The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) (Annotated)
Just when he thought for sure he was doomed to die and the hound would get him, his bike stopped, the panting stopped, and he found that his back wheel had a flat tire. A flap of rubber had made the panting sound as the air was being released. That has nothing to do with this story, except that it is the reason I read the book.
Almost as good a story as my grandpa's. View all 15 comments.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
It establishes setting in gaps between deductions, treating the moor like a living thing: View all 6 comments. Feb 01, Duane rated it really liked it Shelves: I think this is my favorite Arthur Conan Doyle story. What a combination; you have a mystery, a horror story with a demon like wolfhound, set on a dark English moor. I've never seen an English moor, but I've experienced them through the great books I've read. I've imagined Catherine stalking the moor in Wuthering Heights searching for her beloved Heathcliff.
Rochester, and I've felt the terror of being on Dartmoor at night with the howling of a demon hound close by. This is a great story and if you only read one Sherlock Holmes, this should be the one. Ahh it's good to be back, I've missed you Sherlock Holmes! Sherlock Holmes is at his inscrutable and logical best, Dr. Watson is his devoted self and manages to actually be helpful, and the mystery is a solid one, with a gothic feel to it. And the Baskerville Hound is truly creepy. Holmes and Watson are visited one morning by a Dr. Mortimer, who explains the legend of the supernatural hound who haunts the Baskerville family.
Many years ago, Hugo Baskerville kidnapped a local maiden, who escaped from his manor and ran off into the moors. When Hugo tried to chase her down, a great black beast "tore the throat out of Hugo" and "turned its blazing eyes and dripping jaws" upon his friends, who rode off screaming. Says the old manuscript Dr. Mortimer reads to Holmes and Watson: Sir Charles Baskerville, a kindly older gentleman, recently died of a heart attack while running away from something that apparently terrorized him, and Dr.
Mortimer reports that near him were the footprints of a gigantic hound. But a mysterious warning is left for Sir Henry: Also, some of Sir Henry's possessions disappear, and a sinister man is seen following him. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to get involved to try to protect Sir Henry from the fate that overtook his relative. Holmes, making excuses, sends Watson off to be Sir Henry's bodyguard. Off they go to the Baskerville estate on the lonely moor, where not only the Hound and, perhaps, a murderer, but also perils like a dangerous and crazed escaped convict and a quicksand-like bog await them.
All in a day's fun! The women characters are a bit helpless Victorian times and all , but Hound of the Baskervilles avoids the major racial and religious slurs and the lengthy and tedious flashbacks that diminish those books. If you want a good example of a Sherlock Holmes novel, I recommend you skip the first two and go straight for this one, unless you're a Sherlock completist.
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View all 39 comments. In the sometimes cold, wet, windy region of southern England called Devonshire, where the land gradually disappears and the stormy sea can be seen, there was a legend of a demonic hound that haunted the Baskerville family through the centuries, beginning in Hugo Baskerville, a tough individual who got what he wanted; until if you are a believer in the supernatural, this vengeful animal mentioned before, came straight from hell, hunted down the vile man and shredding his throat, for a misde In the sometimes cold, wet, windy region of southern England called Devonshire, where the land gradually disappears and the stormy sea can be seen, there was a legend of a demonic hound that haunted the Baskerville family through the centuries, beginning in Hugo Baskerville, a tough individual who got what he wanted; until if you are a believer in the supernatural, this vengeful animal mentioned before, came straight from hell, hunted down the vile man and shredding his throat, for a misdeed against an innocent woman, a neighbor.
The Bible says for this kind of crime future generations must be punished and ever since the Baskerville Hall inhabitants have suffered. Now at the dawn of the supposedly enlightened 20th, such nonsense is laughed at but some don't, certainly not the present master of the manor, Sir Charles Baskerville, an old gentleman and he has heard disturbing sounds from the nearby moor, a swampy area, when the rains arrive and it does often. Horses, their loud pitiful cries in the night, soon stop, as they sink in the mire and are never to be seen again. This desolate place of hills, boulders, wet bogs that remain always that, weird vegetation growing there, a dangerous region, which fogs frequently cover , making it treacherous for man and beast in the darkness, an empty stone huts where primitive people thousands of years ago lived, but not since This gigantic, glowing hound the locals have viewed, are afraid of and Sir Charles's heart , one chilly evening stops while taking a walk outside Rumors of the creature hunting again, permeates the small village near Baskerville Hall, and the doctor James Mortimer who had treated the poor victim goes to London for help.
