Polémique (French Edition)
For that, she bases herself on the lexicographic definitions of dictionaries, current discourse, and the conceptualizations of researchers in language sciences.
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Amossy analyzes two examples of polemics: From the analysis, the author declares that a polemic is indeed a debate about a current issue of public interest present in many varied genres leaflets, articles of opinion, among others and in different types of discourses journalistic, political, among others , which must be distinguished from ordinary deliberation.
Amossy then evaluates polemics of public interest as an argumentative modality, perceived in a continuum: Along the entire work, all the chapters will bring these modalities in varied text genres, 4 investigated in their discursive materiality and argumentative configuration. They also provide explanation for the following questions: How do discursive polemics work? How are public polemics developed? What is the role of rationality in polemics?
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How does one understand the role and the limits of violence? From this viewpoint, the second part of the book will focus on the modalities of polemics in the media, exemplified with women's status in two different public spaces: Before the analysis, the author states that it is necessary to distinguish polemics from polemic discourse and polemic interaction. Polemics refer to the set of antagonistic interventions in a given issue at a specific moment.
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Polemic discourse, in turn, defines, as postulated by Kerbrat-Orecchioni, the discursive production of each antagonistic part, in which the discourse of the Other is inscribed. Polemic interaction corresponds to the interaction — be it face-to-face or not — in which two or more adversaries engage in an oral or written discussion, always reporting to one another. While polemic discourse is intrinsically dialogical, but not dialogal, polemic interaction is by definition dialogal.
Based on this theoretical distinction, in chapter 3, Amossy focuses on polemic discourse and interaction. She analyzes the context of the burka ban from June of to October of The ban prohibited the wearing of burka in French public spaces. She examines the following aspects: As for polemic interaction, she explores it in two examples: By qualifying polemics as polilogue, which is beyond dialogue, Amossy outlines that both polemic discourse and polemic interaction play important roles, such as denouncement, protest, call for action, and entertainment.
Œuvres polémiques : rédigées sous le règne de Louis XII
In Chapter 4, the author illustrates public polemics with the formula "the exclusion of women" in Israel. She analyzes the news report in December of about young Tanya Rosenblit, who took a bus ride from Ashdod to Jerusalem and sat in the front of the bus. By doing that, she confronted the practice by which women must always sit in the back of the bus so that men are not able to look at them. Mein Kampf could appear as a catalyst; a response to widespread feelings of hatred.
The question remains of what to do with Mein Kampf , and the other of anti-Semitic, hatemongering books. In the internet age, censoring the text would be futile. A campaign of education could prove a more appropriate tactic. One beneficial approach could be allowing the sale of Mein Kampf , but under the condition that profits are returned to organisations for promoting awareness and prevention of hatred.
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An alternative solution could be to redefine the text as a purely scientific artefact, with online access severely restricted, and no paper version published. Despite the bans on these books, admiration for Mr. Soral in is higher than ever.

The controversy surrounding the republication of Mein Kampf allows an insight into the proliferation of racist and anti-Semitic texts, which are finding an ever-growing readership. It seems that this ideology is becoming more normalised, and that there is an aim to rehabilitate the banned authors.
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Mein Kampf and its adherents will never stop haunting memories or driving the forces of death and destruction. Time will tell if Fayard is to lead the way. View online Borrow Buy. Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"?
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