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You don't have to think about some contraceptives for months or years. The contraceptive injection can be given one of two ways: This is given every eight weeks or every 12 weeks, depending on the type.
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The subcutaneous injection can be given by a health professional, or you can be shown how to inject it yourself. If you're a woman, are you comfortable inserting contraceptives into your own vagina? If so, you could consider using:. Some contraceptives can affect your periods. Some may make your periods lighter or more infrequent. Others may make your periods heavier or more irregular. Smokers can use most types of contraception. Ask your GP or a doctor or nurse at your local clinic for more details. Find out ways to stop smoking.
Your weight won't affect most types of contraception, and most contraception won't make you put on weight. However, the contraceptive injection has been linked to a small amount of weight gain if used for two years or more. Find out about losing weight. Some contraceptives work by using hormones that are similar to the hormones that women produce naturally. These hormones are oestrogen and progestogen. If you can't use contraceptives that contain oestrogen, there are plenty of other options, including:.
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- I-want-to-go moments: From search to store?
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Some contraceptives can be affected if you're taking other medicines, but there are plenty of options. Ask your GP, nurse or your local clinic for more details. All methods of contraception can be stopped if you want to have a baby. You can get pregnant as soon as you stop using contraception.
- The 'My contraception' tool.
- I Want You Near Me;
- I Want You Near Me?
- Your contraception guide?
A woman's fertility usually returns to normal within the first month after stopping the combined pill , vaginal ring or contraceptive patch. Most women's fertility will return in a few months, but it can take up to a year for fertility to return to normal. Skip to main content. Main navigation Getting started How does the female condom work? Where to get contraception What is emergency contraception?
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Where can I get emergency contraception? Things to consider Age, health, lifestyle, side effects How effective is contraception at preventing pregnancy? Methods that may help heavy or painful periods Combined pill Patch IUS intrauterine system Vaginal ring Methods you need to think about every day Combined pill Progestogen-only pill Natural family planning fertility awareness Methods you need to think about every time you have sex Condoms Female condoms Diaphragm or cap Methods that last months or years IUD intrauterine device IUS intrauterine system Implant Injection Methods that protects against STIs sexually transmitted infections Condoms Female condoms Permanent methods Female sterilisation Vasectomy male sterilisation Contraception after having a baby.
Using contraception effectively Will antibiotics stop my contraception working?
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What if my partner won't use condoms? How effective is emergency contraception? Contraception after a baby When can I use contraception after a baby or while breastfeeding? Where can I get contraception? Missed pills and extra pills What should I do if I miss a pill combined pill? What should I do if I miss a pill progestogen-only pill? What if I've lost a pill? What if I've taken an extra pill by accident?

Being on the pill What if I'm on the pill and I'm sick or have diarrhoea? To see how widespread they are, we analyzed Google data and conducted online surveys, exploring the behavior from a number of angles. Here, we focus on I-want-to-go moments—searches specific to location when we are trying to find something nearby. Finding a product or service nearby used to require a combination of the Yellow Pages, a paper map, and a telephone—not the most convenient solution.
Thanks to the powerful devices in our pockets, we can quickly and easily find things around us. Words like "near me," "closest," and "nearby" are increasingly common across the billions of queries on Google every month. More and more, people are looking for things in their vicinity—be it a gym or a mall, a plumber, or a cup of coffee. Google search interest in "near me" has increased 34X since 1 and nearly doubled since last year.
In these moments, consumers aren't just getting information, they're making decisions and often heading straight to stores. Once at their destination, consumers are searching to help make good choices. With a world of information at their fingertips, consumers have heightened expectations for immediacy and relevance. They want what they want when they want it. They're confident they can make well-informed choices whenever needs arise.
It's essential that brands be there in these moments that matter—when people are actively looking to learn, discover, find, or buy. These micro-moments might happen quickly, but brands can still plan for them. Winning in these moments means thinking through situations in which people will look for your store and ensuring you are there. To figure out when these situations are likely to arise, use a combination of hypotheses, observations, and data free tools such as Google Trends can be a great place to start to validate your hunches and dig deeper.
Taking a closer look at location-based searches over the course of a recent weekend, we see that on Saturdays, we are more likely to look for movie theaters and nail salons treat yourself! Come Sunday, we are ready for church. You'll notice that while a few brands pop up, many of the top searches for "near me" are generic—"restaurants near me," "breakfast near me," "coffee near me. So, simply being there isn't enough.
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Brands also need to provide useful, relevant, frictionless experiences. For example, local inventory ads show availability nearby—right in the search ad. Zipfel explains, "If a consumer were to type in 'road bike,' it's highly likely that REI will pop up, and they'll see a visual of the product itself, but they will also find out that the exact bike is in stock at a local REI store and how far away that store is. The intent-rich moments when people seek location information are incredibly valuable.
Businesses are also fine-tuning their location bid adjustments to show search and display ads to people who are within a certain distance from their stores. Today's consumers are increasingly looking for things that are specific to where they are. While the most popular "near me" searches are for things you might expect—gyms, tailors, jewelers, shoe stores, furniture stores, appliances—there are some searches or services you may not expect.
People have started to search for "dermatologists near me," "plumbers near me," "jobs near me" and other things that are typically in a high consideration set. If you're a marketer, the implication is clear: Whether you're a small business or global brand, you need to deliver on needs in these moments.