Nobody else but the famous Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson will do, only the best can solve this case, but evidence points to a simple, regrettable occurrence, an old man dying from a bad, weak heart. Peculiar incidents in the illustrious city happen to the great detective , Holmes and Watson are puzzled, then a mysterious message of warning against going to Devonshire The next of kin Sir Henry Baskerville, a nephew has come a long distant from America to take over but Holmes says he's too busy in London, to assist in the investigation and sends Watson alone The ultimate Sherlock Holmes story I think, it grips the imagination and never lets the suspense end, the mystery flows along almost smoothly, to the very satisfying conclusion.
View all 22 comments. Feb 26, Nayra. View all 13 comments. Sir Charles was found dead on the grounds of his Devonshire estate, Baskerville Hall. The death was attributed to a heart attack, but Mortimer is suspicious, because Sir Charles died with an expression of horror on his face, and Mortimer noticed "the footprints of a gigantic hound" about 50 yards from where Sir Charles lay dead.
The Baskerville family has supposedly been under a curse since the era of the English Civil War when ancestor Hugo Baskerville allegedly offered his soul to the devil for help in abducting a woman and was reportedly killed by a giant spectral hound. Sir Charles believed in the curse and was apparently fleeing from something in fright when he died. View all 8 comments. It's hard to believe that I've never read Doyle's most famous Sherlock Holmes tale until now.
I don't even know why I've been putting this off, the short stories that I've read about the well-known detective and his sidekick Dr Watson were pretty good but this little novel has remained on my "to read" list for years. And I found The Hound of the Baskervilles a really enjoyable little story, at times very creepy and at others balanced out with humour. The mystery kept me guessing until the end, e It's hard to believe that I've never read Doyle's most famous Sherlock Holmes tale until now. The mystery kept me guessing until the end, even when I thought I knew the answer there were numerous niggling doubts in the back of my mind.
The challenge that Holmes and Watson face here is quite different from any of their other cases: There is an old legend of the Baskervilles, that they are tainted by a centuries-old curse. The curse of the Hound of the Baskervilles, a spectral hell hound that chases down members of the family if they should venture out upon the moors at night and brings about their early demise. Many believe it is fairy tale nonsense, but what then is the explanation for the misfortune of the Baskerville family members?
And what is that piercing howl that can be heard across the dark, misty moors at night? When the doctor of the late Charles Baskerville pays Sherlock Holmes a visit, both Holmes and Watson get pulled into something very old and dangerous, even the level-headed Sherlock Holmes begins to question whether his most recent villain is even of this world.
So, this is a very creepy book. The image of the old, haunted mansion used in many horror stories seems rather overdone today but Doyle's example of this still works all these years after the book's publication. The atmosphere created by setting this mystery miles from civilisation and out on some creepy moors is highly effective, that kind of setting can make anyone start to believe in ghosts.
This tale is told through the discovery of secrets that are hidden away in the house's very corridors and come out to play at night, red herrings are thrown in and everyone has a secret - it's hard not to be caught up in the creepiness and tension. Also, I know some people hate Sherlock Holmes' holier-than-thou attitude but I find him amusing. Same with Poirot and other characters who don't know how to be wrong, their arrogance will make you roll your eyes but I cheer for them too.
I always want to congratulate authors who can take a somewhat insufferable character and turn them into someone everyone wants to succeed, there's something more challenging and more interesting with that, rather than just someone who is inoffensive to everyone but one-dimensional.
Anyway, I really liked this and I think most mystery fans will too. View all 23 comments. I'd been toying with the idea of reading books in French. I can understand the language - but as for speaking it, well here's another ball game. I read part of this edition in my class when I was 13 years old.
I read when the hound was racing towards its would be victim. Holmes is a very fantastic, very popular character. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, though he claimed to loathe the character, had a hidden fondness for Holmes. The author was furio I'd been toying with the idea of reading books in French.
The author was furious with the treatment of his creation in the hands of Maurice Leblanc, who was the creator of Arsene Lupin. Movie and TV adaptations come and go, but the purity of Sherlock Holmes is like vapor to the uninitiated. Us fans know secretly what makes him tick. But we cannot transcribe ourselves in certain terms. We lack the knowledge how to pin the exactitude of Homes as portrayed in the original 4 novels and 56 short stories.
Same for the directors and wannabe authors who wish to ape Doyle. This was an experiment. And I think I succeeded in enjoying the story, known as it was to me in an earlier reading in English. The Hound of the Baskervilles was really wildly successful only in retrospective. Now it is part of the legacy of the detective.
The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
The meerschaum pipe and the hunting apparel are nearly part of folklore, and I enjoyed visiting it thoroughly. View all 18 comments. Dec 27, Lola rated it liked it Shelves: Sadly I don't remember much about this one, except for the fact that the setting is very important and that it is an intense mystery. I read it for school three years ago. Crazy I don't even remember fragments of the story because I recall we did a long and mentally painful paper on it. Baah, what am I even saying. Sep 23, Nandakishore Varma rated it it was amazing Shelves: This story is an institution from my childhood.
