The Stranger
She is also great in the climactic sequence. Welles' films often have thriller elements, but this is his most thrilling. It's also probably his least philosophical, and almost certainly his most conventional. He made the film as a concession. I think he was allowed to make The Lady of Shanghai in return, which is an even better film than this. That is no matter, though.
It's a masterpiece anyway. Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Orson Welles , Edward G. Wait, Is Mary Poppins a Witch? Share this Rating Title: The Stranger 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Nominated for 1 Oscar. Learn more More Like This. Touch of Evil The Lady from Shanghai The Magnificent Ambersons Passed Drama History War.
The Other Side of the Wind Chimes at Midnight Edit Cast Complete credited cast: Mary Longstreet Orson Welles Professor Charles Rankin Philip Merivale Judge Adam Longstreet Richard Long Noah Longstreet Konstantin Shayne Konrad Meinike Byron Keith Jeffrey Lawrence Billy House Mono Western Electric Recording. Edit Did You Know? Trivia Knowing Orson Welles 's reputation for including long exposition scenes in his movies, International Pictures gave editor Ernest J.
Nims the freedom to cut any sequences from the film that he felt were unnecessary. To Welles' disgust, Nims ended up cutting almost 30 minutes of Welles's final version, including 19 minutes from the film's opening. The footage is believed lost as even the original negatives have gone missing. Goofs During the checker games, the pieces are positioned incorrectly during the game. Also, the moves that Mr. Potter makes are not legal moves.
Quotes Professor Charles Rankin: Who would think to look for the notorious Franz Kindler in the sacred precincts of the Harper School, surrounded by the sons of America's first families? And I'll stay hidden There will be another war? Alternate Versions Also available in a computer-colorized version. Connections Featured in Magician: Frequently Asked Questions Q: He has an outburst about his frustrations and the absurdity of the human condition, and his personal anguish without respite at the meaninglessness of his freedom, existence and responsibility.
He expresses anger about others, saying that they have no right to judge him for his actions or for who he is, that no one has the right to judge another. Meursault however has grasped the universe's indifference towards humankind, and prepares for his execution. At night in his cell, he finds a final happiness in his indifference towards the world and the lack of meaning he sees in everyone and everything.
The Stranger - Wikipedia
His final assertion is that a large, hateful crowd at his execution will end his loneliness and bring everything to a comsummate end. Meursault is a French Algerian who learns of his mother's death by telegram. Meursault's indifference to his mother's death demonstrates some emotional detachment from his environment. Other instances are shown. Meursault is also a truthful person, speaking his mind without regard for others.
He is regarded as a stranger to society due to his indifference. As Meursault nears the time for his execution, he feels a kinship with his mother, thinking she, too, embraced a meaningless universe. Her brother and friends try to take revenge. He brings Meursault into the conflict, and the latter kills the brother. Raymond and Meursault seem to develop a bond, and he testifies for Meursault during his trial. Marie Cardona was a typist in the same workplace as Meursault. A day after he attends his mother's funeral, she meets him at a public beach, and they begin a relationship.
Marie, like Meursault, enjoys sex. She represents the enjoyable life Meursault wants, and he misses her while in jail.
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Masson is the owner of the beach house where Raymond takes Marie and Meursault. Masson is a carefree person who likes to live his life and be happy. Salamano is an old man who routinely walks his dog.
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He abuses it but is still attached to it. When he loses his dog, he is distressed and asks Meursault for advice. The Arabs include Raymond's mistress, her brother and assumed friends. None of the Arabs in The Stranger are named, reflecting the distance between the French colonists and indigenous people. The Arab the brother of the mistress of Raymond is a man shot and killed by Meursault on a beach in colonial Algiers.
On the surface, L'Etranger gives the appearance of being an extremely simple though carefully planned and written book. In reality, it is a dense and rich creation, full of undiscovered meanings and formal qualities. It would take a book at least the length of the novel to make a complete analysis of meaning and form and the correspondences of meaning and form, in L'Etranger.

Terry Otten has studied in detail the relationship between Meursault and his mother. This postcolonialist response to The Stranger counters Camus' version, elements from the perspective of the brother of the unnamed Arab victim naming him and presenting him as a real person who was mourned and other protagonists. Daoud explores their subsequent lives following the withdrawal of French authorities and most pied-noirs from Algeria after the conclusion of the Algerian War of Independence in Some scenes and passages the murder, the conversation with the chaplain should also be revised.
The manuscript was then read by editors Jean Paulhan and Raymond Queneau. Gerhard Heller , a German editor, translator and lieutenant in the Wehrmacht working for the Censorship Bureau offered to help. The book was eventually published in June — 4, copies of it were printed. Gallimard first published the original French-language novel in Gilbert's choice of title, The Stranger , was changed by Hamish Hamilton to The Outsider , because they considered it "more striking and appropriate" and because Maria Kuncewiczowa 's Polish novel Cudzoziemka had recently been published in London as The Stranger.
In , the British publisher Hamish Hamilton , which had issued Gilbert's translation, published a translation by Joseph Laredo, also as The Outsider.
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Penguin Books bought this version in for a paperback edition. Camus was influenced by American literary style, and Ward's translation expresses American usage.
A critical difference among these translations is the expression of emotion in the sentence towards the close of the novel: The Penguin Classics reprint of Laredo's translation has "gentle" changed to "benign". The ending lines differ as well: Gilbert translates "on the day of my execution there should be a huge crowd of spectators and that they should greet me with howls of execration", which contrasts with Laredo's translation of "greet me with cries of hatred.
In French, the phrase is "cris de haine". Ward translates this as "with cries of hate". Gilbert juxtaposes "execration" with "execution". English translations have rendered the first sentence as 'Mother died today', 'Maman died today', or a variant thereof. In Ryan Bloom argued that it should be translated as 'Today, Maman died. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Stranger or The Outsider Cover of the first edition. Albert Camus the Algerian: The Stranger Albert Camus. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know.
The Stranger , trans. A Forum on Fiction. Dostoevsky and Camus's L'Etranger ". Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature. Retrieved 14 October