Beyond the black hole
'Advanced Civilizations May Live Safely Inside'
Anything that reaches a black hole's event horizon is expected to get sucked toward its singularity, with no hope of escaping again. Though much of our current conception of black holes comes from Einstein's theory of general relativity, there is a growing consensus that supermassive black holes exist at the center of most galaxies -- including our own Milky Way. As one might expect, the fate of objects that get sucked into black holes is not typically considered a happy one. Possessing infinite density, the gravitational singularity is theorized to subject any matter passing through to a process known as "spaghettification.
It's conceivable, though, that living matter might be able to exist within a black hole without being consigned to that harsh and eternal oblivion. So argues Dokuchaev, who suggests that there are stable, periodic planetary orbits inside black holes that neither begin nor end in the black hole's gravitational singularity.
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- Beyond the Point of No Return: Is There Life in Black Holes?!
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Rather, they orbit around and around somewhere between the event horizon and the singularity without ever approaching the singularity or its life-threatening "spaghettifier. Such stable periodic orbits exist inside black holes for photons, and they may exist for planets as well, Dokuchaev writes.
What Is a Black Hole? | NASA
The only thing needed is to put your vehicle or your planet to a stable periodic orbit inside the black hole. In this intermediate ground between the black hole's inner and outer parts, then, there could be a safe ground for life to exist. It's nothing if not a compelling theory, and science fiction books are no doubt being written even now about the intriguing possibilities. For now, though, the unfortunate fact is that -- like so many theories of its kind -- Dokuchaev's proposition is currently more or less impossible to test. Louis University , told TechNewsWorld.
It's almost impossible to guess what it would really be like inside a black hole, Czysz asserted. Indeed, the "existence of periodic orbits may be necessary but is certainly not a sufficient condition in itself to sustain life -- at least organic life as we know it," agreed Manasse Mbonye, a professor in the physics department at the Rochester Institute of Technology. For example, "you can have a stable periodic orbit, say, very close to the sun, but other conditions -- like temperature and strong electromagnetic fields -- would probably be too extreme to support organic life," Mbonye told TechNewsWorld.
On the other hand, "if one is talking of life forms that are not organic and which we obviously don't know anything about, then our very ignorance about them puts no condition on where they can survive, including inside black holes," Mbonye concluded. Similarly, "even if this is correct, I would still have thought that this would be one of the most inhospitable environments for life I can think of," Mario Livio, a senior astrophysicist with the Space Telescope Science Institute , told TechNewsWorld.
Still, "examining these types of orbits could provide insights into the properties of spacetime in these extreme environments," he pointed out. However improbable Dokuchaev's theory might seem, the fact remains that even on our own planet, life has been discovered in places where we never thought it would be possible, such as in volcanic vents at the deepest parts of the oceans, Czysz noted. December 18, Beyond the Point of No Return: Is There Life in Black Holes?
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