Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation
Although valuable resources in river basins and other aqueous environments, sediments often receive much less attention from researchers, policymakers, and other professionals than other components of the ecosystem. Highlighting the important role that sediments play in the geoenvironment, Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation focuses on sediment management for the purpose of environmental cleanup or management.
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It provides the in-depth understanding of the sediment-water environment needed to develop better management practices and meet sustainability requirements. The book discusses the contamination of sediments resulting from discharge of pollutants, excessive nutrients, and other hazardous substances from anthropogenic activities. It examines impacts observed as a result of these discharges, including the presence of hazardous materials and eutrophication, and elucidates the remediation techniques developed to restore the health of sediments and how to evaluate the remediation technologies using indicators.
Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation - CRC Press Book
The text explores the problems inherent in dealing with contaminated sediments in rivers, lakes, and estuaries and includes numerous case studies that illustrate key concepts. The authors provide wide-ranging coverage of the topic and include methods for evaluating the effectiveness of different remediation technologies.
They make the case for the development and application of innovative management practices that create long-term solutions to sediment contamination to reduce natural resource depletion, continued landfill contamination, and diminished biodiversity in the aquatic geoenvironment.
London Convention and Protocol: International Sediment Quality Criteria Index. We provide complimentary e-inspection copies of primary textbooks to instructors considering our books for course adoption.
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Go to Conservation Land Management. Click to have a closer look. About this book Contents Customer reviews Biography Related titles. About this book This book opens with discussions of the contamination of sediments resulting from discharge of pollutants, excessive nutrients and other hazardous substances from anthropogenic activities.
1st Edition
Contents Introduction to Sediment Contamination and Management. Characterization of Contaminated Sediments. Remediation Assessment, Sampling and Monitoring. Remediation of Dredged Contaminated Sediments. Assessment of the Treatment of Sediments.
Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation
Current State and Future Directions. Customer Reviews Review this book. Bestsellers in Effects of Contaminants. The UK Pesticide Guide Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites. Carbofuran and Wildlife Poisoning. Water Pollution Incidents in England and Wales, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Other titles from CRC Press.