Sonetti, canzoni e Orlando innamorato (Italian Edition)
Per lo continuo lavorare siamo domati e stanchi e tu per lo stare indarno se' forte e prospe- levoie. Francesco Alberti Di Villanuova, Italian words that begin with d. Italian words that begin with di. Italian words that begin with dis. Load a random word. Discover all that is hidden in the words on. Benvenvto Cellini Scvltore Fiorentino. Chiabrera, Gabriello, was born at Savona, June 8, , and died there, October 14, Colonna, Vittoria, the daughter of Fabrizio Colonna, was born at Marino about In , her husband having died of wounds received at Milan, Vittoria went to Naples, where she remained for about ten years.
Her name was honored in all Italy. Simone Fornari asserts that Ariosto wrote the tale of Drusilla in Orlando Furioso to exalt her as an example of womanly virtue ; and Michelangelo dedicated to her some of his finest sonnets. Printed at Venice by Marchio Sessa. Neither Renouard nor Brunet mentions these as the production of the Aldine press, which they undoubtedly are, as is apparent from a passage in the dedication. Seri pto e composto per lo famosissimo homo missier giouani Boc- chacio da certaldo.
Studii e costumi del clarissimo huomo Dante alleghieri Poeta Fioren- tino.
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E dellopere composte per lui in comincia felicemente. E in questo primo ca I pitulo tocha la sententia de Solone. Et impresso in Vinegia per Octauiano Scoto da Monza. Ve ramentc daquefta nobiliffima perfectione moln fono pnuati per diuerfc cagioni: The fourth volume contains the life of Dante by Leonardo Aretino and the commentaries on the three Catitiche. This edition was dedicated to the celebrated sculptor Antonio Canova. The smallest legible Dante. The Convito consists of an introduction and three treatises, each forming an elaborate commentary in which Beatrice appears as an allegory of divine philosophy.
When done it was to have comprised commentaries on eleven more canzoni, making four- teen in all. It is quite indispensable to the full understanding of the Divina Commedia. Hence the treatise is necessarily composed in Italian, which has the good effect of drawing from Dante a spirited vindication of his native tongue. The time of its composition is uncertain, but it was probably written between the years and He was one of the most laborious and fertile writers of his century, the whole number of his works amounting to upwards of seventy. Dolce died before the publication of this work, which, according to Ferrario, is his best.
Domenichi Lodovico, died at Pisa in Con gratia, et priuilegio. He lived a wandering life and gained a scanty sub- sistence by his writings, most of which were humor- ous or satirical. He had only a temporary vogue. Many copies bear on the title-page the year Mdlvii. This edition embraces both, though the earlier editions each have something miss- ing in this. They form the first Italian biographical essays.
KIT-Bibliothek: Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog KVK : Ergebnisanzeige
Being destined for the profes- sion of the law, he pursued his studies first at Siena, and afterwards at Perugia, where he became the associate of Pietro Aretino. He died before Firenzuola was the author of satirical poems, son- nets, prose essays, novels, and dramas. Griffio Ad instantia di Pietro Boseli.
Eour voluines in one. The Discacciamento delle miove Lettere inutilmente aggiunte nelle lingua toscana, contained in this vol- ume, had been printed at Rome by Ludovico Vi- centino and Lautizio Perugino in Firenzuola published only one work, the Discacciamento delle nuove Lettere, during his lifetime. Forteguerri, Niccolb, who used the pseudo- nym CarteromaCO, was born at Pistoia in , and died in First edition, containing passages which were subse- quently altered or suppressed.
The origin of the poem was as follows: In Forteguerri was spending the autumn in the country, where he amused his friends by reading the verses of Pulci, of Berni, and of Ariosto.
One of the company expressed his admiration at the art with which these poets had overcome the difficulties of the ottava rima. Forteguerri maintained that the difficulty was imaginary, and engaged to produce, on the next evening, the first canto of a poem which 59 Original and Early Editions of Italian Books should imitate them all. He fulfilled his promise with such success that his friends persuaded him to continue the story. Fortunio, Francesco, was born in Dalmatia, and lived in Venice as a lawyer; he was elected potesta of Ancona, where, during a revolution, he was cast out of a window of the palace and died.
Con la con- cessione nondimeno della Illustrissima Si- gnoria di Venetiache per. First edition ; the oldest printed Italian grammar. Apostolo Zeno, in his notes to Fontanini, cites fifteen editions. Although it is not useful to-day, it is worthy of consideration as the first book contain- ing grammatical rules cited from Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio. Accessit loco- rum S. Scripturae cum terrae mobilitate conciliatio. Antonii Hvgvetan, via Mercatoria, ad insigne Sphaerae. A Latin translation, by Matthaeus Berneggerus, of the original Italian work which was rigorously sup- pressed by order of the Inquisition.
