days in the primary school playground about the way children would taunt each other during tigs.
The man did not respond, and his trembling became so terrible that he could almost be mistaken for someone mid-seizure. You will write that novel. The novel will be a best-seller, I have no doubt, and you will be a millionaire when the fruits of all of your labour, toil, pain and suffering are verbalised and used to tease the souls of all those vanilla people you think you are superior to. She had elected not to wear her panties for this, and she could feel the early morning breeze teasing her soaking vagina.
She also smirked as her eyes roved over the tear in the French lace. Her eyes were shining bright with emotion and searched every inch of the man now sat before her, and seemed to sting him like the lash of a whip. Her smile came with an innocent and yet wicked laugh that seemed to burn even more. In a last, desperate attempt to flatter, the man stuttered and forced a smile. Revenge was best served hot, after all. The man finally give in. He fell to the floor again, but could not remove the panties from his face. They were worth more than anything he was wearing combined, yet she doubted they were for sale.
He sobbed as though all the cares and heartbreak in the world flowed within the river of his soul, and had been dammed for years with the bricks of his ego and self-loathing.