Racconti (Letture Einaudi) (Italian Edition)
It was at this time that he is introduced to psychanalysis through his tutor's wife, Alexandra Wolff Stomersee, a student of Sigmund Freud.
Following a meeting with Angelo Pizzorusso, a Professor at the University of Pisa who made note of his potential, Orlando became his student and specializes in French literature. In , Orlando was awarded a scholarship to study in Paris, where he worked on a thesis titled Rotrou dalla tragicommedia alla tragedia', which constituted an important contribution to studies on French baroque theater.

During the events of May , he appeared in support of the student effort, yet remained in favor of academic activities continuing at their regular pace; he asked that disturbances to the academic calendar be limited. Following this time, around , he petitioned for a transfer to the University of Naples Federico II , but maintained close collaboration with Pisa until his move to the Ca' Foscari University of Venice in The logical and formal rereading of the Freudian text, as a textual analysis tool applied to literature, and the confrontation with structural linguistics and semiotics garner him international recognition.
He moved back to Pisa in and resumed his former position as Professor of Literature at the University of Pisa, where he became, in , the first professor to teach a course on Literary Theory in Italy. In , Giulio Einaudi editore published Gli oggetti desueti nelle immagini della letteratura , translated into English as "Obsolete objects in the literary imagination: Orlando retired from his university career in , but pursues continued research in literature and published his first novel, titled La doppia seduzione.
Le precedenti derivavano dalla prima edizione del racconto, frutto di compromessi tra l'autore e gli apparati di censura.
L'isola e altri racconti.
Le tre opere qui raccolte rivelano molto del rapporto, complicato, tra i russi e la loro terra. Una giornata di Ivan Denisovic si occupa della nostalgia per una terra espropriata nella collettivizzazione e dell'amore per il lavoro dei campi al quale il protagonista sostituisce il rispetto per una terra circoscritta da filo spinato, dove, nonostante tutto, mani callose e screpolate dal freddo cercano di costruire qualcosa di degno, che li riscatti dall'abbrutimento.
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