Giraldi, Giovanni Battista, surnamed Cinthio, was born at Ferrara in He was for many years professor of medicine and philosophy at the university of his native town, and afterwards of belles-lettres. Between and he acted as private secretary, first to Ercole II and afterwards to Alfonso II of Este ; but having become involved in a literary dispute which lost him the favor of his patron, he moved to Mondovi, where he remained as a teacher of literature until Subsequently he 61 Original and Early Editions of Italiafi Books occupied the chair of rhetoric at Pavia till , when, in search of health, he returned to his native city, where he died December 30 of the same year.
Giovan- battista Gyraldi Cynthio Nobile Fer- rarese. This copy bears the signature of Giraldi. Grazzini, Antonfrancesco, was bom at Florence, March 22, In his youth he practised as an apothecary. He was one of the founders of the Accademia degli Umidi Academy of the Humid , and he took a prominent part in the establishment of the famous Accademia della Crusca.
In both acad- emies he was known as II Lasca the Roach , and this pseudonym is frequently substituted for his proper name. He died February 18, In Firenze, Per Domenico Manzani, An exceedingly rare work containing one canto of a Poema giocoso which was to have been followed by other cantos.
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I Del Molto Illvstre Sig. In Venetia Appresso Gio. It met with brilliant success and was translated into the principal languages of Europe. A poi sure qlle cofTe dete ordied! E lui lo fecc montarea caualo eremontato molto regrado el foldano che lo hauea fato cauare de prexde. E lui fece chiamareel Re Polifmagna diffeli o nobele re fina qflo giorno te o renuto e! They complete and close the Renaissance, be- queathing in a new species of art its form and pressure to succeeding generations. Bartholomeus de Valdezochio ciuis Patauus Martinus de septem arboribus Prutenus. The first edition ; only three or four copies are known, Gamba and other bibliographers ascribe this prose romance of chivalry to Andrea Fiorentino.
Latini, Brunetto, was bom at Florence in , and died there in He was the teacher of Guido Cavalcanti, and of Dante, who speaks of him, in the fifteenth canto of the Inferno, in the following affectionate terms: This book contains the translation of a part of the first book of De Inventione, accompanied by a long commentary, which gives it the appearance of having been written by the commentator rather than by Cicero.
Lodovici, Francesco dei, a writer of Venice, of whose life nothing is known. Machiavelli, Niccolb, was bom at Florence, May 3, ; he died June 22, The first edition, called dalla Testina, because it bears on the title-page a small head of Machiavelli, printed for the first time in the Discorsi, at Venice, by Comino da Trino, It is a reprint of a little known edition, made at Venice, by Giov.
Antonio di Nicolini e Fratelli da Sabbio, in He died in Nvovamente Posta in Lvce. Con Licenza de Superiori. Con aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine. Con Licenza, Et Privilegio. Nella Stamperia de i Giunti. This is one of the earliest books written in the Italian language. According to Federigo Ubal- dini and Magliabecchi, the author of some of the tales was Francesco da Barberino.
These cento novelle are considered testi di lingua, 73 Original and Early Editions of Italian Books and were the foundation of some of the most beauti- ful tales of succeeding writers, including Chaucer and other early English poets. Palmieri, Matt 60 , was bom at Florence about He was appointed to several public offices, among them the supreme office of Gonfaloniere di Giustizia.
His works are written chiefly in prose, and comprise a general chronicle from the creation of the world to his time, a life of Niccolo Acciaioli, the book De captivitate Pisarum, the annals of the Florentines , and a history of the translation of the body of St.
He wrote also a poem in terza ritJia, in imitation of Dante, entitled Cittd di Vita, which was praised by Marsilio Ficino. Pescatore, Giovanni Battista, was bom at Ravenna, and died in He wrote other works, which are: Ag- giontovi Mold Beilis- simi successi, che a Talto apparecchio di quel diuino Poeta seguir debbono.
Per Giovambattista pescatore da Rauenna noua- mente com- posta. Rerum uulgarium fragmen- ta ex ori- ginali libro extracta In urbe pa tauina li ber abso lutus est foe- lici I ter. Martinus de septem arboribus Prutenus. No [ ven birs. One of the few copies which have the first page in capital letters. I per la dolce me- moria di quel giorno. A manuscript, on vellum, of the second half of the XVth century. The first page is embellished with an illuminated capital letter and border. Piero Bembo Con la concessione della Illustrissima Si gnoria nostra, che per.
This is the famous edition printed from the auto- graph manuscript of the author, which Bembo gave to Aldus. It was the first Italian book from the Aldine press, and shows the results of experiments made by Aldus to reduce the size of printing types. Beneuenuti de Rambaldis cum pluribus alijs opusculis Francisci Petrarchae. Impressis Basileae per Magistrum Johannem de Amerbach: Anno I salutiferi uirginalis partus: Nona- gesimosexto supra millesimum quaterque centesimum.
