Die archetypischen Prozesse der Seele (German Edition)
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Jesus im Supermarkt (German Edition)
Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally. Amazon Inspire Digital Educational Resources. Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Amazon Restaurants Food delivery from local restaurants. ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. Jung dealt with the relationship between the conscious and unconscious as well as divided personality types into extrovert and introvert.
He later made a distinction between the personal unconscious the repressed feelings and thoughts developed during an individual's life together with unfolded life possibilities and much more , and the collective unconscious inherited feelings, thoughts, "instincts" and memories shared by all humanity ; the collective unconscious made up of, what he called, archetypes. Archetypes Inspired by his own research as well as early European philosophers, among them Plato, Jung began to use the term archetype in This was fully in accordance with his view that the human soul-life and instinct-nature, in form of "unloaded images" may be traced back to humanity even on a common and archaic level.
El Proceso de la Individuacion (Spanish Edition)
However, an archetype is not the image in itself, but the unfilled pattern or form and the possibility to fill out a given pattern with an imagelike content. Yet the content in an archetype is loaded with energy and its own kind of initiative - but archetypes are more of a process than being statically loaded. Therefore it is possible to say that archetypes function entirely autonomously. Archetypes are such inherent, instinctual and primordial images and symbols in all human beings, which often find an unconscious or conscious outer expression in religion, art, mythology, folk and fairy tales, astrology Jung was very interested in astrology and made scientific studies in this field etc.
Endless repetition has engraved these experiences into our psychic constitution, not in the form of images filled with content, but at first only as forms without content, representing merely the possibility of a certain type of perception and action. When a situation occurs which corresponds to a given archetype that archetype becomes activated and a compulsiveness appears, which, like an instinctual drive, gains its way against all reason and will, or else produces a conflict of pathological dimensions, that is to say, a neurosis.
Doctor Jung said that astrology, per se, represents a quote summation of all the psychological knowledge of Antiquity. And astrology is, if well used, quote a splendid method that can lead to deeper self-knowledge and personal growth , Jung found. He possessed a profound astrological insight himself, and among other he wrote the book The Aion , which treats the Piscean Age, Christendom, and human evolution. In "Religion og symbol" Forlaget Borgen, Copenhagen , p. This is important to notice, since the two words often seem to be used as a description for the same thing.
Moreover he distinguishes between 'natural' and 'cultural' symbols. The firste ones are of a kind that one may encounter in individual persons' dreams, fantasies etc.
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The latter ones belong, as the notion indicates, to a certain culture, but bear a personal and emotional connotation as well for many 'inhabitants' of a given culture. Thus many Jung-interprets understand that the archetypes are collective by nature, and that these so-called potential psychological structures are conceived as belonging to the whole collective of mankind without consideration of ethnic or other differences.
Jung's Lebensanschauung "We moderns are faced with the necessity Of rediscovering the life of the spirit; We must experience it anew for ourselves" Thus Dr. Jung wrote in his essay "Freud and Psychoanalysis".
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Jung, who did not accept Freud's theory that human development is essentially complete after the first six years of life, claimed that personal development is a lifelong process. He underlined that conflicts established in infancy often are not resolved satisfactorily until adulthood or maturity.

And trough such resolutions, around or even before one's midlife , some persons may begin to search for inner truths and achieve a state of self-assertion and identity integration - which Jung called individuation. Confrontation with and integration of one's own Shadow is an important and interesting task, and necessary to go through for the Individuation process to succeed. I would like to quote the American Ph.
As we move deeper into the dark side of our personality personal, identity begins to dissolve into "latent dispositions" common to all men The Shadow is the easiest of the archetypes for most persons to experience. We tend to see it in "others. We see the Shadow everywhere in popular culture The Shadow is the personification of that part of human, psychic possiblity that we deny in ourselves and project onto others. The goal of personality integration is to integrate the rejected, inferior side of our life into our total experience and to take responsibility for it.
Jung's emphasis on spiritual matters such as the Collective Unconsciousness as empirically immeasurable structures - withholding archetypes and disguised as symbols in myths, sagas and folklore - has met much criticism. Already at the turn of the century, the notion of soul had almost been excised from the minds and vocabularies of Western scientists, yet Jung insisted to do his research of the timeless and spaceless reality of human beings whereby he referred to the soul. According to Jung, Individuation is an unavoidable part of Life's course.
Individuation is realizing one's Self, when an individual embraces his or her innermost uniqueness.
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Self-realization has nothing to do with selfishness or egotism. Individuation is the opposite of Self-alienation. Jung viewed the psyche as generating a Life course of dynamics driven by opposites existing in an individual's psyche, whereby he or she unconsciously will strive for a greater amount of wholeness.
This is a synthetic process, which I have termed the 'individuation process'. As a matter of fact, this process follows the natural course of life - a life in which the individual becomes what he always was. Because man has consciousness, a development of this kind does not run very smoothly; often it is varied and disturbed, because consciousness deviates again and again from its archetypal, instinctual foundation and finds itself in opposition to it.
There then arises the need for a synthesis of the two positions". Additional knowledge is a way to Make us more humble and modest.
The one, who makes himself the lowest, Knows everything, And he gets access to the Universal Consciousness of Eternal Life" - Proverb from India Carl Gustav Jung even stated that he viewed his own Life as a long, unfolding myth, and he had no reluctance with using the material from the dreams and fantasies of his own child- and manhood.
Exactly because Jung's experience and collection of material stem from diverse fields of study, it seems difficult for the so-called established psychology to relate to.
On the other hand Jung has gained high respect and esteem within neighbouring disciplines, such as religion, anthropology, theology, art history, astrology of course, and other humanist fields. Jung's posthumous remains Doctor Jung wrote voluminously, especially on his psychological theories, analytical methods and the relationships between psychotherapy and religious beliefs.
He spoke Swiss-German, the local vernecular, and the totality of his written scientific oeuvre in German is translated into Danish, English, French, Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Chinese as well as into manifold other languages.
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- Dr. Eduard Schellhammer.
The uniqueness of his Life's work probably lies in the fact that he himself witnessed an inner realization, whereof his profound psychological comprehension and the wholeness of his oeuvre mark the fecund fruits. His writings will, sine dubito , be honoured and studied for many years to come