I first heard it as a child; my mother told it to me as a bedtime story yes, my mom is like that. I was creeped out totally - and continued to be so while I read the story in umpteen plagiarised translations where the hound was changed to all kinds of animal including a monkey and finally in the original. If you are a mystery buff and This story is an institution from my childhood. If you are a mystery buff and don't know the story of this one, then most probably you are not living on this planet! The hound is apparently bent on killing all the members of the family.
It is left to Holmes to battle the forces of darkness and save Sir Henry Baskerville, the last of the line. As mysteries go, this is not your classical whodunit, but it is an eerily suspenseful story which will keep you glued to the page. And I found the concept of the hound genuinely frightening - apparently Conan Doyle based this on a real Dartmoor legend. View all 9 comments. Aug 29, Apatt rated it it was amazing Shelves: It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but you are a conductor of light.
Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it. I confess, my dear fellow, that I am very much in your debt. For Holmes is indeed one condescending bastard, and Watson is far too tolerant. The Hound of the Baskervilles is probably the only Sherlock Holmes book that can stand independently outside of the rest of the Holmes canon. The Original illustrated 'Strand' Sherlock Holmes ed. The Baker Street Journal. The Sherlock Holmes Handbook.
The methods and mysteries of the world's greatest detective. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. Retrieved 13 March Model for Sherlock Holmes. Retrieved 17 October The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Volume 2. Discovering Arthur Conan Doyle. Archived from the original on 17 December Retrieved 20 October Retrieved 21 October Retrieved July 23, Oxford studies in epistemology.
Baconian science and the nineteenth-Century literary imagination. Retrieved 19 October A Scandal in Bohemia. The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Archived from the original on 14 November Retrieved 27 April Retrieved 12 January The Yale Book of Quotations. Holmesian homages for Benedict's birthday". Today I Found Out. Books and Writers kirjasto. Archived from the original on 10 February Retrieved 13 February Retrieved 14 June Baker Street Irregulars Weekend Activities. Retrieved 28 August Archived from the original on 27 January Retrieved 10 January Retrieved 26 October What's the difference between a Sherlockian and a Holmesian?
The Baker Street Babes. There's No Place Like Holmes. Portsmouth Museums and Records. Railway Engines of the World. Retrieved 24 September Retrieved 19 June Guardian News and Media Limited. Retrieved 9 August The Detective in Hollywood. Retrieved 29 October Five ways he transformed how Sherlock Holmes looks and talks". Sherlock Holmes - Bert Coules Interview". Retrieved 9 March Holmes writer and dramatiser for Radio 4".
Retrieved 20 May Archived from the original on 11 March Sherlock Holmes is back Retrieved 27 September Retrieved 15 September It's Called the Public Domain Retrieved 15 April Retrieved 16 June Medical Iconography of Sherlock Holmes.

Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street: Ms Holmes of Baker Street: The Truth About Sherlock. University of Alberta Press. A Sherlock Holmes Commentary. Arthur Conan Doyle and the Norwood Years — The Sherlock Holmes Letters. University of Iowa Press. Sherlock Holmes and his creator. The Before-Breakfast Pipe of Mr. The World of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and the Kent Railways. The Man and His World. Masculinity, Conan Doyle and Cultural History.
From Victorian Sleuth to Modern Hero.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Sherlock Holmes Reference Library. Sherlock Holmes in the Midlands. University of Wisconsin Press , The Baker Street Irregular: Unauthorised Biography of Sherlock Holmes. Ian Henry Publications Ltd. Myth and Modern Man in Sherlock Holmes: In Bed with Sherlock Holmes: Sexual Elements in Conan Doyle's Stories.
A Study in Sources. Richards, Anthony John Holmes, Chemistry and the Royal Institution: The Bedside Companion to Sherlock Holmes. The Highways and Byways of Sherlock Holmes. Sebeok, Thomas; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean A Juxtaposition of Charles S. Peirce and Sherlock Holmes". In Eco, Umberto ; Sebeok, Thomas. The Sign of Three: History Workshop, Indiana University Press. Previously published as chapter 2, pp. The Play of Musement. Encyclopedia of Sherlock Holmes: The Sherlock Holmes Companion: The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.
The Sherlock Holmes Encyclopedia: Universal Dictionary of Sherlock Holmes. Subcutaneously, My Dear Watson: Sherlock Holmes and the Cocaine Habit. La Scienza di Sherlock Holmes. The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes. The Mysterious World of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes at Wikipedia's sister projects.
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