The first edition, probably printed at Strasburg in , by H. He was professor of ethics in the acad- emy of Infiammati at Padua, and afterwards was appointed archbishop of Patras. In Lingva To- scana. Venetijs apud Hierony- mum Scotum. Piccolomini in this work cites Plato and Aristotle on the education of gentlemen born in a free city. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, was born at Mirandola in ; he died at Florence in His works were all published by his nephew, Giov. Anno salutis Millesimo quingentesimo decimo septimo die nona Mensis lunij.
Poliziano, Angelo Ambrogini, known in literary annals as Angelo Poliziano or Politianus from his birthplace, was born at Montepulciano in These famous Stanze which were written by Poli- ziano at the age of fourteen, are considered amongst the most graceful Italy has produced. The Orfeo, recited at Mantua probably in , is called the earliest example of Italian tragedy. A manuscript, on paper, of the XVth century. The Vendetta and Giudizio were written by Monna An- tonia, the wife of Bernardo, and were printed for the first time at Florence in The date appears at the end of the book, which would make it seem probable that the work was pub- lished at that time, and, some copies remaining unsold, a new title-page added the next year.
Redi, Francesco, physician and naturalist, was born at Arezzo in , and died at Pisa in Rime di diversi antichi Autori. Di Dante Alaghieri Lib. Antonio e Fratelli da Sabio. Colophon of this copy missing ; supplied from B. Gamba, Serie dei Tesfi di Lingua , No. But his attempt, when judged by the conditions of his epoch, deserves to rank among achievements. It is unknown to bibliographers. SannazarO, Jacopo, was born at Naples in He studied under Pontano, when, according to the fashion of the time, he assumed the name of Actius Syncerus.
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Sannazaro spent the later years of his life at Naples, where he died April 27, Leo ne de- cimo Pontefice. The Arcadia, in which, in alternate prose and verse, the scenes and occupations of pastoral life are de- scribed, was the work which gave Sannazaro his greatest fame ; it was so esteemed that in the XVIth century over sixty editions of it were published. His most celebrated work is the Storia del Concilia di Trento, published for the first time at London, in , under the name of Pietro Soave Polano.
Fra Paolo attacked the infallibility of the Pope and condemned his usurpations of temporal power. Composta Gia Dal R. A dispute between the Venetian government and the Inquisition led Sarpi to write this book. Savonarola, Girolamo, was bom at Ferrara, September 21, , and was executed at Florence, May 23, Ft da Fra Girolamo Giannotti da Pistoia in lingua uolgare tradotte: These sermons, although written in Latin, were published only in Italian.
Printed at Florence, about The first Italian edition. Pico de la Mirandola.
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The original edition was written in Latin, and printed at Florence, at the end of the XVth century. Noua- mente stampato, etcon diligentia ricorretto. Ap- presso Pietro Donato Some writers ascribe this poem of chivalry to Cristoforo Altissimo, but it was written in the XIVth century, and its author, according to the last stanza, was Sostegno di Zanobi of Florence: E Di Baldassare Stampa. Giuntovi diversi componimenti di varj Autori in lode dela medesima. I Appresso Francesco Pia- centini. This copy bears on the title-page the autograph of Ascanio Centorio. The publisher, Febo Bonna, in the dedication, claims to have transcribed the original manuscript corrected by Tasso himself.
Insieme con altri componi- menti del medesimo. No — vellamente Ristampati: Ad istanza di Antonio degliAntonij. Three years before his death Tasso wrote this revised version oi the Gerusalemme Liberata: Per Comino Ventura, et Compagni. Tassoni, Alessandro, was bom at Modena in The Secchia Rapita, or the Rape of the Bucket, is the best-known literary work of Tassoni ; it tells of a raid of the Modenese upon the people of Bologna in , when a bucket was carried off as a trophy.
He studied at the university of Ferrara , and remained in that city the greater part of his life, attached to the ducal court. He was particularly in great favour with the duke Borso and Hercules I. He accompanied Borso in a journey to Rome in , and the year following was selected by Hercules to escort to Ferrara , Eleonora of Aragon , his future duchess. In he was appointed governor of Reggio , and was also captain-general of Modena.
He died at Reggio , Dec. He was one of the most learned and accomplished men of his time, a very distinguished Greek and Latin scholar, and at a time when Italian poetry was in credit, one of those poets who added to the reputation of his age and country. Hercules of Este was the first of the Italian sovereigns who entertained the court with a magnificent theatre on which Greek or Latin comedies, translated into Italian, were performed. The first edition of it, according to Tiraboschi, was that printed at Scandiano, , 4to.