I Believe: Life After Death
I speak to people who lost parents 5, 10, 15 etc years ago and they still get tearful so I'm dreading what's ahead I'm a bit sentimental at the best of times! My mum is in bed all the time and i just miss the boring day to day things like ringing her, going to a cafe for a cup of tea etc. It frustrates me when friends take all this so casually as it shines a light on what i and indeed she has lost..
I've a 5 and a 3 year old who she adores and waited a long time for but can't enjoy properly. I've a lovely hubby but i don't like talking to him about this as its just to hard.
Life After Death
You know my mum used to phone me all hours of the day, and when I picked the phone up, she's sing I just call to say I love you, and put the phone down giggling I was 36 when I lost her to a heart attack. No time to hold her or tell her I was so proud to have had her as my mum..
An old Buddhist saying is.. So you sit next to your mum, hold her hand, and walk this last journey right by her side.. And my son's were 7 and 16 when mum went.. If you ever want to chat more, or if things get tough, you can always press on my photo Well granddaughters photo and it will take you to my page, and if you press on the icon for private messages..
So you take care Thanks chriss, i really appreciate your words and the offer of support. Your granddaughter is so cute!
Hi, yes I really believe there is another 'dimension' or place and that our spirit lives on. I'm not religious but am spiritual if you like and have had several premonitions.
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This together with my own experiences assures me that there is more to this life. Hi denise my dad passed in july he always promised to let me know he was ok after he died true to his word a week after he passed i saw him he gave me a wink and smile then went. I have seen him a few times one being when he came to cross my mam over in January this year hope this helps x.
I have struggled with the idea of life after death. I'm agnostic, or athiest I don't subscribe to any religion. My mother used to always say that when you are dead, you are gone.

I have carried that belief with me throughout life. But when she passed, it was just too much to process. To say I was overwhelmed with grief would be an understatement. However, I can't deny that I felt something. The night or night after she died can't remember I was crying so hard my body was shaking and suddenly I just felt this calm come over me, like she was there comforting me.
I just felt soothed and was able to go to sleep. I also had a vivid day dream one day where I could imagine her there with me so clearly, it was distracting. She was happy and wanting me to look at her, that she could walk again and go outside into the sun. I am an imaginative person though, so I don't believe that she was there - exactly, but it was nice. Also one night, a few weeks or so after she passed, I was in bed trying to sleep when suddenly I smelled peaches, quite strongly.
Life After Death
Like, it kind of freaked me out. I was sleeping in the basement, due to needing a really dark quiet place to sleep and believe me, there were no peaches around.
Maybe it's because it was summer, and she sometimes liked to bake peach pies? There was also a really strange commotion with birds outside my house one day. Just so many birds, all around the tree right outside my window. I've never seen so many birds all at once in that spot.
- Do you believe in life after death? - www.newyorkethnicfood.com?
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So, it appears that more and more people are asking the same question that Job asked nearly 4, years ago in the Bible: Reincarnation theories are popular in Eastern religions as well as the many New Age variants. It seems people are comfortable with the idea of another chance to return to earth and figure things out or make things right. Some nihilist thinkers believe that death is the absolute end; but contrary to what many might think, most people believe that death is not the end. In some shape or form we go on. When Jesus was talking with Martha about the death of Lazarus, her brother, He declared "I am the Resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Jesus then went the next step and brought Lazarus back to life after four days in a tomb. At that point, Jesus put everyone on notice that He would later overcome the grave Himself! For skeptics, the whole idea of heaven is just the product of fertile imaginations. For many others, the Biblical idea of heaven is too fanciful or fantastic.