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Vuoi dare un altro sguardo a questa recensione? I don't know what I'll do now. You're one of the best workers here. She's a hundred and one. Since you came, it was the first time she'd tasted caviar in forty years. She gave me this to give to you. He recognized the handwriting of Helga Wilander, the woman he'd befriended en route to Lithuania when he'd first arrived. He put the letter inside the breast pocket of his suit jacket, waved to the staff, got into the waiting limousine and headed for the airport. His first tour as United States ambassador was behind him.
He exhaled a long breath, sat back and contemplated what he imagined was his future. Remembering the envelope that Misha had given him, he opened it and gasped when he saw the six-by-eight-inch Russian icon of Mary, painted on silver and set in an old hammered silver frame. He looked at it for a long time, put it back in the envelope, wrote the old man's name on the envelope and put it in his briefcase.
It was probably the most valuable object that Misha owned, and Scott vowed to write and thank him as soon as he was settled into his new job. An airport attendant ushered him into the VIP lounge, where a waiter immediately placed a tray with coffee and assorted sweets in front of him. He would have appreciated fruit, any kind of fruit, since that was the one thing that was hard to find during the long winter months in Vilnius. The embassy got fruit from the States for special occasions, but only rarely. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into some blueberries. The woman who sat facing him in the lounge smiled, and asked if he would like company.
Just the place to find a wealthy man, to make a seemingly innocent connection or to engage in covert espionage, he thought. He gave the woman his most rakish smile, and when she didn't back off, he said, "Nothing would be more enjoyable, but I have to hand in this report immediately after I land, so I'll be working for the next ten hours solid. Thanks, I'm going to get started on this work. She was a plant, though he couldn't imagine why.
He opened his laptop and got to work. Later, when she didn't board the plane in either first or business class, he knew he'd been right in his assessment. His experiences over the past two years had been a great teacher, reinforcing his conviction that you couldn't accept women at their word, sometimes not even at their behavior and definitely not based on looks.
A Compromising Affair - Gwynne Forster - Google Книги
Nowadays, sultry smiles, perfectly shaped bosoms and swinging hips barely got his attention. He smiled to himself, though he was not amused. The last time he'd misjudged a woman's intentions, she had handed him one of the most painful lessons of his life. He'd fallen for a girl his freshman year in college, only to learn that she was very different than what she seemed--especially after she was arrested and expelled from school.