Now my question to you is, what is the rate at which the distance between the car and the truck is changing? Well to think about that, let's first just think about what we're asking.
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So we're asking about the distance between the car and the truck. So right at this moment, when the car is 0.
The truck is traveling at 30 miles per hour towards intersection, the car is travelling at 60 miles per hour towards the intersection right at this moment. What is the rate at which this distance right over here is changing? And just so that we have some variables in place, let's call this distance s. So what we really are trying to figure out is right at this moment, what is ds dt going to be equal to? Let's think about what we know that we could use to somehow come to terms or figure out what ds dt is. Well we know the distance of the car and the intersection.
And let's just call that distance, let's call that-- I don't know, let's call that distance y. So y is equal to 0.
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We also know that-- so let me write this-- we know that y is 0. We also know the dy dt, the rate at which y is changing with respect to time is what? Well y is decreasing by 60 miles per hour. So let me write it as negative 60 miles per hour. Now similarly, let's say that this distance right over here is x. So we know that x is equal to 0. What is the rate at which x is changing with respect to time?
Well, we know it's 30 miles per hour is how fast we're approaching the intersection, but x is decreasing by 30 miles every hour. So we should say it's negative 30 miles per hour.
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So we know what y is. We know what x is. We know how fast y is changing, how fast x is changing with respect to time. So what we could try to do here is come up with a relationship between x, y, and s. And then differentiate that relationship with respect to time.
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It is unclear what the TB will bring. It is farther away than the previous time, but will also return in , again on Halloween. Follow the Conversation on Twitter. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not necessarily those of World Religion News. World Religion News will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.
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Hiroshima was destroyed by the atom bomb, look at the cities in the Middle East that have and are being bombed and almost raised to the ground. We regularly hear of natural disasters such hurricanes, storms, typhoons, heavy rains, floods that cause mudslides and other such calamities that have such a destructive effect in many parts of the world.
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We hear regularly of earthquakes that shake the world, remember, Kobe in Japan, the tsunami that struck the south east Asian nations; the ones that struck Japan a few years ago causing a deluge that wiped out cities and levelled many areas. Almost monthly there are reports of earthquakes and other natural disasters. To quote the Bible: Prophet Muhammed pbuh further said: He described the chaos, conflicts, murder, war and anarchy will involve the whole earth and these are the tell-tale signs of the Last days.
Look around you…… you will witness the savagery and barbarous behaviour all around the world. Look at the murders and killings of innocent people in our own communities no one appears to be safe today. Apart from the violence we have and increasing number of broken homes, broken families, the increase in divorces and illegitimate children, stress, worry, suicides, violence, etc. This has increased because we have forgotten our religious beliefs, practices and our morality. Taking it further, we have all sorts of serious crimes, corruption, drugs, alcohol, rape, pornography, prostitution, premarital and extra marital sex, nudity, gays and lesbians, same sex marriages, sexual harassment, adultery, and crime increasingly committed by and also against youth and children.
Many of the above contribute to the alarming spread in sexually related diseases including the dreaded scourge of AIDS.