Tom, Lorna Sue and Herbie have been close friends — or at least companions — since childhood. The proximate cause of Lorna Sue leaving Tom was that Herbie revealed to her that Tom has been keeping a lifelong record of his infatuations and dalliances. While planning his revenge, Tom also maintains his position as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota. As in years past, Tom eagerly assists his female students with their writing projects, but at this point, one of these students decides to accuse Tom of sexual harassment.
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Tom loses his job and returns to Owago to live with Donna. Tom finds a job as an instructor at the Owago Community Day Care Center and starts teaching Shakespeare to four-year-olds.
Tom's revenge involves trying to break up Lorna Sue's new marriage by innuendo. When this goes awry, Tom plans to burn down the Zylstras' house in Owago. Tom gathers mason jars, gasoline and firecrackers to this end. But the resolution to the plot occurs when Lorna Sue steals Tom's bombs and threatens to burn down her own house.
Tom is able to get over his dependence on Lorna Sue. At the end, Tom and Donna move to a Caribbean island and live comfortably together. Cashback will be credited as Amazon Pay balance within 10 days.

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Tomcat in Love - Wikipedia
Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This toy is terrific, but take great care installing the wheels or they might break. Book Dale Gladstone to draw caricatures at your trade show booth, wedding, party or barbeque. The airplane did not fit together well. Had to force parts into place.
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We took my 5 year-old son to an air museum and in the gift shop they had these airplane model kits. He really wanted to get one and after earning it through some extra chores, he has played with it non-stop for the last week. Already have an account? Share this image Share link Copy link.
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