Come Again
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Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention jiffy kate new orleans shaw sullivan blue bayou avery cole french quarter shaw and avery second chances beautiful story must read second chance feel like coffee shop avery and shaw absolutely loved fall in love make you feel know will be so worth want to move well done.
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Come Again / Top Shelf Productions
Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Normally, when Jiffy Kate publishes a book, I jump into it, ignore life and don't get up until I'm finished. But Come Again, its newest release, its meant to be savored. Page by page, the story of Shaw O'Sullivan, a hot, bad tempered yet big hart owner of the local Come Again bar and Avery Cole, sweet, young and adorable, consumed be. It's probably the best slow-paced romance I've read this year. This second chance story is perfect, even when the characters' circumstances were not.
It touches elegantly some hard topics and it made me reflect on fears and long buried emotions. But it also made me hungry the food descriptions are so good , laugh, swoon and gave a severe case of wanderlust. As always, Jiffy Kate's settings were so vivid that I almost felt I was in New Orleans, except for the fact that when I looked outside it was raining and the foggy and cold winter just got here!
I thought the age gap between Shaw and Avery might be an issue but, trust me when I say, that by the end of the book it will not matter. I utterly fell in love with them. One of the treats of this book was catching up with the characters of Turn Again formerly titled The Other One. The thing I like the most about the wicked talented writing duo Jiffy Kate is that, by the end of each book, the characters feel like family.
So, if you are new to Jiffy Kate and are not sure where to start I guarantee that you will end up binge reading their work and asking for more. I was intrigued from the very first page.
Jiffy Kate know how to write and create books where you live in the books. You experience New Orleans as you are reading. The French Quarter is on my travel bucket list because of JK books. In this book you meet Avery and Shaw. Avery has a life altering experience that shocks you. She then begins her journey to healing.
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What a journey Shaw and Avery go on. Such a fantastic book!! I also love the characters from previous books. You will want to move to New Orleans. Jiffy Kate and their French Quarter novels make me want to move to New Orleans and become best friends with all of their book characters.
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First with Blue Bayou and now with Come Again, because while reading their latest story you are made to feel as if you are there living every single moment with Shaw and Avery. This book will grab you from the get go with the prologue and then keep you captive until the very end. We get all of the heartbreak and love and friendship and spunky attitude between Avery and her boss Shaw.
I don't want to spoil anything for those you have yet to read this wonderful book, but just know this is worth every minute it takes to read from beginning to end. A Beautiful Story of Second Chances!!! I don't even know where to begin. This book ripped me apart and put me all back together again. I have enjoyed all the Jiffy Kate books before this one, but Come Again may just take the cake. I absolutely loved both Avery and Shaw from the start. She has just gotten out of the worst situation in her life, but she fights and she doesn't give up, and she makes other people's lives better and she perseveres.
come again?
Shaw, likewise, has endured his own version of hell and is trying to survive. Despite his rough demeanor and poor attitude, his actions show the type of man he truly is. These two characters have the biggest hearts. Jiffy Kate pulled out all the stops in this book.
There were moments of sheer frustration, and then moments of immense love. Come Again is a deep and inspirational story of second chances, never giving up and having patience and fighting for those things in life that you know will be so worth it. A definite must read! Jiffy Kate are Friendship goals! Their French quarter novels are somehow connected in subtle ways that make you want to read all of them as fast as possible. It makes you feel like your apart of this amazing community of friends and family surrounded by the rich Cajun culture.
They embark on separate journeys to rediscover themselves but find each other along the way. One of my favorites, hands down. Now, can CeCe finally find some love? I have my fingers crossed for her story. Avery and Shaw are everything.

Last week I was attending a communications training program. The trainer said that the term 'come again' has sexual meaning in American English.
Come Again
I was surprised as I have seen many Americans using the term in movies and meetings. Is there any such negative sense to the phrase? Sure, this phrase has sexual connotations, inasmuch as the word come has sexual connotations. But only someone being intentionally perverted would think of sex when hearing the phrase "come again", or another phrase with come in it, in day-to-day situations. Certainly the double meaning was a common source of jokes among my student friends in the UK about 10 years ago!
People who do not know American slang very well say things like: Foreigners should just ask, "say again" or be formal and say "Could you please repeat that for me, please". So when you hear someone say "Could you come again, please" , it sounds so awkward, that the first thing on one's mind is that they are intending something possibly lurid from the comments, or they would not have added "please" in the phrase with the word "come".
I think this expression inherited a sexual connotation after it was used by Sebastian character in the movie Cruel Intentions. Otherwise it doesn't carry a questionable meaning. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.