Tarot Card Meanings: The Major Arcana (Tarot Cards Book 1)
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A Review of the Rider-Waite Tarot: The Major Arcana
Find easy to understand Tarot Card meanings as well as keyword lists for each of these cards. Also includes quick reference guides to the meanings of numbers and the meanings of colors as seen the used in the Tarot Cards. Learn to do powerful, accurate readings for yourself and others, the simplified way. Builds your confidence and ability to read Tarot Cards quickly. Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser.
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Sherry has made the tarot simple and user friendly. As a gifted reader she has given us a key to opening up to the magic of the tarot. This book delivers exactly what it promises: A picture of each of the 22 cards in the Major Arcana from the classic Rider-Waite deck goes with a detailed explanation of the card's meanings and suggested key words to consider when the card comes up in a reading. He is holding symbolic tablets, wearing a symbolic robe, and standing hip-deep in symbolic flowers.
Above his head floats the symbol for infinity. The Magician is like a junior high essay on The Scarlet Letter. The High Priestess is the Elizabeth Bennet of tarot cards. The card of feminine energy, the Empress represents fertility, beauty, and abundance. She may indicate either a physical or metaphorical pregnancy, which seems like something you should really nail down.
The Empress wears a bold patterned caftan she picked up in Yucca Valley. The Empress definitely uses the DivaCup. The Emperor is the patriarch, the masculine seat of authority and power. His expression is both scornful and wary, and he seems to suffer from mild rosacea. The staid male counterpart to the much more fabulous Priestess card, the Hierophant represents institutional authority and established traditions.
Like the Priestess, he is a religious figure, but in a much more orthodox setting. No one is ever excited about getting the Hierophant, the middle school principal of tarot cards. Instead of being innovative, you will need to adapt to the existing set of beliefs and systems that are already in place. You will need to do what is expected of you. But the Hierophant is not all bad.
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The card can also represent a wise mentor, someone like a priest, boss, or teacher. It also may represent a gateway to higher consciousness, as does without exception every other tarot card. The Lovers card represents love, of course, and of the most rarified kind.
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The Lovers card also represents a crossroads, and the need to make a decision. The Chariot represents will power, control, self-assertion, and victory. Also, in a refreshingly literal twist, the chariot can represent driving. The card is a real grab-bag of mystical symbolism, including stars, moons, alchemical symbols, and two extremely irritated sphinxes, the leftmost of which is actually rolling its eyes in disgust.
Everything the Chariot says , you can imagine being shouted through a megaphone: The Hermit looks like a thinner, tanner Gandalf. He wears the grey cloak of invisibility. Having reached the snowy summit of his harrowing spiritual quest, he now looks sad and a little sleepy.
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It was the Comte de Mellet who initiated this development by suggesting that ancient Egyptians had used the tarot for fortune telling and provides a method purportedly used in ancient Egypt. Etteilla 's original method was designed to work with a common pack of cards known as the piquet pack. The society subsequently went on to publish Dictionnaire synonimique du Livere de Thot , a book that "systematically tabulated all the possible meanings which each card could bear, when upright and reversed. Following Ettielle, tarot cartomancy was moved forward by Marie-Anne Adelaid Lenormand and others.
She was so popular, and cartomancy with tarot became so well established in France following her work, that a special deck entitled the Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand was released in her name two years after her death.
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This was followed by many other specially designed cartomantic tarot decks, mostly based on Ettielle's Egyptian symbolism, but some providing other for example biblical or medieval flavors as well. By the early 18th century Masonic writers and Protestant clerics had established the tarot trumps as authoritative sources of ancient hermetic wisdom and Christian gnosis, and as revelatory tools of divine cartomantic inspiration, but they did not stop there. In that book, Christian identifies the tarot trumps as representing the "principle scenes" [ dubious — discuss ] of ancient Egyptian initiatory "tests".
Decker, Depaulis, and Dummett write:. These twenty-two paintings, he is told, are Arcana or symbolic hieroglyphs; the Science of Will, the principle of all wisdom and source of all power, is contained in them. Each corresponds to a 'letter of the sacred language' and to a number, and each expresses a reality of the divine world, a reality of the intellectual world and a reality of the physical world. The secret meanings of these twenty-two Arcana are then expounded to him.
A Review of the Rider-Waite Tarot: The Major Arcana
Christian's attempts to give authority to his analysis by falsely attributing an account of ancient Egyptian initiation rites to Iamblichus , but it is clear that if there is any initiatory relevance to the tarot trumps it is Christian who is the source of that information. The emergence of the tarot as an initiatory masterpiece was coincident with, and fit perfectly into, the flowering of initiatory esoteric orders and secret brotherhoods during the middle of the 19th century.
For example, Marquis Stanislas de Guaita — founded the Cabalistic Order of the Rosy Cross in along with several key commentators on the initiatory tarot e. Media related to Major Arcana at Wikimedia Commons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A Wicked Pack of Cards , Bloomsbury , p.

A Wicked Pack of Cards. The Origins of the Occult Tarot.