
Flags of Freedom

This was continued as the Emperor's flag when the Court of Hue became a French protectorate. Some claim this flag called The Yellow Flag for short is the first true "national flag" of the Vietnamese people for it reflects the aspiration and hope of the people, not just the emperors, for independence and unification of the Viet nation. It was chosen to symbolize the sun , fire , light, and civilization. And most importantly, it represents the southern lands, that is Vietnam.

In the middle of the flag and along its entire width, there are three horizontal red bands. Each band has a height equal to one-fifteenth of the width. These three red bands are separated from one another by a space of the band's height.

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Another interpretation places the three red bands as symbols of the three regions of Vietnam: North, Central, and South. With the foundation of the republic in , the flag was adopted by the successor state, the Republic of Vietnam more commonly known as South Vietnam. It was the national flag for the entire duration of that state's existence — from the First Republic to the Second Republic. With the capitulation of Saigon on April 30, , the Republic of Vietnam came to an end and the flag ceased to exist as a state symbol.

Afterwards, it has been adopted by many in the Vietnamese diaspora to symbolically distance themselves from the Communist government and continues to be used either as an alternative symbol for ethnic unity or as a protest tool against the current government.

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Displaying this flag in public in Vietnam have resulted in prosecutions for propaganda against the state. In the United States, few Vietnamese immigrants use the current flag of Vietnam , [11] which many of them consider offensive. Instead, they prefer to use the flag of South Vietnam in its place.

Neil Young: Let's Impeach The President

The colors approximation is listed below:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the City of Princeton took over the responsibility of maintaining the flags and the poles. In July, the City of Princeton made the statement that they needed help funding the cost of the flags and infrastructure.

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  • Since no tax money is used to support this program, some funding comes from the tourism fund. A group met with the city council and discussed that a new committee was going to be formed to try to raise funds to help support the flags.

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    The City of Princeton has agreed to maintain daily maintenance and minor infrastructure repairs. The City will approve the purchase of two flags annually. We are in the process of trying to get supporters to buy a flag on an annual basis. This is a great tribute to all of our veterans, past, present, and future.

    For those looking to help support our mission through a financial donation, we offer both a traditional mail-in form and an easy online donation portal through the Starved Rock Country Community Foundation! We appreciate your support as every little bit helps keep out flags flying! For those wishing to make a donation in person, please use the Contact Information Below to set up an appointment.

    We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the businesses, organizations and individuals who have helped support the Flags of Freedom through donations of time, resources and financial support!

    Flags of Freedom

    Without their invaluable help, we would be unable to complete our mission! Bureau County recognizes and salutes our Veterans and our Military. The flags were waiving in the wind and it was a glorious site to see. We stopped at your truck stop to and from Chicago. I just wanted to let you know how beautiful they were and will indeed stop again on our future trips to and from Chicago. I'm proud of our great nation and it surely shows in the display I've just seen.